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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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This chat made me laugh the hardest I've ever laughed in a long time.


I just played my first 5v5 game of League.

I remember playing Ms. Fortune a long time ago when I first tried the game and I liked her so I went with her for this and I still like her.

I kind of just bought the recommended items so I want to know if there's anything I should have bought over something else.

I like this post.


BT is no longer a great early ADC item. It's okay to build very late as a defensive item that also gives you 80 AD. Black Cleaver + Last Whisper is kind of a non-combo since the armor reduction from BC stacks also reduces the percentage-based AP from LW.

Here's gosu's cheat sheet for ADC builds post-patch: http://i.imgur.com/kAodGGp.png

I'm not sure about some of the details here -- for example, I don't get why MF doesn't build Bork over IE since her Q and R would both benefit -- but it's a pretty good place to start.

this should be updated for 4.13


I just played my first 5v5 game of League.

So here's this I guess.


I remember playing Ms. Fortune a long time ago when I first tried the game and I liked her so I went with her for this and I still like her.

I kind of just bought the recommended items so I want to know if there's anything I should have bought over something else.
Sub the cleaver for a phantom dancer or static shiv after building IE (and boots) first. As said already bloodthirster is only taken late game and only in certain situations. If you want lifesteal get blade of the ruined king, though that has an active so it will take some practice to use effectively.
This chat made me laugh the hardest I've ever laughed in a long time.
That was so good.

Still mad at ATT. Fuckin terrible ISP.


Sub the cleaver for a phantom dancer or static shiv after building IE (and boots) first. As said already bloodthirster is only taken late game and only in certain situations. If you want lifesteal get blade of the ruined king, though that has an active so it will take some practice to use effectively.
That was so good.

Still mad at ATT. Fuckin terrible ISP.
It felt good to melt people with Rengar. I still need a lot practice but it's a lot of fun.

I forgot to Honor that Eggo guy for the laugh though.
Gotta love going against a team of ADCs in ARAM then getting Leona, and they delayed Last Whispers way too much.

500+ armor yum yum yum. I always like it when I have an excuse to get Thornmail.


BT is no longer a great early ADC item. It's okay to build very late as a defensive item that also gives you 80 AD. Black Cleaver + Last Whisper is kind of a non-combo since the armor reduction from BC stacks also reduces the percentage-based AP from LW.

Here's gosu's cheat sheet for ADC builds post-patch: http://i.imgur.com/kAodGGp.png

I'm not sure about some of the details here -- for example, I don't get why MF doesn't build Bork over IE since her Q and R would both benefit -- but it's a pretty good place to start.

Thanks for that...but I'ma assume this is some Gold, Diamond and Platinum thing because EVERY adc I go up against starts with the Lifesteal weapon.


Started back playing this weekend after almost a year off.

I had 20,000+ IP so I bought Yasuo. I destroyed the first few times but I got worse as time goes on. I looked him up and apparently he's pretty strong but I'm pretty shoddy at him.

Team builder is nice. Sometimes I just want to pick my role and champ and play. This thing is perfect for that.

I also played Lucian since he's free. Interesting AD. Might grab Jinx after work today because she looks fun to play. Lucian felt limited.


Yeah sure if it's like last year I may have a few to give to some people as a few friends are going but dont play league so can give their code's to some people too.

I have Kayle, can I have the Riot skin? I think I have MF too, so I'd be down for an Arcade skin too.


81lp into gold 2... need dem promos for gold 1.

Newt, you're a bastard. you #1 ragequit a game with me but most important of all you MADE ME TURN OFF MY CLIENT MUSIC SO I HAD TO SIT THROUGH BORING DRAFT WITH NO MUSIC TO ACCOMPANY IT fucking bastard


Yeah sure if it's like last year I may have a few to give to some people as a few friends are going but dont play league so can give their code's to some people too.

I would love a code if you would happen to have an extra as well.

If the codes still work once on each separate server then perhaps it could become a bit simpler. I'm on EUW.
To be fair, there are not many champions that can beat nid in lane. She has range poke, gap closer, execution, heal sustain, manaless wave clear, trap for vision control, amazing mobility, and always on mating season. Did I mention she also an assassin that does mix damage even if she build pure ad item?
That's what happens when Riot listens to reddit. Nid was being balanced based on AP - and currently she's viable and balanced as AP - but wahhhhh I wanna build Triforce so they kept a lot of AD stuff while making everything that made AD Nid strong stronger.

AD Nid has never not been cancerous when she's strong, it's time to delete that shit from the game like they did with AP Yi.


