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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Just did Trick2g subwars again. I was supporting a Lucian that got a penta. Rad. We won too!

I like support.

I've been in his subwars a couple of times, its a lot of fun! He usually does them too late for me now but I always go back and watch them the next day, which division were you in?


Season Three ended November 11th at 11:59pm. Hopefully we get that long again :)

Ugh. Too long. But the date makes sense.

That's 4 more games min between now and then. If I lose all 4, I should settle in around Gold IV. Good enough I guess. Lol


Why are you playing in LAN? I thought you moved back to NA. Make sure to add me again! (I still don't have wifi in my room).

I decided to take a little break from NA ranking and started my placement matches with my other account in LAN (the reason why I'm playing with low elo people - first time ranking) . I thought I had already added you, I'll check tonight.

Saw you moved. Tijuana?


Going to update this, finally got support to work it out and got this back:

Thank you for contacting us about your chat restrictions and I do apologize for such a delayed response. I went ahead and looked into this matter further and the 5 game chat restrictions your account received does seem to be put on your account in some sort of error. I went ahead and removed the chat restrictions from your account.

Again I do apologize and if you have any other questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

Nice. Glad they were able to settle it for you. Kinda ridiculous that it happened in the first place though.


i couldn't post this because DNS servers weren't able to access GAF last night, but this happened sometime early this morning



If only they would start handing out free lollipoppies to everyone above gold/plat/whatever as an extra bonus to the victorious skins. I want the skin because of the creepy factor but I can never justify buying it because poppy.


Tanky Nashors Diana is legit, I'm convinced. Been playing it a lot the last few days.

Basic principle is building ap = stronger shield. Build hp = tankier. Therefore a nice tanky ap item (Rod of Ages) works amazing on her. Compensate for the lower ap damage by build Nashors and using auto attacks to deal a lot of damage.

Basically been getting ROA asap, then Nashors and Sorc boots. Rest just depends. Generally I get Frozen Heart, Aybssal, and then Rylais? Not completely sure on the best items at the end, obviously depends on team. Maybe it would work better with Void Staff instead of Rylais, or a GA. Next time I'm against an all AD comp I'm going to build Frozen Gauntlet and see what happens.

Was hilarious yesterday when a Zed that was decent (5-2 or so) tried to 1v1 me as jungle Diana (I was only even but this was late enough that I had RoA/Nashors/FH) and I literally just pressed w and auto attacked and he was dead before he could finish his combo, while I had around 60% hp.

I think I'll try out this build. I personally would recommend going for more AP so either Void staff or Rabadon. Lyandry might be better I guess since it gives you Magic Pen.
Another believer on Tanky Diana, yay. I dislike Riot's decision to just go with assassin Diana for her rework. The buff to her passive's ratio to compensate for Lich Bane nerf made tanky deeps more awesome.


It's just hard to Rod of Ages in the jungle. If you're farming well you might get it by 15-20 min? You're really playing for max effectiveness lategame in that case.

The intermediary items aren't a huge spike for a jungle champ either. Catalyst especially.

I like the concept though. It's probably the best fit for Diana. She's just an in your face champ. No way around it.


Another believer on Tanky Diana, yay. I dislike Riot's decision to just go with assassin Diana for her rework. The buff to her passive's ratio to compensate for Lich Bane nerf made tanky deeps more awesome.

She won't be a straight up, go-in-burst-get-out assassin. My own interpretation of what Riot's said is that if you imagine melee champions in a spectrum that ranges from damage->tank, she'll be around the same area as Riven. So an AP Riven. Strong enough to stay in the fight, you just don't want to be the first one in.

KiwiLannister said:
Not completely sure on the best items at the end,

Probably not Rylai's. The item has a decent cost effectiveness now but at the end of the day Diana can't make good use of the slow passive. Q and E apply the slow as 15% AoE and even at max CDR neither ability is up enough to make the effect permanent.

Assuming a SotSW, RoA, Nash, choice boots, FH then I think the choices are:

Hourglass - burst in with everything, pop it once targeted, come out of stasis with Q, W, and maybe R back up)
Abyssal - For use in triple magic damage comps
Lich Bane - increased burst
Trinity Force - at 30+% CDR Q and W and on low enough cooldowns that sheen procs should be manageable. Added attack and movement speed are nice bonuses. Gold might be hard to come by to buy it.
Banshee's Veil - straight tank vs. AP
Warmog's - just get big and let your passive do the work

There's an attack speed item that may even fit well. Wit's End maybe?

I'm tentatively siding with garath on not using RoA as well. Out of the jungle Diana isn't particularly mana intensive thanks her passive meshing with SotSW regen passives so well. SotSW->Hourglass->Warmog's/Randuin's/Banshee's Veil might be better.
Good grief. I wish less experienced players would listen when you teach them. Got a "support" Karma who kept blaming me for her deaths. She kept shoving the lane with Qs and RQs. Enemy laners were smart and froze the lane (we were blue side). At one point the creeps finally got shoved to our side. Full health enemy support Lv6 Fidd hides behind the trees while enemy Lv6 MF hits our 15% health turret. SUPER MEGA OBVIOUS SETUP FOR ULT DIVE. I ping retreat, Karma tries to defend anyway, dies, blames me again. Doesn't buy a Sightstone, nor a ward... nothing. She then tries roaming and of course it fails even more.

