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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Hm... Maybe I should start team builder adc, at least get good at that...

Also I happily won a game as Garen top lane in ranked just a moment ago, never died once. And I laned against a Ryse!


Best twitch username ever.



So I've been thinking...can Mega Gnar toss his boulder while he's in the air?
Say you bounce on the enemy champ while transforming with E, while in the air can you toss the Boulder?

Make his ult actually scale with his HP.

How does that even work? It doing more damage the less health the opponent has is fine as it is, since you mainly use it to finish off enemy champs.


How does that even work? It doing more damage the less health the opponent has is fine as it is, since you mainly use it to finish off enemy champs.

175 / 350 / 525 (+ 8 / 10 / 12 % bonus HP) (+ 28.57 / 33.33 / 40% of target's missing health)

The problem with him and why he falls off is that two of his abilities scale with nothing. His W and R are just flat numbers. I can't think of any champion that has two non-scaling abilities.

He gets kited because roots and stuns will outlast the length of his Q or make it so that the movement speed isn't enough to get him close enough to use all of his melee abilities. I personally like Garen a lot, but his shortcomings cannot be ignored.


League related story:

I play with a small group of friends. Me, my friend, and my friend and his wife. We were playing last night and in Skype. My friend's wife is a bitch. My friend got laid off recently (not his fault) and she took away his computer and Xbox until he found a job. That didn't stick, obviously, it's his house and stuff. Nevermind the fact that she doesn't work. Anyway, this is a League story.

We were playing, my non-married friend and I were bot lane. She's mid. Mid roams down and kills us. We're in Skype, say something. My friend is a little upset (not raging) and tells her to call MIA or at least follow. She flips out saying it's not her fault. Her husband, who is a pretty laid back guy, says that we're right in a very nice way. She calls him an asshole and that he fucking sucks as a jungle. She then lays into him about not having a job and calling him useless. She then insults his League play more, calling his builds bad and such. Suddenly, CRASH. She disconnected, but he was still in Skype. We would later learn that he flipped her computer desk over. He snapped. He tells her to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of his house. He disconnects Skype.

League. It ruins marriages. We would later learn that they patched things up. I wish they didn't.



The above is probably a good reason to avoid playing League with any sort of real life friends. :( I could see it easily ruining friendships and marriages if tensions go bad at the wrong time.


League related story:

I play with a small group of friends. Me, my friend, and my friend and his wife. We were playing last night and in Skype. My friend's wife is a bitch. My friend got laid off recently (not his fault) and she took away his computer and Xbox until he found a job. That didn't stick, obviously, it's his house and stuff. Nevermind the fact that she doesn't work. Anyway, this is a League story.

We were playing, my non-married friend and I were bot lane. She's mid. Mid roams down and kills us. We're in Skype, say something. My friend is a little upset (not raging) and tells her to call MIA or at least follow. She flips out saying it's not her fault. Her husband, who is a pretty laid back guy, says that we're right in a very nice way. She calls him an asshole and that he fucking sucks as a jungle. She then lays into him about not having a job and calling him useless. She then insults his League play more, calling his builds bad and such. Suddenly, CRASH. She disconnected, but he was still in Skype. We would later learn that he flipped her computer desk over. He snapped. He tells her to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of his house. He disconnects Skype.

League. It ruins marriages. We would later learn that they patched things up. I wish they didn't.


Did you report them for AFK?

I guarantee that whole mess had very little to do with LoL.


League related story:

I play with a small group of friends. Me, my friend, and my friend and his wife. We were playing last night and in Skype. My friend's wife is a bitch. My friend got laid off recently (not his fault) and she took away his computer and Xbox until he found a job. That didn't stick, obviously, it's his house and stuff. Nevermind the fact that she doesn't work. Anyway, this is a League story.

We were playing, my non-married friend and I were bot lane. She's mid. Mid roams down and kills us. We're in Skype, say something. My friend is a little upset (not raging) and tells her to call MIA or at least follow. She flips out saying it's not her fault. Her husband, who is a pretty laid back guy, says that we're right in a very nice way. She calls him an asshole and that he fucking sucks as a jungle. She then lays into him about not having a job and calling him useless. She then insults his League play more, calling his builds bad and such. Suddenly, CRASH. She disconnected, but he was still in Skype. We would later learn that he flipped her computer desk over. He snapped. He tells her to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of his house. He disconnects Skype.

