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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Played with a four man premade. They all had "VSU" in the beginning of their name.

Korean. They don't really speak much English. Whatever, they speak a little, call lanes, etc. The Udyr ganks top. Doesn't ping. Doesn't let me know. Just runs in while I'm under my tower. The other jungle comes. I CC them, Udyr runs back in with 10% health and dies.

Calls me a "faggot", "girl", "moron", and that I suck. I tell him "ping dude and play safe, dont go in when im not there". The Braum calls me a vagina. I tell their premade to go fuck themselves, but the Ori and Cait are cool and try to calm their teammates down, telling me to just ignore them. I die to a gank that was kinda my fault. Udyr calls me a piece of shit. I tell him to check his attitude. I had to go AFK for literally less than a minute. He tells the enemy team to report me. The other team is like "dude your premade sucks", "your other lanes are 0/3", etc.

After the game their entire team reports my premade. I tell them to only report Udyr because he's obviously the asshole, the other people were just not very good, which is fine. The Braum adds me after the game and sends me this:


Nice Korean insult. I'm guessing. I don't speak Korean.

I just laughed at the whole thing.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Those are the old ogre models, which looked like something out of that Leeg game.

Check out these HD moobs, coming to SR in 2015.



I laned against a Gragas mid last night. Seems like he's lost his punch in the mid and is pretty much a top champ now. I mean I guess he's viable in mid, but it just didn't feel like he had all that strong of a presence like he used to. Any Gragas players that can talk to this? It just felt like I could kite him and punish him way easier than I've been able to in the past.

Gragas mid is a thing in the past since they nerfed the AP ratios on his Q and R to fucking hell, got rid of the mana regen from his W, and the recent 70% damage done to minions from his Q.

They wanted Gragas to be more of a AP bruiser so they buffed his Drunken Rage.

As a side note, that 70% damage to minions from his Q sucks so much. I saw a game of Gragas and he couldn't clear a wave with a max Q after ~3 items (RoA, Lich, Dcap (maybe it was just large rod). The 30 mana cost on his W didn't seem to matter too much. Just had to go back for another Doran's Ring and Mana Crystal as his first buy and was fine for the laning phase.
I'm really getting over my fear of poke while playing zed. I went up against a lulu (checked after the game, gold 1) and was able to basically dominate her. I just bought 3 pots every time I went back and I was able to outpoke her. She bought chalice instead of seekers, which I can understand, but man I bet seekers woulda helped her.


Worst splash art in the game? Akali (Classic). Her proportions or the perspective is off. Fixing that is most pressing concern, Riot.

I'm short IP to buy both Xerath and Ahri, so I'll have to decide what to get first. Decisions, decisions.

Edit: Great, I have a Tristana in this game.

On the positive note, dude in this game is named Mylee Dyrus.


Will someone tell my teammates to stop trying to make plays when they're behind? Come on Sona, when you feed 3 kills to Katarina with no CC on our team, you don't become Doublelift.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Cop-out answer: All of them

Semi-serious: Invoker, Pudge, Ursa, Nature's Prophet, Chen, Enchantress, Wisp, Visage, Disruptor, Treant, Huskar, Lycan, Lone Druid, Mirana, Naga, Meepo, Broodmother
Playing adc lane makes understand how horrible the supports have become pushing them to be aggresive without knowing how support works and people believing picking morgana makes them instant support pros.


are there any dota heroes that wouldn't be completely OP in league?

Maybe like juggernaut or something? he's kinda just garen with a fiora ult I think

Better question is which wouldn't be OP.

Think jugg would be one of the few ones that could actually not be OP in league. Him and Bristle would be good fits.


Man, that game had everything you don't want in a LoL match. Top lane gave up first blood in under 2 minutes and then fed the rest of the game. Bot lane whined the entire time that they weren't getting enough ganks, and then our ADC kept talking about how if people just listen to her that she always carries games. Then you get the lovely string of cussing when you tell someone to chill and that we're doing ok because I'm rolling in the mid and we can come back.

So yeah, that was sooooo much fun. You win 3-4 in a row and then all of a sudden you get the nightmare team.


Cop-out answer: All of them

Semi-serious: Invoker, Pudge, Ursa, Nature's Prophet, Chen, Enchantress, Wisp, Visage, Disruptor, Treant, Huskar, Lycan, Lone Druid, Mirana, Naga, Meepo, Broodmother

i want not the whos but the whys
Well finally got a good support that started bullied me for being bad adc because I told him I hoped he was a good support after a bad luck with awful supports, Just wow.

EDIT: aaaaaand we got a Warwick support...


Wow. Just played an intense game filled with crucial Yi and Irelia resets.

Wish I recorded it

Basically fought a 2v5 in the last 2 team fights to finish up the game

God damn ap amumu was two shotting our carry

Finally learnt how to beat trynd. Went 4/0 against this RNG asshole with full offensive and hp runes


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Cold Snap: Ministun followed by more mini stuns on damage, might as well be hard CC.
Ghost Walk: 100s invis with AoE MS/AS slow and MS bonus past a certain point.
Ice Wall: Like Karthus' wall but so strong and wide that it's impossible to walk through it before it fades naturally. Also deals DoT.
Tornado: Janna's tornado but wider and reaches twice as far, suspends for up to 2.5s.
Deafening Blast: AoE Disarm/Pushback/Disable that lasts up to 1.75s.
Forge Spirit: 2 ranged armor melting summons.
Sun Strike: Global true damage AoE nuke.

Pudge: Blitz with double the range and true damage on his grab, and a channeled ult that stuns for 3s. Can kill heroes solo at level 6 or even earlier.

