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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
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It has no idea how to calculate my godlike Nami.


Everything is moe to me

redheads op.

what is an lp score? estimated +/- lp gains per champion?



I gotta work on that .1 KDA to get gud!

This website doesn't work for my main account, which has a ton of ranked games played.
Man I just got out played, and out classed handily for the first time.

I mean I've lost lane before, but this was an ass kicking... then the guy told me "sorry I'm smurfing, you actually did really good"

I'm like WTF!!!!!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
What is the point of LeaguePick when you can just look up the same information on like any stat tracking website?



3 perfect games today. 4/0 Heimerdinger (never played heimer, not even in a custom or aram), 14/0 Cait, and an 11/0 Kassadin with 17 stacks on soulstealer

edit: 5/0 so far, got gold 2 and am 52 lp in. gonna work on panda's promos to gold 1.

One of those wins was me as Cait with a disconnected Blitz for 10 minutes too :3


Whenever I'm playing support or ad, heal is almost never used for the adc.

Usually see it used for the support to turn a fight around when the enemy chase too far into the minion wave
Whenever I'm playing support or ad, heal is almost never used for the adc.

Usually see it used for the support to turn a fight around when the enemy chase too far into the minion wave
in lane or in tf?

tf heal is basically always burned on carries.

why am i telling you this ur fkn diamond stop confusing me


When you lose, you REALLY lose.

My only goal for the end of this season now is to have Irelia as my most played with at least a 60% win rate.

Gotta respect the champ who won me 8 games in a row for the easiest plat 1 run to diamond I have ever experienced.


That this game is far from balanced and you can win in champ select. Also, that lane phase doesn't mean shit if you don't get a huge advantage and push mid grouped, the best strategy in soloQ is to pick Tristana/Irelia/Jax/Ryze or some other bullshit lategame 0 skill character and turtle until you scale better than the enemy. That, or pick a jungler that guarantees a flash burn/kill every gank like Vi or Jarvan and carry all lanes by minute 7. "Every gank" being the few seconds of their non-ultimate spells cooldown.

Hey, sometimes you gotta make a deal with the devil do get outta Silver! :(

It was actually kinda hard to carry even as Trist/Morg botlane when your Rumble top goes 0/6 against Malphite before the 15 minute mark and can just instagib with an ult+ DFG before you can blink. Rumble was so embarrassed he went afk til 20 then tried to surrender, but we kept going anyway.

So it was like...me flash in + W+ R + Hourglass + die while Trist did basically everything else and hope our Ziggs/Volibear/Rumble mattered (Rumble shot his ult in the wrong direction once or twice Q_Q). If they had picked a decent splitpusher they would have crushed is for sure, but it was still fun. Everyone stayed fairly cool considering it's the LoL community we are talking about. After one cleanup Trist had time to down both towers + nexus before they got up.
I'm having a really awful time with teambuilder. Sure I get to go where I want, but half of my games have been 3-4v5s and a quarter of them involves sub Lv30s. I've even seen Lv15, while the enemy has a Diamond or two. why


Welp I bought Jayce today and after one initial tough game with him i've gone undefeated since. I even felt comfortable enough to bring him into ranked and won two or three there with him. I have seen the light, he is such a beast against melee top laners. At some points it doesn't even seem fair. I went against a poor renekton who I just completely shoved out of lane because any time he came for a cs I poked him back. He must have been 4 or 5 levels behind everyone else 25 minutes in.

The question I have is who is strong top lane against Jayce, because so far I haven't really been challenged.


I'm really feeling like I've hit my ranked ceiling for my current skill level. I've failed 4 promo series and have pretty much alternated between winning and losing, good games and bad for the past week. Jungle is definitely my best role, so I want to find any kind of resource that I can read or watch in my free time to polish up my weak areas or just learn new stuff entirely. Most of the jungle guides on youtube are either champ specific or super old. Does anyone know of a really good general jungle guide? Preferably catering to moderate skill level. I don't know much but I feel like my basic jungle knowledge is solid.


Kog maw is so fun

Even when you get a team who never peels for you, you can still dish out enough damage in a span of 4-5 seconds to completely annihilate a tank or kill 2 carries before you go down and deal even more aoe damage with your passive.

Why wouldn't you learn this champ. Like holy shit.


I'm really feeling like I've hit my ranked ceiling for my current skill level. I've failed 4 promo series and have pretty much alternated between winning and losing, good games and bad for the past week. Jungle is definitely my best role, so I want to find any kind of resource that I can read or watch in my free time to polish up my weak areas or just learn new stuff entirely. Most of the jungle guides on youtube are either champ specific or super old. Does anyone know of a really good general jungle guide? Preferably catering to moderate skill level. I don't know much but I feel like my basic jungle knowledge is solid.

Try watching TheOddOne's stream. He's pretty informative and can get a little quirky at times. I didn't like him at first but I've warmed up to his streams recently.
Damm, fought against an ezreazl who can easily deals 300 damage with his normal hit. did he have a buff or something in one of his skills?
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