League. It ruins marriages. We would later learn that they patched things up. I wish they didn't.


The worst part is, you guys were clearly not warding effectively.


Garen is my favorite champ. He's the main reason I came back to league.

I think he's a really good top. Poops on Jax easy mode.
We would later learn that they patched things up.

Just like the actual game, right?

Garen has a low skill floor and is a pretty safe pick. No mana means he can spam Q to last-hit/harass, his passive is great sustain, and his E is decent AoE. His R is a good finisher.

He's just really easy to kite and can't peel/CC outside of using his Q on mages/assassins. And as someone mentioned above, his W and R don't scale so he falls off late-game.


I think the weirdest feeling on the LAN server with 32ms ping was being able to dodge skillshots.

Like, Lux or Jinx would shoot something and you could just walk back and forth to go AROUND it.


I'm 2-1 in my promos to Gold V. Just need to win one more game. I'm sad my Blitz doesn't have a 100% win rate now.

You can do it!!

I think the weirdest feeling on the LAN server with 32ms ping was being able to dodge skillshots.

Like, Lux or Jinx would shoot something and you could just walk back and forth to go AROUND it.

I don't want to play on there. It'll make me very sad to go back to 120 ping and there's no way I'm switching servers unless it was to like EUW or something (even that's a longshot).


Thinking about buying a new support. Narrowed it down to Karma or Sona.

Or maybe I'll play Annie.

I can't comment on Sona since I haven't really played her, but Karma has some good utility. Her early poke with Inner Flame and Soulflare is great, and the shield(s) with movement speed is nice too. You just have to be able to play without an on demand stun or interrupt.


My brother has worked out that as long as you avoid:

Death threats
Racial slurs
Homophobic slurs
Being toxic all game

You'll be okay.

...My whole family is toxic in these games.
Mini Gnar base attack damage increased to 48 from 45
Mega Gnar base attack damage increased to 52 from 49
Boomerang Throw (Mini Q) [ has a few small, non tool tip changes. Take these with a grain of salt ]
Missile Speed increased to 1400 from 1000
Width increased to 60 from 45.
Returning Q width increased to 75 from 70
Returning Q missile speed increased to 2600 from 2400
Boulder Toss (Mega Q) [ has a few small, non tool tip changes. Take these with a grain of salt ]
Missile Speed increased to 2100 from 2000
Width increased to 90 from 80
Hyper (Mini W) maximum damage vs monsters increased 100/150/200/250/300 from 75/125/175/225/275.
GNAR! (R) bonus AD ratio increased to .5 from .2
GNAR! (R) now has AP scaling of .5 up from 0.

These changes smell of "well he's going to be a jungler now"
Those changes don't do much for his jungling. I don't see it.
Higher base AD in both forms, faster Q rebound for the reset and the damage cap on his Mini W will all help immensely his first few clears in Mini form which are pretty bad while not doing anything for his garbage laning.


These changes smell of "well he's going to be a jungler now"

He was already shaping up to be a decent jungler if you build him tank. His unreliable ult is still an issue though. I don't think he'll be viable in competitive because of it. Maybe the changes will make it less troll to pick him into the jungle lol.

Those changes don't do much for his jungling. I don't see it.

He'll be able to hit all 3 monsters more reliably with his Q in a camp with the increased width and they are bumping up the W damage vs monsters and higher base AD. That screams jungle.


Higher base AD in both forms, faster Q rebound for the reset and the damage cap on his Mini W will all help immensely his first few clears in Mini form which are pretty bad.

Almost all of which of which helps him out top lane just as well. An additional 25 damage per 3 AAs (against monsters with at least ~2140 hp at rank 5) doesn't transform him into an objective destroying god.

This isn't "well, he's going to be a jungler now". It's "he needs a bit of help in general". If they were really orienting Gnar towards jungling they'd look at increasing the duration before rage starts to dissipate or add additional rage generation when attacking monsters.
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