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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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also Jax only has one targeted spell. Same with Kassadin.

On-click instant targeted, ranged cc like Ryze's Rune Prison is bullshit though.

even a short travel time like annie q is already an improvement

i don't really mind targeted spells as they can be interesting when paired with other mechanics (bounces on nami w or like cass e auto-attack like resets)

i personally prefer skillshots but targeted spells themselves aren't bad

but what about tarics stun tho
taric stun b fabulous in account of its shitty ass travel time and semi high cd
but what about tarics stun tho

I generally don't like any targeted cc, but I'm sort of ok with it if it has a travel time that allows reactions like Taric stun, gold card etc.

But for a while, if you asked me what the worst designed ability in the game was, I'd have said Fiddle Q. Instant, no counterplay, targeted, hard cc with RNG elements.

Like I still don't think it's well designed but at least it's shorter now and they removed the RNG element.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
I generally don't like any targeted cc, but I'm sort of ok with it if it has a travel time that allows reactions like Taric stun, gold card etc.

But for a while, if you asked me what the worst designed ability in the game was, I'd have said Fiddle Q. Instant, no counterplay, targeted, hard cc with RNG elements.

Like I still don't think it's well designed but at least it's shorter now and they removed the RNG element.

I still think warwicks ult is the worst cc. It's just point-n-click suppression plus spellvamp. He is getting reworked though....


ziggs is such a stupid champ.

w/e, ryze was 2/4/0 against me so idgaf.


Hopefully I've waited long enough to try the deciding promotion game. Queue up!


...hmm. This individual also said they were trolling (because they're last pick) as a double jungle. They then proceeded to rage at me when I believed them.


When are they gonna revamp every autotargeted spell into a skillshot? If I wanted to play a MOBA with outdated, engine-restrained gameplay from a fan made mod stuck in 2005 I would play Dota/2.

Like, how the fuck Ryze, Kassadin, Jax or Irelia are not "anti-fun", Morello? Jesus.



Hopefully I've waited long enough to try the deciding promotion game. Queue up!


...hmm. This individual also said they were trolling (because they're last pick) as a double jungle. They then proceeded to rage at me when I believed them.
The result was unexpected.

This player DIDN'T rage in game and just acted normal. Despite my pick (me playing badly and using Fiora instead of support since this person said they were raging and only doing jungle), and despite AD maokai top (I -think- he killed tower first, but he died a bunch), and despite the enemy Xerath mid doing well and getting fed, the Xerath disconnected.

So, the crappy team meandered their way to a 5v4 victory, and a tier promotion. It's like the opposite of the games where I do well and lose.
The result was unexpected.

This player DIDN'T rage in game and just acted normal. Despite my pick (me playing badly and using Fiora instead of support since this person said they were raging and only doing jungle), and despite AD maokai top (I -think- he killed tower first, but he died a bunch), and despite the enemy Xerath mid doing well and getting fed, the Xerath disconnected.

So, the crappy team meandered their way to a 5v4 victory, and a tier promotion. It's like the opposite of the games where I do well and lose.

So it's true. There are actual people winning against us when we have those afk / dc people.
Warwick, Urgot, Malz, Skarner, yep. Those are all the suppressions. Malz has the bonus of doing it from afar. Urgot forces you into a bad spot while Skarner can do anything during suppression.


those champions being different degrees of broken has nothing to do with targeted spells

well ryze maybe a bit

While in fact it does in most of them, that's another matter. I was just focusing on the anti-fun factor, which is 100% caused by autotargeted spells. Like for example, Veigar, Akali or Vladimir aren't OP, but they're pure toxicity.

Point and click is not a requirement for brokenness tho. Let's see for example the most broken and stupid champion in the game, Tristana:

- Highest range in the game.

- Highest attack speed in the game (thanks to a zero mana AS steroid that you can spam in lane).

- Anti-heal dot.

- A resettable jump that Talon and other assassins wish they had because it's a better in and out than Kha Zix's jump.

- Ultimate that does plenty of damage and knocks enemies away (Because having the highest range in the game and a jump that saves you from basically everything is not enough, you need a braindead point and click disengage in the unlikely event someone can get to you in lategame).

