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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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It is surprising to me that this thread harbors such ill will towards Tristana and yet nobody mentions zero-skillshot, point-and-click-root Ryze.

Playing him feels like playing a character from a different, simpler game. It's like if Tekken 6 had a guy from Tekken 1 that was never really updated with new moves.
well i used to hate on him a lot but nobody plays ryze these days

Trist kinda feels the same way.

You literally just auto attack with her in team fights and use R to farm champions

Amumu and Rammus feel like they are out of this game too. They have 2 skills which would love skill points in to excel at either ganking or farming but they kinda suck if you split the points.

Only time they are accepted in the meta is when they are able to get away with power farming or non stop ganking.

A lot of the beta+season 1 champs seems kinda wonky.

Why do you even exist, Urgot?
mumu and rammus have really high winrates so they're kept as they are but yea, they could use some updates

i dunno much about rammus but i always felt weird that amumu had two spells that were essentially the same, so i'd start by doing a mix of w and e and actually giving him a cool and fun spell that requires thinking a bit.

i mean it's cool that unfuckupable champions like amumu exist but you know would be nice if they were a bit more interesting
Congrats, getting to gold is a really good feeling.

It is.

Elo climbing progress.


It is surprising to me that this thread harbors such ill will towards Tristana and yet nobody mentions zero-skillshot, point-and-click-root Ryze.

Playing him feels like playing a character from a different, simpler game. It's like if Tekken 6 had a guy from Tekken 1 that was never really updated with new moves.

Coincidentally, I just lost a game in which enemy team had Ryze mid. I dominated him in lane (killed him twice and outfarmed him by 30cs the whole match, negated his roam etc). Guess what? Lane phase ended, he grabbed three kills from my -garbage- teammates and he ended 12/3, unkillable, diving turrets and killing me in fountain.

Right now I wanna punch Brandom "Ryze", whoever designed this vomit and everybody who plays this pile of crap in the face. I swear this game is a fucking piece of shit.


Any tips for Garen vs Darius? I played against him and he just seemed to steam roll without effort. Able to build high damage and high tanky...

If there is nothing I can do, I'm probably just going to start banning him. XD

Uh Darius isn't exactly the most ban-worthy champ in the game.
One suggestion I can give is to just play defensive and not engage him without your jungler.
If you're psychic you could silence him if he's about to ulti you, and you as Garen could ulti him at low health and get the kill. His passive deals magic damage, so a Spirit Visage, for example, can help, but don't prioritize it.
Darius is highly favorable against Garen. You really want very early ganks, or some really expert creep management.

I wouldn't rush Visage at all. His passive is a small portion of his damage. The problem is that it completely shuts your passive for very long periods.
the best way to build defensively against Darius is to focus on health. Armour is not exactly favourable because of his ult, although it does help in the earlier parts of trades.

Generally high health will be the best way to build.


Yeah, Darius is just a terrible matchup for Garen. His passive basically negates your passive and he forces you to itemize health which Garen really doesn't want to do because he gets bonus mitigation stats.

If you are forced to lane against him, just play super carefully and give up CS whenever he gets you low. Darius doesn't do anything much in teamfights unless he can get resets, so if he's not pretty fed, he's not that useful. Let your team carry that one.


Any tips for Garen vs Darius? I played against him and he just seemed to steam roll without effort. Able to build high damage and high tanky...

If there is nothing I can do, I'm probably just going to start banning him. XD

Don't listen to these people, it's actually a super easy match-up. Here's what you do: go to lane, then Spin-to-Win while yelling "Demaciaaaaaaa". Then challenge Darius to do the same, but here's the thing: he can't do it! He just can't! He'll be all like, man, how does this guy do it?!

But seriously Garen plays right into Darius' strengths. Unless you get help just play it safe and farm up to make sure that, come late game, you're both equally useless.

EDIT: Eeeep double post.


