When I play Draven I win 4v5s. Gotta give myself more of a challenge.Real Talk:
Newt plays Sivir all the time because he sucks at ADC
When I play Draven I win 4v5s. Gotta give myself more of a challenge.Real Talk:
Newt plays Sivir all the time because he sucks at ADC
yea i meant more general kit wise than anythingnoct wu and olaf arent completely useless until 6 + what they get at 6 is better than a dashi
Tank isn't always necessary depending on comp of the team but a meat shield doesn't hurt if your team is squishy. A jungler is fairly crucial as it gives three people the benefits of getting all the gold and exp of a lane and you have a constant presence on the map. If you don't have one and the other team does, you have the early advantage but they will soon out level and out scale you and you will have 0 dragon/baron/buff control.
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Best Warwick CA: too aggressive>
Best Warwick CA: ?
Best Warwick CA: bot or what happened
DUBS20: yea maybe
Best Warwick CA: ok
DUBS20: idk sivir and i didnt mesh well
Best Warwick CA: seems like ur playstyle
DUBS20: oh
DUBS20: well what happened top?
Best Warwick CA: kha ganked
DUBS20: oh
Best Warwick CA: when it was good time to gank
Best Warwick CA: j4 ganked way too early
DUBS20: oh
Best Warwick CA: and when i wasnt close enough
Best Warwick CA: to get cc
DUBS20: but like why didnt you roam?
DUBS20: too hard
Best Warwick CA: lol lose
Best Warwick CA: my lane for what
Best Warwick CA: roam all the way bot
DUBS20: lol no mid lane
Best Warwick CA: shy pushs two turrents
DUBS20: our mid was really good
DUBS20: should have helped her snowball
Best Warwick CA: maybe
DUBS20: because top and bot both lose lanes
Best Warwick CA: but me and the top lane
Best Warwick CA: were going even
Best Warwick CA: until
DUBS20: lol
Best Warwick CA: kha came with double gank
Best Warwick CA: top
DUBS20: okay seems like your score says pretty even
Best Warwick CA: that was the diffeence
Best Warwick CA: lol
Best Warwick CA: she had 3 kills
Best Warwick CA: ?
Best Warwick CA: 3
Best Warwick CA: we didnt leave lane till 25 mins
DUBS20: but 7 assist so she killed you 3 times top then helped with 7 other kills
DUBS20: our top particpated in 2 kills
Best Warwick CA: no
DUBS20: okay
Best Warwick CA: she got one kill top
Best Warwick CA: lol
Best Warwick CA: that was it
Best Warwick CA: ask her
Best Warwick CA: she got others from teamfights
DUBS20: and what were you doing in team fights
Best Warwick CA: lol u guys got caught
Best Warwick CA: u did
Best Warwick CA: ur sivir was terrible
Best Warwick CA: super bad
DUBS20: i participated in 13 kills
DUBS20: wtf did you do
DUBS20: for the team
Best Warwick CA: if u thini
DUBS20: besides to die to kha ganks
Best Warwick CA: think u did well that game
Best Warwick CA: u are dead wrong
Best Warwick CA: dead wrong
Best Warwick CA: bot lane got steamrolled
DUBS20: lol we lost lane but started to make a comeback
Best Warwick CA: u failed ur main job
DUBS20: i dont doubt that
DUBS20: yea i couldnt win bot
Best Warwick CA: u were too aggessive and jinx
DUBS20: i lost bot
Best Warwick CA: carried them to victory
DUBS20: i totally agree
Best Warwick CA: u need to feel out ur adc
DUBS20: but i also helpped my team out so we could have had a chance
Best Warwick CA: and see if she is good
DUBS20: pls
Best Warwick CA: if not u play passive and wait for ganks
DUBS20: i lost bot
DUBS20: went mid
DUBS20: got mid kills
Best Warwick CA: i didnt see that
Best Warwick CA: i was fightin top lane all game
Best Warwick CA: yes a clean up
Best Warwick CA: quad
Best Warwick CA: it was a clean up quad
DUBS20: not one other person got an assist
Best Warwick CA: excatly
DUBS20: lux and leo
Best Warwick CA: she was late to the fight
DUBS20: omg okay
Best Warwick CA: thats y
Best Warwick CA: agree to that or not
DUBS20: you have a reason for everything
Best Warwick CA: ?
DUBS20: you are the best decision maker
Best Warwick CA: lol how is that not a good reaons
Best Warwick CA: reason
DUBS20: always help the team
DUBS20: and never lose lane
DUBS20: always go even or win
DUBS20: okay
DUBS20: good job top
DUBS20: really
Best Warwick CA: i did my job
DUBS20: helpped the team
Best Warwick CA: u didnt do urs
Best Warwick CA: yes i did
Best Warwick CA: u lost bot
DUBS20: fail your job more pls
Best Warwick CA: i went even top
DUBS20: stop saying you went even PLEASE
DUBS20: you did not
Best Warwick CA: then got ganked by kha twice cuz u lost bot soo hard
Best Warwick CA: yes but not two in a row
Best Warwick CA: unless
DUBS20: did you know THAT
Best Warwick CA: my other lanes are gettin shit on
Best Warwick CA: i know that
Best Warwick CA: it was the tiem he spent top lane
DUBS20: you blame jungle every time
Best Warwick CA: that showed me that the game was lost
DUBS20: you lose lane
DUBS20: pls
DUBS20: stop
Best Warwick CA: he didnt give a shit about bot
Best Warwick CA: or mid
DUBS20: there is no excuse
Best Warwick CA: if stayed top
Best Warwick CA: forver
DUBS20: you lose to jungle every time
Best Warwick CA: ok buddy
Best Warwick CA: gj
DUBS20: kha came bot 4 times
Best Warwick CA: bot
Best Warwick CA: gj
LordNewt: kha barely came bot
Best Warwick CA: our jungle had 10 deaths
Best Warwick CA: too
Best Warwick CA: so yea
Best Warwick CA: he wasnt doing much
DUBS20: lol what about the nid
DUBS20: ?
