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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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The ladder anxiety is real, I finally hit D1 50 LP and I"m struggling to want to climb any more. I'm too scared of going on a losing streak. My last win was barely legit since it was against a jungle Teemo, but that made me think how that game would've been a guaranteed loss if I had the misfortune of being put on the other team.


ie isn't gonna be too big of a deal against bt unless you get lucky and crit them (which should automatically happen at four autos if i'm not mistaken)

but like if you don't get a crit (which happens with only 25% crit) then you both hit for 80 damage of which he healed 16, so he'll win most trades

ie is a really shitty item by itself

Yeah, but Miss Fortune's W helps you get those crits. I imagine it's not as strong on other champs in the early going. With your Berserker's Greaves, you will generally crit faster than they can heal up. Oh, and it also matters big time that MF's W is applying Grievous Wounds.

The ladder anxiety is real, I finally hit D1 50 LP and I"m struggling to want to climb any more. I'm too scared of going on a losing streak. My last win was barely legit since it was against a jungle Teemo, but that made me think how that game would've been a guaranteed loss if I had the misfortune of being put on the other team.

Why is jungle Teemo happening? I've had it in a few of my matches too, and we've lost every one he's been on my team or the enemy team has lost if they had him. Seems so stupid.


I'm really out of touch with adc since the item changes. I kind of miss just straight going BT for most carries.

I played Varus and realized how much I miss the added ad of the old BT.


Yeah, but Miss Fortune's W helps you get those crits. I imagine it's not as strong on other champs in the early going. With your Berserker's Greaves, you will generally crit faster than they can heal up. Oh, and it also matters big time that MF's W is applying Grievous Wounds.
well you can buy a longsword or a dagger with the money difference from bt so it's still not too bad.

early bt vs ie is a pretty even duel all things considered, it's just that it's not really worth it going early bt because since as soon as you get zeal ie skyrockets in strength

what i mean is the idea that "i have ie, dem idiots have bt, instawin!!!1" is not really that true as in the end it's still up to whoever plays the trades better.

I'm really out of touch with adc since the item changes. I kind of miss just straight going BT for most carries.

I played Varus and realized how much I miss the added ad of the old BT.
yup, bt rush was a much more fun meta for adc than ie, but it was pretty op so i guess it's fair

i really think ie rush is like the most boring thing ever tho


Just a game with a person who you'll hopefully never see again. Just block/mute/report and move on (actually muting during the game might have been fine too).

._. I guess, just kinda upset me because I keep losing upon losing and losing. So it just kinda dug be deeper!


you already have friends, you don't need new ones, mute all the strangers as soon as they say anything that isn't "ward here" or "enemy flash down" or "drag in 1m". if they want something from you they can ping it

like i had a diamond 5 ahri give me flak for taking ignite on orianna yesterday (yeah, it's not like i blew her flash at lvl 1 or anything...) and like i just have /all chat disabled so i don't have to deal with this shit and wouldn't have even realized she was flaming me if it weren't for post-game chat.

it's much better when you just mute everyone

edit: in that case in particular, if guy's gonna go afk just take respite in the fact that he was an idiot and wrote it down and then fed and gave your team a very nice reason to report. nothing great lost, move on to the next game


Why is jungle Teemo happening? I've had it in a few of my matches too, and we've lost every one he's been on my team or the enemy team has lost if they had him. Seems so stupid.
I have no idea. I'm assuming it's because jungle Fizz has been somewhat successful recently so maybe people are trying other unconventional AP junglers.


The ladder anxiety is real, I finally hit D1 50 LP and I"m struggling to want to climb any more. I'm too scared of going on a losing streak. My last win was barely legit since it was against a jungle Teemo, but that made me think how that game would've been a guaranteed loss if I had the misfortune of being put on the other team.
Try not to stress out too much...if you're playing competitively on the scholarship team, you're probably going to have to put up with crazy amounts of stress/trolling/anxiety, so I hope you find some sort of soothing music or ways to mentally cope early!

I don't mean that to sound mean, just to say -- good luck and I hope you find something to adjust. Ladder stuff takes so long to play 5-10 games even at low levels, I can only imagine higher levels.


Why is jungle Teemo happening? I've had it in a few of my matches too, and we've lost every one he's been on my team or the enemy team has lost if they had him. Seems so stupid.

