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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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When my daughter was ~2 I'd tell her "I'm going to get you!" all playful like and chase her around the house to tickle her. One night she wakes up on her own and crawls into bed with us all quiet. I wake up as she climbing on my chest and in a little girl voice...

I'm going to get you...

So any toy that would teach something equally horrifying to my ~1 year old boy gets a big fucking NOPE from me.

I mean, in hindsight it was adorable. She said it because she wanted me to play with her and whispered so she wouldn't wake up mommy. But at the moment it happened in a dark room, fucking hell man...

man that's adorable


When my daughter was ~2 I'd tell her "I'm going to get you!" all playful like and chase her around the house to tickle her. One night she wakes up on her own and crawls into bed with us all quiet. I wake up as she climbing on my chest and in a little girl voice...

I'm going to get you...

So any toy that would teach something equally horrifying to my ~1 year old boy gets a big fucking NOPE from me.

I mean, in hindsight it was adorable. She said it because she wanted me to play with her and whispered so she wouldn't wake up mommy. But at the moment it happened in a dark room, fucking hell man...
lol that's cute as fuck
this was me playing with a bronze player and his bronze team earlier

me: thresh, you have to stand more forward if you want to play the champion

thresh: lol why its a normals besides its a blitzcrank lucian lane we can't fight that

(lucian and blitz are both below 50% hp from just my autoattack harass.)

me: -_-


me: thresh, stop typing so much and play the game

thresh: l0l chill out it's a normals


me: -_-


me: guys, we killed their jungler and the rest of their team is at dragon. we can do baron.

[all]thresh: NICE Q LUCIAN U MISSED (proceeds to do this.) LOL UR SO LUCKY I DIDNT FLAY U PROPERLY

me: fuck this im muting you.

are all bronze players this toxic and stupid?


I guess I forgot about Ali as a a sustain support, but you usually don't pick him as such. Also I suck at cow.

I don't really feel like landing Nami bubbles is that hard. Consistently maybe, but E helps force out enemy ADC's dashes. Tidal Wave makes it pretty much impossible to dodge a bubble unless the target has flash or a dash. And if you miss one, usually it doesn't matter for much unless your carries are under duress, but you can end a game by landing a really good one.

Landing bubbles on melees targeting specific members of your team tends to be easier too, since you just aim directly on top of your teammate.


makes sense, since not really into that stuff

unless gurren lagann counts

Gurren lagann definitely counts, it makes many references to old mecha series as well. :)

edit: and as Ferrio says, they are both made by Gainax. Gunbuster/Diebuster are both nice, and just loosely related to each other.


for the record my favorite anime is paranoia agent followed by flcl and cowboy bebop

gurren lagann, evangelion and baccano are pretty up there too

i'm planning on giving kill la kill and psycho pass a go one of these days

those sound like i could enjoy

Both made by Gainax.

You might like Diebuster.

why's that

Gurren lagann definitely counts, it makes many references to old mecha series as well. :)

edit: and as Ferrio says, they are both made by Gainax. Gunbuster/Diebuster are both nice, and just loosely related to each other.
i mean for me it's like evangelion, i can appreciate the fun mecha stuff but mecha are not what keeps me watching


for the record my favorite anime is paranoia agent followed by flcl and cowboy bebop

gurren lagann, evangelion and baccano are pretty up there too

i'm planning on giving kill la kill and psycho pass a go one of these days

those sound like i could enjoy

why's that

i mean for me it's like evangelion, i don't mind the mechas but they're not really what keeps me watching

Because you like evangelion and gurren lagann...which made both gunbuster/diebuster.


for the record my favorite anime is paranoia agent followed by flcl and cowboy bebop

gurren lagann, evangelion and baccano are pretty up there too

i'm planning on giving kill la kill and psycho pass a go one of these days

those sound like i could enjoy

Diebuster is made by the same director as FLCL as well. It kinda introduces the style that they continue with in Gurren Lagann.

edit: it's getting late, good night people


Diebuster is made by the same director as FLCL as well. It kinda introduces the style that they continue with in Gurren Lagann.

edit: it's getting late, good night people

ok i might give it a watch

i don't really like watching series, anime or otherwise, cos i like shorter stories better but since it's only 6 episodes it'll prolly be ok



Either I did a lot of damage or J4, Twitch and Irelia did none. How is this even possible with my tank build (enemy team was all AD)?



Either I did a lot of damage or J4, Twitch and Irelia did none. How is this even possible with my tank build (enemy team was all AD)?
even if as ranged you have less damage items, melees don't have poke so while they may blow up ppl 100-0 your constantly chipping away at their health bars often amounts to a higher number

also you have 45% cdr on that build, prolly 50 with masteries. drop the cdr boots!

edit: btw i want new masteries for sona. i'm trying 0 11 19 but i dunno
Yes, Rod of Ages then whatever tanky items seem good. Can go Mobis if Merc Treads aren't needed. Frozen Heart and Spirit Visage work extremely well with his kit, but sometimes Randuins, Locket, Thornmail or even Sunfire can be appropriate. Late game Void Staff can actually be a good sixth item if you don't need more tankiness.
I'd kinda prefer bruiser diana instead of ap assassin. We already have fizz and leblanc. She could be really unique.

I've been thinking a bit more about it and think the best course of action to do that is firstly switch e and r like I said before, then make her r a skillshot instead of targeted (now she can escape). Remove damage from r but maybe cause it to do a passive enhanced auto on the next attack. Then buff the new ultimate with a decent chunk of damage and make the cc significantly stronger. Bit bigger displacement and much bigger slow. Not quite thresh ulti levels but close. Finally, change her w so it gives her a shield that is a flat % of her hp (still with extra ap scaling on top of that).

You would need to balance the numbers a lot but now bruiser diana can actually work. %hp on her w means building tanky with stuff like Randuins would be a smart idea since you would be nice and tanky with your shield. The strong aoe slow and displacement on her ultimate means you would want to pick her even if she did much less damage because her initiation would be strong. Her laning would no longer suck because she can now escape, and in the jungle you would be able to pick her into a Lee Sin without being a sitting duck early.

Even better would be to do that and remove the reset mechanic, instead changing moonlight to work like Leona's sunlight, where anyone on your team can proc it to do extra damage, the difference being that Diana can proc it too.

Again, you would need to tweak all the numbers a lot to prevent it being too strong. But now a Diana might build Nashors/Lich to make up for the lower ap ratios, and build tankier to take advantage of the w passive.

Six item build of Nashors, Rylais, Sorc Boots, Liandries, Randuins, Banshees or so might become viable.
Yeah W max first would make you vulnerable to being pushed in.

Mobis are more of a playstyle thing. I guess I like to roam/gank/make da plays a lot more than the average top laner, so I build Mobis sometimes. I think it can be very effective in solo queue if done right since people don't expect it. I would retract that recommendation if it's not your thing.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Yeah W max first would make you vulnerable to being pushed in.

Mobis are more of a playstyle thing. I guess I like to roam/gank/make da plays a lot more than the average top laner, so I build Mobis sometimes. I think it can be very effective in solo queue if done right since people don't expect it. I would retract that recommendation if it's not your thing.
If you wanna roam just buy Swifties.
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