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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Fun games are better when you don't have to play with strangers. Me and the sejuani had fun though. We actually got an AP Xin so that was perfect.

But yeah, jungle Leona sucks.

I wish Riot would buff Leona's E so she dashes to large monsters or large creeps.



Fun games are better when you don't have to play with strangers. Me and the sejuani had fun though. We actually got an AP Xin so that was perfect.

But yeah, jungle Leona sucks.

I wish Riot would buff Leona's E so she dashes to large monsters or large creeps.
Sorry, gonna have to shame you for your screenshotting skills. That Banshee's veil not photogenic at all.
Why not go for Madreds or Quill? Leona has pretty piss poor AP ratios on high cooldowns. Can't imagine the super awful clears without either Madred, Quill or Sunfire.


Sorry, gonna have to shame you for your screenshotting skills. That Banshee's veil not photogenic at all.

It's completely fine. I would have done the same.

I didn't feel like capturing the entire screen and editing the image later so I decided to capture the region.

This is the price I paid, I guess. I'm sorry.

Why not go for Madreds or Quill? Leona has pretty piss poor AP ratios on high cooldowns. Can't imagine the super awful clears without either Madred, Quill or Sunfire.

I didn't want to go Sunfire since I needed the CD from Frozen and the extra mana was nice. Plus, with Wraith, my W would basically clear out the small monsters so my E and Q did the rest. Clearing wasn't that bad.

Also, with Wraith and Frozen Heart, I had close to 40% CD so I was getting my Q and E every 5/6 seconds. It was really nice during battles to help peel for Draven and Sej.
that didnt what pros plays? always playing secure and that jazz?

Playing secure doesn't mean not dying.

If you're jungling and a lane is losing hard then sure, ignore it, it's a smart decision.

However, there are times where giving up your life for your team is worth it. Like if I'm playing Diana jungle and I can get a 5 man engage with my q+ult+w+e+auto, it's worth it even if I die, if it means my team can follow up and ace them.

The problem that most people have (myself included) is we are WAAAY too aggressive in solo queue most of the time. That doesn't mean controlled aggression is bad.
I'm sorry that I can't stop bitching, but come on! Third Dominion game in a row where I am on a team with 4 bots. Other team has 4 as well. I continue to report every single damn one....I want to join Riot forums to bitch about it, but it honestly looks like people are getting banned for griping too much.


Hmmm.. there are people who actually go into draft and team builder to intentionally feed from the start to have fun by watching people rage.



Hmmm.. there are people who actually go into draft and team builder to intentionally feed from the start to have fun by watching people rage.

The only story I've heard about that so far was when someone I know tried to team builder Nasus...and got matched with 4 yordles. They followed him around the entire match and did everything they could to prevent him from getting any CS.


Holy shit. Where are Tristana nerfs. Fuck this champion. Stupid ass faceroll zero risk instawin late game bullshit.

Absolutely invalidates melees.


Going full Dead Names.

I don't care. Tristana is a stupid ass faceroll champion that should be deleted.

inb4 rocket in pocket

Also, I present: A Day in The Life of a Melee Champion: Ranged Champions and YOU!:

She presses R on me, sending me back 600 units then using her long range jump to get away from me.

"Stupid me," I think. "I'm playing a melee. I don't deserve to kill our Lords the Attack Damage Carry".

"Outplayed", their Yi gloriously says in all chat. "We should've banned Trist" I tell my 2/14 Twitch.

"You're just bad, Eve is a better ban than Trist" Yi tells me.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I bend over for my Ranged AD overlords while I reassure myself Elo hell isn't real.


login screen not even opening for me

I was going to register a LAN account, but everything leagueoflegends.com is down, including the registration site. Does this mean all regions are down?

