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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Awesome read. This is a really great quote from keepo

kappa said:
A lot of upcoming talent will go through the same cycle: humble, then hard-working, then cocky. Talk to Bjergsen, he even said that [about] himself– but he got over it, he recognized it in himself and he fixed the mistake and I’m really happy to see that because I think he’s a great kid. He had that phase, he’s over it. I see it in other players. It’s like, what do you do after you get cocky? That’s where it matters. Do you still stay cocky? Because you’re never going to make it, unless you’re a god…


Well did a teambuilder ali top game, was matched up against a garen. That was fun.

Only complaint is it's really rough early game... especially to last hit.
All right, Gaf. I'm ready to learn jungling. Hit me with some recommendations on your jungler preference, maybe along with a tip or two how to play? I've never jungled.


All right, Gaf. I'm ready to learn jungling. Hit me with some recommendations on your jungler preference, maybe along with a tip or two how to play? I've never jungled.

Avoid feral flare junglers and stick to junglers with decent clear speed and strong ganking potential to try to snowball your team, get ahead, and demoralize the enemy team.
All right, Gaf. I'm ready to learn jungling. Hit me with some recommendations on your jungler preference, maybe along with a tip or two how to play? I've never jungled.

I'm a gold jungle main so while I'm not a pro I have the basics down pretty well.

So firstly, timers. If you don't know already, the timers are 5,6,7 minutes, for buffs/dragon/baron.

The first decision you make in the game is which buff you start at. There are a few things to think about here.

First is jungle safety. It's always better to get one buff and be alive then get two and live. So if the enemy 5 man invades your blue, you start your red (or preferably invade their blue back but sometimes it's difficult to get adequate help in solo queue). Also worth noting is a very common play is to start red buff, then invade the enemy red buff at level 2, and kill them at the buff. It's for this reason I personally will start red buff in 90% of games. Especially if I'm playing a jungler like Amumu that is particularly vulnerable.

Second is gank paths. Think about what lanes you want to gank early. If you have a Darius top against an enemy Nasus, and you're playing an early game jungler (eve, lee sin, elise, xin) then it's probably a good idea to start on your bottom buff and work your way up there for a level 3 gank.

Next is mana sustain. Some junglers burn through mana when clearing (Pantheon, Olaf, Amumu). In this case you might be tempted to start blue. Lots of people like to do that. Personally I will still usually start red, because you'll still be able to get blue before you go oom anyway.

The next thing is understanding the matchups in each lane, as well as between yourself and the enemy jungler. This should also be taken into account with the pick/ban phase as well: if you have the aforementioned Darius vs Nasus top matchup, you know two things. Firstly, there is a lot of kill pressure that Darius can exert on Nasus. Second, Darius will naturally push the wave. So the smart thing to do is pick someone like Elise or Pantheon that is good at tower dives and you can just kill under tower after level 6.

For champions, the best ones to learn jungling with are:
Xin Zhao

Playing Amumu is a great way to learn how to protect your jungle, because people will try and punish your weak early game. Your strategy should be protect your jungle, farm up as much as you can, and try to obtain vision control. This is important. If you're behind or playing a jungler with weak early pressure (I personally love to play Diana jungle but she's useless early), you can make up for that disparity by getting some good wards in the enemy jungle. Lee Sin is much better than Amumu early, but some well placed wards can ruin some of his ganks and buy you some time to farm up.

Xin and Pantheon are a bit similar. Both have strong early games. They are both great picks for learning the jungle because they have simple mechanics. Xin has better sustain than Pantheon so he's more forgiving to early counter jungling or incidents where you get chunked. He's also not as mana dependent. Pantheon has an okay early clear but he has poor sustain so you don't want to spend much time jungling. When I play pantheon I get my buffs and go around looking for ganks immediately. If played right you can carry games with ease thanks to your global pressure. Xin scales into a better duelist than Panth who is better at getting picks and does more burst damage.

Vi is just a fun, easy to play champion. She scales really hard, has amazing sustain in the jungle thanks to her shield, has very fast clear speeds, and is great in teamfights with her ultimate. But don't copy the pro players, you want to be building tanky after your Elder Lizard unless you're really far ahead.


Of course you don't max maokai W first.

No wave clear, maxing the highest cd skill and only having single target burst is just bad for top lane

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
All right, Gaf. I'm ready to learn jungling. Hit me with some recommendations on your jungler preference, maybe along with a tip or two how to play? I've never jungled.
Id say start with warwick. His lifesteal is great and that means you can take down the first buff with no help and 1 pot without dying. He is also pretty easy to learn and is cheap.


One other general jungling note (though I'm silver and thus even worse): Ganking is nice, but if you have double buffs, be VERY careful when you gank, especially if you don't have full health.

If you make a bad call with double buffs, and the enemy mid laner / ADC gets them, that can make a huge impact on your team losing that lane, to say nothing of your teammates raging at you. It's almost certainly better not to gank in a risky situation, than to give an enemy double buffs.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Skarner is my paintbrush and the jungle is my canvas.
Vi is the easiest starting place for new junglers right now.
Even though I also recommended Vi I feel like she's slightly difficult when you first play her.

