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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I cant wait for Gnar. He looks like so much fun.

However I have a feeling he's gonna be OP at low elo, UP and high elo.

Forcing a fight when he just used mega Gnar will be a huge detriment for him.


Why are there diamonds and plats on the other team in team builder for me right now


teambuilder is pretty busted as it uses its own mmr for some god forsaken reason

I cant wait for Gnar. He looks like so much fun.

However I have a feeling he's gonna be OP at low elo, UP and high elo.

Forcing a fight when he just used mega Gnar will be a huge detriment for him.
i feel the complete opposite

have you played him?

bad players will feed like hell with him
I really like Essence Reaver on Graves. It's a more glass cannon choice over BT (but not compared to IE). CDR lets him spam more Q and E later on for faster waveclear and the mana bit helps.

BT shield and extra LS has really nice synergy wigh his passive though.
Why are there diamonds and plats on the other team in team builder for me right now


They messed up something with teambuilder in this patch. Challenger+diamonds in my last 2 games in teambuilder.


Get ready for a BalancePlayer in your next few games!

edit: the whole thing is a pretty big troll lol

Well, yeah, so maybe that just happened...my team was terrible in that match.

Ok, Tristana is a must ban. She's out of control stupid. If she's on my team, we auto win. If she's on the other team, it's an auto loss. Way too much mobility and safe play for a champ that deals that much damage and at the speed she deals it out. Ridiculous. They didn't nerf her nearly enough.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Anecdotal stats from my last 15 games:
Tristana Team Wins: 0
Tristana Team Loses: 6


I haven't seen a caitlyn win in a while

She's just so meh in team fights when you compare her to hyper carries or adc casters
I haven't seen a caitlyn win in a while

She's just so meh in team fights when you compare her to hyper carries or adc casters

Welp I just had a game where I was cait... support dc. So 1v2... she comes back when everyone is level 4 and tries to all in when she's level 1.

I don't even....


Wow, Ziggs is so much worse after these last two nerfs. Bombs bouncing over a champion's head is stupid. Happened about 5 times that last match.

And yes, I got paired with worthless feeders again. I shouldn't have said anything after the win streak, because the last two games have been atrocious. Both games I've been the only person with a positive KDA ratio on my entire team. This game...


Neo Member
Jatt is my god. Kobe can be good too. Phreak is about average.

There are a lot of worsts though. Like, it's hard to know if Quickshot is worse than Rivington, because they both make up things that aren't happening in the game but also have no critical insight. Since I watch NA I have to deal with Rivington more though so he gets on my nerves a lot.

Deep down I wish Studio made it as a caster.

Scarily similar to mine. Man I need to watch less twitch, I have 200 hours on Bone alone.

I do not mind Riv being wrong about things, he makes everything sound exciting. Like listening to ITV football commentators only actually entertaining. Quick shot is just terrible though. I think EU has it alright with Deman/Miller, I can cope with Deficio.

Zireen on the challenger series should get a most improved award, really starting to come into his own plus he seems to have tremendous recall on stats and champ usage.

Of course, overall EU wins because you get Dash and KlackeyD and we get Sjokz.

No I have idea how to spell anyone's names


Wow, Ziggs is so much worse after these last two nerfs. Bombs bouncing over a champion's head is stupid. Happened about 5 times that last match.

And yes, I got paired with worthless feeders again. I shouldn't have said anything after the win streak, because the last two games have been atrocious. Both games I've been the only person with a positive KDA ratio on my entire team. This game...

ziggs' bombs could always go over people's heads tho


For the love of everything, remake Irelia completely or remove her from the game altogether. I don't know what they were thinking when they gave green light to that toxic piece of trash.


But Irelia is balanced at the moment?

Has very clear strengths and weaknesses. You can easily bully her in lane and delay the triforce long enough for her to be completely useless.

Just went into a queue and the first thing someone says is:


and instalocks. Guy literally plays nothing but alistar in ranked. 51 wins and 31 losses

This is going to be interesting


So my nephew of 11 years just gifted me Deep Terror Thresh wat. How does he get all these RPs? I am unsure if I should speak with his mother lol.. D; I don't think he does anything wrong to get these RPs (prolly mobile transactions?) but I'm just kinda worried he might be getting RPs from the wrong people or something!

