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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Got a chance to use Ahri against bots and sure was fun! I didn't feel like a truly assassin though, I don't know if it's because the lack of "AP Mid" runes, but I wasn't exactly deleting as I was expecting @_@ I think it could be because I built my DFG a bit too late into the game, and these bots games end always too fast...!

Also got to try Caitlyn and actually had a blast with her. Her range is so amazing, and it helps a lot for kiting, which I'm trying to get the hang of.

As far as this week's free rotation, I am only interested in Karma as well, which I tried already and absolutely loved. I am not sure how good of a champion it is, but surely was a lot of fun. :)


Those changes don't do much for his jungling. I don't see it.

His first clears are brutal. The additional AD and this "Hyper (Mini W) maximum damage vs monsters increased 100/150/200/250/300 from 75/125/175/225/275." will help. His boomerange also has a bigger width, so more aoe clearing.

Almost all of which of which helps him out top lane just as well. An additional 25 damage per 3 AAs (against monsters with at least ~2140 hp at rank 5) doesn't transform him into an objective destroying god.

They help, but that's not the problem he's having toplane. These changes do help the problem he was having in jungle.


His first clears are brutal. The additional AD and this "Hyper (Mini W) maximum damage vs monsters increased 100/150/200/250/300 from 75/125/175/225/275." will help. His boomerange also has a bigger width, so more aoe clearing.

Yes, his first clear is rough. But that's not limiting him as a jungler. Lots of good junglers have bad initial clears. Several on top of that have bad clearing even beyond that for a fair amount of time. The best parts of his kit regarding jungling are behind his Mega Gnar abilities. Until Riot provides better means of controlling when you change form it's always going to be rough.

Ferrio said:
They help, but that's not the problem he's having toplane. These changes do help the problem he was having in jungle.

Again, his initial clear is only part of his problem in the jungle. These are general changes meant to help a bit everywhere. Riot focused on making him into a jungler.


Yes, his first clear is rough. But that's not limiting him as a jungler. Lots of good junglers have bad initial clears. Several on top of that have bad clearing even beyond that for a fair amount of time. The best parts of his kit regarding jungling are behind his Mega Gnar abilities. Until Riot provides better means of controlling when you change form it's always going to be rough.

His clears were teemo jungle levels of bad.


That's a gross exaggeration. If that were true, these changes aren't going to dramatically fix that and he's still a bad jungler.


Thinking about buying a new support. Narrowed it down to Karma or Sona.

Or maybe I'll play Annie.

Karma is a great lane bully and her shield is great for moving around in jungle and lane safety, but she has no hard CC and she has no way to hit the back line unless they stand close.

Sona requires pretty good positioning in a teamfight and is very squishy early on, but is quite strong and gets better as the game goes on.

Annie is still pretty good but I don't get to play her a ton. Just land as many stuns and AAs as you can, abuse that range. Oh and l2flashultstun, wins games if you catch out the right people.


That's a gross exaggeration. If that were true, these changes aren't going to dramatically fix that and he's still a bad jungler.

It's not.

-Attack speed lower
-Base damage pretty much the same
-Teemos dart does more damage and blinds
-Both their defenses are pretty much equal.

Only thing gnar has on him is slightly more base hp. It gets better for gnar as he levels, but it's worse than teemo until then.
Just my suggestions, but these are all standard efficient runes played in nearly every game:


9x Magic Pen Reds (good for anyone with magic damage, esp. mid laners and supports)
9x Flat Attack Damage (good for auto-attackers and AD scaling champions)


9x Flat HP (generic good set of seals)
9x Flat Armor (good for jungling or against heavy AD damage)
9x Scaling HP (good for mid/late game when you aren't worried about early damage)


9x Flat Magic Resist (good against heavy magic damage, esp. if playing mid lane)
6x Flat Cooldown Reduction (5% CDR; combine with masteries in offense tree for easy 10% CDR - more aggressive option or when against little magic damage)


3x Flat Attack Damage (good for AD scaling champions in the early game)
3x Flat Ability Power (good for AP scaling champions in the early game)
3x Flat Attack Speed (efficient choice for auto-attackers)

The big omissions from this list are Hybrid Penetration Marks, Movement Speed Quintessences, Lifesteal Quintessences and Scaling Magic Resist Glyphs. Scaling MR is efficient and has an obvious use case but Flat MR is fine for early pages so I skipped them. The other three are a bit more specialised and/or very expensive. They are, however, extremely good in the right circumstances. Hybrid Pen is excellent for champions which output a mix of both AD and AP damage (e.g. Nidalee and Elise) but they can be picked up much later. Movement Speed Quints are expensive but strong with certain champions (especially junglers who have trouble with kiting like Skarner and Udyr) and/or playstyles. Lifesteal Quints can be ran on AD carries to help get through laning when you don't have a sustain support.


