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League of Legends |OT6| My AP Mid Can't Be This Cute

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Yes, but equally so, many are adults. The crowd at the LCS games in London was immensely diverse across age, colour and sex. Isn't the largest proportion of Leeg players college (18+) IIRC?

It's a complex issue that would require a discussion of the social development framework of modern western society. In most ways the established ideology is to continually delay the maturation/functionality of the youth as a way to keep the status quo in place. Less competition helps to offset people being productive for a longer period of time. Also contemporary society has a huge burden of knowledge before you can adequately process all facets of it.

Then there's the simple fact that many 'adults' are that in name only. Learning to develop empathy in the face of anonymous interactions is a high level skill that we simply don't train our population in. It's a conscious moral decision you have to make. Add to that our glorification of 'trolling' and then a misunderstanding of the differences between trolling and bullying/griefing and there's huge behavior issues in general.

One thing I never get is why people blame or expect Riot to solve society wide behavior problems in their game. If they have someone who could figure that out he's
probably underpaid.

Edit: There's also the part about the gameplay itself. League uses a huge proportion of your mental faculties to play st the highedt level while bombarding you with constant information. We don't have any neurological studies that evaluate how this much information uptake affects out parts of our reasoning but it's not an unlikely scenario that this high stress leads to a depression in the efficacy of other cognitive functions. I'm sure we'll get those studies someday soon though.


Neo Member
Yes, but equally so, many are adults. The crowd at the LCS games in London was immensely diverse across age, colour and sex. Isn't the largest proportion of Leeg players college (18+) IIRC?

Have to disagree there. The vast majority of people were male, and I would guess between 16-24. Ie typical nerds (sorry guys). Decent number of SE Asian people, but I saw very few black/sub-continent Asian people. Very few women as well.

In other words exactly the demographic you would expect.


What do you build on Xin Zhao? SotEL and then full tank? When I was trying him out I built FF and it felt better...but theoretically it's the wrong item to build if you want to gank very early, right?

I'm having that classic problem where I played him in free week, enjoyed him, bought him, and then had only lousy games with him after that :/

All jungle items save Spectral Wraith work just fine on Xin.

Razor/Wriggle's - Preferred item. Now that ganks count towards FF stacks it's fine to pick up on Xin even after the other nerfs, though don't expect to have FF completed before the ~20 min mark if you're going heavy on ganks and objectives. It gives you better combat stats and way better objective control. It's your map pressure item. Q+W+Wriggle's smashes monsters. If you're paired with a tanky top laner who frees you up to build damage early and mid-game, it's an easy decision. If your team has no tanks, then grabbing Razor/Wriggle's depends on how well you're doing early game.

SotEL: You're the only tank and you and your team managed to get a bit of a lead that you want to expand on. The 10% CDR will still let you build tanky/peel with your later items. You can also go SotEL if you feel like the game is going to swing towards your team even though it's close at the point of deciding SotEL v. SotAG.

SotAG: You're the only tank and the game is even or your team is behind. I almost never build this though, because once you do you can kiss your map pressure good bye. Although Xin has the flexibility to become a good off-tank, you're never going to be an Amumu or Sejuani, etc. - one of those tanks that wins late game teamfights. In terms of what you want to accomplish Xin is more like Lee Sin - hit 'em fast, hit 'em hard, put your boot to their neck and don't let go. Quill/new SotAG is a much better item when it comes to killing dragon and the two buffs. You lose much less pressure than old SotAG so everything I've written on SotAG might change in patch 4.11 (although I'm unconvinced SotAG is a better tank items in-and-of itself.


Generally if people on my team are arguing, i'll tell them, "Cut the shit. Lets just win." Usually it works, but there are definitely times it doesn't.

O, I switched back to LS quints instead of attack speed with Lucian last night. It helped, but I definitely felt the slow autos while laning.


Generally if people on my team are arguing, i'll tell them, "Cut the shit. Lets just win." Usually it works, but there are definitely times it doesn't.

That actually usually works well. Like, one or two positive attitudes seems to be able to rally the rest into playing better as a team and to try hard.


