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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I'm on my way to Silver on my provisionals. T_T I keep getting our Vayne fed but it's never enough. I should probably try jungling instead.


no strong release has ever had figures this weak).

Yasuo floated around a touch above 40% for a week. Then Riot buffed him, which was a bad idea because turns out he was fine. Even then he was ~45% by the time he was picked up in pro games.

As far as his niche goes, you're right as an initiator he's bad because it's unreliable. However, I have feeling that he's exceptional as a counter initiator particularly because once he's significantly disrupted the enemy team, he can actually participate in the clean-up.

I think a good amount of Gnar's lack of success can be attributed to people being too aggressive as mini Gnar and trying to be cute with stuff like hop->R initiations.

Negaduck said:
I'm not a fan of riot saying what lane the character goes in. I would prefer if they considered them initiators, burst, assassin, utility champs rather than the lane.

Don't know how that could apply to league though.

It would be nice if they did concentrate on what a champion does as opposed to where a champion goes, but to be fair whenever Riot says where new champ X will be played, it's more often than not because they were asked by the community for their opinion. Champions being played elsewhere than originally thought by Riot is fairly common.

Regarding the positions in LoL and how they're more static than in DotA2, it used to bother me but I'm fine with it now. Sure, it would be nice to see more unorthodox stuff like duo mid (which I think is still rare due in large part to teams and players being too conservative) but I came to the realization that lots of sports, etc. have static metas as well at is does hurt them.
Not yet, August 26th it starts.

Bonus RP.

If you would normally buy RP in $10 increments (which is what I've always done) and it wasn't with this bonus, you'd lose out on 3200 free RP.

I think I'll do it then not buy any RP for a year or two.

i bought $20 worth in anticipation of the sale but missed that part. oh well, I have more than enough to buy the stuff I want.
I can definitely see Mega Gnar being a strong counter-engage champion, but the question then is why a team would ever engage on a Mega Gnar when they can wait a few seconds for him to swap to Mini and lose access to his AoE hard CC. Compare engaging on a Nami or Braum team (probably the #1 and #2 feared counter-engages in elite play right now). Counter-engage as a strategy requires you to be ready to fight at all times (since your opponents choose the fights) which means Gnar appears to be a poor fit for it while his transformation is telegraphed and unreliable.
you play him as a split pushing counter to tanky champions because he does %hp damage like vayne and is super mobile while still squishy.

he's a really shitty counter initiator so don't try to do that with him.






hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Tried playing with my silver friends again.

"Buy wards, buy sweepers, buy some fucking wards, stop chasing the Leblancs/Yi/Nidalee, come kill this free dragon stop killing the wraiths, of course you died you idiot you're 0/5/0 fighting a fed carry!!!"




Tried playing with my silver friends again.

"Buy wards, buy sweepers, buy some fucking wards, stop chasing the Leblancs/Yi/Nidalee, come kill this free dragon stop killing the wraiths, of course you died you idiot you're 0/5/0 fighting a fed carry!!!"

"No I gotta kill this Nid!"


Tried playing with my silver friends again.

"Buy wards, buy sweepers, buy some fucking wards, stop chasing the Leblancs/Yi/Nidalee, come kill this free dragon stop killing the wraiths, of course you died you idiot you're 0/5/0 fighting a fed carry!!!"


carry harder

nice attitude bro

law of averages


Man. Playing draft is harder than playing ranked.

Team fighting is a nightmare with all these uncoordinated and different skilled players. Good practice though.
Nothing is more fun that snowballing hard as a jungler.

Played J4 on red side against Yi on blue side. We invade around their red buff, blow their supports flash, and then just back off and do blue. Yi assumes I stole his red so he invades me, I kill him at my red, then I wait for him at his red and kill him again, then I gank bot and get a kill.

By the time I went back I already had my lizard done. Bought some more wards, warded up his bottom side jungle, killed him again, wrecked the karthus mid a couple times, dove bot a couple times, took dragon.

Game was just a stomp.


Fiddlesticks walk = best walk
The two Heimerdinger walks you can pick between are pretty good though.

I know I shouldn't be happy about this but...I'm kind of happy about this. 48-minute throw, their team had a 10k gold advantage, and I was being useless. As Kat vs. Lux I screwed up the only chance I think I really had to flash ult Lux (she flashed but I used skills in the wrong order). Lux took teleport, and with her waveclear and extremely safe playing, I don't think she died at all until 30+ minutes into the game. It was a farm fest and super irritating.

As Lux's reward, she lost gold and went to silver I.

Game details if anyone is interested: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1497345678/38569565
Their Graves was really strong with 350+ AD, and Darius was super farmed. We basically got lucky with lategame Vayne and two key teamfights. We barely killed the nexus, tanking the towers, right as their team respawned.


I can definitely see Mega Gnar being a strong counter-engage champion, but the question then is why a team would ever engage on a Mega Gnar when they can wait a few seconds for him to swap to Mini and lose access to his AoE hard CC. Compare engaging on a Nami or Braum team (probably the #1 and #2 feared counter-engages in elite play right now). Counter-engage as a strategy requires you to be ready to fight at all times (since your opponents choose the fights) which means Gnar appears to be a poor fit for it while his transformation is telegraphed and unreliable.

Well, the first thing I'd point out is that I'm willing to bet learning how to manage your rage (fury, I forget the exact term) prior to a fight breaking out is going to "separate the good Gnars from the bad Gnars" so good Gnar players won't let the other team dictate when his Mega Gnar form is up. Second, I disagree that counter initiation is immediately necessary all the time. Sometimes it certainly is (think Janna support vs. Fiddle or Kennen) but lots of times counter initiation is best when held back.

