Would greatly appreciate it.
Basically with my Rene right now I have "What the fuck moments"; Like there are some enemies I am not sure how to start up or what philosophy I should apply with my starting items.
For example,
Against Tank, aka Garen or Shen
Cloth+5HP pots, Sunfire and then Randuin (Considering they had a heavy AD team)
Against Darius, I am having a difficult time deciding what to go for. I want ideally to be able to overlap him (if that is possible, harass him effectively). Same thing against Tryndamere, Jax, Trundle, and Olaf.
I just do not know what are the effective items to start off with and which items to put in order for me to be able to stand on a good ground against them. They all reach a point where they seem untouchable in laning and they are bullying me. I want, how should I put this, be in a position where I want to be confident farming against them most of the time with the right items, regardless if I am being pushed.
Not sure if I make sense.
Well cloth 5 start was pretty dead during the last few months of Season 3. It was all about Dorans, but with the recent nerf I can see against some match ups cloth 5 makes a return. Basically Doran has that block passive that allow you to mitigate a lot of autos. So my theory is any champion that auto a lot like tryndemere you still want Doran. If they don't auto you then cloth 5 is probably the way to go, and really lately I've been going a lot of Doran blade start.
My other top lane main is Shyvana, and I find the two to be complete polar opposite in that one stomps early game (Renekton), and the other stomps late game (Shyvana). So if I'm Renekton going up against a weak top laner I'll probably go Doran blades, try to snowball the lane and go from there.
Garen - I don't know why sites like lolcoutner says Garen is a counter to Renekton. I swear if I ever first pick Renekton I'm get counter with Garen, but to me that's not a hard match up at all. If he activates his Q and runs straight at you just W him (or really get out of range then's he can't win trades until it's back up), then E the hell out. He's passive is really annoying so you kind of want to trade often so he doesn't regain hp. If you are going to all-in then ult early over late. I remember when I first played the matchup I would ult late but he would ult and I would just die. People really underestimate the magic damage from your ult when they just stand right next to you trading. Makes up for your crappy attack speed.
Shen - Real easy match up you can zone him hard. Your sustain crap on his. A couple of Fury Q and he's force to last hit under tower. You can also stop his ult with your W. Remember he has no form of wave clear what so ever. All he has are auto's and his Q to farm.
Dairus - He's literally offensive version of Garen. It's the same concept he just hits harder but tanks worst (I think he's much harder than Garen though since you can't screw up your trades or you're going to die). Sunfire is probably needed for lane phase. Don't stand and trade autos with him. Get your harass in and get out. I also think in this match up it's important to get level 2 before he does.
Tryn: I think he's really easy as long as you don't botch the first 3 levels. Once again don't trade auto with him. Once you have all 3 skills you can harass very easy with E, auto, W, auto, Q, Auto, E out. You should be able to kill him even with tower dive around 4-5. Just make sure it's pre-6 because that ultimate of his can be a real huge bait.
Jax: Easy as well... his E stops auto. You shouldn't be autoing in the first place. You can also always E away from his stun if he active it from far hoping to Q on to you for the E to connect. I think it's very similar to the Tryn match up. But don't get cocky because a fed Jax/Darius can totally swing the game for them even if mid/bot wins. So don't be that guy that lose the game for the team. You should win, but if you don't' going even is totally acceptable.
Olaf - This one I think is probably the hardest out of the bunch because he has true damage, can negate your W, and chase you with Q if you somehow get behind and botch trades. I have yet been able to snowball on Olaf as Renekton. I've won lanes majority of the time but I have yet to be able to figure out a way to just shut him out of the game. I even recall a game where I killed the guy 3 times in lane. I was 3-0, he was 0-3.... and somehow when we went at it for the 4th time he took me out (no jungler help). I guess we can call this out scaling.....All I can say is dodge his Q, don't underestimate his true damage. Armor doesn't save you from true damage. Now that It think of it maybe I should of went more offensive build against him....
Trundle - I think very similar to the Shyvana /Olaf match up. There's really no reason to lose anytime pre 9. However don't get cocky if lane phase reach level 9-10, because he will slowly start to out scale you. The guy can also suck your armor/MR, and then get a huge attack speed boost. So you really shouldn't be trading auto with him post 10. He can also chase for days...so yea don't get baited into that because even if you decide (oh crap I need to back out by 50% he probably still could chase you down and kill you). I would honestly go Hydra (for both Trundle/Shyv) and then transition into defensive items after the Hydra.
As far as items go. I think sunfire is a lot better and cheaper for lane phase. Randuin is better in mid/late game and for team fights. I like to get sunfire after lane phase though. Just because diving with sunfire can become tricky. Unless I am really ahead and then it doesn't even matter....
Renekton is the ultimate lane bully, theoretically you shouldn't ever be bully in lane unless you're getting camped (which is 100% going to happen playing Renekton. generally you're going to out push whoever is on the other side. And the best thing (well for me at least) is when their jungler ganks you... then you press R.. and BOOM DOUBLE KILL + DOUBLE BUFF.