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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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If anyone is up for some casual games on EUW feel free to add me (IGN: a floating cat) as i don't really have many people to play with.


Ok, all. Time to learn a new mid. I currently play Katarina (probably my favorite champ ever), Talon, and Ziggs in the mid. I'm looking for picks that are a bit more consistent, as all three that I pick can be put in some really tough match ups.

The ones I've been most interested in trying are Syndra, Xerath, Annie (already own, but haven't played), and maybe Ahri. I'm totally fine with high skill cap champions. I kind of like high damage/high risk plays anyway, but really I'm just looking for a solid additional choice.

Of all of those you'll probably win the most with Xerath. Ahri is my favorite in that group though.
Well the way it worked last year was the ticket for gamescom had a code on it but I had the 4 day pass ticket but this year you have to buy a ticket for each day so I may have 3 codes for myself so will have 2 to give away but if I can get some of my friends code to i may have about 7 or 8 that i can give to people.

I will post on here when I get back if I have any and how many I have to give away :).

Thats nice, hope I can snatch Arcade Miss fortune if you dont mid, I am from LAN so I wont be trouble I think


there is a huge jump in skill going from silver to gold =\

i've lost my first 2 promo series out of 5 to get gold. everyone is so good at cs and landing skill shots. i can't keep up.


I really, really don't recommend watching Trick for anything other than entertainment.

He's pretty entertaining though. The video is probably in excess of 10 months old though. It's pretty hard to keep someone level 5 in the jungle when you're 14 now. Because comeback mechanics.



Absolutely did not deserve this win, played worse than i have in awhile. Sure, I peeled like crazy, but I haven't played Leona in months and didn't have any clue what to build beyond Relic Shield + didn't even know if my runes.masteries were still somewhat current. I whiffed a ton of Es and wasn't in sync with Trist at all cause I often ulted right after she used hers so it was basically a waste.

But Leona wasn't banned and I had absolutely no desire to lane against her. Alistair peeled for Jinx like crazy and Rengar ganked bot a lot but we still went even so Alaki and Zed could splitpush. They did focus me a few times after I had built some Armor/MR too which was obv a bad idea.


not true

people in gold are just as awful mechanically as the people in silver

they just know how to play the map a lot better.

Eh. I'd agree with him. Gold players are on average more mechanically skilled. If nothing else you see the average CS climb. But we're talking like Silver III to Gold III, not like Silver I to Gold IV or something. Pretty small differences in a couple division jumps. A whole tier jump shows significant improvements all around for the most part.


Ok, all. Time to learn a new mid. I currently play Katarina (probably my favorite champ ever), Talon, and Ziggs in the mid. I'm looking for picks that are a bit more consistent, as all three that I pick can be put in some really tough match ups.

The ones I've been most interested in trying are Syndra, Xerath, Annie (already own, but haven't played), and maybe Ahri. I'm totally fine with high skill cap champions. I kind of like high damage/high risk plays anyway, but really I'm just looking for a solid additional choice.

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh...Korea style Kayle!

What I can say about Annie is that if you're careful and good with her you can work with your jungler to take down the mid champ. Annie's Stun can lead to really good damage, if you land her Q, then get within range for her wave ability to damage them (Wave ability's range is same as her basic attacks).
Then again I've not tried the other champs you mentioned so my vote goes to Annie >_>;


Well the way it worked last year was the ticket for gamescom had a code on it but I had the 4 day pass ticket but this year you have to buy a ticket for each day so I may have 3 codes for myself so will have 2 to give away but if I can get some of my friends code to i may have about 7 or 8 that i can give to people.

I will post on here when I get back if I have any and how many I have to give away :).

That's really nice of you. I would love an Arcade MF skin if i can get one, she's been my main ADC since i started playing + that skin is amazing (will be her first with a good recall too). Then again i might have bought it long before you get back (if they let me) because I have problems.

The one thing i ask is that you hide them so we have to quote/PM or something to get them. No need for some scrubby non-GAF lurkers to snatch them

I have Kayle, can I have the Riot skin? I think I have MF too, so I'd be down for an Arcade skin too.

The really great thing about these skin codes is that if you don't have the champion yet it gives you the champ too. I got Pantheon and Hecarim that way.

Ok, all. Time to learn a new mid. I currently play Katarina (probably my favorite champ ever), Talon, and Ziggs in the mid. I'm looking for picks that are a bit more consistent, as all three that I pick can be put in some really tough match ups.

The ones I've been most interested in trying are Syndra, Xerath, Annie (already own, but haven't played), and maybe Ahri. I'm totally fine with high skill cap champions. I kind of like high damage/high risk plays anyway, but really I'm just looking for a solid additional choice.