Now I'm not saying Gnar is a counter initiate specialist, what I am saying is that I'm hard pressed to think of a good counter initiator who has good follow through damage and chase potential. The good ones tend to be on the slower, immobile side of things.

Take that doto!


Pretty sure I have enough RP atm for Kingpin Twitch~

I don't get this Sugar Rush thing, are they offering more bonus RP when I purchase RP during that period?

Yes. With the exception of the lowest tier ($5?), you get double of the bonus RP.

I hope riot mics the crowd well at worlds. You couldn't hear the crowd at all for s3.

My initial reaction to this was fuck no, but since it is in Korea, I don't expect any of the bullshit Balls chants or ward clearing cheers. It all depends on how big of an NA LCS audience shows up.


Pretty sure I have enough RP atm for Kingpin Twitch~

I don't get this Sugar Rush thing, are they offering more bonus RP when I purchase RP during that period?
you get twice as much bonus rp as you'd normally get

for ex with normal numbers

$5 = 500 rp
$10 = 1000 rp + 100 bonus rp
$20 = 2000 rp + 250 bonus rp

etc etc

during sugar rush you'd get

$5 = 500 rp
$10 = 1000 rp + 200 bonus rp
$20 = 2000 rp + 500 bonus rp

so yea it's not much but it pays to wait a bit specially if you want to like buy a large amount like 50 bucks and be cool for a year or something


The only skin I'd ever want is Aether kayle, and while Draong Slayer Pantheon looks badass...I'll just grab the 10 Euro RP and save it for future sales.


I keep hearing about this "must see" LOL championship match between two korean teams. What is it? Can anyone give me somel links to the videos?


gotta love gd: http://boards.na.leagueoflegends.co...all-her-toxic-but-orianna-a-marvel-of-design?

I keep hearing about this "must see" LOL championship match between two korean teams. What is it? Can anyone give me somel links to the videos?
rerun right now here: http://www.twitch.tv/ongamenet

it's basically the finals of the korean lcs among two of the best teams in the world

a lot of people is thinking this might be a repeat of the worlds finals

hopefully, cos the gamse were great <3


Say since Gnar's W passive DEALS magic damage, how would it work if Wit's End is equipped? Would the magic resist the opposing champ have lost make the passive do more damage every 3rd hit? Just curious about this.


Say since Gnar's W passive DEALS magic damage, how would it work if Wit's End is equipped? Would the magic resist the opposing champ have lost make the passive do more damage every 3rd hit? Just curious about this.
yes, it would work like you say

you probably don't want a wit's end on gnar (or anyone tbh) tho.


Diana is a weird champ.

Assassinate when her skills are up and become a bruiser like thing when they aren't up with her shield reset.

Just a really really weird champ to me.


tbh for me diana feels really good when played as a bruiser. i really enjoy the vaccuum thing and dashing and proccing the passive. just like nashor's into tankiness

not saying it's a good build or anything but i really enjoyed playing her that way.


Loving how hecarim is now a choooo chooo you are dead, train.

Now? He's always been that. His damage was almost completely unchanged from the buff :D
Honestly really confusing to me how he's gained so much popularity from a nothing buff. Guess it made a lot of people realize how good he is.
Diana is great tanky with RoA+Nashors and some other tanky ap items.

As an Assassin she feels ridiculous because she either deletes everyone when she's ahead and there's almost nothing they can do, or she's useless because she escape once she's in.

She could use some design tweaks. I'd like her dash to be a skillshot so you could use it to escape.


Diana is like an updated Sion with less burst but a clearer position in the game.

And holy shit, there's some sort of faker stream going on.


Queue up ranked for the first time in a couple of days and the first two bans are Xin and Malzahar.

Meta changes too fast for me.


Anyone tried this item combo on Irelia? Youmuu+BoRK+Trinity Force.
With Youmuu's active she could reach near 2 atk spd per second and with her W's True Damage, her damage output be pretty good.

Curious though...when was Irelia on sale, IP-wise recently? Worried I may have missed out on her being on sale >_>;
You'll have to take out one damage-oriented item, otherwise she'll instantly blow up in teamfights.


Holy crap my ass is still sore from that Rengar whooping. He had complete AD glasscannon build (Hydra, IE, LW, SotD, Ghostblade, Mobi). He kept doing "drivebys": ult into someone, gib then flash out and run. Despite this he was so frigging hard to take down and was 1v5ing in the middle of everything. He kept trying to target me. Even if I time Meditate with his ult burst I still get nearly gibbed. 270 armor and 70% damage reduction. Managed to win because they kept throwing. I wanted GA but I only had enough money for Thornmail and I really needed extra armor for the next fight.

Checked his history and he was just roflstomping normals. It's always 20+ kills and <5 deaths. Everyone was a bunch of diamonds.


So I want to try to get better at LoL, and the next step for me would be learning how to jungle. Is it even a good idea to do it when your runes are tailored for ADC?

If yes, then who would be a good starting hero to learn jungling with?
So I want to try to get better at LoL, and the next step for me would be learning how to jungle. Is it even a good idea to do it when your runes are tailored for ADC?

If yes, then who would be a good starting hero to learn jungling with?

AD junglers can totally use ADC runepages (AD or ASPD). I have pages for AD and ASPD. Both are useful for AD junglers and ADCs.

What level are you?


AD junglers can totally use ADC runepages (AD or ASPD). I have pages for AD and ASPD. Both are useful for AD junglers and ADCs.

What level are you?

Level 23. I don't have a lot of heroes, but I'm always spending money on the game, so any recommendations are welcomed.


So I want to try to get better at LoL, and the next step for me would be learning how to jungle. Is it even a good idea to do it when your runes are tailored for ADC?

If yes, then who would be a good starting hero to learn jungling with?

Warwick is a really good jungler to start with. Xin Zhao is pretty decent too due to his gap closer and knock up.
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