Her pre-6 ganks require you to land a usually rather telegraphed skillshot, and her damages is all in one burst, and she's very vulnerable after blowing her q. She's also useless at ganking top lane and not particularly good at tower dives without having flash.

I feel like Xin is probably the best all around starting point with Pantheon and Amumu being the next to learn, with Vi after that.

Personally I learned to jungle with Jarvan.


Damn, that invalid map.


Even though I also recommended Vi I feel like she's slightly difficult when you first play her.

Her pre-6 ganks require you to land a usually rather telegraphed skillshot, and her damages is all in one burst, and she's very vulnerable after blowing her q. She's also useless at ganking top lane and not particularly good at tower dives without having flash.

I feel like Xin is probably the best all around starting point with Pantheon and Amumu being the next to learn, with Vi after that.

Personally I learned to jungle with Jarvan.

xin has to walk up to gank while vi's give you different points of approach (through baron pit, etc.) and teaches you to be patient, and her level 6 is a lot easier to pull off and also teaches you when to go in or not, even though it is pretty forgiving at lower levels. she has an easy time clearing, an easy time escaping/fighting counterjungling, etc. etc.

shes fine ganking top, esp if you can do it through lane

xin has a good early gank and more complicated potential in his ult

oh like 20 minutes later i feel like i should be more specific and say that xin is not a bad jungler to start with, like while i feel like it can give you bad habits in the long run i dont think it's bad if you haven't jungled before since there are probably a lot more things to learn than the things im saying
Am I the only one who thinks Ahri is in a great spot right now, probably even a tiny bit too strong? I'm doing really great with her and I always get fed. Looking at patch that nerfed her, her damage output is actually higher as long as you hit everything. The recent buffs to Q were pretty massive. I'm addicted to Grail but the mana cost reduction was enough to make me consider Morellonomicon. The damage amp on Charm is pretty long (6 seconds!) and if you had some CDR (DFG + Grail/Morello) you'll almost always have damage amp on someone.


Had to piss during champ select

Come back to loading screen and see mid gangpank and jungle zyra

Alrightey then. Glad to see i'm back to diamond 5 mmr


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Come back to league to found out I just got Darien'd.



Finally got back to Silver 1 after the second game taking almost an hour. Won both as Maokai. It's just once you get to a certain point, you're the tankiest thing ever.


this was me playing with a bronze player and his bronze team earlier

me: thresh, you have to stand more forward if you want to play the champion

thresh: lol why its a normals besides its a blitzcrank lucian lane we can't fight that

(lucian and blitz are both below 50% hp from just my autoattack harass.)

me: -_-


me: thresh, stop typing so much and play the game

thresh: l0l chill out it's a normals


me: -_-


me: guys, we killed their jungler and the rest of their team is at dragon. we can do baron.

[all]thresh: NICE Q LUCIAN U MISSED (proceeds to do this.) LOL UR SO LUCKY I DIDNT FLAY U PROPERLY

me: fuck this im muting you.

are all bronze players this toxic and stupid?

I can't speak for bronze players, as I am still 29, and people talk shit all the time, even when they're not on top of the game... Pretty ridiculous. I was also on a Coop vs AI game, to play around with Jinx. Had a Yorick (who went bot with me), Shyvana and Yi all talk shit throughout the game. Shyvana and Yi were level 7, and fed the crap out of the bots. Nobody really poked at them for it yet they became super agressive when we commented how tough the bots at top were... For once, I was scared we couldn't win against bots lol. Just had to push push push o.o

Also in normal games, I've had ADCs that just are eager to blame anything on the support. Don't fall back after spamming pings that Jungle is coming? Blame support. Same goes for people who blame you for losing lane while you jungle, yet they've had no ganks from other jungle either. Just crazy toxicity levels everywhere.


so after playing with some random jerk who was constantly complaining that no one was coming to help when he pinged (he was mid and would ping every time there was more than one enemy hero in the lane) I'm wondering about that..

Is it a good idea to come to help in the early game (like before 20 minutes) if your lane currently has enemy champions? I wouldn't unless the lane is empty or the enemy champions just got killed, because leaving empty while I run back and forth seems like a bad idea.

It seems like the majority of games where we lose there is a lot of running back and forth between lanes because someone is constantly pinging for help, rather than just sticking to your lane. Because all the time spent running back and forth is wasted this seems like a bad idea to me and is part of why we lose, but maybe we are just losing because the players who need to ask for help a lot aren't so good.

I think the match I just played was an extreme example (the guy called us all retarded noobs and said we needed to go play the tutorial because we didn't get to his ping on our mid base tower about 10 seconds after he did it.. meanwhile he was somewhere down our mid lane on his own doing who knows what else), but I'm wondering whether this kind of running back and forth every time your team is in a fight against more heroes is a good idea, at least during the laning phase.
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