I love jungle teemo. Useless as shit, but hilarious just because of how troll it is for both teams. If your lanes do well it's mushroom hell for the other team. Not to mention running out of a bush and blinding someone then running away never gets old.


well it's not like you're doing meth or something

it's medicinal!

(i dunno how allowed it is in na, here we just smoke weed on the streets and cops are cool with it lol)


People being high is apparently normal in League. I believe I had someone in ranked tell us they were on LSD too.

I make it a point to decline invitations to SR if I'm high. I do REALLLLLY bad. It's great for ARAM though. I was a hooking machine with Blitz in ARAM last night.


fuck man

you know when you're playing with one of your friends and you know they suck but not how much

lucian left lane 8-0 wtf.


Because now harass actually matters?
to me what's not fun about ie rush is that it just delays your power spike. like in 4.9 you were a force to be reckoned with when you got your bt (well, a wave or two after that), specially with the champions i liked to play like mf and varus and jinx.

i also like that bt lets you do riskier shit in teamfights

ie is just boring for me, pew pew from the back is not fun for me

that being said i do think adcs were op before 4.10 and they needed a nerf like this so it's ok, adc is not my class anyways


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't really see the delay. I actually feel like lots of AD carries saw upswings in their midgame power when we're talking about champions like Kog, Corki, etc., or even things like Twitch with Ghostblade if you discount the actual champion nerfs. There are plenty of AD carries that have strong early and mid games, and some of those even have really powerful late games. Sorry you can't a-move right next to people I guess.
i probably shouldn't play with him anymore lol

we just get matched up with gold players and while i can dump all over them he just gets annihilated.




I don't really see the delay. I actually feel like lots of AD carries saw upswings in their midgame power when we're talking about champions like Kog, Corki, etc., or even things like Twitch with Ghostblade if you discount the actual champion nerfs. There are plenty of AD carries that have strong early and mid games, and some of those even have really powerful late games. Sorry you can't a-move right next to people I guess.

Many definitely saw a mid game improvement, sure. It's just a feel thing for me. It feels slower to get going. It's not they ruined the role or anything, but the ramp up is a bit more boring, sort of like the top lane can be.

By the way, since I started banning Tristana, my world has become a happier place. If I'm playing bot, it's nice to not deal with her mobility. If I'm elsewhere, it's nice not seeing her start murdering everybody in the mid game and just hyper carrying in the latter stages. I didn't realize that she can rocket jump out of Morgana's binding. Can she rocket out of a Thresh hook as well?
Many definitely saw a mid game improvement, sure. It's just a feel thing for me. It feels slower to get going. It's not they ruined the role or anything, but the ramp up is a bit more boring, sort of like the top lane can be.

By the way, since I started banning Tristana, my world has become a happier place. If I'm playing bot, it's nice to not deal with her mobility. If I'm elsewhere, it's nice not seeing her start murdering everybody in the mid game and just hyper carrying in the latter stages. I didn't realize that she can rocket jump out of Morgana's binding. Can she rocket out of a Thresh hook as well?
no she cant

snares dont interrupt mobility but stuns do.


i'm with soda cope on this one (WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT)

the shift to the IE meta has made (smart) trading more interesting and tactical

tho if you pair it with a adc lane bully and support bully like nami then it's kind of really unfair BUT


no she cant

snares dont interrupt mobility but stuns do.

Is it a cast animation thing? I've seen her leap out of Morg's binding more than once. Like, could it be that she cast it before the bind hit and it causes some weird animation thing that makes it look like she was bound?

Here's a YT clip of her jumping out of Thresh's hook. I guess she's not supposed to be able to, but it happens.



oh so i went maokai top for the first time yesterday vs a wukong. we lost the game because lanes were feeding hard, but it was really neat to knock Wukong out of his E dash at me with my Q. When it happened the first time I was like "aw yiss" then it happened again and I knew i wasn't crazy.

then their lee sin came at me bro and i got double buffs


Is it a cast animation thing? I've seen her leap out of Morg's binding more than once. Like, could it be that she cast it before the bind hit and it causes some weird animation thing that makes it look like she was bound?

Here's a YT clip of her jumping out of Thresh's hook. I guess she's not supposed to be able to, but it happens.


