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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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edit: 4.14 should nerf rengar, mao and teleport and that's about it. be very conservative as the meta is pretty close to being actually kind of good
Why should they nerf Rengar? I've seen opinions in this thread that Rengar is practically auto-lose to have on your team already. D:

WTF, Riot? I'm winning at a 60% rate and I just lost 17 LP for a loss and only gained 16 LP for a win. That's ridiculous. Why would I be getting throttled in freakin' Silver V?


That doesn't look like a 60% win rate over the last week or two. How long have you been in Silver V? Maybe you are getting less LP because you have been there for a long time, so the system has more confidence in your rating. If you go on a win streak of 30 wins and 10 losses it might give you bigger gains again.



That doesn't look like a 60% win rate over the last week or two. How long have you been in Silver V? Maybe you are getting less LP because you have been there for a long time, so the system has more confidence in your rating. If you go on a win streak of 30 wins and 10 losses it might give you bigger gains again.

I haven't been there very long...maybe a 3-4 weeks. The Lolking score is a bit skewed because it doesn't pull out the loss prevented matches, the normals, or stupid matches that I never connected to but it still credits me as a loss in my history (most recent being that Janna 0-0-0 game with a loss). If you pull those out I'm actually around 60% for the last 50 games or so.


I haven't been there very long...maybe a 3-4 weeks. The Lolking score is a bit skewed because it doesn't pull out the loss prevented matches, the normals, or stupid matches that I never connected to but it still credits me as a loss in my history (most recent being that Janna 0-0-0 game with a loss). If you pull those out I'm actually around 60% for the last 50 games or so.
Are you certain the Lolking score doesn't pull out loss prevented and normals? As far as I'm aware, it's pulling directly from your LP count. Normals and loss prevented don't make you lose LP.

If you're playing ranked games but not being able to connect often, then you probably will have a hard time climbing. I have a cable modem problem but it doesn't affect me ingame much at least.


Are you certain the Lolking score doesn't pull out loss prevented and normals? As far as I'm aware, it's pulling directly from your LP count. Normals and loss prevented don't make you lose LP.

If you're playing ranked games but not being able to connect often, then you probably will have a hard time climbing. I have a cable modem problem but it doesn't affect me ingame much at least.

I don't normally have that issue. I just played a lot of matches when they were having server issues the last week or so.

I thought that your Lolking score basically pulled from every result. OP.gg thinks that my MMR is "normal," so I shouldn't be upside down. I've been there before where I was gaining 7 LP per win and losing 24 per loss. That suuuuucked, but it was my win rate that was very obviously determining that.


I haven't been there very long...maybe a 3-4 weeks. The Lolking score is a bit skewed because it doesn't pull out the loss prevented matches, the normals, or stupid matches that I never connected to but it still credits me as a loss in my history (most recent being that Janna 0-0-0 game with a loss). If you pull those out I'm actually around 60% for the last 50 games or so.

I'm pretty sure that graph doesn't count normal games or loss prevented games. If the system gave you reduced RP for a win either the server was experiencing errors or you fought against lesser opponents. If you truly have a 60% win rate, it will show in the rate you climb the ladder and your LP gains.


Are you certain the Lolking score doesn't pull out loss prevented and normals? As far as I'm aware, it's pulling directly from your LP count. Normals and loss prevented don't make you lose LP.

If you're playing ranked games but not being able to connect often, then you probably will have a hard time climbing. I have a cable modem problem but it doesn't affect me ingame much at least.

Normals won't matter when talking about LP anyway, so not counting normals is correct.


Ok, cool. Guess the slap down back to 50% has come at a cost. I was flying pretty high for a bit there and then ran into a bad, bad streak of AFK/rage quitter games.

Did anybody ever confirm if that Reddit post about how matchmaking works was legit? Every time I go on on a win streak, I get some seriously abysmal matches soon after. In fact, I made the big mistake of saying on here that I had won 6 straight and then the next 3 matches had AFK/quitter teammates. :|

Could be coincidence, but all the attempts to keep you at 50% by giving you crap tier teammates kinda sucks if it's true.

But here's my last 20 for Ranked (I don't have any duo queue games in the last 20).



Ok, cool. Guess the slap down back to 50% has come at a cost. I was flying pretty high for a bit there and then ran into a bad, bad streak of AFK/rage quitter games.

Did anybody ever confirm if that Reddit post about how matchmaking works was legit? Every time I go on on a win streak, I get some seriously abysmal matches soon after. In fact, I made the big mistake of saying on here that I had won 6 straight and then the next 3 matches had AFK/quitter teammates. :|

Could be coincidence, but all the attempts to keep you at 50% by giving you crap tier teammates kinda sucks if it's true.

But here's my last 20 for Ranked (I don't have any duo queue games in the last 20).

No, it was a complete satirical joke post.


No, it was a complete satirical joke post.

I thought so when he said he was suing, but someone else told me it was a mocking of some actual work someone had done and came to those conclusions, so I didn't know anymore.

Since I have started banning Tristana, I'm seeing more dodges. It's funny.


so would you play a league with no runes and all the heroes unlocked?

I actually like earning champs. My problem is the cost of those champs vs the rate of IP earned can be pretty silly. Playing a few hours a day for a week or two just to earn one of the higher cost champs when there's over a hundred now? They don't all have to be 450 ip, but still. Considering how many champs are first bought based on aesthetics and power isn't relative to price I think having some be 450 ip and some be over 6k is too much variation.

I'm personally for the "highest" cost champs not being any more than 3150, and those should be rare. Normal wins should also earn more IP than they do now. it'd have a snowball effect so the sense of "earning" a champ and not having the game feel so overwhelming to a new player could still be felt (this is a big reason why LoL is more newb friendly than DotA before you ever join a match) while actually having to choose which to unlock would feel less restrictive for vets and newbies alike.