I don't care. Tristana is a stupid ass faceroll champion that should be deleted.

inb4 rocket in pocket

Also, I present: A Day in The Life of a Melee Champion: Ranged Champions and YOU!:
I think your experience was better than mine. After I didn't ban Jax, and the other team actually had the 5% chance of a good Jax player showing up, a teammate spammed 2-3 pages of filth at me, starting with "kill yourself kat" "just kill yourself" and proceeding to pages of all-caps obscenities.


I don't care. Tristana is a stupid ass faceroll champion that should be deleted.

inb4 rocket in pocket

Also, I present: A Day in The Life of a Melee Champion: Ranged Champions and YOU!:
Maybe you lost because you and your team was playing badly? Not saying Trist is balanced, but she's not broken either. This is coming from someone who mains a 500 range ADC with no gap closer.


Maybe you lost because you and your team was playing badly? Not saying Trist is balanced, but she's not broken either. This is coming from someone who mains a 500 range ADC with no gap closer.

I don't mind Sivir/Varus/Cait/Ez/Kog/Vayne(to an extent) because they all have weaknesses and strenghts.

The only weakness that comes to mind with Trist is her "weak" midgame, which has been brought in line with Q buffs + IE rush.




I'm not going to say nightblu3 isn't a good jungler (I learnt a lot about the season 4 carry junglers from him) but he is pretty far from being the best.

nightblu3 makes good, but VERY selfish decisions in solo queue.

He would rather let his entire team die rather than stay in the fight to tank/die and let his team clean up. Happens at least once in every game I see in his stream.

He would flash away at 75% hp just to conserve his kda when he's playing a tanky DPS champ and let his team die when he was the one who initiated the fight.

This being said, evolving Q first is pretty crappy on KhaZix because you gain nothing but raw damage which isn't really something you really need.

If you compare it to W, you get a massive aoe slow and E, you get to make plays with resets
yea i gave him a shot once just to mix it up with a jungle stream once in a while but he made bjergsen look good

so i just went back to our lord qtpie and haven't looked back since

I don't care. Tristana is a stupid ass faceroll champion that should be deleted.

inb4 rocket in pocket

Also, I present: A Day in The Life of a Melee Champion: Ranged Champions and YOU!:
hey now

that's a trist issue, not a ranged thing

most melees have enough tools to close the gap, if you don't manage to kill a ranged champion there's usually something you or your team could've done better

and trist isn't necessarily broken but she's very frustrating and i really wish gets a rework.

i want reworks for everyone

but after my ori skin


Worst part of the ghost game bug is that not only do you not get credit for the game, it tells you you'll get a leave if you close the client. THE GAME IS OVER SO WHY CAN'T I LEAVE
So... my team fought in their enemy base, we managed to destroy the core towers and manage to kill the enemy team except orianna with 3/4 of her health against me (jinx) and Morg support with 1/4 of her health....

My death teammates told me focus on the core and let Morg take care of orianna but I dont saw Ori launch her R and it looks like she was trying to get in position to launch her R and kill morg so I panicked and decided to go help morg instead....Ori had that R and crushed me then crushed Morg.

So yeah I was yelled to not focus on the core....


Yesterday had 3 matches with Tristana, with the support all three times being a friend of mine in a 4-man premade.

First one my friend jungler went full tryhard mode and after we had stolen their red, he forced an engage I wasn't comfortable (I don't think I have more than 10? games with ADC) and under turret almost (between turret and enemy minions/champs). That made the mirror Tristana and Sona to get super beefy and then it was just an entire nightmare. Couldn't farm and couldn't do anything, I was basically on tilt.

After taking a break for like an hour or so after that horrendous game, we got to do a couple of matches that we won. Second one was easy but I had some shitty deaths like accidentally W towards the teamfight (and thus being absolutely deleted, lol).

Third match was the best because we were dominating from the first moment. Their Vayne wasn't too great (predictable Qs and such) but their Morgana was pretty good and my friend support kept getting hit with all the Dark Bindings (he hates playing against Morgana, so I think there was a psychological component there). Ended up winning as well, but the Platinum V Yi sure made my life hell ;A; that movement speed and those stupid Qs! Instadeleting me when he managed to get close.