Syndra is really good but she is banned a decent amount and still has some really unfavorable matchups (Fizz/Yasuoect). She will basically delete any one ADC/squishy with little chance for failure once you get good with her though which is nice.

Xerath is almost never played despite being decent so I can't say no to him. He is super long range so you have to get used to that aspect of him (Q/ult targeting from offscreen).

i have a fondness for Annie as the champ I learned to play the game with and she makes a decent support laner too, so if you want a toon for both lanes you can't go wrong (although you'll def need to build a bit different if you go bot as support). She can fit into almost any team comp which is also a plus.
Doesn't she have the longest range for her basic attacks among the cast?
her aa range is good but who the hell cares about that? shes not an adc so that stat is pretty irrelevant.

the range on her spells besides her tibbers is just incredibly bad which makes her hard to play against ori/syndra/ziggs etc. her lack of escapes also hampers her against assassins because they'll jump her and make her explode before she can react.


Why don't people play annie top more often? I guess if there's any type of gap closer champ you'd wouldn't do it...but I'm surprised I don't see it more often.


i won 2 out of my 3 fantasy leagues

i care about this a lot more than i should lawl

Why don't people play annie top more often? I guess if there's any type of gap closer champ you'd wouldn't do it...but I'm surprised I don't see it more often.
prolly cos people are stuck in the bruiser mentality for top

i love playing annie top and shitting on fools


her aa range is good but who the hell cares about that? shes not an adc so that stat is pretty irrelevant.

the range on her spells besides her tibbers is just incredibly bad which makes her hard to play against ori/syndra/ziggs etc. her lack of escapes also hampers her against assassins because they'll jump her and make her explode before she can react.

Her AA range allows her to free harass and also lures lane minions into targeting her, so you can hit level 2 before your lane opponent and deal some decent damage with a Q+W to put them on the defensive for a while. It's one of the reasons why when they were considering support Annie nerfs way back when, they chose to leave her AA range alone.

She does have the potential of getting jumped but her stun is a decent peel and she's fairly tanky when her E is active so it's not impossible to get away. Similar to ori or Syndra really.. Also since they buffed her Q waveclear it's not hard to clear or push back your lane for "free", even under tower.


So I just had the most bizarre experience in LoL. We get teamed up with a Gold V ADC (4 of us were premade) on a Normal game. Seems an ok dude/person, then gets crazy on the pings. Like crazy. He asks me to go at Level 2, so I pull Karma with Death Sentence, but focus on Vayne with Flay/Exhaust/Autoattacks.

He doesn't follow up the engage, and he, all in caps, begins a rant on how I was focusing the Support. Next engage, We get a gank (river was warded) and we somehow make it to our tower with some scratches. I start backing up (was at like 10%? HP) and so was Jinx. Except she gets closer to Nunu, who then tosses her some Ice, and dies. Jinx freaks out and is like "ONE MORE TIME SUPPORT AND I GO AFK".

I reply nothing to that, besides the fact that that wasn't my fault at all (I mean, I get the person needs CS... but you can't get CS if you die). We get back to lane, and I have the Relic Shield, I'm not that great at CS'ing with Thresh with that, so I missed 2 tops (didn't go for the cannon on purpose knowing myself). Person just starts pinging and freaks out, says either I leave the lane or they AFK. So I left the lane? But it doesn't matter because this person kept dying and I just became this Jungle/support that basically didn't fit. Was like the most horrible experience I've had on LoL.


Obviously wasn't a good game, as the other lanes we basically got outplayed but I am content with being in 10 out of 13 kills we got. I didn't do my best either, I sometimes let other people get on my nerves, but I guess it's part of the LoL experience.


Fantasy was cool, but it was missing a lot of basic stuff that makes fantasy fun for me.

like what

i never played any of these things before

i know the one in argieland we do for football has you pick a whole team and you just spend $ on players which can be on more than one team at a time. none of that drafting nonsense :p


like what

i never played any of these things before

i know the one in argieland we do for football has you pick a whole team and you just spend $ on players which can be on more than one team at a time. none of that drafting nonsense :p

Making trades and being able to view other teams rosters. You can only see the matchups and who opponents are starting. You can't view their bench players. I like being able to have a Watch List of free agents. That way I can group all the players i'm interested in and see their stats in one spot. I wanted bigger leagues as well. 12 man would be awesome, but I don't know if it is possible with the amount of total lcs players out there.

They did a god job putting it all together. I just want more ;)


So I just had the most bizarre experience in LoL. ]

Obviously wasn't a good game, as the other lanes we basically got outplayed but I am content with being in 10 out of 13 kills we got. I didn't do my best either, I sometimes let other people get on my nerves, but I guess it's part of the LoL experience.

Just a game with a person who you'll hopefully never see again. Just block/mute/report and move on (actually muting during the game might have been fine too).