Yes, but equally so, many are adults. The crowd at the LCS games in London was immensely diverse across age, colour and sex. Isn't the largest proportion of Leeg players college (18+) IIRC?

That's the problem.

To understand League toxicity it helps to think about Maslow's hierarchy. People in their late teens and early twenties are generally hunting for esteem -- which means they want to have an identity as "the person who is good at X", and have that identity recognized by others and by themselves. Unfortunately, since our society is actually pretty terrible at offering meaningful occupations, people usually pursue this through a hobby or game, like League of Legends.

So a large number of the people playing League aren't playing to have fun. They're playing to reinforce and defend their identity as a person who is capable and valuable -- as expressed by having skill at League of Legends. Imagine how these people react when they get outplayed.

Some of them just quietly seethe or actually take the loss and seek to improve. But plenty of them have the following response: "I'm a great player. This guy killed me. Something ELSE is to blame."

Maybe their champion is overpowered. Riot is to blame! These guys post on GD about Yasuo walking into a bar.

Maybe the opposing player is a "cheater" somehow. These are the guys who brag about getting 2v1ed or burning your alt.

Or, of course, maybe the problem is that your team fucked up -- a great option since it's generally unprovable. These are the guys who get really toxic, because in their analysis, your play is destroying their identity. The vitriol they direct at you is directly proportional to their fear that they aren't actually as good at League as they imagined.

The problem is that part of the reason so many people use League to gather esteem is because League is designed that way -- with divisions, league points, and of course the ever-present lure of Challenger and even pro play. That's how they get people to become enthusiasts and sink cash into the game. And of course there's nothing wrong with making a really good game with a ton of depth and skill that gives people the opportunity to display their virtuosity. So I don't know how this actually gets better.

tl;dr haters gonna hate because hating is the only way to make them feel worthy of love


Toxic player is never a problem anyway, yes it is annoying to have one in your team, but amazing to have in enemy team.

The thing is, if you saw a toxic player in the enemy team, you can't just smile and leave them be. You have too keep taunting and annoying them without being too obvious about it, so they will perform even worst, or perhaps go afk.

If you saw someone in the enemy team complaining about useless jungler in All chat, camp the shit out of that guy while doing a little bit taunting on the side. If you execute it correctly, you might get 2 guys to gave up. If you heard support complaining about the horrible adc, keep laughing at the support's mistake and convince the enemy team it is actually their support's fault. The support will rage so hard and start rushing IE, works almost every time.

Such an old man, I sun burnt my balding head and I'm hobbling around on my arthritic foot here in San Fran.

Welcome to a real state, how long you going to stay in SF?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Never criticize teammate's mistakes, give props for good plays, always admit your mistakes.

And finally, for the love of god, never ask "why." Fastest way to tilt a teammate.


Welcome to a real state, how long you going to stay in SF?

Gone tomorrow. Be nice to be back in my own bed.

Bought $140 in japanese mochi and stuff.... from this place.


Never criticize teammate's mistakes, give props for good plays, always admit your mistakes.

And finally, for the love of god, never ask "why." Fastest way to tilt a teammate.

I'm so guilty of saying "Why would you do that?!?!" often.


If you saw someone in the enemy team complaining about useless jungler in All chat, camp the shit out of that guy while doing a little bit taunting on the side.

One my favorite things to do is go right back to a lane if I'm told something like "camp much Xin?" or something when I'm jungling. Because all I hear is:

"Hello jungler, would you like to help me tilt hard and bare the brunt of my team's toxicity thus proceed to feed your laner and start a typing war within my team?"
"Why yes stranger. Yes I would like that very much."

Pancakes said:
And finally, for the love of god, never ask "why." Fastest way to tilt a teammate.

Yup. I like suggesting what they should have done instead. Often enough I'll get a negative reply, but if its a good suggestion they'll follow it anyways. Once they make a solid play, a quick "wp" or "nice work" gets them right back on the same page and it's all good.

...although my wife can attest that the word "why?" slips out of my mouth non-stop when I play. I just don't type it.


That actually usually works well. Like, one or two positive attitudes seems to be able to rally the rest into playing better as a team and to try hard.