Well the way it worked last year was the ticket for gamescom had a code on it but I had the 4 day pass ticket but this year you have to buy a ticket for each day so I may have 3 codes for myself so will have 2 to give away but if I can get some of my friends code to i may have about 7 or 8 that i can give to people.

I will post on here when I get back if I have any and how many I have to give away :).


Well the way it worked last year was the ticket for gamescom had a code on it but I had the 4 day pass ticket but this year you have to buy a ticket for each day so I may have 3 codes for myself so will have 2 to give away but if I can get some of my friends code to i may have about 7 or 8 that i can give to people.

I will post on here when I get back if I have any and how many I have to give away :).

You are a scholar and a gentleman.


I've not played LoL in a while and i've dropped one division - silver V to Bronze 1. I've won the first game after coming back and they moved me to silver 3, so basically two divisions above my previous place.
So, i think it's actually better for me to wait for another decline, or just man up and finally play soloq.

Oh, and If any EUNE codes will be available I wouldn't say no. ;)


I've not played LoL in a while and i've dropped one division - silver V to Bronze 1. I've won the first game after coming back and they moved me to silver 3, so basically two divisions above my previous place.
So, i think it's actually better for me to wait for another decline, or just man up and finally play soloq.

Oh, and If any EUNE codes will be available I wouldn't say no. ;)

You're on EU Nordic?! Thought I was the only one, any chance you can add me so we could play if we ever get the chance? My LoL ID is Tizoc789


I've not played LoL in a while and i've dropped one division - silver V to Bronze 1. I've won the first game after coming back and they moved me to silver 3, so basically two divisions above my previous place.
So, i think it's actually better for me to wait for another decline, or just man up and finally play soloq.

Oh, and If any EUNE codes will be available I wouldn't say no. ;)

Haha. That's MMR at work. Similar thing happened to me. Dropped from Gold IV to Gold V for inactivity, played one game to get back into promo. Sweep the promo and I'm Gold III. Lol.

Unfortunately since then I've lost every monthly game to avoid decay. :(


Haha. That's MMR at work. Similar thing happened to me. Dropped from Gold IV to Gold V for inactivity, played one game to get back into promo. Sweep the promo and I'm Gold III. Lol.

Unfortunately since then I've lost every monthly game to avoid decay. :(
Yeah, i think my MMR is pretty good, since i'm pretty much on par with my friends in high gold/low plat, but I just don't play much soloq to climb up.

Play more soloq games than, it's 50% chance you'll win any game! ;)

You're on EU Nordic?! Thought I was the only one, any chance you can add me so we could play if we ever get the chance? My LoL ID is Tizoc789
Sure, I'll msg you, my nick in lol is 'Corum' (it's my usual nick everywhere, but it was taken on gaf).


I would make use of those codes!

On another note I just got access to the PBE servers for the first time :D I'm guessing you can have both clients installed so you can easily swap between live/beta servers?

I'm at work atm so I'm unable to give it a go.


I will just do a first come first serve kinda thing when I get back then with the code's as it seem a few people want them.


When I have codes, I just normally post it here in this thread with the email tag and first come first serve for each region. If one wanted to get super crazy, you could do a Modbot giveaway for each region using the same code or something.


So after seeing Krepo's Morgana I kinda wanted to try it on a Normal. Needless to say, we didn't do as well, but it's a really fun champ to play, particularly as support. Got fairly lucky today as far as hooks/bindings goes though, I just hope it's a sign that I'm improving, not just luck. ._.

Also, really enjoying Thresh, though picking up assists isn't as easy with the shield only affecting one person though! Still satisfied with how this game went (despite my Quinn wanting to rush to mid when we were still in laning phase, and that costing us a tower).


Ah! And that Akali kept focusing the ADC first but if he wasn't around, me? Why? o.o/


I watched trick2g video on Youtube where he was using Jungle Udyr, and he freakin' WRECKED the opposition! His team's Jax was AFK, but he carried like a boss.
He was Lvl. 14ish in it at one point and the opposing Jungle Voli was level 5

I'll keep an eye on his twitch page in a few hours, hopefully I can catch a game and pick up some info from how he uses him.


this should be updated for 4.13

Besides Lucian, what changed in 4.13 that would change this?

Thanks for that...but I'ma assume this is some Gold, Diamond and Platinum thing because EVERY adc I go up against starts with the Lifesteal weapon.