Congrats on getting to gold, Cloudius! I really will be the last person in silver. I almost made it back to silver 1, where I placed this season, but I lost 2 games instead so I'm back at like 40 LP. It would take 5+ wins in a row to get to silver 1 which is beyond my skills and time. ;(


Don't listen to these people, it's actually a super easy match-up. Here's what you do: go to lane, then Spin-to-Win while yelling "Demaciaaaaaaa". Then challenge Darius to do the same, but here's the thing: he can't do it! He just can't! He'll be all like, man, how does this guy do it?!

You have picked one of the two champions besides Garen who CAN actually spin to win. Admittedly he can only do it for like, a half second.


Yes congrats on getting to gold!

Congrats on getting to gold, Cloudius! I really will be the last person in silver. I almost made it back to silver 1, where I placed this season, but I lost 2 games instead so I'm back at like 40 LP. It would take 5+ wins in a row to get to silver 1 which is beyond my skills and time. ;(

I'll battle you for it


My girlfriend would also like people to play with. Now that I've finished my new rig (and given her my old one) I will start playing with her, but she's in the NeoGAF community chat if anyone is ever willing to play bots with her (she's only played PC games for ~2 weeks total, so she's still learning).

Her handle is Demi Lunar.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
My girlfriend would also like people to play with. Now that I've finished my new rig (and given her my old one) I will start playing with her, but she's in the NeoGAF community chat if anyone is ever willing to play bots with her (she's only played PC games for ~2 weeks total, so she's still learning).

Her handle is Demi Lunar.

I hope you told her about the bot ragers. I'm not even joking, people actually get mad in bots sometimes.


My girlfriend would also like people to play with. Now that I've finished my new rig (and given her my old one) I will start playing with her, but she's in the NeoGAF community chat if anyone is ever willing to play bots with her (she's only played PC games for ~2 weeks total, so she's still learning).

Her handle is Demi Lunar.
I play bot games for win of the day sometimes so I'll try to remember to send a PM if I do and see her on.


I play bot games for win of the day sometimes so I'll try to remember to send a PM if I do and see her on.

Thanks very much!

She's looking to make friends. She's not just new to League, she's new to the area we live in and to PC games generally, so helping her build a sense of community would be great!


It is surprising to me that this thread harbors such ill will towards Tristana and yet nobody mentions zero-skillshot, point-and-click-root Ryze.

Playing him feels like playing a character from a different, simpler game. It's like if Tekken 6 had a guy from Tekken 1 that was never really updated with new moves.

I hate Ryze.
My girlfriend would also like people to play with. Now that I've finished my new rig (and given her my old one) I will start playing with her, but she's in the NeoGAF community chat if anyone is ever willing to play bots with her (she's only played PC games for ~2 weeks total, so she's still learning).

Her handle is Demi Lunar.

I'll add her, I enjoy the occasional bot match. Especially for the daily IP bonus.

ID: No Fun Nunu


Thanks very much!

She's looking to make friends. She's not just new to League, she's new to the area we live in and to PC games generally, so helping her build a sense of community would be great!

Just have her ask the neogaf channel when she plays, some people might respond. I usually do stupid matches (bots/aram) at night, so if it's late enough (like midnight Pacific) i might join.


Had an intentionally feeding Talon. The weirdest reason too. He said "join curse voice or troll". None of us had the stupid program and so he ran into towers from level 1. He was 0/13 by the end and even bought homeguard mobility boots so he could feed faster. My god... been a while since I've had an intentional feeder in ranked.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Had an intentionally feeding Talon. The weirdest reason too. He said "join curse voice or troll". None of us had the stupid program and so he ran into towers from level 1. He was 0/13 by the end and even bought homeguard mobility boots so he could feed faster. My god... been a while since I've had an intentional feeder in ranked.

He was going to feed regardless but he wanted you to use curse voice so he could hear your reactions.
Leona players- do you guys rock with Boots of Mobility? I just started using them on her and I've noticed my performance is elevated due to the faster engages and what not. Should I always get them or should I be open to taking Merc Treads if need be?


