Another believer on Tanky Diana, yay. I dislike Riot's decision to just go with assassin Diana for her rework. The buff to her passive's ratio to compensate for Lich Bane nerf made tanky deeps more awesome.
She won't be a straight up, go-in-burst-get-out assassin. My own interpretation of what Riot's said is that if you imagine melee champions in a spectrum that ranges from damage->tank, she'll be around the same area as Riven. So an AP Riven. Strong enough to stay in the fight, you just don't want to be the first one in.
KiwiLannister said:
Not completely sure on the best items at the end,
Probably not Rylai's. The item has a decent cost effectiveness now but at the end of the day Diana can't make good use of the slow passive. Q and E apply the slow as 15% AoE and even at max CDR neither ability is up enough to make the effect permanent.
Assuming a SotSW, RoA, Nash, choice boots, FH then I think the choices are:
Hourglass - burst in with everything, pop it once targeted, come out of stasis with Q, W, and maybe R back up)
Abyssal - For use in triple magic damage comps
Lich Bane - increased burst
Trinity Force - at 30+% CDR Q and W and on low enough cooldowns that sheen procs should be manageable. Added attack and movement speed are nice bonuses. Gold might be hard to come by to buy it.
Banshee's Veil - straight tank vs. AP
Warmog's - just get big and let your passive do the work
There's an attack speed item that may even fit well. Wit's End maybe?
I'm tentatively siding with garath on not using RoA as well. Out of the jungle Diana isn't particularly mana intensive thanks her passive meshing with SotSW regen passives so well. SotSW->Hourglass->Warmog's/Randuin's/Banshee's Veil might be better.