Motherfuckers...get ready for the rise of
AP Kog is a hyper carry right NOW without these buffs. Granted, his early game is pretty bad but he starts to spike hard mid and late game. This is with essentially only two spells he uses regularly.
Now his Q is viable as FUCK. Increased range? Increased base damage? 20/22/24/26/28% SHRED OF BOTH MR AND ARMOR? HOLY HELL. The slightly lower AP ratio don't mean anything.
Oh wait, it's a skill shot now? WHO GIVES A SHIT?? You don't really use Q to trade in lane now because of the range. When you do use it, it's to defend against an all-in where the other carry is close enough to land it, meaning it'll be simple enough in that situation.
Plus, with his E unchanged, the slow will make it easy to land as a combo.
AND WHAT ABOUT THAT W??? Free easy lane harassment. FREE. All damn day. With just a few levels, most mids aren't going to be able to deal with it.
AND IT GETS BETTER! His core item (tear) was recently buffed.
The only thing that will stop him is hard counter AP assassins like Lebonkers, Graggy, etc. Believe though, the Lebonkers nerfs are coming.
Unfortunately, once people wise up, the AP Kog nerfs will come as well.
Calling it now, AP Kog FOTM and immediate nerfs, rendering his ADC role weaker again. They're gonna have to flat-out remake him at some point.