Stone Ocean
In case of Dragon Rage? Flast auto? I dunnoWhat was the flash for?
In case of Dragon Rage? Flast auto? I dunnoWhat was the flash for?
style points
like you think you got moves lee seen!? HERES SOEM MOVESS
never wukong. never.Grats, but why u no wukong!
Dragonwing corki or no guys?
Dragonwing corki or no guys?
yea totesDragonwing corki or no guys?
Patience has paid off, picking up Warring Kingdoms Xin so I have a Xin skin that doesn't look like dogshit.
the leesin hate is strong with gaf
now it's your turn stone ocean. :3
just remember if you're burned out on bot lane, the xerath freelo train will welcome you aboard.
lee sin is the fourth most popular champion in na and eu...Lee-sin is the perfect character, just that the high skill cap keeps him rare enough (outside of Korea) that people give him a pass.
the OPness of spellthief means zyra, morg, karma (even lulu if she wuznt better mid) r back 4 supports. i wudnt be surprised if we saw sum kennen support 2
sona pls go get some meat on bones n come back with 30 more hp
Rumble VU? Legendary skin?
Rumble VU? Legendary skin?
I bought it at full price when it came out. Didn't regret it (it was still 975 at the time). Wish Xin wasn't complete dog shit now though.
VU, I would guess (and hope).Rumble VU? Legendary skin?
VU, I would guess (and hope).
What enemy comps are good for Karma support? Tried her last night, she's pretty damn fun.
What enemy comps are good for Karma support? Tried her last night, she's pretty damn fun.
Well, it says "champion skins" and "skin preview" in the link as the categories for the post, so I'm guessing it's Nasus style Legendary and VU informed by Legendary.
Best of both worlds!
Rumble is one of the only champions that I cannot play worth a damn, but VU's are always exciting.
I think you should give him a go for a few games. He's actually pretty damn good. Ganks and deals damage early almost as well as the current crop of top rated junglers but also scales well into late game thanks to some very strong item paths. I'm about to finish my jungle marathon and he's going to find a spot in my jungle picks for sure.
Yeah, plus he hasn't gotten a skin ever since he was released 3 years ago, he kinda deserves it.well parrot said if they were gonna make a new skin for rumble it'd probably require a complete vu since his rig isn't so good
i reckon they might want to throw a legendary or ultimate or whatever since the work they'd be putting in is already pretty huge
Starting the maintenance for 4.4 perhaps?I cant enter Lol. it says undefined so i tried to change the region, it tries to update but it cant.
One perfect, hitting all 5 enemies man-drop into critting my E and killing every fucking thing is all I needed to cheer myself up out of this tilt.
Starting the maintenance for 4.4 perhaps?
I was playing literally seconds ago. I just closed my client and now I get undefined as well.
I'll give him a shot in the new carry jungle but I don't think it will go too well He doesn't fit into the current top tier crop of carry champs. The current ones have either high scaling (like Pantheon, khazix), have escapes or natural tankiness when building damage (khazix, wukong), have nasty hard CC (Vi, Wukong ult, Pantheon) or just do it all (Elise).
I've found him to be much too snowbally post nerfs. He NEEDS to land some ganks to get rolling else he'll get out scaled by pretty much every other popular jungler. He only has his ult and Q that get any benefit from building AD and that's not a lot of it. He has a gap closer but no escape and his only CC requires hitting someone three times.
He was solid when his base damage allowed him to build tanky but now? I don't even know what I'd build on him. Probably Lizard, brutalizer, randuins or something. Still don't know if that'd do the trick.
Eh. I could be wrong.
edit: to put it in perspective, 1 Pantheon Q does more damage than Xin's Q if you land all three hits. Same with Elise's Q, Vi's Q, Khazix's Q. And each one of them (except khazix) has a gap closer and hard CC that doesn't require 3 hits. Khazix makes up for the lack of hard CC with his slow and more damage than the others.
edit2: Dont' get me wrong. I love Xin. He was my most played champ early S3. The repeated nerfs hit him real hard though. Hasn't really recovered.
I cant enter Lol. it says undefined so i tried to change the region, it tries to update but it cant.
Sivir nerfs, yay! Now I won't have to play this stupid as hell champ anymore.
I knowYou think they're huge nerfs to stop playing her? lol, I don't think they're anything big, just a small love tap.
xin zhao is alright. his clears are just weak. if you look at the top tier junglers right now all of them have excellent clear speed that most other junglers can't match.
he does okay. the most important thing for very early clears before spirit stone is sustain, and pantheon gets a decent amount of that with his shield. once he gets sotel he can really tear through camps.Panth is kinda slow, no? At least early on.