Just played against a garen support who took cleanse and clairvoyance. I want to cry. This is the bronze life
holy shit lol
Just played against a garen support who took cleanse and clairvoyance. I want to cry. This is the bronze life
You DARE talk about waifus in this anti-waifu regiment controlled area? You have 48 hours. We have Ahri hostage. Big brother is watching.If you haven't selected a waifu, Ezreal is automatically assigned to you (or your friend).
You DARE talk about waifus in this anti-waifu regiment controlled area? You have 48 hours. We have Ahri hostage. Big brother is watching.
Holy jesus. Just got camped by a fiddle and it was brutal.
His first gank was at level 2 after he got red buff. He just took red, went top lane through the lane and when I approached the minions, he flash-feared me. I was dead before I could even move or flash.
Then it just continued. Everytime his ult was up, he would either tower dive me through our jungle or ult-flash-fear through the second lane top bush
Practically scared the entire game since I couldn't ward at all without being at risk of being fiddle feared and ulted by cass
True fear. Thank god for some nice zigg ults at top when they were tower diving. I became an assist bot for zigg clean up ults.
Hilarious how ziggs did nothing but farm at mid but ended up going 5/0 by the end of laning just by ulting top continously
No please don't, don't torture ahri and record the whole process and send me the recording, I don't think I can handle that!
Please don't.
pm'ed you my email, you can send it 1080p since I have unlimited storage.
can confirm, nekoyi TP ganks are legit.duo with me. my master yi jungle will show you the way.
i currently duo with panda but our progress is slooooooooooooooooow because we only get to play together like one day a week
A Sona player dying more than 3 times is not a real sona player
EDIT2: Ah so Hextech gun is the first item.
EDIT: For that matter how's Jungle Mordekaiser?
k last loiza pic i promise... it's just that it works so well... it's amazing T_T
You take NeoGAF wisdom and apply it and the results...the results are good.
I'm not even trying to play MF every match, but people are not calling ADC, like, ever. It's great.
You mean with her passive? Harass the enemy laner if possible.What should i do with Ashe's mastery ?
k last loiza pic i promise... it's just that it works so well... it's amazing T_T
This was a pretty entertaining game we played last night. It's also a pretty educational video on how to harass in lane as Sona and how to properly tower dive.
Ranked Adventures with Newt and Pancakes - Wrong Masteries? Uh oh.
Gotta learn to last hit. Also get some runes and masteries.This is so annoying :\ It takes me a while to get the money to buy things. How do i get more money ? i know from killing minions and etc. but it is hard to kill them without the items
i knowI don't like these. I mean, I think Loiza is super talented, but literally every single interpretation is the same.
Welp, last night I played against a garen support, as I posted in this thread. Today I get supported by a xin zhao whose final build is two bloodthirsters and a frozen mallet. Bronze life.
eh, i don't think most of those are bad and the ori one looks kickassYou should. Maybe you'd get something better!![]()
That's the worst, I hate it. I've had some insanely bad support picks too. They end up stealing farm, getting blown up by the other duo, and generally just putting you way behind. A support Swain really pissed me off recently.
It's so frustrating, I just wish people would take the time to learn all the roles before jumping into ranked. He claimed he had never supported before. It's not that hard to get moderately good with a couple supports before playing ranked.That's the worst, I hate it. I've had some insanely bad support picks too. They end up stealing farm, getting blown up by the other duo, and generally just putting you way behind. A support Swain really pissed me off recently.
yesA question regarding Face the Mountain item-
Does it give the gold and health to the nearby champ regardless of how I killed the minion, eg using Kayle's E?
When's the wedding?
Eh, you can definitely do worse than Swain support. Offers decent CC as well as some good early DoT with the crow. Far from good, but still leagues better than garen support.
When's the wedding?
After our divorce. XD
-_-When's the wedding?