Ya at the very least they'll just shut up and play. Like the asshole are annoying, but I really just want to win.

...although my wife can attest that the word "why?" slips out of my mouth non-stop when I play. I just don't type it.

Never criticize teammate's mistakes, give props for good plays, always admit your mistakes.

And finally, for the love of god, never ask "why." Fastest way to tilt a teammate.

Lol so true. I want to type it all the time, but it really does more harm than good.

It's funny, I play fairly often with some friends at one of their houses. There will be some incident with a teammate and i'll type out this huge ass essay of complaints, just to delete it all two seconds later. It's funny when I do, they'll just look up at me and be like, "what the fuck did you just type?" lol..


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Ghost is Bad
(Today, 01:13 PM)


If you saw someone in the enemy team complaining about useless jungler in All chat, camp the shit out of that guy while doing a little bit taunting on the side. If you execute it correctly, you might get 2 guys to gave up. If you heard support complaining about the horrible adc, keep laughing at the support's mistake and convince the enemy team it is actually their support's fault. The support will rage so hard and start rushing IE, works almost every time.
Yeah, admitting you are annoyed in allchat is a marvelous way to get the jungler to camp you further.

I had the good side of this recently when our jungler ganked top, their laner might have complained, and I would play safe except when the jungler came. After we killed the laner maybe 3 times, they were calling me a coward for refusing to 1v1, and afterwards told me to "enjoy my shallow win". I enjoyed it quite a bit.

If I'm jungling and feeling immature, I sometimes respond to complaints about ganks with "What's that rustling sound? Is it your jimmies?"


Still trying to think of what exactly the Essence reaver is and who it would be good on. If you really want to make it comparable to the other ADC rush items in terms of gold, you gotta add something on to it, like a Brutalizer/Vamp Scepter/Pickaxe. With the extra 10 AD coming in next patch:

+Brutalizer: 85 AD, 10% lifesteal, 20% CDR, 10 penetration, ~4000 gold
+Vamp Scepter: 70 AD, 18% lifesteal, 10% CDR, ~3500 gold
+Pickaxe: 85 AD, 10% lifesteal, 10% CDR, ~3600 gold

It actually stacks up okay statistically, but you really need someone that's a huge spell spammer to make up for the fact that you're missing out on the passives from the top end AD items. All the options do have the benefit of not building out of a BF, so you get the potential benefit of having to sit around waiting for all that gold to get a power spike, and they all start builds for useful seconds items. Maybe the Brutalizer option would be good on a super spammy Sivir?


Asa AkiraCuenta verificada
I have an award-winning asshole.

sounds like a nice lady

There won't be a single change that'll ever make that skin look good, even if it is a mild improvement from what it was before. The only compliment I can give it is "at least it's not the stripper cop skin."
you're so passé bro

what's so bad about it


i probably shouldn't have played that ranked gaf 5 game last night after 25 hours of no sleep and just getting off a 12 hour work day. i was kind of delirious at that point and didn't even know what i was doing in game lol, especially after that amazingly weird level 1 we had

Ghost is Bad
(Today, 01:13 PM)


we did

but i felt like i was out of my mind high while i was playing due to being so, so tired. and when we got ahead i just said screw it and started diving into them 1v3+ because it was funny in my head for some reason
Reached 6300 again.

Have mixed feelings about Leona to add to my support collection, Diana since I dont have a Top and Caytlin for ADC since I only own Vayne.


Reached 6300 again.

Have mixed feelings about Leona to add to my support collection, Diana since I dont have a Top and Caytlin for ADC since I only own Vayne.
thoughts on those:

leona is pretty fun, not too hard and generally decent. she's not the strongest or weakest right now, tho her playstyle is countered a bit by the current sustain/poke support meta. specially morgana who's basically support freelo right now.

diana is kinda weird right now, i dunno who even plays her but if she snowballs she's still unstoppable. her lunar revel skin is amazing too

cait is like the most boring champion so nope

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Jungler: Take blue mid.

Me. But i have enough mana i dont need it. Besides lulu support needs mana.

Jungler: TAKE BLUE!!! (Proceeds to take blue for himself and then dies to the enemy
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