If the last several years are anything to go by, PAX they'll have Arcade MF and Riot Kayle. Hoping I can snag a few.Also Arcade MF will be given in PAX? If not I will buy her tomorrow
So ....Bronze Division 5 is the lowest or the upper rank from bronze?
Also Arcade MF will be given in PAX? If not I will buy her tomorrow
Anyone playing Janna at all lately?
Slowly getting out of the hell that is Bronze III.
Really enjoyable match, I died a few too many times but I felt that my wards helped a shit ton and our focus on objectives couldn't save them from turning the match around. Lissandra was pretty bad tho.
Might be able to hit Gold V this week. I'm at Silver 1 62 lp. Support all the way!
Any tips on Supporting on rankeds? I tend to mainly just support and I haven't started doing rankeds, and I'm quite terrified. ._.
Support is the best role in high elo, and the worst role in low elo.
Wouldn't know, I've never played in bronze before.I'd argue that in Bronze III at least, support is fun as hell because the enemy support is terrible most of the time.
I disagree he is far from garbage if you know how to play him. His w does well even against tanks with it sucking health %, E will do a good amount of damage too, and a Q on the enemy team during a teamfight can straight up change the fight with that 2.5 silence.Malz is garbage exactly because he doesn't really do anything. Like sure you can just E a wave and farm but once teamfights start good luck getting anywhere near ult range without dying unless you're fed.
I only really got good at the game by playing supports, I now main top lane for the most part, with Tanky/Sustain champs. Now I feel I've got relearn supp, because while I can dominate with a Taric, I find that most ADC don't know how to go all in. I feel I've got to start spoon feeding them kills...Better learn Leona.
I honestly would not ask for support anything under gold. I've watched my friends who are bronze play and 95% of the ADC are just terrible.
You can be a plat level support, but you can't teach an ADC how to last hit, take advantageous trade, know when to freeze/push lanes, have map awareness that mid is mia or jungler probably bot.
Hafu is actually pretty good. Bekkuh seems like the standard female streamer that doesn't actually have any skill.
You could say this about loads of Diamond players.Hafu was regularly winning lanes in Diamond 1 as Zyra mid/support back when she played more. Unfortunately, she's essentially a Zyra one-trick pony.
I am done. There's nowhere to go up from here.
No jungler, Blitzcrank and Sion duo top.
That's bronze for you.
Malz is pretty decent when it comes to carrying games.Also what's up with all these Malz players the closer I get to plat? Seen more Malzahars in this past week than I've seen in the past 2 years..
I don't think his laning is that hard. He has a lot of tools for safe farming.I think malz is pretty bad overall, but fuck if a fed Malz isn't terrifying. It's just getting there that's the problem for him.
I don't think his laning is that hard. He has a lot of tools for safe farming.
Any tips on Supporting on rankeds? I tend to mainly just support and I haven't started doing rankeds, and I'm quite terrified. ._.
that's not how league of legends works.he's so easy to kill though. even if he's farming safe it's pretty easy to just melt him if you have a decent jungler.
You guys are crazy this champion is fucking broken.
AP Teemo bot and a teleport on each team's bot lane. I thought I was in gold but now I'm not so sure...
That Caitlyn build. jc.
Malz is pretty decent when it comes to carrying games.
You guys are crazy this champion is fucking broken.
AP Teemo bot and a teleport on each team's bot lane. I thought I was in gold but now I'm not so sure...
You could say this about loads of Diamond players.
Wouldn't BoRK be a better weapon on Olaf? I recall seeing it being the main weapon on Olaf in various matches.
R evolution is useless.What do people not evolve on him anymore? I used to evolve R first then either Q or E.
Just found out Riot's NA servers are in LA. Considering I live in Virginia, which is about as far East Coast as it gets, I'm thinking about making a smurf in the LAN server, based in Florida.
I'm sick of having 120+ ping, though the skill level in LAN isn't as high as NA.
R evolution is useless.
All of his damage is loaded into his Q and passive procs now. Now that the W doesn't proc his passive, you'll rely a lot more on his ult for damage. His ult gives you an additional free passive proc. If your team is just really dying for CC or wave clear, or if you're really far behind, then evolving W may be worth it.It just doesn't provide as much overall. Evolved ult makes for easy escapes, easier to get into the back line in fights, and more damage output.