The fact that she can leap out of the binding is a cast animation thing, yes. It goes
trist starts cast animation -> she gets hit by cc -> trist jumps.
Also, stuns do not interrupt it. Displacement does.

What a game, things start to go wrong in champ select. Opposing team select nida top and our top champ select Garen countering himself. His words "I don't care, won't be an issue"

My adc declares they cannot speak English and we should communicate by pings. Great,

Game starts Garen dies within first few minutes of laning with lots of wtf I silenced you and other stuff. I tell him to Chill as Morgana is afk and we got this, just play passive if you're getting decked.

He declares Nidalee is a smurf and no one believes him as we know this is what generally happens when someone picks a counter in silver 4.

Things go from bad to worse, we end up being like 10 kills behind once Morgana appears. Nidalee is out of control stealing double buffs from our team. Our Amumu won't even ward is buffs as Nidalee is just destroying anyone she comes across. Nida has free reign over the entire map. Manages to take 2 inhibs. We hold her smurf ass off but barely. We can destroy their entire team except Nid as she is always seiging ALL our lanes at the same time or she tries to pick us off. We chase her down so many times and she just escapes.

My entire team was pretty pissed, no one surrenders we just hold out, we get our two inhibs back, they take baron and we finally kill nida. We take their mid turret and inhib and have to back as Nida is always taking our bot inhib. She takes it and runs off. We all go mid and we get jinx to get a penta and finish it before Nida could end it.

Such an infuriating game.:|

This type of thing happen all the time in gold, and was watching a friend of mine who's in diamond 1 and saw the same shit. Top lane nidalee is stupid if you screw up and die once in lane.

Almost impossible to come back unless you're a really coordinate team like what we saw in the LCS and Nien couldn't snowball with nidalee top. However soloq? Forget about it she's going to go off.


The fact that she can leap out of the binding is a cast animation thing, yes. It goes
trist starts cast animation -> she gets hit by cc -> trist jumps.
Also, stuns do not interrupt it. Displacement does.

Got it.


I laned against a Gragas mid last night. Seems like he's lost his punch in the mid and is pretty much a top champ now. I mean I guess he's viable in mid, but it just didn't feel like he had all that strong of a presence like he used to. Any Gragas players that can talk to this? It just felt like I could kite him and punish him way easier than I've been able to in the past.


formerly sane
By the way, since I started banning Tristana, my world has become a happier place. If I'm playing bot, it's nice to not deal with her mobility. If I'm elsewhere, it's nice not seeing her start murdering everybody in the mid game and just hyper carrying in the latter stages. I didn't realize that she can rocket jump out of Morgana's binding. Can she rocket out of a Thresh hook as well?

She can jump out of a lot of things especially if she sees it coming. banning her is far more worth than the lucian bans I see especially since he was nerfed a few times recently.


Got it.


Trist can already be interrupted by any kind of displacement effect in the middle of her jump. (This looks hilarious as Volibear, in case you were wondering.) Lots of CCs aren't displacement, that's all.
Trist can already be interrupted by any kind of displacement effect in the middle of her jump. (This looks hilarious as Volibear, in case you were wondering.) Lots of CCs aren't displacement, that's all.

Mmmm I dunno but I saw my support alistar trying to knock her up whle she was trying to jump to kill me, Tristana was knocked ....but still the jump animation was in motion so it sill got me and killed me.


Trist can already be interrupted by any kind of displacement effect in the middle of her jump. (This looks hilarious as Volibear, in case you were wondering.) Lots of CCs aren't displacement, that's all.

I remember trying to jump away a long time ago and got grabbed by Blitz mid jump. i would have been mad if the animation hadn't been so hilarious.
Orianna decided she wanted to be mid at the last moment intend of top so I was forced to go top vs. Lee which was odd because it was just 20 minutes of him pushing to my tower and me taking out minions. Trynd ganked once, failed and we both died. Soon our trist just went on a roll and we pulled it off.

Dealing with Lee Sin was odd cause he got a lead and whatever damage I put on him didn't stick so I tried to manage as best I could until my tower dropped.


shouldn't fizz actually do well against lee sin (especially post nerf)? his grievous wounds should help nicely against his built in sustain
Top lane Maokai feels so dirty, but so good. Equal highest kill participation in a bloodbath game of a game as the top laner? No problem for the unkillable tree. When the nerfs come, they'll be well deserved.

Plat promos tomorrow.
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