Best Warwick CA: it was always 4v4
DUBS20: did you forget she came and laned with you
Best Warwick CA: shy never came mid or bot
Best Warwick CA: untill late late
Best Warwick CA: game
LordNewt: nid somehow got two random kills under tower
LordNewt: at bot
Best Warwick CA: yea
Best Warwick CA: our mid let her roam
DUBS20: and kha came and made my ad burn flash
Best Warwick CA: again
Best Warwick CA: jungle did a poor job
Best Warwick CA: and we lost because of it
DUBS20: lol
Best Warwick CA: paired with poor synergy
DUBS20: jungle did better than top
Best Warwick CA: bot lane
LordNewt: can't blame it all on j4
DUBS20: without a doubt
DUBS20: particpated in 13 kills
DUBS20: tried to help our team get back
Best Warwick CA: i didnt blame it all
DUBS20: our garen
Best Warwick CA: on him
DUBS20: only cared about lane
Best Warwick CA: lol dude
Best Warwick CA: u have done the same thing
Best Warwick CA: so many times
Best Warwick CA: i cant ever count
DUBS20: yea at least i make plays and get kills
Best Warwick CA: lol
DUBS20: i dont just go even top
DUBS20: i win
Best Warwick CA: i have seen u lose lanes
DUBS20: or i lose
Best Warwick CA: all the tiem
Best Warwick CA: mord
DUBS20: lol i totally agree
Best Warwick CA: ring any bells
DUBS20: but i go for the win
DUBS20: or i lose lane
Best Warwick CA: lol
Best Warwick CA: i tried for the win
DUBS20: you went even and did nothing
Best Warwick CA: but the feeding was too intense to comeback
Best Warwick CA: :(
DUBS20: lol so you gave up
DUBS20: and decided to not help
Best Warwick CA: i didnt give up
Best Warwick CA: wtf
DUBS20: what a troll
DUBS20: umm then why didnt you help AT ALL?
Best Warwick CA: i just tried to hold my lane and prevent losing my lane
Best Warwick CA: thats what i did to help
Best Warwick CA: was slow the bleeding by holdin out my lane
DUBS20: there were 21 fucking kills in that game and you were part of two of them that is utterly pathetic
Best Warwick CA: as long as i could
DUBS20: do something for the team
DUBS20: learn that
Best Warwick CA: lol
Best Warwick CA: ok dude
LordNewt: good conversation
he's not worth playing.How does jungle rammus stand atm?
I feel like trying him but I'm not sure if I should or not.
he's not worth playing.
How does jungle rammus stand atm?
I feel like trying him but I'm not sure if I should or not.
wait for them to go freeHow do I go about buying Runes? I'm seeing waaaaaaaaaaay too many of them at varying prices.
...and certain runes offer a higher stat for a parameter.
When do they go for free usually?
Also what's better for Nasus, Bloodthirster or hydra?
No.When do they go for free usually?
Also what's better for Nasus, Bloodthirster or hydra?
On Nasus? Probably neither most of the time. You want to build tanky with lots of cdr. Spirit Visage + Randuins + Thornmail + Boots + Warmogs and then maybe a Triforce. Frozen Heart is also an option.
Oh OK then thanks, I assumed he could make use of the extra lifesteal.
On Nasus? Probably neither most of the time. You want to build tanky with lots of cdr. Spirit Visage + Randuins + Thornmail + Boots + Warmogs and then maybe a Triforce. Frozen Heart is also an option.
Triforce should be after spirit and randiuns (might wanna buy sheen earlier if you're starting to be aggressive). Thornmail is situational and not a core item. Warmogs kinda overkill, maybe last item.
Also want a last whisper if they're stacking armor.
Usually want ionian boots too.
Yeah I'm not the biggest Nasus player myself. I know Trick2g usually goes kindlegem->boots->sheen->defensive item
Usually want ionian boots too.
Yeah I'm not the biggest Nasus player myself. I know Trick2g usually goes kindlegem->boots->sheen->defensive item
Because they should be.That guide rated Teemo and Vlad lanes as very easy.
No, they're ass lanes but survivable.Because they should be.
Teemo is gutted, and Nasus is a sustain based champion who can easily build into early MR. Neither lanes should be very challenging.No, they're ass lanes but survivable.
No love for trick2g gafI'm sad
Sure he doesn't give the best advice but he's hilarious.
Teemo is gutted, and Nasus is a sustain based champion who can easily build into early MR. Neither lanes should be very challenging.
Just so I'm clear about this, when you guys sheen you mean this item right?
Also say I'm Nasus and I'm up against an AP heavy team, I build Spirit+Banshee and can I build Maw of Malmortius?