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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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ls mid tier list

MID: Tier 1 - Orianna, Syndra, Twisted Fate, Ahri, Ryze, Yasuo, Kassadin

Tier 2 - Lulu, Fizz, Zilean, Xerath, Karthus, Ziggs, Jayce, Zed

Tier 2.5 - Talon, Kayle, Lucian

Tier 3 - Anivia, Riven, Ezreal, Akali, Leblanc, Annie, Teemo, Morgana

Tier 3.5 - AP Kog'Maw, Karma

Tier 4 - Katarina, Heimerdinger, Cassiopeia, AP Tristana, Sion, Mordekaiser. Brand

Tier 5 - All other non-named mids.

Tier 6 - Viktor

lol poor viktor

i'm surprised so many ppl underrate lizzy but that's how i like her, just for myself. dfg and w nerfs hurt her strength mid tho


Mm. Makes me want to play mid again. I'm more than comfortable with ahri, yasuo, talon, Katharina and kassadin. Need more time!


Just started playing again since I played for the first time last year in December, decided to buy Warwick with my IP.

Haven't lost a game yet today, feels so good.


Anyone tried this item combo on Irelia? Youmuu+BoRK+Trinity Force.
With Youmuu's active she could reach near 2 atk spd per second and with her W's True Damage, her damage output be pretty good.

Curious though...when was Irelia on sale, IP-wise recently? Worried I may have missed out on her being on sale >_>;

Then you die in 3 hits. If you can't hit a stun, you're basically dead.

Late game Irelia has very little damage after the initial burst. She just kites around and waits for her stun to come up so she doesn't get kited when she uses W



Trist is so balanced guys


ls mid tier list

lol poor viktor

i'm surprised so many ppl underrate lizzy but that's how i like her, just for myself. dfg and w nerfs hurt her strength mid tho

He seems to under rate a lot of champs. Viktor is one of the incredibly under rated ones. No where near Tier 6.


bear in mind ls' tier list is mainly for competitive

Mm. Makes me want to play mid again. I'm more than comfortable with ahri, yasuo, talon, Katharina and kassadin. Need more time!
mid is kinda fun right now, lots of assassins being played, specially zed. i feel like i'm playing against zed every other game, it's incredible. it really boosted my winrate too lol

on one hand i like it cos ahri's lots of fun but kat, akali, talon, fizz, even some things about zed i just don't like at all.

much better than nidalee and ziggs for sure

This kid is the biggest hack. Shyvana is not a tier one top laner.

yea just quoted mid cos it felt like the one i could comment on

i feel shyvanna's pretty strong, still, dunno if tier 1 but kind of underrated right now

He seems to under rate a lot of champs. Viktor is one of the incredibly under rated ones. No where near Tier 6.
i guess it's a gag of his or something

i actually think dfg viktor can be really devastating in the hands of a skilled player but imo that's more in spite of the champion than because of it

that list is so bad.

karthus is tier 1? lulu better at top, jayce top too.
karthus is really strong yo, trust me

i actually agree with most of tier 1 and 2, i think it gets sillier below that when you're comparing like ap trist with riven and teemo or something that it's pretty random.

Where is Malzahar guy? he farms like crazy and do tons of damage without doing anything.
yeah for some reason he bothers listing like brand and sion above a weird grab-it-all-tier that has champions like lux and lizzy and gragas in it, it's really weird. they're not even off the wall picks, lux and grago were picked in competitive last patch and lizzy was played by faker.

maybe he just ignores em cos they're better in other lanes but then yea what's lulu or morg doing mid



Craziest comeback I've ever had in a game. The opposing team has Nidalee bot instead of an ADC. As Nasus, I'm happily laning away against Malphite top while bot lane goes 0/11 in the first 12 minutes. (They improve slightly in the rest of the game and end up with only 28 deaths in 38 minutes.) By mid-game we're down 11 to 23 and our Ziggs goes afk because we're "uncarryable."

What follows is an absurdly extended siege. Their Nid is absurdly fed, but their Malph is behind, their Xin is tilting, and they won't come as 5. Meanwhile we've got Warwick ult to lock down Nid when we teamfight and I've got 200 stacks, a pile of tank items, and a worn-out mouse button from pinging Taric to stop chasing by himself. They get two inhibitors, but get aced trying to get inside to close. We steal the slowest baron ever without our jungler (who has to cover the nexus) and with one afk. (This was a really bad idea.)

Eventually I look up, both our inhibitors have respawned, we've taken their mid turrets, and we're 37 to 38. Our Ziggs came back without a word and he, WW and Jinx are heading to their mid inhib turret to siege. Xin Zhao tries to backdoor and Taric and I catch him and take him out -- then I teleport onto a minion under their mid inhib turret. Warwick flashes in and ults Nid while my TP is completing and it's gg.

tl;dr bruiser Nid not that OP
like a week before the ADC itemization changes I went on a little bit of a trist kick and I was like "hey she's pretty good why doesn't she get played more" and most of it was like "uhhh she has a bad early game so"
She never had a bad early game. Just a so-so midgame because her skills all scale with AP. She could have a mid-game by maxing Q first but that means sacrificing her early game.