Ursa: Fury Swipes is auto attack buff that deals bonus physical damage and applies a stacking debuff on the target. Bonus damage is directly proportional to number of stacks, and is uncapped. Can probably solo Dragon at hero level 3 with one lifesteal item, solo Baron at hero level 7.

Nature's Prophet: Global TP with 20s cooldown. No TP scrolls = RIP your towers. Who's that guy who won that game by going for the Nexus and everyone lost their shit? Imagine that except the entire game.

Chen: Dominate up to 3 neutrals. Invade enemy jungle, pick up Elder Lizard, then pick up Ancient Golem, and pick up one more thing from your side, then push down towers with your army. Has Soraka's ult.

Enchantress: Same deal as Chen

Wisp: Same deal as Nature's Prophet

Visage: His Ult is two summons with flying pathing (can go over anything), untimed, each with a 1 second 325 AoE stun.

Disruptor: Negates Flash

Treant: Living Armor provides up to 7 instances of damage block to any Allied unit or tower. Global range. While there is at least one active instance, the target gets Health regeneration roughly equivalent to 3 Rejuvenation Beads at skill level 1 and 9 beads at skill level 4. Towers also get the same amount of regen. Ult is like Zyra, except instead of a 1 second knock up, it's a 3/3.7/4.5 root that disables blinks, movement, invis, and attacks.

Huskar: Attack Speed and MR increases as HP decreases. Has about 98% magic resistance at <3% HP, but will obviously hit 99.999% Magic Resistance way before that thanks to base hero resist.

Lycan: Ult makes him unsnarable and give shim max movespeed (which technically doesn't exist in League but imagine Rammus about 3/4ths of the way through his roll. Global attack damage buff. Summons 2 Wolves that can go invis at level 3 and are strong enough to kill most supports if they're not killed.

Lone Druid: Summon Bear which can carry up to 6 items. At level 4 Bear gets 33% MR, 40% bonus building damage, 20% chance to root enemies on hit (interrupts channeling, disables blink, snares, DoT). Can return Bear to his location at any time, meaning you can put Sunfire on the bear and then push one lane while you push the other.

Mirana: Skillshot like Nidalee except stuns for 5 seconds at max range. Ult is team-wide invis with global range.

Naga: Illusion hero, same deal as Lone Druid. Can send them to another lane to push while she sits in a different lane. Can also farm lane and multiple jungle camps simultaneously. Ult puts all enemies in a huge radius around her to sleep for 7 seconds. They're invulnerable, but it basically resets a team fight.

Meepo: Summons up to 4 separately controllable clones. Each copy of Meepo can teleport to any other copy after a brief cast time. Deals damage upon leaving and arrival, which is strong enough to clear a wave at level 3, when he gets his first clone. Each Meepo has an AoE skillshot snare that lasts 2 seconds.

Broodmother: Can create uninteractable webs that give her invisibility and terrainwalking when she's hidden. Nuke spawns spiderlings if it kills an enemy, and spiderlings also get invisibility and terrainwalking in web. Spiderlings infect their targets with a poison that summons a Spiderite if the targets die.

Basically, any DOTA2 hero with global presence, or controllable minions, will shit all over League heroes.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Lol, totally misread. What a waste of time.

All the ones I didn't mention probably wouldn't be OP for various reasons, such as lack of access to Blink Dagger, or not being able to survive the laning phase thanks to League's footsies game, or just don't have a place in the 1/1/2/Jungle meta.

Anti-Mage, in particular, would be really bad, because you can counter him with manaless champs.
nah not totally useless it's still interesting stuff and the list is appreciated :^)

you just hear more about "wow dota heroes are so OP compared to league champs" than you do about dota heroes that would fit in well so I was kinda curious about that side


Yeah, so that win too much and get put with losers thing is SPOT ON. Dude handling our bans is so clueless he misses the first two bans and says, "lol, not paying attention."


Then it's just a feed fest. You can't win those games when it pairs you with people like that. Downright impossible.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
you just hear more about "wow dota heroes are so OP compared to league champs"

This is less about the heroes overall than the pacing of the game.

It's like, you can't really port DOTA2 heroes into League straight up because of the lack of ability scaling will eventually put them behind. But once you start tweaking them to fit in League, well, all those 5 second stuns will probably become 1 second stuns, 1000 range skills turn into 500 range skills, global becomes TF/Noct style skills, etc. And then they stop being OP.

The same applies in reverse. Any kind of skill vs skill comparison doesn't really make sense at all.

When people talk about DOTA2 heroes being OP, what they really mean is that the game heavily penalizes mistakes and has a much slimmer margin of error because everything, from damage to CC to mobility, is magnified. No Flash, few skill shots to dodge, powerful hard CC, huge burst damage right out of the gate and regen is slow, and expensive. Morello and co. put so much stock into the idea of "counterplay" for this very reason, because, frankly, it's not very fun for a new player to die instantly because they were 10 units off from where they should've been, or rendered useless because they used a skill 30 seconds too soon. They understand that "positioning" and "resource management" are not skills that comes naturally to people, but "dodging" and "attacking" are, so champ design is intended to place as much emphasis on those things as possible.

It's like the difference between CS:GO and Team Fortress 2.


I just had a FUCKING AMAZING ranked game as Aatrox. I lost my first 3 games as him in ranked like a week or two back and took advice to play normals and such...

Well I think it payed off well. Getting good at him!


Worst splash art in the game? Akali (Classic). Her proportions or the perspective is off. Fixing that is most pressing concern, Riot.
No. Crimson Elite Talon. Redekton's former splash art was also head and shoulders above the rest.

Worst in-game model award for that matter goes out to Li'l Slugger Trundle.
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