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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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lol damage taken
I finished my internship and I've had a lot of time to play the past few days, but I kinda have no desire to play ranked, which sucks. A lot of teambuilder to practice braum.

Might try practicing ADC tomorrow since I know I need to get better at it.
Any tips on Supporting on rankeds? I tend to mainly just support and I haven't started doing rankeds, and I'm quite terrified. ._.


I honestly would not ask for support anything under gold. I've watched my friends who are bronze play and 95% of the ADC are just terrible.

You can be a plat level support, but you can't teach an ADC how to last hit, take advantageous trade, know when to freeze/push lanes, have map awareness that mid is mia or jungler probably bot.
I only really got good at the game by playing supports, I now main top lane for the most part, with Tanky/Sustain champs. Now I feel I've got relearn supp, because while I can dominate with a Taric, I find that most ADC don't know how to go all in. I feel I've got to start spoon feeding them kills...Better learn Leona.


Malz is garbage exactly because he doesn't really do anything. Like sure you can just E a wave and farm but once teamfights start good luck getting anywhere near ult range without dying unless you're fed.
I disagree he is far from garbage if you know how to play him. His w does well even against tanks with it sucking health %, E will do a good amount of damage too, and a Q on the enemy team during a teamfight can straight up change the fight with that 2.5 silence.


I only really got good at the game by playing supports, I now main top lane for the most part, with Tanky/Sustain champs. Now I feel I've got relearn supp, because while I can dominate with a Taric, I find that most ADC don't know how to go all in. I feel I've got to start spoon feeding them kills...Better learn Leona.

To be honest I'd go something that wouldn't require for your ADC to have a brain bigger than a pea. Leona if they don't follow up your engage or if they have tunnel vision, it can get ugly. When I don't trust my ADC I play something like Annie. Great zoning potential with the pokes and deadly if left unchecked. Also super easy!

I leveled to 30 mostly with Leona and while it does work and it can be very effective, it can get really frustrating when they don't follow up, and then you're stuck with a kit that, albeit being good, if not followed up by your team will most likely get you killed. With Annie you can try to single out someone and end up making the next TF a 5v4.

I need to learn something at top, thinking of Ryze because of how simple'ish it is? So my friend says.


I honestly would not ask for support anything under gold. I've watched my friends who are bronze play and 95% of the ADC are just terrible.

You can be a plat level support, but you can't teach an ADC how to last hit, take advantageous trade, know when to freeze/push lanes, have map awareness that mid is mia or jungler probably bot.

Sounds really scary. Not that I am anywhere Plat support mind you, but I get what you mean. ._.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Leona is fine at low levels. If there's one thing that's easy to understand it's a Leona going in or using her ultimate.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I've gotten Braum in my last three ranked games, and in at least two of those I had ban powers to keep Morgana out. I don't know why people let me get away with this.
Hafu is actually pretty good. Bekkuh seems like the standard female streamer that doesn't actually have any skill.

Hafu was regularly winning lanes in Diamond 1 as Zyra mid/support back when she played more. Unfortunately, she's essentially a Zyra one-trick pony.
Cait's entire build is wat. BoTRK Hurricane Reaver? What the fuck

Also what's up with all these Malz players the closer I get to plat? Seen more Malzahars in this past week than I've seen in the past 2 years..


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That Caitlyn build. jc.
Also what's up with all these Malz players the closer I get to plat? Seen more Malzahars in this past week than I've seen in the past 2 years..
Malz is pretty decent when it comes to carrying games.
Any tips on Supporting on rankeds? I tend to mainly just support and I haven't started doing rankeds, and I'm quite terrified. ._.

Learn champions with strong laning presence and dumpster your lanes with them (e.g. Nami, Sona, Leona, Zyra, Karma). You'll have to, because sometimes your AD will be clueless while your opponents have some understanding of how to trade. When you then get a decent AD, bot lane will likely go in your favour every time.

Focus on controlling vision. Keep a pink up after first/second base for the rest of the game in a useful spot. Get red trinket and clear out any vulnerable ward the other support drops. It shouldn't be too tough to ensure your team has more vision than the enemy team in low divisions, even if your team isn't helping much (unless your team is far behind).

Know when to engage and remember that you can bait harder than any other champion since your post-fight value is low (I have probably made more great sacrifical lamb Sona plays than Flash-Ults in the mid-game, as sad as it is). If your team is grouped and there's two enemies nearby, trade 1 for 2 if that's the only way to make your team take the kills.

