even though the ping difference is only ~6ms, it's still noticeable. Hitting that 50 mark is good.
even though the ping difference is only ~6ms, it's still noticeable. Hitting that 50 mark is good.
I heard the map looked *WAY* darker on stream than it should've been due to an encoding buff jungle looks so much warmer than blue buff jungle, makes me want to stay there forever
.What is sub-220ms?
I heard the map looked *WAY* darker on stream than it should've been due to an encoding issue.
The blue buff jungles are actually my favorite part of the new map.
From the bottom of my heart
Screw you.
he has to play on euw tho
smoke some week and play some ranked!plus you can buy weed in amsterdam and ppl r cool with it
maybeI heard the map looked *WAY* darker on stream than it should've been due to an encoding issue.
The blue buff jungles are actually my favorite part of the new map.
yea, laser looks less menacing tooone thing I sort of had an issue with was the tower shots.
They didn't look as... visible(?) as the ones on live. They looked a lot smaller/thinner. Any chance you could make them slightly bigger?
im still pretty into that guy who replaced the wight
My ping actually went up with the new servers. 31 ms to 35 ms![]()
It must be like your avatar looking into the mirror.
where are from? closer to Frankfurt than Amsterdam?
Amsterdam servers aren't the only servers. You can still get Frankfurt servers. Will vary from game to game.
50 mark? Pft.even though the ping difference is only ~6ms, it's still noticeable. Hitting that 50 mark is good.
New match history is live in Brazil.
It's really nice, you can see who did the first blood, bans, barons/dragons/towers, all the post-game stats + stuff like wards bought, placed or destroyed. The timeline and the graphics are pretty cool too.
Because until new SR launches, it's still Blue Vs Purpleweird that they're using blue and purple instead of blue and red
Replays inc.
match history is cool but i thought it was gonna be in-client?
Some (a lot?) of Sona players are really, really bad. Quite a few will basically walk right into me in bot lane and kill themselves.
Then occasionally you'll run into a really annoying one who actually kind of knows what they are doing and they'll freeze the lane pretty good while outsustaining all but a few champs. Kind of bothersome.
Screw your guys and your super low pings. I have to play League at anywhere from 120-160 ping.
Damn east coast servers when?
I've decided to stop my ADC marathon short after a Tristana game yesterday. I'm starting to recognize that long range AA focused ADCs are what I'm most comfortable with so I'll be sticking with Jinx, Tristana, and Varus. I like playing all three and I'm feel good enough about playing them whenever I need to play ADC, which hopefully won't be too often.
For those here who play a lot of Twisted Treeline, do you find that your experience with champions in that mode transfer well to SR? With ADC done I need to start figuring out my top and mid picks and I think I'd have an easier time getting a hold of either lane in TT as opposed to normal/draft SR. Here's hoping I can have this sorted out by the end of June so I can then start bringing up my top/mid/adc game up to par with my jungle/support (somewhat).
I've decided to stop my ADC marathon short after a Tristana game yesterday. I'm starting to recognize that long range AA focused ADCs are what I'm most comfortable with so I'll be sticking with Jinx, Tristana, and Varus. I like playing all three and I'm feel good enough about playing them whenever I need to play ADC, which hopefully won't be too often.
For those here who play a lot of Twisted Treeline, do you find that your experience with champions in that mode transfer well to SR? With ADC done I need to start figuring out my top and mid picks and I think I'd have an easier time getting a hold of either lane in TT as opposed to normal/draft SR. Here's hoping I can have this sorted out by the end of June so I can then start bringing up my top/mid/adc game up to par with my jungle/support (somewhat).
Posting from my newly built PC woo
Can't wait to install drivers for three hours and then spend the rest of the day downloading League and Steam and maybe Origin.
You should only need to install your gfx driver.
Nah, had some mobo stuff to take care of too.
OCing it?
Nope, just updating to latest BIOS version and all that. Some audio drivers, network drivers, that sorta thing.
Lame, gotta OC it or how are you going to get your 300 fps in league?
Yeah, I find with ADC that go with what you're comfy with, champion-wise. I'm planning to go through a similar mini-marathon just to check out some of the other options out there, but I'm thinking my ADC pool is going to be Ashe, Sivir, Miss Fortune and maybe Jinx. I need some quality time with Jinx before I make that official.
Once that's done ... gonna pour a lot of time into top lane with Jax. I've watched some friends play him top lane (and jungle, too) and I like what I've seen.
Yeah, for a game with millions of people, east coast ping hurts so bad.Screw your guys and your super low pings. I have to play League at anywhere from 120-160 ping.
Damn east coast servers when?
You gain 2 attack damage, and you lose 80 hp and 3 health per hit. Definitely not a good trade off. As a player that used MF to get to diamond I'll say this: buy more Doran's blades, not less.Fellow MF, players...
I generally start with Doran's Blade, a health pot, and a ward trinket. With the Doran's change, I'm considering going with a Long Sword, two health pots, a mana pot, and the trinket. Reason being that I get to the BT faster, and I can harass with her W way more early, hopefully screwing up their CS or even forcing them out of lane to back early. It also would help ensure that my mana is available for her ult when I hit level 6 without having to pass on good poke opportunities with her W.
I dunno, it might be worth trying for a match to see if you can get ahead a little faster, though it's a slightly riskier start.