No, and by extension Rylai and Spellthief.Does Teemo benefit from Spell Vamp if he has his E ability active?
Someone needs to shut that woman up. Her high pitched screaming is annoying as hell.
its multiple girls
girls love league of legends
Armor + AS debuffs if you're a bruiser. Stuff like Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, Thornmail.Any tips to countering Fiora?
So, what happens now, is SKT K not going to progress from the group stage? The casters were not very clear.
if SKT S go at least 1-1 with Prime Optimus (probably will)
SKT K are out
Seems legit. Perhaps they should consider poaching Zuna for the jungle as well.SKT needs a new lineup:
Saint Vicious
Clearly the way to go.
I have a prediction.
The map VU will be used as part of the game of Thrones x LoL promo in the mashup trailer
i thought the shurima patch was all the sivir/nasus/xerath stuff.Will this be before or after the shurima patch?
this is pretty comprehensive and i agree with most of it:
but basically you generall will want to max r>e>q>w or r>q>e>w (i've done w first a couple times but i'm not a big fan), rush shurelyas and get tanky (randuins/banshees). if you can get away with it, get cdr tanky items like spirit visage, frozen heart or locket. if you feel like your mikaels could do the difference build it early on, but remember you'll be really really squishy.
biggest tips i'd think would be to not always follow up your death sentences because the stun is often enough, to try to be smart about how your ult helps to zone the enemy team and that you can extend the lantern's range through walls by throwing it on those places wards just jump over the wall.
oh right runes/masteries. i run health quints, flat armor reds and yellows and flat mr blues. don't really like any other reds so that works for me. with masteries i run the same i run on most supports, 0-14-16, so i get the extra starting gold and the crit dmg reduction. sometimes i'll go 0 9 21 too
Hooray I won my promo series to silver 3. At least I thought it was to silver 3 but I'm in silver 2 now. The dream of gold solo 5 is alive.
3/2/19 Thresh he's still so damn good.
I got my masteries from a guide, don't remember which one. But it's 9/21. Offense is 4 cooldown, 3 brute force, expose weakness and martial mastery. The 21 in defense is pretty standard.
We absolutely dominated our lane from the start (Cait/Thresh vs Lulu/Lucian) because the 9 in offense let's you bully people like no other. Add in an early hook and you establish the lane really early and can roll from there.
Heimer is a pain to play against as a jungler, since he's basically ungankable right now. If the Heimer is good and he puts his turrets in a proper formation, trying to go near him as a melee champion is pretty much instant death.
He's very manageable in laning phase though. Stuff that outrange him will do pretty well, specially if he keeps turrets pushed. But yeah don't even bother ganking.
He's already getting nerfed next patch so whatever.
Armor + AS debuffs if you're a bruiser. Stuff like Randuin's Omen, Frozen Heart, Thornmail.
Zhonya's Hourglass if you're a mage so you can dodge her ult
If you're a ADC just pray that you have enough farm to actually duel her lol
Also Jax completely fucks her up. His E dodges all of her shit.
i thought the shurima patch was all the sivir/nasus/xerath stuff.
wow bran/hodor nunu is genius
dany's whiny brother seems like a natural ezreal too
graves is hot pie
I'm always amazed by the number of people that don't understand 80% of aram games are won at the champion selection
"y my team suks?"
maybe because they have a nid, heimer, two healers, strong poke and a ranged adc