Love a good comeback. This was a strange win, everyone on our team was yelling at each other the whole time, I thought we were going to surrender at the 20 minute mark. Somehow we pulled it together at the end, aced in baron pit, got baron, then pushed to win. Also Thresh bought a ga as his first or second item, WHAT??
like a week before the ADC itemization changes I went on a little bit of a trist kick and I was like "hey she's pretty good why doesn't she get played more" and most of it was like "uhhh she has a bad early game so"
Who said that? Trist's early game has always been pretty much retarded.
Where is Malzahar guy? he farms like crazy and do tons of damage without doing anything.
Malz is garbage exactly because he doesn't really do anything. Like sure you can just E a wave and farm but once teamfights start good luck getting anywhere near ult range without dying unless you're fed.


Man, kha zix is unmanageable for gragas after the nerfs.

Can't clear the waves fast enough to trade since barrels only do 70% to minions. Just stuck at tower tanking Evolved Ws over and over again.


Woah. According to opgg, I just got +60mmr for winning my last game when I normally get +10-12.


like a week before the ADC itemization changes I went on a little bit of a trist kick and I was like "hey she's pretty good why doesn't she get played more" and most of it was like "uhhh she has a bad early game so"
Her early game is good. Her mid game used to be absolutely shit. It still is mediocre.
Just got out of an ARAM that got me to Level 24 and boy, I think I like Quinn.

I can add her as an alternate for my ADC pool, which is growing to be 7 now (in no order: Jinx, Sivir, Ashe, Quinn, Graves, Tristana, Kog'Maw)
Man, kha zix is unmanageable for gragas after the nerfs.

Can't clear the waves fast enough to trade since barrels only do 70% to minions. Just stuck at tower tanking Evolved Ws over and over again.


Woah. According to opgg, I just got +60mmr for winning my last game when I normally get +10-12.
khazix top returns

oh god.


Not really. Kha is still pretty weak if you're maxing W to win lane.

It's just every other lane lost as well so it just kinda made the situation worst.


It doesn't fit what we've seen in the playoffs very well.

Yeah I have to agree. His instructional videos are quite good but he's not the best analyst out there, even after considering his list is for competitive. He's just regurgitating whatever is being played. Not being played? It's not good.


Comments on stream about Newt: "wow we crushed bot" "the flash! worth".

Tragically Sivir died shortly after that in the dragon shenanigans.

*edit* I forgot how much Twitch streaming sucks (at least for me) -- I can't play Source quality without it freezing constantly. Is it more than 1 MB/s?

*edit* Another quote: "We need this Sivir to live".

Also, diamond-level Gnar?


Hafu is actually pretty good. Bekkuh seems like the standard female streamer that doesn't actually have any skill.
That seems kind of a mean thing to say -- she was very quick at buying items, watching the map, moving around, and was reacting pretty quickly to CS sometimes.

But, she seemed really tired and sad about the game, and apologized to the team, blaming herself for not being helpful late game. One of the two (not sure if it was Bekkuh or not) said that they had just recently done a 24-hour stream and had been awake for 30 hours for that, so I would not be at all surprised if they were still kind of out of it.


That seems kind of a mean thing to say -- she was very quick at buying items, watching the map, moving around, and was reacting pretty quickly to CS sometimes.

But, she seemed really tired and sad about the game, and apologized to the team, blaming herself for not being helpful late game. One of the two (not sure if it was Bekkuh or not) said that they had just recently done a 24-hour stream and had been awake for 30 hours for that, so I would not be at all surprised if they were still kind of out of it.
Like she seems like she could play at a plat level, I'm not saying she's total trash. Just didn't seem to play at a diamond level. Would make sense if she was sleep deprived I guess.


Like she seems like she could play at a plat level, I'm not saying she's total trash. Just didn't seem to play at a diamond level. Would make sense if she was sleep deprived I guess.
I just checked some of her ranked stats this season from lolking:

198 Lux games, 55.6% win rate
121 Ziggs games, 57% win rate
69 Orianna games, 55.1% win rate
67 LeBlanc games, 58% win rate
59 Blitzcrank games, 57.6% win rate
56 Cho'Gath games, 55.4% win rate

On the flip side, her commonly-played champions I saw with a low win rate was 81 Caitlyn games with 42% win rate, 66 Vi games with 47% win rate, and 55 Kennen games with 43.6% win rate.

High-level Gnar seemed unusual to see but didn't do too great, and is Ezreal top common? He seemed really scary.

Regarding whether she belongs in diamond, overall she seems to have quite good records for mid lane, though I don't know at what levels those games were at. Plus, 4 out of 5 people on the team playing against you were platinum (one of them platinum 2). So, who knows how the MMR was working out on both teams.
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