Also, he's Silver V? I've played with him and I can't explain that ._.

Pd. Got to try Malphite in an ARAM? God, never have I done so well with a champ without having practice at all.


Lux support out of lane: 8/3/2

Kog (me) : 1/5/8

The guy straight out began to clear caster minions in one E with his items

Gregolas: iloveyuki sounds like a fucking chick name
Gregolas: and chicks suck at league
Gregolas: its truth
Gregolas: only reason they get up to this elo is cuz guys get thirsty and rank them
Gregolas: that thinks she can jungle
Gregolas: so
Gregolas: see for yourself
Gregolas: let her prove me wrong?
Gregolas: gonna play some soraka support?
Gregolas: check my history
Gregolas: im getting demoted after this
Gregolas: dont give a fuck
Gregolas: well
Gregolas: we have a chick
Gregolas: great
Gregolas: now what can you do
Gregolas: now that your only champ is gone
Gregolas: gonna play some soraka support?

Getting demoted is reason enough for this guy to be sexist. Amazing.

And now the player is raging while the jungler is intentionally feeding
Of my top five League casters, none work for Riot. PastryTime, Studio, Monte, MalfusX, Wombat. Ryanne (LPL) is up there too, but her co-caster is always average at best. For the Riot guys, Jatt, Deficio and Kobe are excellent, and I can listen to Phreak, Zirene, Deman and Joe easily. Riv is tolerable if his co-caster cuts in frequently, but he's poor. Quikshot is an instant stream mute, and part of the reason I've stopped watching many EU LCS games (do not trash players for doing something you don't understand, please).


the hecarim buffs look okay on paper
but in the game they are literally so unbelievably negligible, how about actually buffing him pls riot


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yi tears are quenching my thirst.
Game: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1477851081/38051736
After game chat:
J for JoeBro: great job
J for JoeBro: 2-7
J for JoeBro: 0-6
J for JoeBro: 1-6
J for JoeBro: so much fun
SupaTecmag: yi, you exert no pressure on the map.
J for JoeBro: playing with you guys!
frodoftheshire: this yi is fucking bad and yet thinks he is some god lmao
J for JoeBro: i was literally 6-1
J for JoeBro: 10 mins in
J for JoeBro: if i wanted to wwin that game
J for JoeBro: i would of
SupaTecmag: You understand how your champ works?
J for JoeBro: now you got a free lane that adc was shit
SupaTecmag: All you can do is split push, and offr nothing to teamfights.
J for JoeBro: offer nothing ?
SupaTecmag: And you couldntpslit push right
SupaTecmag: Mhm
J for JoeBro: i have 29 pentas
J for JoeBro: on him
SupaTecmag: Gratz
J for JoeBro: listen
SupaTecmag: Cept you lost this game.
J for JoeBro: this is how its gonna go
J for JoeBro: your not gonna get to diamond ever
SupaTecmag: Nice, 300 wins?
J for JoeBro: and your bad
SupaTecmag: You must be going places fast.
frodoftheshire: NITHER ARE YOU LOL
J for JoeBro: add mke
J for JoeBro: add me
J for JoeBro: 3 days
J for JoeBro: ill be diamond 44
SupaTecmag: Rather not, your txoic as fuck.
SupaTecmag: And probably going to be banned
SupaTecmag: From the 5-6 reports your got this game.
J for JoeBro: yeah probably right?
SupaTecmag: C ya
J for JoeBro: yeah man
J for JoeBro: your so smart
Jatt is my god. Kobe can be good too. Phreak is about average.

There are a lot of worsts though. Like, it's hard to know if Quickshot is worse than Rivington, because they both make up things that aren't happening in the game but also have no critical insight. Since I watch NA I have to deal with Rivington more though so he gets on my nerves a lot.

Deep down I wish Studio made it as a caster.
Quality commentary examples #1, #2, #3.


To be fair, Riv is really just there to make things interesting. He's not there to provide any form of insight.
People still running heal? Is barrier a better option now?

I think riot did a good job of making it more situational now. I think Heal gives you less HP compared to barrier's shield at every level, but it also gives the movespeed boost and affects an ally. So take barrier if you're going up against a huge amount of burst, otherwise Heal is easier to use and gives you a bit of an escape.
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