Runes are a bit trickier since they allow customization and opportunity for characters that I'm not sure would be there without them. Sure, most ADCs and AP Mana Mids and Tanky Brusiers tend to run the same thing, but how would you account for the variations in more fluid roles like Jungling and Supports?

And the biggest question I have: if we weren't going to spend our IP on new champions and runes, what would we spend it on?

What does this accomplish?

It lets some very stupid supports through, and then they might remember who really deserved the ban.
Ghost on Bnet joined the room.
1BulLDog1 joined the room.
Buc joined the room.
ZhIGUY joined the room.
xXxXDYAMIAxXxX joined the room.
Wadahek joined the room.
ELITExJaCoBiTH joined the room.
VVhiteWabbit joined the room.
EpicBacon1073 joined the room.
Ghost on Bnet: dw vlad
xXxXDYAMIAxXxX: report my whole team
Ghost on Bnet: im sure in silver
VVhiteWabbit: such an unearned win lol
Ghost on Bnet: people will respect u more
VVhiteWabbit: lol trust me kid, you don't know my rank
VVhiteWabbit: check my main
VVhiteWabbit: pinkywhite
VVhiteWabbit: learn something
Jrpogz: ur bad bro
VVhiteWabbit: lol i was discon the whole game
VVhiteWabbit: yeah, that makes me bad lol
VVhiteWabbit: 1v1 me mao, i'll fuk you in lane
Ghost on Bnet: check my main
VVhiteWabbit: let's do this
Ghost on Bnet: reginaid.
VVhiteWabbit: yeah, just say a pro name
VVhiteWabbit: funny
VVhiteWabbit: dumbass
Ghost on Bnet: someone woke up with too much salt today
VVhiteWabbit: nah, just pisses me off to lose to scrubs due to server garbage
VVhiteWabbit: enjoy the unearned win though
Ghost on Bnet: its a normals lol
Ghost on Bnet: calm ur teats
VVhiteWabbit: yeah, cause let's just pretend like it wasn't a waste of 20 min
Ghost on Bnet: i got 226 ip
VVhiteWabbit: if you don't play this game to win, then why the fuk are you playing a competitive game?
Ghost on Bnet: so not really.
VVhiteWabbit: go play mario, kid
Ghost on Bnet: because thisisnt ranked lol
Ghost on Bnet: idgaf about normals
VVhiteWabbit: then go play bots
VVhiteWabbit: norms are competitive too, ya know
Ghost on Bnet: same deal with you wannabe colonels in halo
VVhiteWabbit: it's still pvp
Ghost on Bnet: all tryhardy and shit in social
VVhiteWabbit: wake up and smell the pvp kid
Ghost on Bnet: but you still suckshit in ranked
VVhiteWabbit: go play mario
VVhiteWabbit: more your style
Ghost on Bnet: which is why nobody wanted you on their team.
VVhiteWabbit: pinkyranked
VVhiteWabbit: look me up kid
Ghost on Bnet: i did
Ghost on Bnet: ur bad.
Ghost on Bnet: so what.
VVhiteWabbit: lol lies
VVhiteWabbit: went diamond 4 last season dumbass
Ghost on Bnet: lol ok
VVhiteWabbit: look up the right account
VVhiteWabbit: pinkywhite....do it or stfu
Ghost on Bnet: you were platlast season lol
Ghost on Bnet: so idgaf about your shit.
VVhiteWabbit: i ended plat, but hit diamond 4
VVhiteWabbit: wake up
Ghost on Bnet: "waaahhhh"
VVhiteWabbit: it says my max rank dumbass
Ghost on Bnet: "i lost a normals"
Ghost on Bnet: "now i must rage"
VVhiteWabbit: calm down kid, you don't like the truth then gtfo
Ghost on Bnet: I'm perfectly fine lol
idk what this dude's problem is. he was supposedly diamond 4 last season but he's silver 4 now lol.


they took lucian out of lcs for me and phillip becuz they knew every game would be instalose for those that picked him godbless


However will Orianna players cope with 6 less base damage.
it's a stupid nerf and it's rather large considering ori's already low base ad and scaling ad. trading with autos is ori's lane thing, it's not the same as nerfing xerath's or brand's base ad.

ori's a good champion, stop nerfing shit because pros play it

so would you play a league with no runes and all the heroes unlocked?
i wouldn't say no to having all champions unlocked but i wouldn't go play something else since i have so many pretty skins here

and i like runes, they're just too expensive

unlocking champions too, it's that pokemon thing

Why should they nerf Rengar? I've seen opinions in this thread that Rengar is practically auto-lose to have on your team already. D:
i mean they should probably just rework him again but he's kind of trouble in competitive and imo he's a shitty champion overall that needs some serious changes

Imagine if GAF balanced games...

zkylon patch 4.14:
- ziggs removed
- ryze removed
- kayle removed
- rengar removed
- ap ratios for the following champions reduced: sion, warwick, shaco, tristana, gangplank, nasus, soraka, malphite
- lux' movement speed increased by 5
- crest of the ancient golem cooldown reduction buff reverted to 20%
- yasuo's ultimate no longer grants him his passive
- vi's ult now a short-range skillshot
- lee sin 4.13 changes reverted. q and ult damage reduced
- 19 new and fun items
- added all chinese splash arts
- k-pop skins for all the girls
- jungle removed

i think that's about it


it might look cool
for example while watching the roc vs. shc game just now, I was thinking about how cool it'd be if trist had alistar ult and also alistar's head
i will enhance your game for you riot
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