I checked her profile. There's no way she got to Silver 1.


Last night I saw a jungle warwick on my team start the game by buying a pink ward instead of more potions. I think we were purple, and he warded the bush behind baron before starting blue.

As far as I could tell, that ward stayed up the entire game. I honored him for teamwork. That sort of thing is incredibly rare to see.


I checked her profile. There's no way she got to Silver 1.

I'm convinced there's no substantial difference between Silver and Bronze other than Bronze players are more likely to quit, AFK, etc. which lowers their win rate. In terms of skill, game knowledge, etc. same damn thing to me.

Blizzard said:
Last night I saw a jungle warwick on my team start the game by buying a pink ward instead of more potions.

Proper start on Warwick (and Nunu) is machete+pink wards+pots, so yeah, knowledgeable Warwick.


Everything is moe to me
I'm convinced there's no substantial difference between Silver and Bronze other than Bronze players are more likely to quit, AFK, etc. which lowers their win rate. In terms of skill, game knowledge, etc. same damn thing to me.
there is. I'd say there's a standard deviation every 3 tiers you climb.
I haven't noticed a damn thing. Silver Is I play with routinely do the stupidest shit.
Everyone everywhere is stupid as shit from Bronze to Challenger.

The thing is that mechanical skill and knowledge goes up. Having played in both divisions, the difference between a Bronze and Silver player is pretty big just like Gold players are a lot better than Silver players, there's a reason Bronze players are like 70% of the game's population.
Everyone everywhere is stupid as shit from Bronze to Challenger.

The thing is that mechanical skill and knowledge goes up. Having played in both divisions, the difference between a Bronze and Silver player is pretty big just like Gold players are a lot better than Silver players, there's a reason Bronze players are like 70% of the game's population.

Here's the breakdown of the ranked playerbase:


28% Bronze, 42% Silver, 19% Gold, 7% Platinum, 2% Diamond, 0.02% Challenger.

But the bottom division (V) in each non-Bronze tier is much larger than the others, to the point where 40% or more of the players in Gold, Platinum and Diamond tiers are in Division V of those tiers. Many of the people in those divisions have MMRs that belong to the tier below (and some of those in the higher divisions have MMRs that belong in the tier above), but obviously they don't get demoted.


^ pretty much.
It's better than last season at least since you can get demoted from div V now. But yeah, the average ranked player is silver something.
I get to ban so I deliberately leave Morgana unbanned.

First pick is on the other team and they instalock Morgana. Oops.

Out 4th and 5th picks are a premade and want to go bot.

Okay fine, pick Ryze.

Our second pick misclicked Riven. I let him top while I mid.

I should've dodged: Riven got wrecked and our bot lane was bad.


Everything is moe to me
I haven't noticed a damn thing. Silver Is I play with routinely do the stupidest shit.
i dunno, when i was silver 1 trying for gold it was a struggle, but whenever i had a bad run of games and dropped into the silver2-3 range, games were incredibly easy.

just in the last month i had a large stretch of bad games that dropped me to gold v, but once i shook it off the climb back was the easiest thing in the world.


i dunno, when i was silver 1 trying for gold it was a struggle, but whenever i had a bad run of games and dropped into the silver2-3 range, games were incredibly easy.

just in the last month i had a large stretch of bad games that dropped me to gold v, but once i shook it off the climb back was the easiest thing in the world.

Could be. I didn't mean to imply that all I do is play against Silver 1s. It's a mix, even things out maybe? I'm just saying that whether I see a Bronze or Silver player opposite me in lolnexus before the match, I'm not fussed either way. I don't see any tangible improvement, I don't change my plan in any way. The only thing I've noticed is the attitude. Stuff like when playing bot as support, the opposing ADC/support are more likely to roam and do their own [infinitely stupid] thing if the lane is going poorly as opposed to sticking around and try to stop the bleeding.

DeadNames said:
What's the go-to Ali top build?

Having watched several high level KR replays of Ali top, doesn't matter. That shit is going to get gutted soon. It's broken, not overpowered. Straight up broken. I feel ashamed that I had to watch some videos on youtube to see exactly why.


I've seen a lot of different builds. Dyrus likes going full AP bruiser, RoA/Lich/Hourglass. Others have been going Triforce, Statik, and tanky for split pushing I'm assuming.

Boots of Lucidity for the former build and Mobility for the latter. Start flask or Doran's ring.


Oh my. He sure is broken. LOL. Wasn't even fair. W + Sheen proc is just wayyy too much damage. The reduction on the E is OP too. Too bad every lane fed otherwise we would've stomped.


A coworker of mine just got back from KCON over the weekend and said she got to play a match with CJ Frost. She played Sona and MadLife was her adc. I gotta say i'm jealous.