I hope the genius that designed this abomination is no longer working there. Things like Yasuo make me think he's still there or has been replaced by someone worse tho.


While in fact it does in most of them, that's another matter. I was just focusing on the anti-fun factor, which is 100% caused by autotargeted spells. Like for example, Veigar, Akali or Vladimir aren't OP, but they're pure toxicity.

Point and click is not a requirement for brokenness tho. Let's see for example the most broken and stupid champion in the game, Tristana:

- Highest range in the game.

- Highest attack speed in the game (thanks to a zero mana AS steroid that you can spam in lane).

- Anti-heal dot.

- A resettable jump that Talon and other assassins wish they had because it's a better in and out than Kha Zix's jump.

- Ultimate that does plenty of damage and knocks enemies away (Because having the highest range in the game and a jump that saves you from basically everything is not enough, you need a braindead point and click disengage in the unlikely event someone can get to you in lategame).

I hope the genius that designed this abomination is no longer working there. Things like Yasuo make me think he's still there or has been replaced by someone worse tho.
Yeah, I agree with Nev. Trist is broken.

Only balanced ADCs are Draven, Sivir, Miss Fortune and Vayne.
While in fact it does in most of them, that's another matter. I was just focusing on the anti-fun factor, which is 100% caused by autotargeted spells. Like for example, Veigar, Akali or Vladimir aren't OP, but they're pure toxicity.

Point and click is not a requirement for brokenness tho. Let's see for example the most broken and stupid champion in the game, Tristana:

- Highest range in the game.

- Highest attack speed in the game (thanks to a zero mana AS steroid that you can spam in lane).

- Anti-heal dot.

- A resettable jump that Talon and other assassins wish they had because it's a better in and out than Kha Zix's jump.

- Ultimate that does plenty of damage and knocks enemies away (Because having the highest range in the game and a jump that saves you from basically everything is not enough, you need a braindead point and click disengage in the unlikely event someone can get to you in lategame).

I hope the genius that designed this abomination is no longer working there. Things like Yasuo make me think he's still there or has been replaced by someone worse tho.
Funny thing, I play Trist a lot. Her range isn' the farthest if you include Kogmaw's BioArcane Barrage or Twitch's Pay and Spray. Kha'zix evolved leap is the same as Trist in range. All of Trist abilities scale off AP. Her mid game is pretty shitty. Caitlyn can easily bully her.
Trist scales great late game, but thats if she gets her items. She doesn't do percentage total health damage like Kog either. I prefer Grave's quickdraw since it can lower its own cooldown with each basic attack.
Seeing Trist in LCS is just FOTM.
lol, when did they remove the mana cost on rapid fire?
If Trist gets farmed and no one stops her. She'll become a monster late game.


Haha I guess my inadequacy at support must make me inflate her value. Because I suck at all supports, but I will occasionally wreck shit with Morg because she's so easy to play and effective. (When I'm forced to support I always go Morg)
She's definitely a decent safe pick, kinda the Renekton or ziggs of bot lane.


I'm dreading the day people start to pick up irelia. It's almost an instant nerf next patch if that happens
Trist is just utterly FotM.

Her Q isn't an issue in lane at all. You rarely ever stay long in trades to get the most out of it, coupled with having the lowest base AD out of all ADCs I believe. Also, unless you're trading E's lane power for Q, your Q is staying at Lv1 for a while until you max E. Q first Trist sucks in lane. Try it and see for yourself if Q is ever an issue in lane.

She doesn't have a good midgame partly because she doesnt have Q maxed at that point, and because none of her abilities scale with AD.

