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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Fizz is the worst of them, I feel. I agree though, mages are far more problematic, especially if they have a stun.

The only one I really have a problem with is Fizz. He's obnoxious and always seems to win his 1v1 over and over. His CDs are so low I often can't snag the return kill as a jungler even if I react quickly.
Fizz falters when faced against an opponent that doesn't conform to the usual "squishy ranged mid" stereotype though. Someone like Cho'gath screws with his rhythm and ability to escape while being tanky / self-sustainable to survive his burst, and someone like Elise is very comfortable to fight him in melee range while making his ultimate literally useless in lane. If you want to be a dick, you could always pick Yorick into him for the pseudo-revive ult for when Fizz diverts his attention to your carry as well as torturing him with blue buff if your jungle isn't a narrow-minded dipshit.


Fizz falters when faced against an opponent that doesn't conform to the usual "squishy ranged mid" stereotype though. Someone like Cho'gath screws with his rhythm and ability to escape while being tanky / self-sustainable to survive his burst, and someone like Elise is very comfortable to fight him in melee range while making his ultimate literally useless in lane. If you want to be a dick, you could always pick Yorick into him for the pseudo-revive ult for when Fizz diverts his attention to your carry as well as torturing him with blue buff if your jungle isn't a narrow-minded dipshit.

out of meta reject toplaners doesn't count as counters dood

i don't think fizz is so bad tho

i pick lizzy into him again and again and you can be a funny fishy jumping all over the place but i'll just ult you when you think you're being cute and you're gonna stay sitting there for a long ass time while i slap ya

meanwhile karma, trundle, twitch are still waiting for theirs
well none of those had actually near finished skins on pbe tho

too many reddit cooks into cait's skin, like it showed a bit of leg, jeez


League of throws.
Placement LAN story time.

My mid fizz decides to troll in champ select because I'm going Lulu top and he thinks it's a troll pick.

Why are you playing in LAN? I thought you moved back to NA. Make sure to add me again! (I still don't have wifi in my room).




Uh, are you okay?

i am celebrating the sacred 315th

oh maybe u can read it as a diss but thats not how i meant it
like u kno someone posts a rank up and you say congrats about something else, like that kind of joke
dam maybe i fukked up




hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
That one fight in bot Neko gets jumped on and survives with 2hp. The god.


Of all the shit to censor in Regulate, the name of the gun?

So, finished up my Ziggs practice games (finally, rediscovering the magic of Team Builder sure helped out) and I'm getting a bit comfortable with the mid role. Don't know who to practice next though for mid, Annie-Fizz-Lissandra-Orianna. Probably Annie or Fizz. Also sporting a 6.00:1 KDA in my last 20 games, feels guuud.


God damn. Still trying to recover my mmr after that loss with a gold premade on my team a few days back.

Brutal. Lost around 2.5 games worth of mmr in one game.


That AP Leona carried you. :p

lol hadn't realized she started building ap, that's so troll

i can appreciate that zed getting so mad for losing, kept saying "win lane lose game" in lobby

and congrats you got a kill off me but if you let me farm i'll beat your ass later bitch

i think i played 4 games straight with zeds in them and patch is not even out

i hate assassin meta already
Tanky Nashors Diana is legit, I'm convinced. Been playing it a lot the last few days.

Basic principle is building ap = stronger shield. Build hp = tankier. Therefore a nice tanky ap item (Rod of Ages) works amazing on her. Compensate for the lower ap damage by build Nashors and using auto attacks to deal a lot of damage.

Basically been getting ROA asap, then Nashors and Sorc boots. Rest just depends. Generally I get Frozen Heart, Aybssal, and then Rylais? Not completely sure on the best items at the end, obviously depends on team. Maybe it would work better with Void Staff instead of Rylais, or a GA. Next time I'm against an all AD comp I'm going to build Frozen Gauntlet and see what happens.

Was hilarious yesterday when a Zed that was decent (5-2 or so) tried to 1v1 me as jungle Diana (I was only even but this was late enough that I had RoA/Nashors/FH) and I literally just pressed w and auto attacked and he was dead before he could finish his combo, while I had around 60% hp.


i don't know what bjergsen came over me

my b

in any case

i'll miss you balanced ori but i'll welcome you underpowered ori with open arms

fuck the haters, i'll love you all the same


Yesterday I was doublequeuing with a friend who came from Dota2, and who plays Ashe and is a bit passive, so with him I like to pick Annie. Anyway, I think the Graves on the other team had never played against an Annie, because he kept leaping forward when I had my Tibbers up. ._. I actually felt bad when I went 6/0/1, because it reminded me the first time I played against an Annie (I died A LOT).

Also, so surprised how far her poke reaches, her range is huge!

Next match wasn't as easy, since I'm 29 and my friend is Level 13 or so, we got a weird matchmaking, and had a Katarina on Silver. We managed to recover from not one, but two Quadrakills! The first Quadra was when our Ori used Shockwave, and I wasn't positioned accordingly to land Tibbers, I failed that and well... all hell broke loose.

That match I ended 11/11/20, because enemy team Vayne was super salty and basically just focused me, that allowed our Orianna 13/3/21 to slaughter almost everyone. Her damage was basically all we had!

Overall yesterday was a fun day.


Continue from last post:

Wife has never played anything but private games with me and her brother and logged on after months of not playing with a 5 game chat limit thing. Emailed support and got a copy pasted reply saying:

"There has been a high volume of post-game reports against you relative to the number of games you've played. We have investigated your account and found higher than average levels of toxicity as a result of your actions in the matches you play."

What? She has literally never played with anyone not family, she only plays 3+2 bots vs. 5 bots. The chat limit will be lifted after 5 match-made games, of which she will never play because she has never played a match-made game in her life.

Good support...

Also, never type in chat because we are in person/voice chat with her brother so...

Going to update this, finally got support to work it out and got this back:

Thank you for contacting us about your chat restrictions and I do apologize for such a delayed response. I went ahead and looked into this matter further and the 5 game chat restrictions your account received does seem to be put on your account in some sort of error. I went ahead and removed the chat restrictions from your account.

Again I do apologize and if you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.


So worlds coming soon. Playoffs happening now. When is the end of the season for us common folk?

I am looking forward to the end, collect my gold rewards and stop worrying about playing ranked games to prevent decay for a bit. Just enjoy some normals as I start getting more time to play again.

Next time I jump into ranked, going for Plat.


So worlds coming soon. Playoffs happening now. When is the end of the season for us common folk?

I am looking forward to the end, collect my gold rewards and stop worrying about playing ranked games to prevent decay for a bit. Just enjoy some normals as I start getting more time to play again.

Next time I jump into ranked, going for Plat.

Season Three ended November 11th at 11:59pm. Hopefully we get that long again :)
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