Leona players- do you guys rock with Boots of Mobility? I just started using them on her and I've noticed my performance is elevated due to the faster engages and what not. Should I always get them or should I be open to taking Merc Treads if need be?

I'm not a leona player but I did stay at a holiday inn express last night.

Supports are usually benefiting from mobo boots if you plan on roaming. It gets you around the map and into range for CC a lot quicker. However for someone like Leona who is constantly in the middle of fights, I would lean toward defensive boots. You can argue either way. If you need the speed to get into range for the ult or E, then go for it.


He was going to feed regardless but he wanted you to use curse voice so he could hear your reactions.

I wonder about that. Looking at his match history this seems to be the only game he's actually fed intentionally in. He has one leave in a game, but the rest of his matches look real.

EDIT: Although, looking at that leave game, he had clairvoyance/cleanse, so it's a safe bet he wanted to troll too. Wish he had just left instead of feeding.


Leona players- do you guys rock with Boots of Mobility? I just started using them on her and I've noticed my performance is elevated due to the faster engages and what not. Should I always get them or should I be open to taking Merc Treads if need be?
i usually try to get mobis on every support, lets you roam better

you don't really care for tenacity as leona as you really don't do anything after you blow your combo, but it might be a good idea against some champions (morgana, fiddle, veigar). depends on the game

i'm like 90% mobis unless i'm playing zyra or annie and i just get sorc shoes
I'm seeing a lot of champs using mobility boots, to the point that I wonder if they're due for a nerf. Even non-support champs are getting them for faster engages and roams.

I think for Leona, if the other team is CC'ing you to take you out of the fight (Morgana bind, Nami bubble, Thresh hook) then Merc's might be a better option. Otherwise mobility boots are good for roaming and warding (also helpful if you find yourself dying/recalling a lot).
Leona players- do you guys rock with Boots of Mobility? I just started using them on her and I've noticed my performance is elevated due to the faster engages and what not. Should I always get them or should I be open to taking Merc Treads if need be?
Any engage support with mobos gets 200% scarier.

You can always sell them and get merc threads later on, but early-mid game it's very fucking strong.


I'm seeing a lot of champs using mobility boots, to the point that I wonder if they're due for a nerf. Even non-support champs are getting them for faster engages and roams.

I think for Leona, if the other team is CC'ing you to take you out of the fight (Morgana bind, Nami bubble, Thresh hook) then Merc's might be a better option. Otherwise mobility boots are good for roaming and warding (also helpful if you find yourself dying/recalling a lot).

I don't think so, really. Sorc boots, Berserker greaves, Merc treads, and Ninja Tabis are all useful boots too. Only roles I see that buy Mobility boots frequently are support and jungle.


I'm seeing a lot of champs using mobility boots, to the point that I wonder if they're due for a nerf. Even non-support champs are getting them for faster engages and roams.

I think for Leona, if the other team is CC'ing you to take you out of the fight (Morgana bind, Nami bubble, Thresh hook) then Merc's might be a better option. Otherwise mobility boots are good for roaming and warding (also helpful if you find yourself dying/recalling a lot).

i'm pretty sure nami bubble isn't affected by tenacity and there's some weird thresh interaction too. like thresh can jump to you for the full death sentence time but stun's reduced for a bit. also his flay is full effect but the slow time is reduced

btw i don't think mobis are due a nerf at all


i'm pretty sure nami bubble isn't affected by tenacity and there's some weird thresh interaction too. like thresh can jump to you for the full death sentence time but stun's reduced for a bit. also his flay is full effect but the slow time is reduced

btw i don't think mobis are due a nerf at all
Nami bubbles are affected by tenacity. It is a weird pseudo-stun/knock up.

Also mobi boots were recently nerfed, I agree that they don't need more.


i HATE mobi boots on nami. so many times in fights someone will get away because i can't get in bubble range due to being in combat and losing the bonus movement speed.

cdr boots are where it's at on nami
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