I've seen a lot of different builds. Dyrus likes going full AP bruiser, RoA/Lich/Hourglass. Others have been going Triforce, Statik, and tanky for split pushing I'm assuming.

Boots of Lucidity for the former build and Mobility for the latter. Start flask or Doran's ring.

Lucidity is fine for the TF/Shiv build as well (Apdo plays it that way). If I tried it out, I don't think I'd bother with AP builds. 1.2 AP is behind two abilities with moderate duration CDs and Alistar needs ~300AP for damage from Lichbane procs to match TF procs. I'd argue that since you're unlikely to pick up Void Staff, the mix damage potential from TF warrants the higher price. Alistar's ult meshes well with the crit chance and attack speed from TF and Shiv as well.



Also, Urgot for Worlds 2014

A couple more buffs:

Basic attack missile speed increased to 1600 from 1300
Acid Hunter ( Q ) now refunds half it's mana cost if it is used to kill a unit.


What's the range on Alistar's passive? Does it proc Rylai's? I'd rather have a 15% AOE slow that's pretty much always on, especially in conjunction with TF's rage passive, than the excessive mana from ROA. Giant's belt is a better item to build out of in lane than a catalyst too, considering how much further that extra health goes with his ult on. The increased AP is alright, although his ratios are pretty beat.

Edit: nvm, looked it up, it procs. Guess I'll goof around with it a bit today.


What's the range on Alistar's passive? Does it proc Rylai's? I'd rather have a 15% AOE slow that's pretty much always on, especially in conjunction with TF's rage passive, than the excessive mana from ROA. Giant's belt is a better item to build out of in lane than a catalyst too, considering how much further that extra health goes with his ult on. The increased AP is alright, although his ratios are pretty beat.
ROA is way more cost efficient though, not to mention that Rylais is expensive as hell.


ROA is way more cost efficient though, not to mention that Rylais is expensive as hell.
Eh, it costs 100g more, and they're about equally efficient when first acquired, except Rylai's doesn't waste its efficiency on an excessive amount of mana. You're trading 100g, 50 health, and 450 mana for 40 AP and the slow. And, like I said, you get to rock a Giant's Belt in lane. With the ult up, it takes 666 damage to knock out the Catalyst's health. It takes ~1200 damage to cancel out that Giant's Belt.

RoA's efficiency scales up a lot more late game, but a good bit of that comes from the gold value on its mana, and I would think that in almost all situations towards the back half of the game the slow would be much more useful than an increased mana pool on a champ like Alistar who has decently long cool downs and fairly low costs. Besides, mana's easy to dig up. Extra slows, not so much.


Eh, it costs 100g more, and they're about equally efficient when first acquired, except Rylai's doesn't waste its efficiency on an excessive amount of mana. You're trading 100g, 50 health, and 450 mana for 40 AP and the slow. And, like I said, you get to rock a Giant's Belt in lane. With the ult up, it takes 666 damage to knock out the Catalyst's health. It takes 1200 damage to cancel out that Giant's Belt.

RoA's efficiency scales up a lot more late game, but a good bit of that comes from the gold value on its mana, and I would think that in almost all situations towards the back half of the game the slow would be much more useful than an increased mana pool on a champ like Alistar who has decently long cool downs and fairly low costs. Besides, mana's easy to dig up. Extra slows, not so much.
Everything you said is true, but do you think 100g, 50 health, and 450 mana for 40 AP is worth a slow? It's not like catalyst is bad item either.
Giant's Belt is a better item than Catalyst when you're going all-in, but in most lane matchups you don't all-in over and over - there's poke, trades, pushes etc. And Catalyst gives Mana and the passive regen which helps you keep up with the pace.

I think the Triforce/Shiv Ali is probably strongest. The burst damage from W + Auto Attack + 200% base AD Sheen proc + 100 Shiv proc hurts a ton on squishies.


That Veigar skin is amazing...shame his VO work is just awful.

Newt said:
It's not like catalyst is bad item either.

Quite a good item, really. The problem with Catalyst is the restrictive build path into RoA. Despite being core stats, it turns out that amount of champions who need significant increases to their hp and mana pools is kinda small. Be nice if they took another look at the item and made two build paths, once for tanks with heavy emphasis on the HP and regen aspect of RoA (with a handy active thrown in, maybe have another look at old Ohmwrecker) and another for mages with an emphasis on the mana pool and AP aspect. Keep old for RoA for Swain, I guess.


Everything you said is true, but do you think 100g, 50 health, and 450 mana for 40 AP is worth a slow? It's not like catalyst is bad item either.
Not in terms of global gold efficiency, no, but it comes down to how valuable that mana is to you and how well you can manage your pool. If you have your TF and aren't running into much of a mana issue, RoA might give you 1000g worth of mana, but it's effectively worthless on you. Also, 30% slow on that backwards headbutt into the 15% as they run back through you... Mmmm.

Catalyst is a good item though, and I haven't really applied its passive too much in thinking about this, so I'm sure a lot of the tradeoff's worth is dependent on your lane matchup and personal play style.

Maybe I'm just dying for some Rylai's/Liandry's cheese.
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