Btw, I'd like to ask some guidance/tips when losing lane so hard like the first match I described. I was basically forced to not farm and I had no control of my oponents, who went to other lanes and got fed even more. How do you come back from it? I was farming everything I could but even then (and due to my mistake in picking Vampiric Scepter early on, instead of working towards IE) there was basically nothing I could do. Their Sona was just wrecking me as well, as she got to pick up some kills. ._. I don't know, that matchup (and mirrored botlane) was like hell.


Could someone explain to me like I'm five why Garen has never been played Competitively? Not saying that because of that I won't play him (Got to keep up that spin to win!), just wondering since the general recurring word of users from sites like Reddit and such is that he is just out played by every top laner at high ranking.
I think in competitive play, Renekton can fill his role better. Manaless damage sustainy bully in lane, and meatshield with decent AoE damage post lane. Renekton's stun is worth noting too.

Garen was picked a few times but I can't even remember the last time it happened.

edit: And oh there's Shyvana, and at least she can dive with her ult.


Could someone explain to me like I'm five why Garen has never been played Competitively? Not saying that because of that I won't play him (Got to keep up that spin to win!), just wondering since the general recurring word of users from sites like Reddit and such is that he is just out played by every top laner at high ranking.
He's a fine champion for solo q. He's just really easy to kite, and his lategame falls off.
I bought gangplank tonight and I got to play him in an aram

what a great champ

he's got everything i love. goofy champ concept, stupid ridiculous builds, sustain, easy farming, and a dumb global ult


Also I KNOW I'm going to get flak for this... But does anyone else hate the whole: "Oh stop playing rank if you can't play every role" bullshit? I'm sorry, but not everyone is going to be good at every role, hell some people are never going to be even "medicore" but just plain bad.

I'm good at top and mid, and a little bit of jungle, but I've never won a game bot before. I've tried mind you, but it's just not my thing.


Also I KNOW I'm going to get flak for this... But does anyone else hate the whole: "Oh stop playing rank if you can't play every role" bullshit? I'm sorry, but not everyone is going to be good at every role, hell some people are never going to be even "medicore" but just plain bad.

I'm good at top and mid, and a little bit of jungle, but I've never won a game bot before. I've tried mind you, but it's just not my thing.
I'm going to be honest with you. ADC, Supp and Jungle. If you can't play at least two of these roles, you shouldn't be playing ranked.


I'm going to be honest with you. ADC, Supp and Jungle. If you can't play at least two of these roles, you shouldn't be playing ranked.

I can pull off a decent jungle, not bad at it. Really the only lane I have issues with is bot. It's like for some reason it's the only place I can't touch in League.


I can pull off a decent jungle, not bad at it. Really the only lane I have issues with is bot. It's like for some reason it's the only place I can't touch in League.
Supp and ADC are easily the worst played roles in the game, mostly because it's tough to adapt to your lane partner. 2v2s are always going to be tougher than 1v1s. Still though, you gotta learn them at some point.


just do like me and pretend in your head games outside of what you want to play don't count

i just do whatever if i get jungle

if i get top i'll just play a mid top

they don't count


just do like me and pretend in your head games outside of what you want to play don't count

i just do whatever if i get jungle

if i get top i'll just play a mid top

they don't count
You're using ADC player logic zkylon :(. Maybe even Vayne logic, lol.
there's not some magical mystery curse that makes you bad at botlane

yeah sure maybe there's a wall you have to break through before you can be decent at the role but theres nothing stopping you from practicing and learning from your mistakes

if you go support in team builder you'll be in a game in 10 seconds flat


there's not some magical mystery curse that makes you bad at botlane

yeah sure maybe there's a wall you have to break through before you can be decent at the role but theres nothing stopping you from practicing and learning from your mistakes

if you go support in team builder you'll be in a game in 10 seconds flat
10s is for ADC. Supp will get you in less than 3.
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