So Jinx is really powerfull but so weak in exchange? Have to maneuver more than cait.

She scales really well and has poke but only her snare will save her in a gank situation. Treat her kinda like Kog when laning and farm for later unless you get a good kill chance, not quite as much of a hyper carry but certainly a better passive.


Ok, all. Time to learn a new mid. I currently play Katarina (probably my favorite champ ever), Talon, and Ziggs in the mid. I'm looking for picks that are a bit more consistent, as all three that I pick can be put in some really tough match ups.

The ones I've been most interested in trying are Syndra, Xerath, Annie (already own, but haven't played), and maybe Ahri. I'm totally fine with high skill cap champions. I kind of like high damage/high risk plays anyway, but really I'm just looking for a solid additional choice.

tbh if you want consistency out of those picks you're kinda boned

xerath is easy to lane with and really good against people that can't dodge for shit and don't know how to deal with poke lanes, similar to ziggs, so you might enjoy that. i think he's kinda boring tbh so i don't play him myself but he's pretty strong. he has some trouble in uncoordinated teamfights and isn't too good in dealing with assassins outside of lane but you know, buy early zhonyas and that's it

annie's also pretty ok mid, the q reset thingie change and infinite tibbers is pretty insane so you might find some success with her too. i like her as a sort of cheesy pick but dfg nerf probably hurt her more than most since she doesn't really do anything other than burst one people at a time. her w range is so low she can't waveclear against a sieging team that can punish your range (syndra, morgana, thresh, elise) so if you're ever pushed in then yer fucked.

syndra's great and takes a bit of practice (and imo a fair amount of concentration to play well in lategame teamfights) but she's lots of fun. she's basically the renek of mid in that she'll shit on everyone if you play her well enough. only people that give her trouble for me are fizz and kayle who don't give two shits about your ult. she's kind of a risky pick since she has no escapes and her range isn't that huge but you know if jungler wants to gank while their mid is a free kill at 25% hp then it's fine for me.

ahri is really safe for an assassin so you can pick her if you see yourself picking before the other mid or something. she's a lot of fun but doesn't do much without her ult unless some fool misteps and gets charmed by you. not much to say about ahri, really, she's alright

Making trades and being able to view other teams rosters. You can only see the matchups and who opponents are starting. You can't view their bench players. I like being able to have a Watch List of free agents. That way I can group all the players i'm interested in and see their stats in one spot. I wanted bigger leagues as well. 12 man would be awesome, but I don't know if it is possible with the amount of total lcs players out there.

They did a god job putting it all together. I just want more ;)
wouldn't bigger leagues be kind of a problem since players can't be shared among teams?

i guess we would all end up with a couple shit players if it was like 10 or 12 user leagues but i guess that's ok

i want a big gaf league
Thanks for that...but I'ma assume this is some Gold, Diamond and Platinum thing because EVERY adc I go up against starts with the Lifesteal weapon.

Answer: Because they are all still operating off the old pre-4.10 builds, where Lifesteal was first, then IE/Tri, PD/SS and LW.

Many of the guides out there for folks haven't been updated for the new patches either.

Which is fun because sometimes I get IE+SS first and melt them.


Yeah, nothing better than when your opponent goes back and builds out a BT while you come back with an IE. They can't even hope to win trades in the lane anymore, and you start to snowball so much earlier.


they can easily win trades with bt against ie lol

they have 20% lifesteal

you dont.

They have to hit you a lot, and I generally play MF so my Q hits them while they're behind the minion lines and if they get stunned by my support, I'm going to lay a couple of crits down on them way faster than they will steal life back when I pop my W.
They have to hit you a lot, and I generally play MF so my Q hits them while they're behind the minion lines and if they get stunned by my support, I'm going to lay a couple of crits down on them way faster than they will steal life back when I pop my W.
i mean you'll win all ins but you'll always lose trades against sustain. thats just how the game works. damage > sustain > poke > damage.


i mean you'll win all ins but you'll always lose trades against sustain. thats just how the game works. damage > sustain > poke > damage.

Right, right. I guess I meant more 1v1 or 2v2 aggressive trades rather than just lane sustain. I tend to push them out of lane or get kills way easier when they rush BT over IE.


ie isn't gonna be too big of a deal against bt unless you get lucky and crit them (which should automatically happen at four autos if i'm not mistaken)

but like if you don't get a crit (which happens with only 25% crit) then you both hit for 80 damage of which he healed 16, so he'll win most trades

ie is a really shitty item by itself

(this isn't counting all other stuff like bt being almost a dagger's worth cheaper and support help and bt shield and whatnot. but like bt should beat ie in small trades and on big trades if you can safely lifesteal back then you still come up ahead. when ie user buys zeal i'm guessing things even out)
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