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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Just made it to Platinum for the first time ever. Won my series 3-1, all three wins with the OPness that is top lane Maokai. Regardless of what people say, as someone who's made it from Bronze II to Plat V across S3 and S4, there is a gradual increase in the quality of play as you move up the ranks. More wards, faster conclusions to games, tougher lanes, and even some strategic awareness (a few games ago my team did a full on Dignitas triple-push to break down a turtling Ziggs and his team) become apparent as you rank up. I've came across fewer extremely toxic players as I've moved up, but they still crop up occasionally. Farming junglers have also became vanishingly rare as players want to make early plays (not always smart plays, but still).


Just made it to Platinum for the first time ever. Won my series 3-1, all three wins with the OPness that is top lane Maokai. Regardless of what people say, as someone whose made it from Bronze II to Plat V across S3 and S4, there is a gradual increase in the quality of play as you move up the ranks. More wards, faster conclusions to games, tougher lanes, and even some strategic awareness (a few games ago my team did a full on Dignitas triple-push to break down a turtling Ziggs and his team) become apparent as you rank up. I've came across fewer extremely toxic players as I've moved up, but they still crop up occasionally. Farming junglers have also became vanishingly rare as players want to make early plays (not always smart plays, but still).

What do max first, e or q? I'm guessing e.


Okay, what the hell is going on. In at least four games this week I've had teammates that don't speak English. Almost never happened before.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Twitch changes are really going to ruin OGN vods.



see i don't get how i should be happy for getting challengers in my normals when it leads to games like this

they did thresh and riven "kill lane" bot with a lvl 1 brush cheese (which ended up with them losing all summoners).

now we destroy them at every single teamfight but you know, it's hard when other team is a premade 5 full of diamonds and you have a silver 2 that randomly goes farming bot when you're pushing the inhib after an ace.

in the end you lose at the moment they're bored of toying with you and dying while split pushing just because they randomly flick the tryharding switch

now that sunfire cape 3/14/14 thresh was challenger, pls tell me what i should learn from him!

from now on with my friends the plan is if there's a d1 or challenger at their team our plan is to get really fed of their early game cheese (which is a given every game cos they'll try to cheese you and fail) then instantly surrender at minute 20. no satisfaction for you, fuckers
What do max first, e or q? I'm guessing e.

On Maokai, max Q, then W, then E. Mana cost on E scales with points so its best to keep at 1. It's great for scouting since the cast range is gigantic and for picking off backline creeps when zoned by pokers. Q is great for harassing melees and clearing the wave, and costs only 45 mana so once you get Catalyst (and possibly a second Doran's Ring) you can clear waves very easily. W's cooldown and damage improve signficantly with points so it goes second.

Early game is mostly about avoiding ganks, CSing as best as possible, and helping set up ganks (immediately call for a gank if they push without wards, Maokai has immense lockdown with CC on Q, W and E). Go 2x Doran's (if needed), Catalyst, RoA, then Frozen Heart or Spirit Visage. The %HP sustain from your passive becomes effective once you get some HP from Catalyst and you can start pushing/bullying hard if the enemy jungler isn't around. His roaming potential is insanely high, especially with Flash up, so going into full push lane and roam mode earlier than expected can be effective. In mid to late game teamfights it's often possible to keep your ultimate running for entire fights, protecting your team and zoning out any divers. Just build smart tank items sometime Locket, often FH, sometimes Thornmail, you know the drill. He's big weakness is relentless splitpushing as, although he can be impossible to kill 1v1, he wants to teamfight.
In pro games Irelia has been the standard pick into Maokai. Usually goes well for 20-25 minutes then Mao's team gets a teamfight and the game turns. Sometimes she just gets ganked early and loses there and then.


no i mite check out the vid w/ timestamps later tho
why, are they talking about him?

They're talking about Gambit bc Edward is on, not specifically about Alex Ich though. They're talking about Genja right now.

Could've been earlier though, I just turned it on like 20 mins ago.
Kinda OT but what happened to twich channel, looks like everyone is moving or something.
Twitch proved it was being bought by Google by not only not deleting archives after 14 days but also by starting to pull the same Content ID bullshit as Youtube on archived footage, muting the sound if there's any form of copyrighted audio


Twitch proved it was being bought by Google by not only not deleting archives after 14 days but also by starting to pull the same Content ID bullshit as Youtube on archived footage, muting the sound if there's any form of copyrighted audio

You can get the music in the live stream, just not archived content.

I don't know how they got away with it for as long as they did. If they were fighting record companies, that's pretty admirable, but my guess is that they were just second on the checklist behind YouTube for the lawyers to target.

I don't know that you'll ever have a mainstream service that will allow licensed content to be used freely, especially if the content creator is going to be generating revenue.


just played ahri against a pretty decent lebonk

dashes and clones and skillshots and sexiness everywhere

assassin meta so much fun

hope we see lots of this at worlds


WTF, Riot? I'm winning at a 60% rate and I just lost 17 LP for a loss and only gained 16 LP for a win. That's ridiculous. Why would I be getting throttled in freakin' Silver V?
just played ahri against a pretty decent lebonk

dashes and clones and skillshots and sexiness everywhere

assassin meta so much fun

hope we see lots of this at worlds
trinity force buff - check
assassin buff - check
curse in 4th - check

its all coming together.


i hope riot isn't stupid and nerfs mages in 4.14 tho

they have the opportunity to have actual strategic variety and if they nerf ori, ziggs, syndra and xerath as headless chicken balance team may very well do then that's gonna be a wasted one

that ori nerf on pbe, ugh, so fucking stupid

edit: 4.14 should nerf rengar, mao and teleport and that's about it. be very conservative as the meta is pretty close to being actually kind of good


yea i was thinking of trist but i'm not sure how hard the 4.13 nerfs hit her

i also thought of nidalee but i don't know much about ad nidalee
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