Just my suggestions, but these are all standard efficient runes played in nearly every game:


9x Magic Pen Reds (good for anyone with magic damage, esp. mid laners and supports)
9x Flat Attack Damage (good for auto-attackers and AD scaling champions)


9x Flat HP (generic good set of seals)
9x Flat Armor (good for jungling or against heavy AD damage)
9x Scaling HP (good for mid/late game when you aren't worried about early damage)


9x Flat Magic Resist (good against heavy magic damage, esp. if playing mid lane)
6x Flat Cooldown Reduction (5% CDR; combine with masteries in offense tree for easy 10% CDR - more aggressive option or when against little magic damage)


3x Attack Damage (good for AD scaling champions and early game)
3x Ability Power (good for AP scaling champions)
3x Attack Speed (efficient choice for auto-attackers)

The big omissions from this list are Hybrid Penetration Marks, Movement Speed Quintessences, Lifesteal Quintessences and Scaling Magic Resist Glyphs. Scaling MR is efficient and has an obvious use case but Flat MR is fine for early pages so I skipped them. The other three are a bit more specialised and/or very expensive. They are, however, extremely good in the right circumstances. Hybrid Pen is excellent for champions which output a mix of both AD and AP damage (e.g. Nidalee and Elise) but they can be picked up much later. Movement Speed Quints are expensive but strong with certain champions (especially junglers who have trouble with kiting like Skarner and Udyr) and/or playstyles. Lifesteal Quints can be ran on AD carries to help get through laning when you don't have a sustain support.

Wow how much will all these runes cost though?

or should I only buy what I can use atm.


My brother has worked out that as long as you avoid:

Death threats
Racial slurs
Homophobic slurs
Being toxic all game

You'll be okay.

...My whole family is toxic in these games.
So the "kill yourself" "just kill yourself"
person yesterday didn't make a direct death threat, since they told ME to do the killing, and they waited until after the game to be toxic. Maybe they'll be fine then. D:

*edit* About flash stunning, it can be a bad thing for some people. I was in a game where a Sona kept doing it when the team had no ults and/or no gap closers, so basically no one could get near to even help, and the enemy ADC would just flash out of range so they were even further from the rest of our team.

They may have also flash-Sona-ulted Braum, who of course shielded the entire thing.
Just start with the ones that are most relevant to what you play. Defensive runes are good on anyone so I'd go with them first. I looked up the costs:


9x Flat AD: 1845 IP
9x Magic Pen: 3690 IP


9x Flat HP: 7380 IP
9x Scaling HP: 3690 IP
9x Flat Armor: 1845 IP
9x Scaling Armor: 3690 IP


9x Flat Magic Resist: 1845 IP
9x Scaling Magic Resist: 1845 IP
6x Flat Cooldown Reduction: 4920 IP


3x Flat Attack Damage: 3075 IP
3x Flat Attack Speed: 3075 IP
3x Flat Ability Power: 3075 IP

Some Even More Expensive Runes:

3x Movement Speed Quintessences: 6150 IP
2x Life Steal Quintessences: 4100 IP
9x Hybrid Penetration Marks: 7380 IP

9x Scaling Armor is probably unnecessary though: just take 4 and combine them with 5 Flat HPs.

I forgot how expensive some of these runes were. Damn.


Just start with the ones that are most relevant to what you play. Defensive runes are good on anyone so I'd go with them first. I looked up the costs:


9x Flat AD: 1845 IP
9x Magic Pen: 3690 IP


9x Flat HP: 7380 IP
9x Scaling HP: 3690 IP
9x Flat Armor: 1845 IP
9x Scaling Armor: 3690 IP


9x Flat Magic Resist: 1845 IP
9x Scaling Magic Resist: 1845 IP
6x Flat Cooldown Reduction: 4920 IP


3x Flat Attack Damage: 3075 IP
3x Flat Attack Speed: 3075 IP
3x Flat Ability Power: 3075 IP

Some Even More Expensive Runes:

3x Movement Speed Quintessences: 6150 IP
2x Life Steal Quintessences: 4100 IP
9x Hybrid Penetration Marks: 7380 IP

9x Scaling Armor is probably unnecessary though: just take 4 and combine them with 5 Flat HPs.

I forgot how expensive some of these runes were. Damn.

Ok thanks, I only play top or mid atm so these will cover most champions in these lane?