Yasuo is a well designed champion, along with Braum and Thresh. They were OP at some point just because they have interesting and well designed kits compares to many other snores where you just mash QWER at a target. I'd rather League's entire roster be designed in similar interesting fashion.


oh i missed you nev

anywho the anti-fun factor being 100% caused by autotargeted spells is debatable as fuck.

specifically of those champions, neither irelia, jax or kassadin having targeted spells has anything to do with them being annoying as fuck. it's either snowballing, scaling or crazy mobility respectively. the annoying spell about kassadin is r, the annoying thing about jax is his passive and ult and irelia who knows how many things are wrong with her at any given moment

ryze is a bit similar to jax, but also kind of combined with irelia in a big blob of unfunness that should be destroyed from the game

tristana is a mix of everyone and everything about her is stupid and she should be reworked. i totally agree with everything you listed

now those champions, specially ryze rune prison and trist dot thingie having targeted spells makes them annoying? sure, but it's not what breaks them, not at all.

now the other thing is this idea that all skillshots makes champions much better but think about old nidalee or ziggs or even new xerath, those champions are as anti-fun as it gets. skillshots aren't necessarily an instantaneous skill-requirement unless on very low elos and giving some spells skillshot status would actually be a pretty big buff (imagine if ap trist could e+ult you from fog of war)

targeted spells aren't the big problems, it's just a particular set of shitty champions that really suck for a bunch of reasons larger than that.

now much like with lucy, nerf the fuck out of em and move on

i agree with the latter part but i think riot should be smarter about it

release yasuo imo was perfect (aside from bugs here and there) and they just ruined him by kneejerk buffing him like crazy to the point everyone hates him now

somewhat similar to what happened to lucy

they need to understand that crazy champions are delicate matters


Tristana is not a fotm, I've been saying she's the most unbalanced adc in the game since like 2011 and I know plenty of people who agree with me. It's just that the metasheeps realized now that she's played in the LCS so the sentiment is more vocal.

She's fucking BROKEN. They can begin by getting rid of the ridiculous jump reset, which is guilty of 80% of her brokenness.


btw not saying targeted spells don't make part of the anti-fun stuff. just saying it's not directly responsible.

like veigar, akali and vlad, all three have pretty big problems with scaling and snowballing like most of the stupid champions in the game. all three are pretty binary in the feast or famine thing which i think is the big culprit behind most the shitty champions in the game like rengar, ryze, udyr, katarina, talon, etc.

targeted spells don't help but imo that's the big issue with em

Tristana is not a fotm, I've been saying she's the most unbalanced adc in the game since like 2011 and I know plenty of people who agree with me. It's just that the metasheeps realized now that she's played in the LCS so the sentiment is more vocal.

She's fucking BROKEN. They can begin by getting rid of the ridiculous jump reset, which is guilty of 80% of her brokenness.
i dunno i think the jump reset is kind of the only thing that is cool about her cos it rewards her for taking risks

i think ult, e and ap scaling have to 100% go. and i'm not saying change it a bit. remove all those spells completely and start over.

jump reset could/should get the jinx treatment tho

she should keep the lategame stuff but a champion that is deadweight for half the game and godly at two opposite spikes is dumb specially when the godliness comes from being impossible to fuck up thanks to safeness that makes ezreal look like graves


Rito pls
I lose this ranked game and choose to skip waiting for stats.
Now the game thinks I'm still in a game and is trying to connect to an ended game.
Restarting the freakin' client doesn't fix this, wtf rito >_<.

EDIT: Ah crud seems others having the same issue too!

Ah well time to finish up Deponia 1 in the mean time.
Rito pls...


Issue got resolved and thankfully my lost ranked game didn't count =D
jUST NEEd to win 2 and I qualify...


Sigh lost both matches. I'm starting to think I should askfor banning Ez and Fizz.
Ez's teleport is retarded..


Sigh lost both matches. I'm starting to think I should askfor banning Ez and Fizz.
Ez's teleport is retarded..
Pick hard cc, wait for their escape to be used and then cc them and kill. If they also have flash... Try again in the next 5 mins.
AD Janna hurts, though if she didn't dick around they probably would have won. I'm seeing waaay too many Ghostblades on ADCs nowadays, even though it's only optimal with a few (Lucian, Twitch, maybe Kog/Vayne)



Marcel Feldkamp
So sad I can't watch the #GER game tomorrow because of LCS :( I want to how they reck #ARG

fuck dexter

everyone in league world is against us

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Ah the works of buffs and reworks.

Showing you how broken a champion was once everyone played them.

Then nerfing them to a crutch like twitch.... and soon to be lucian.
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