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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I switched back from the LAN server to rejoin NA's welcoming embrace...

...the server is now busy, can't login.

Switch back to LAN, login works, and I got a [+1] Amigable.

*edit* Did anyone else see the link I posted about mouse-over being actually broken? Riot apparently acknowledged it. Sometimes it would select nearby things, or things underneath, like autoselecting a nearby champion if you tried to do a ranged autoattack against a tower.
Just got in. I left the queue thing on despite it stalling at position 1 so keep it there and you'll probably get in eventually. Took almost 20 mins

Ranked is turned off, sigh.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You should have thanked him for wanting to play the most unpleasant role in the game.
I'm on NA servers too but I haven't had a single problem in weeks. At least not logging in. And I would classify my internet as "good" but not by any means amazing.
It all evens out though...

Like the games I do actually play are with the absolute worst teams. Ugh. The hell that is getting to level 30...(just got to 17)
It's a dice roll every time I play and you know I just hope that I'll be blessed with a competent team. Unfortunately that doesn't happen often enough. While I do think I'm a good "shot caller" it's only so effective playing with randoms and communicating through chat. However, it gets to the point in some of these games where it's basically "ok, either listen or don't bother playing" because guys are feeding or overly-aggressive (or not aggressive enough!). Anyone else feel my pain?
Cause ya know I don't want to sound bossy in games and I don't think I am but inherently telling people what to do comes off as bossy. But hey, at least we end up winning the vast majority of games where I end up shot calling. I just wish I didn't have to say anything and could quietly stay in my lane and farm until I can carry mid to late game lol


gosh i love when all the solo lanes do well but bot lane doesn't matter

we should totally win right? lol no games are entirely dependent on ADC


b-b-buh bruisers!!!


gosh i love when all the solo lanes do well but bot lane doesn't matter

we should totally win right? lol no games are entirely dependent on ADC


b-b-buh bruisers!!!
Are you actually serious with these posts?

Do you need a wake-up call or something?


Changed up my runes/build with gnar and I think I'm doing better. The missle speed increase will help greatly, too easy to dodge that damn thing.


mine and panda's collective backs hurrrt
Looks like you had a bit of help from the 55k damage Annie though, she outdamaged even Miss Fortune.

Actually, even Fiora outdamaged everyone on their team besides Lucian -- looks like team fights could be pretty good if everyone combo'd.


yeah, when fiora and annie weren't roaming into unwarded territory for jungle farm while they were roaming looking for picks over and over :\


Everything is moe to me
Looks like you had a bit of help from the 55k damage Annie though, she outdamaged even Miss Fortune.
you have no idea the amount of coach that annie required to understand basic concepts like 'if sion's shield is on, don't engage him until it's down'.

part of the carry job was teaching them how to win from behind because oh boy they were giving up.
Actually, even Fiora outdamaged everyone on their team besides Lucian -- looks like team fights could be pretty good if everyone combo'd.
yeah, after the 35 minute mark we started winning every team fight. still took another 20 to actually have the space to push and win tho. -.- kept losing inhibs.


you have no idea the amount of coach that annie required to understand basic concepts like 'if sion's shield is on, don't engage him until it's down'.

part of the carry job was teaching them how to win from behind because oh boy they were giving up.
AP glass cannon Sion seems like he would lose a lot of his impact if his shield got burst though, so maybe that was one thing Annie was thinking about.

Also the Annie and Fiora are both platinum so you two need to keep ranking up quick to show them who's boss! :p


Sigh, I will forever be in Plat 5. Just cant get past like 30 LP. Had a gnar jungle on my team last game...terrible just terrible.


new tribunal should allow ppl to do trial by combat

if you defeat whoever reported you 1v1 at drag then he gets banned


Everything is moe to me
AP glass cannon Sion seems like he would lose a lot of his impact if his shield got burst though, so maybe that was one thing Annie was thinking about.

Also the Annie and Fiora are both platinum so you two need to keep ranking up quick to show them who's boss! :p
if his shield goes down then he has no shield to burst through and he's just naturally glass cannony. instead of having to burst a 90%ap shield that will one shot you.

it's like this: if his shield is up and he stuns you first, you die. if his shield is up and you stun him first, you still have to break the shield.
if his shield is down, there's a 4 second period before he can toggle it and burst.


It is surprising to me that this thread harbors such ill will towards Tristana and yet nobody mentions zero-skillshot, point-and-click-root Ryze.

Playing him feels like playing a character from a different, simpler game. It's like if Tekken 6 had a guy from Tekken 1 that was never really updated with new moves.
Hey everyone, I know this is a long shot but I'm looking for some peeps to play with. I'll give some bullet points.

-I have hundreds of hours logged in but I totally sucks at 5s and am questionably good at 3s.
- I am only good with a few champs. And by "good", I mean that there are some 3v3 games that I still get wrecked in.
- I love to play ARAM just to test out new chars, because for the first 200+ hours I played the game I didn't even have a mouse. So I played with Master Yi (lol) and Volibear.

But yeah. I have a mouse now and really don't have anyone to play with. What I'm getting down to is if you play the game a lot but are not too good you should add me! :) Reply or PM me if you wanna play

EDIT: I only had one friend that played the game and he recently quit on me (luckily I convinced him to buy a 3DS so we will at least be Smashing quite a bit in the near future). But I don't really have incentive to play anymore unless I have a friend/accomplice to play with


Trist kinda feels the same way.

You literally just auto attack with her in team fights and use R to farm champions

Amumu and Rammus feel like they are out of this game too. They have 2 skills which would love skill points in to excel at either ganking or farming but they kinda suck if you split the points.

Only time they are accepted in the meta is when they are able to get away with power farming or non stop ganking.

A lot of the beta+season 1 champs seems kinda wonky.

Why do you even exist, Urgot?


Any tips for Garen vs Darius? I played against him and he just seemed to steam roll without effort. Able to build high damage and high tanky...

If there is nothing I can do, I'm probably just going to start banning him. XD
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