You should be able to roll them, then. Build IE and you'll out-trade them and they won't know why. I have definitely beaten ADCs that were probably mechanically stronger than me because they built BT first while I went SS+IE or IE+PD.
I watched trick2g video on Youtube where he was using Jungle Udyr, and he freakin' WRECKED the opposition! His team's Jax was AFK, but he carried like a boss.
He was Lvl. 14ish in it at one point and the opposing Jungle Voli was level 5

I'll keep an eye on his twitch page in a few hours, hopefully I can catch a game and pick up some info from how he uses him.
I really, really don't recommend watching Trick for anything other than entertainment.
Well the way it worked last year was the ticket for gamescom had a code on it but I had the 4 day pass ticket but this year you have to buy a ticket for each day so I may have 3 codes for myself so will have 2 to give away but if I can get some of my friends code to i may have about 7 or 8 that i can give to people.

I will post on here when I get back if I have any and how many I have to give away :).

Oh man, hook me up brother!


Is the Arcade Miss Fortune skin exclusive to these codes? If so, I'm willing to dance, sing, or do whatever it takes to get one. If they'll be selling them later, then I'd appreciate a hookup, but am not so eager to make a fool of myself otherwise.

I had an awesome run mid-week where I won 6 straight, which drew the eyes of the Riot Bot and started getting matched with absolute feeder/quitter trash. Had 3-4 games in a row with just the most toxic or terrible players LoL has to offer, including some Bronze 3 players, which sucked. Anyway, lost a couple and then got back on track and I'm back on the upswing. I'm hoping to hit promos for the next division tonight or tomorrow.

By the way, people often say that if someone picks a very non-meta champ (like Irelia in jungle) that you should just have faith in them because they're probably pretty good at it, don't listen to them (at least not in Silver). It usually just means they only know how to play 1-2 champs and they're determined to play them, even if they're totally unfit for the role and they will lose you the game.
Is the Arcade Miss Fortune skin exclusive to these codes? If so, I'm willing to dance, sing, or do whatever it takes to get one. If they'll be selling them later, then I'd appreciate a hookup, but am not so eager to make a fool of myself otherwise.
Riot stopped doing code exclusive skins a long time ago. They'll at the very least be in the store for purchase during Gamescom.
Loved those last buffs! Stomped the hell out of early and midgame by going 11/2 and carried other lanes. I take a big chunk off Shyvana with Charm+DFG so I wasn't picky with my target.

Bad moments:
- "Hey guys hold up imma grab this blue" (someone goes solo/duo and promptly dies) (this happened twice!)
- Gonna land another kill on TF during laning. Client suddenly lagged like hell. Shyvana suddenly on top of me and they murderized me. I thought Shyv had TP but no.
- Spirit Rush into a gold card :(

I'm surprised TF still did the most damage even though it was their Draven that was snowballing too. He got a quadra at one point which kinda made me panic.



What a game, things start to go wrong in champ select. Opposing team select nida top and our top champ select Garen countering himself. His words "I don't care, won't be an issue"

My adc declares they cannot speak English and we should communicate by pings. Great,

Game starts Garen dies within first few minutes of laning with lots of wtf I silenced you and other stuff. I tell him to Chill as Morgana is afk and we got this, just play passive if you're getting decked.

He declares Nidalee is a smurf and no one believes him as we know this is what generally happens when someone picks a counter in silver 4.

Things go from bad to worse, we end up being like 10 kills behind once Morgana appears. Nidalee is out of control stealing double buffs from our team. Our Amumu won't even ward is buffs as Nidalee is just destroying anyone she comes across. Nida has free reign over the entire map. Manages to take 2 inhibs. We hold her smurf ass off but barely. We can destroy their entire team except Nid as she is always seiging ALL our lanes at the same time or she tries to pick us off. We chase her down so many times and she just escapes.

My entire team was pretty pissed, no one surrenders we just hold out, we get our two inhibs back, they take baron and we finally kill nida. We take their mid turret and inhib and have to back as Nida is always taking our bot inhib. She takes it and runs off. We all go mid and we get jinx to get a penta and finish it before Nida could end it.

Such an infuriating game.:|


Ok, all. Time to learn a new mid. I currently play Katarina (probably my favorite champ ever), Talon, and Ziggs in the mid. I'm looking for picks that are a bit more consistent, as all three that I pick can be put in some really tough match ups.

The ones I've been most interested in trying are Syndra, Xerath, Annie (already own, but haven't played), and maybe Ahri. I'm totally fine with high skill cap champions. I kind of like high damage/high risk plays anyway, but really I'm just looking for a solid additional choice.
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