Ok thanks, I only play top or mid atm so these will cover most champions in these lane?

for the most general page for top/mid (depends if you play mostly ad or ap champs) this should be ok (copied from above):


9x Flat AD: 1845 IP
9x Magic Pen: 3690 IP

9x Flat Armor: 1845 IP

9x Flat Magic Resist: 1845 IP

3x Flat Attack Damage: 3075 IP
3x Flat Ability Power: 3075 IP

These are the highest priority for many champs and covers the general case well. You have two pages in total - one rune page for ad champs and one for ap champs.


also pretty sad gnar's not even 6300 and there is already a list of buffs in line for him.

give people fucking time to learn the fucking champion riot

The above is probably a good reason to avoid playing League with any sort of real life friends. :( I could see it easily ruining friendships and marriages if tensions go bad at the wrong time.
it's completely the opposite

it's like playing sports with your friends, you'll always say mean things to each other but that's all in the field and when you're out it's like it never happened
Ok thanks, I only play top or mid atm so these will cover most champions in these lane?

If you only have 2 pages I would go for an AD page (For ADC, AD bruisers, and you can also go AD assassins like Talon/Zed) and a AP page basically anyone who's AP.

Then eventually when you get more pages/IP you can branch out to more specific pages like MS/AS for Jungle, or have multiple page for different situation on like ADC, support, etc..
Yes. Assuming you play a mix of AD and AP champions in top and mid I'd get the following runes:

AD Marks, Magic Pen Marks, Flat HP Seals, Flat Magic Resist Glyphs, Flat AD Quints, Flat AP Quints. That would cost ~21K IP. But since the Flat HP Seals cost so much, you could drop them and instead buy 4x Scaling HP and 5x Armor Seals which would get the cost down to about ~16.5k IP.

As much as it sucks to use so much IP on runes instead of champions, if you intend to play the game long term it's probably worth it.


for the most general page for top/mid (depends if you play mostly ad or ap champs) this should be ok (copied from above):


9x Flat AD: 1845 IP
9x Magic Pen: 3690 IP

9x Flat Armor: 1845 IP

9x Flat Magic Resist: 1845 IP

3x Flat Attack Damage: 3075 IP
3x Flat Ability Power: 3075 IP

These are the highest priority for many champs and covers the general case well. You have two pages in total - one rune page for ad champs and one for ap champs.

Alright, I think I'm ready to make the plunge, kinda nerve racking spending 17k ip. I don't want to mess this up.


Man, I think Gnar is a flop of a champion. The fact that his Mega Gnar form can't be suppressed pretty much makes him a non-factor. It should be just like rage. Builds when in combat, caps out at 100, and drains when out of combat.

Oh well, they all can't be winners.
I only have 2 rune pages. Both have flat armour/MR, and only differ in quints (flat AD for Marksmen and flat HP for everyone else).

I used to have GP/10 quints but with gold items so prevalent they've kind of fallen off.


Man, I think Gnar is a flop of a champion. The fact that his Mega Gnar form can't be suppressed pretty much makes him a non-factor. It should be just like rage. Builds when in combat, caps out at 100, and drains when out of combat.

Oh well, they all can't be winners.
Meh, I think he'll pan out okay. He definitely has merit in his elusiveness and ability to 180 a fight with a proper transform. It'll just take some time for people to adjust to the fact that they can't control his transformation, since there's never been a champ like that in the game.

I still think that a lot of people just aren't building him right. With his low base damages, hybrid ratios (further emphasized by the incoming changes), and percentage damages off both his health and enemies', he's clearly a Trinity tank, but a lot of people are zeroed in on that W proc and rushing bjork. Lolking backs that up with the bjork having a higher buy rate but lower win rate. He's actually above 50% in games with a TF on him (Randuin's too). Wth the changes mostly helping his jungle though, he's getting shoved into a bit of a rough spot just because Ancient Golem is pretty garbage, especially on a champ like Gnar that doesn't have reliable CC and would be better served by something that helped him do some killing in a gank.

If it turns out that that isn't the case and the unpredictability of his ult is too much, maybe they can make a decent compromise by make his W a toggle and tying resource generation to it so that even if you can't control the exact instant it comes up, you can save it so you don't waste your Hulk out on red buff or something.
Plat players know exactly what to do, but choose to do the wrong thing. Plat is not fun to play in.
I even doubt that much, with things like giving a warning that a Kat is going bot multiple times 40 seconds in advance and bot still getting killed making me wonder how the hell these people made it to gold let alone plat.

This is literally green silver.
Won a promotional game last night before the servers went down. It's on the league match history site but not recognized in game or by na.op.gg.

Contacted riot support about it but they've admitted that they can't give me the win.



also pretty sad gnar's not even 6300 and there is already a list of buffs in line for him.

give people fucking time to learn the fucking champion riot

But they need the champion to sell. Like Yasuo was too squishy so he really needed a flow refresh after the ult.

On that note, I've had an awful experience with Riot's servers this week. It certainly feels like everyday there is another notification of a spectator bug, ranked disabled and so forth. All of which end up as the servers are unresponsive and unstable.
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