Ping/call dragon when you see an opening and check timers on it and baron to plan your warding. Some low division junglers don't prioritise the neutral objectives and if you have one of them, no one else will if you don't. Ensure your team get dragon on spawn whenever you have a lead - your odds of victory jump up as your gold lead expands. Sometimes you'll have to ping a tower push even when it's blatantly obvious (e.g. their top laner ganks bottom with teleport, your top laner decides to base to buy a Giant's Belt, you ping him to push his lane hard).

Alternatively, learn how to play AD and win cause you deal massively more damage than the other guy all through the game with your superior positioning, build and mechanics, and don't bother with map awareness and teamwork (best option IMO!).
Malz is pretty rough to kill without the jungler. It's better to pick something like Ori and just powerfarm all day to keep Malz from trying to roam and eventually you'll just outscale him.


That Caitlyn build. jc.

Malz is pretty decent when it comes to carrying games.

A good malzahar can wreck you, I still have nightmares of that ability/ult of his stunning you and forcing all his AP into my champ's head...

You guys are crazy this champion is fucking broken.

AP Teemo bot and a teleport on each team's bot lane. I thought I was in gold but now I'm not so sure...

Wouldn't BoRK be a better weapon on Olaf? I recall seeing it being the main weapon on Olaf in various matches.


It's interesting to see Khazix still such a popular jungle pick after all the nerfs. I'm going to have to give him another shot when I get a chance. I don't like the W max though. I'll stick with evolved Q, E, R.


Wouldn't BoRK be a better weapon on Olaf? I recall seeing it being the main weapon on Olaf in various matches.

Yes. You'll mostly want to go bork or sometimes just all tank on him but my team was really struggling early and I was snowballing. Between Shen on our team all over the map and Udyr split pushing on theirs laning phase ended really early so I wanted to go hydra to see if I could spread around a little more AD in teamfights since we really didn't have a lot to go on. Idk, it was fine I guess. I really only built it because I didn't expect us to win either way. I could sustain for days and my damage felt pretty good but it was harder to stick to people without my axes and Randuin's. I don't think it was the best idea but it was actually pretty fun.


Just found out Riot's NA servers are in LA. Considering I live in Virginia, which is about as far East Coast as it gets, I'm thinking about making a smurf in the LAN server, based in Florida.

I'm sick of having 120+ ping, though the skill level in LAN isn't as high as NA.


Just found out Riot's NA servers are in LA. Considering I live in Virginia, which is about as far East Coast as it gets, I'm thinking about making a smurf in the LAN server, based in Florida.

I'm sick of having 120+ ping, though the skill level in LAN isn't as high as NA.

Welcome to the East Coast club. You can try EUW too. You'll have a similar or better ping there.

R evolution is useless.

What? You don't think 6 total seconds of stealth is good? Sure he doesnt' get the damage reduction anymore, but the stealth is potent. I'd only evolve W over R last if the team is lacking wave clear.


R evo is much better than W. 6 seconds of total stealth up from 2 is a pretty huge leap. W is situational at best.

Evolving Q>E>R is what you'll want 90% of the time
W evolution increases the slow by a big amount. Extra stealth time doesn't mean much without the damage reduction.

Both are kinda shitty and either way you go you should be getting them last, but I don't see how R is that much better.


All of his damage is loaded into his Q and passive procs now. Now that the W doesn't proc his passive, you'll rely a lot more on his ult for damage. His ult gives you an additional free passive proc. If your team is just really dying for CC or wave clear, or if you're really far behind, then evolving W may be worth it.It just doesn't provide as much overall. Evolved ult makes for easy escapes, easier to get into the back line in fights, and more damage output.


All of his damage is loaded into his Q and passive procs now. Now that the W doesn't proc his passive, you'll rely a lot more on his ult for damage. His ult gives you an additional free passive proc. If your team is just really dying for CC or wave clear, or if you're really far behind, then evolving W may be worth it.It just doesn't provide as much overall. Evolved ult makes for easy escapes, easier to get into the back line in fights, and more damage output.


You explained it well. It's good for solo queue.

In competitive team based play, evolving W for the increased slow and more AE damage is valuable. In solo queue, I'm picking Kha'zix as a carry jungler, not a support jungler.

It's the same reason I'd never evolve E first like competitive Kha'zix players would do. In solo queue I need to protect my jungle and secure kills. You're picking Kha'zix to carry the team in solo queue.

I'd do W if it was needed but in most cases I want to kill the enemy jungler over and over and for that I need Q.
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