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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Made it to Silver 5 finally.

It took me 4 unsuccessful promos and 1 successful, and in all four of them I came back from 0-2 losses to lose the third match.


Won my first match with warwick! Started out jungling, but then our Katarina went AFK and stopped playing. By lvl. 6 or 7 I started helping out in the lanes. Died maybe 7 times, got 6 kills and 32 assists XP
Our Yi picked up the slack by going full attack build criticals and attack speeds you name them.


Neo Member
To help mark the new thread, I thought I would christen it with a tale of heroism, danger and fucktards. That’s right, this is the tale of my placements. What I’ve done is take a screenshot of the team to begin with, and the results at the end.

Please go easy on picking apart my builds and useless picks, I’ve only got around 130 wins so I’m obviously going to be a bit rubbish. Also, to stop this post destroying anything on a mobile, the images are linked as urls.

Match 1


Someone picked Teemo from the start. I’m okay with this, got done by a jungle Teemo earlier. Warwick was toxic throughout, always moaning about everyone else. I mean they picked Warwick jungle (with AD runes) so should have known really. Anyway we didn’t do that bad in lane, but Vayne got fed elsewhere and we could do nothing.

Match 2

Forgot the team screenshot on this one, like an idiot


Went about the same in lane at bottom. Ez is very tricky to pin down, no real advantages in bot. Vi did an early solo dragon, but we just won all our other lanes then won the match. Even did a baron without throwing, beat that Dignitas.
Although having just checked the items, Annie support only has basic gold item and no sightstone. Might explain why we kept catching them out.

Match 3


Went quite badly. Ganks didn’t really come off, toxic Jinx who moaned went I didn’t come to gank a lane already 4 kills down. Went for a turret dive on Riv, way too ham and dead. Didn’t play fantastic anyway. Sigh.

Match 4


Had a good Zed…only someone decided to go AP Trist. Didn’t have a good game in the jungle again. Couldn’t get anything going, and just ended up being the utility guy at the end. Probably really need to rethink this whole jungle thing, it really isn’t going well.

Match 5


Now 1-4. Cannot really complain about the losses except here. Renekton destroyed me on CS, as you would expect from a) the croc vs Mundo b) having over 900 wins. Despite that, was a typical top lane farm fest. Did the best I could under turret, and played very, very safe.

I was aware of some moaning elsewhere, and got one gank early which didn’t quite kill the gator but other than that, I have no idea what happened. I farm for a bit, tried to defend mid and the enemy team was already in overdrive. Nice touch with me and Renekton being aware we did what is normally expected of us (gator wins early, I farmed under turret and the game happened around us).

Match 6


YYEAAAHH BACK IN THE GAME! Ahem. Okay, Morg never turned up. Our Nid goes afk after ten minutes, but I think we had the lead then. Great team actually, worked together and moved for objectives well. Also followed up on my ult great as well. Caught Vel’koz and Liss out, Sivir just behind me and she just deleted them. Sure it was unfair, but I’ll take it.

Match 7


Damn. DDAAMMNN. Twitch shot calling for me. We play safe, it is not a nice lane to be up against. I hit six, he pings Draven. One dead Draven. We just snowball from there, ult into one or two deaths bot lane. Our top lane beat their top lane, and a hassle free game all round.

I love looking at the scores at the end in more detail. I had more gold than our mid and our jungler. Leona OP confirmed.

Match 8


Pick Leona, people leave. Apparently their Lee went afk, our Sivir chewed me out for missing one ult, then was going to lose a 1v1 against Draven. Thresh turned up, didn’t actually do anything and she said it was 1v2, how could she know? With their first turret down, and their jungle having none of our wards in it >_< Still, we won and holy shit look at some of these builds.

Match 9


Another Mundo game, another game where the lane is horribly lost but I don’t die much in lane. We had a mutual at the tower when Shy went in, otherwise went as you would expect. Get to teamfight stage after I lose a turret, and I can just go in and have my very presence cause damage. Just like my face in real life. Sadly the Elise mid was gold (which didn’t help), and they simply took more turrets than we did. Bronze here I come.

Match 10


Last game and we got stomped. Didn’t help I got two kills on Morgana early rather than Cait, but their Amumu and Renekton were so tanky we couldn’t kill them, or get to the Veigar/Sivir squishy part of their line-up. Oh well, I look forward to being placed in…


Well, that’s…unexpected. Bronze 1 straight off the bat? After going 4/10? I’ll take that. Now watch as I screw up and never get this high again.
I haven't had an hour long match in a long time. I was in a massive roll early on, something like 9/3/9. It's so fun to keep coming back to top and mid and collecting 1-2 kills. I tried getting a bit more damage with Sunfire + Wits End. I thought Wits would be decent since Mao has a very high base ASPD, but it was still junk. We kept messing up teamfights and AP Rango kept instagibbing Varus.

PS. Maokai still has mana issues even with the slightly reworked Spirit Stone. :( I had to pick up a very late Gauntlet because I need a defensive mana item and Frozen Heart wasn't right for the situation.



SUPER WEEK is here!

Super Week's here and we&#8217;ve got sixteen games to play over a span of three days starting Friday, March 7. The 2014 spring split is coming down to the wire with only four weeks left in the regular season. This is the time for the North American LCS teams to put their skills to the test and secure or improve their spot in the standings.


XDG vs Team SoloMid
Counter Logic Gaming vs Team Coast
Team Dignitas vs Curse
Cloud9 HyperX vs Counter Logic Gaming
Curse vs Evil Genuises

Brace Yourselves for NA LCS Super Week

NA Challenger Series Quarterfinal - Part 1

Streaming: Why do you do it?


The Recap: EU Week 8

Zuna: Whatever the Team Needs

XDG: Counting on Sheep

Power Rankings Week 8

The Recap: NA Challenger Series 2 Play-In

The Recap: NA LCS Week 7

How to Watch

Remember to check out the LCS thread for further discussion. Let's try and keep this thread spoiler free.


I like Teemo when he's on my team. It's hilarious.

But an enemy Teemo can burn.

Lol, that skin is pretty cool. Never knew they changed the voice as if he was actually in a spacesuit and stuff. I thought it would be like red baron Corki, just a re-visual.


Lol, that skin is pretty cool. Never knew they changed the voice as if he was actually in a spacesuit and stuff. I thought it would be like red baron Corki, just a re-visual.
Yeah, I recently heard the "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THE SCOUT'S CODE" line in the clipped echo-y space suit voice, and cracked up.


Decided to try ranked this afternoon, get in the game and Ez and Ryze are arguing over mid. After lamenting for Ez to just go bottom and let him have Mid, Ryze decides he is still going to feed anyway, and gives the enemy Gragas 6 kills. Despite all this, Renekton destroys Kennen top and goes 5/0. Ryze decides about 30 minutes in he is now going to try. We come back within 5 kills. At this point I tell people we need to defend and ward up the jungle and pick them off so Ryze can catch up. Renekton insists on engaging their team 1v3, 1v4, 1v5, etc 4-5 times in a row and we end up losing cus without him we couldn't defend turrets at all.

So frustrating.


Neo Member
Finally had a good Mundo game. Also probably first one where I've had a few ganks both for and against. Really nice feeling to not be the one pushed to tower. Against an Irelia, although she didn't half keep up in CS.

This is the problem when I am on holiday, too much time on my hands so I just play LoL, then talk about LoL. Then have tea when LCS is on. I'm living the high life right here.


Who will be the new champions being cycled in?

Lost my 3rd game with Warwick. Started jungling OK and our team was good, but by end game Soraka became AFK, and our Akali went top to take down the inhibitor leaving it 3v5 =_=
We lost the match.
Having some issues deciding what starting equipment to give Warwick when I start building him as tank. In my 3rd match they had a mix of AP and AD, so I started with Guardian Angel and worked my way from there.


Decided to try ranked this afternoon, get in the game and Ez and Ryze are arguing over mid. After lamenting for Ez to just go bottom and let him have Mid, Ryze decides he is still going to feed anyway, and gives the enemy Gragas 6 kills. Despite all this, Renekton destroys Kennen top and goes 5/0. Ryze decides about 30 minutes in he is now going to try. We come back within 5 kills. At this point I tell people we need to defend and ward up the jungle and pick them off so Ryze can catch up. Renekton insists on engaging their team 1v3, 1v4, 1v5, etc 4-5 times in a row and we end up losing cus without him we couldn't defend turrets at all.

So frustrating.
I just lost a game we were winning that had raging enemy Kayle from the very first minute. They even went afk. They referenced Louis C. K., called people a homophobic slur, told me they truly hope I die today due to a stroke or heart attack or something horrible, etc.

They still won, because our own Udyr raged and refused to ever join to push a tower 80% of the game, and both adc and support kept randomly wandering alone or sitting on the front line.

It was like bizarro world. Ezreal would say "I was following Shyvana" and Shyvana was like "no you weren't" at the same time I'm like "no she wasn't there". Ezreal was like "Shyv said go top" and I'm like Shyv was MID, Udyr said to go top. :(


Neo Member
I really do not get obviously poor builds. Okay, you can argue against stuff like sunfire vs other stuff, yet you have no smite Yi with Madreds and Jax with PD. You have places like lolking and solomid, it takes ten seconds to check to make sure you aren't completely screwing up.

I get the feeling it is rich coming from me, but are the suggested builds really that bad?


I'm pretty sure if they just completely disabled the suggested items window the new players would somehow buy better shit by accident.


Could someone explain how Warwick's E ability works? At times I see it 'blinking' does that mean its in effect? How do I get its bonus movement speed buff?


Neo Member
If active, and enemy below a certain level of health, you gain the speed buff. However the enemy also sees the mark above their head, and hear a howl (I think). Hence the toggle, as it tells enemy you are close.


If active, and enemy below a certain level of health, you gain the speed buff. However the enemy also sees the mark above their head, and hear a howl (I think). Hence the toggle, as it tells enemy you are close.

Oh so I activate when its blinking to get the speed buff and at the same time know they are nearby.


Neo Member
Normally you just leave it on. Only turn it off if you want to avoid giving yourself away temporarily. Has no mana cost anyway, plus only a four second cooldown on the toggle. Don't play Warwick, so cannot really tell you the fine ins and outs of when to toggle it though.
What are people building on Vel'Koz? I haven't really gotten much chance to play around with him, but I've been prioritizing CDR slightly higher and AP slightly less. The combination of true damage from his passive and relatively 'meh' ratios make him really awkward to build for me.


What are people building on Vel'Koz? I haven't really gotten much chance to play around with him, but I've been prioritizing CDR slightly higher and AP slightly less. The combination of true damage from his passive and relatively 'meh' ratios make him really awkward to build for me.

Pretty much that. His ratios are kinda stinky but his base damages / passive are pretty good.
What are people building on Vel'Koz? I haven't really gotten much chance to play around with him, but I've been prioritizing CDR slightly higher and AP slightly less. The combination of true damage from his passive and relatively 'meh' ratios make him really awkward to build for me.
From what I've seen, it's basically Lissandra all over again.

Less Deathcap, more CDR and AP items with resistances tied to it.
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