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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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My current gnar build:

-2 dorans
-Situational boots
- Triforce
-Wit's end

hp/lvl yellows
ad reds
armor quints
mr/lvl blues


I go 21/9/0 and I usually go double doran's into phage then sheen then sit on those for a while. then randuin's or visage depending on who i'm vs. once i finish that item i'll finish off triforce.

my full build is usually triforce and bork for damage, then visage/randuins/warmogs/boots.

runes i think i run something like

AD reds, AS quints, scaling MR blues and HP yellows.


I go 21/9/0 and I usually go double doran's into phage then sheen then sit on those for a while. then randuin's or visage depending on who i'm vs. once i finish that item i'll finish off triforce.

my full build is usually triforce and bork for damage, then visage/randuins/warmogs/boots.

runes i think i run something like

AD reds, AS quints, scaling MR blues and HP yellows.

I meant 21/9.

I brutalizer because the initial armor pen really makes the boomerange and boulder hurt like hell. Also the CD reduction lets you last hit more with the boomerang.

I find triforce doesn't do enough for you early game. It's too slow to build and there's wasted stats. That's why I hold off till end game.


I meant 21/9.

I brutalizer because the initial armor pen really makes the boomerange and boulder hurt like hell. Also the CD reduction lets you last hit more with the boomerang.

I find triforce doesn't do enough for you early game. It's too slow to build and there's wasted stats. That's why I hold off till end game.

Yeah that's why I sit on phage/sheen for a bit. they provide pretty good stats.

i tried brut then full tank once. i felt kinda useless, but i dunno. ill try again.


Had such couple of bad games yesterday ._. Went with Tristana vs a Plat IV Draven, was bullied the entire time ._. So frustrating. On addition to that I did terrible because I was tilting so it just added up.

Then we had a game where I went as Annie but even if we did ok on laning phase, we got a couple of bad TFs, last one they were setting up Thresh on our Wraiths camp. I warded there but our Ahri didn't notice I guess. She could caught by the hook and then it all melted away.

Also, I need some tips from a friend who even though he used to play a lot he still requires some basics (and in addition, it'll help me learn too, of course!). He uses Teleport on Teemo top, and friends of mine were saying how he was using Teleport in a not really productive way. He never really ganked bot/Dragon, and basically used it to move from bot to top, to farm. Also he says he read about a hybrid build on Teemo, with BotRK/Nashor's/Lyandri's/Morello's/Sorc boots, but in all honesty, his AAs weren't doing much, and let alone his shrooms/venom. Maybe it's because of his runes/masteries?

So yeah, teleport tips and I guess Teemo/Kennen tips are much appreciated! I just really would like to play with this friend, but sometimes with his locked camera (yes... locked camera) and tunnel vision/unawareness of the map it gets really frustrating.


Had such couple of bad games yesterday ._. Went with Tristana vs a Plat IV Draven, was bullied the entire time ._. So frustrating. On addition to that I did terrible because I was tilting so it just added up.

Then we had a game where I went as Annie but even if we did ok on laning phase, we got a couple of bad TFs, last one they were setting up Thresh on our Wraiths camp. I warded there but our Ahri didn't notice I guess. She could caught by the hook and then it all melted away.

Also, I need some tips from a friend who even though he used to play a lot he still requires some basics (and in addition, it'll help me learn too, of course!). He uses Teleport on Teemo top, and friends of mine were saying how he was using Teleport in a not really productive way. He never really ganked bot/Dragon, and basically used it to move from bot to top, to farm. Also he says he read about a hybrid build on Teemo, with BotRK/Nashor's/Lyandri's/Morello's/Sorc boots, but in all honesty, his AAs weren't doing much, and let alone his shrooms/venom. Maybe it's because of his runes/masteries?

So yeah, teleport tips and I guess Teemo/Kennen tips are much appreciated! I just really would like to play with this friend, but sometimes with his locked camera (yes... locked camera) and tunnel vision/unawareness of the map it gets really frustrating.

My experience with Trist vs. Draven is that it's a miserable lane for Trist, and that was before her early game nerfs. You have to sit back, build Statik Shiv and wait for level 12 or so. Draven needs to get kills to stay relevant. You just have to wait.

Teleport is usually used for one of two things -- to get back to lane faster and avoid losing farm, and to join teamfights that have just started or are about to start. It's okay to use teleport to get to your tower if you died or backed and will miss CS or take tower damage. But the primary use of it is allow you to split push (or solo lane) and still teamfight.
I wouldn't think teemo would need teleport. He is a lane bully that should be harassing a lot, so the wave should almost always be pushed near the enemy tower. Therefore he doesn't require teleport to return to lane, he won't miss many creeps regardless. Ignite is nice for stronger bullying potential, or heal/ghost maybe to help avoid ganks. TP is still viable but you're right teemo doesn't really need it to get back to lane.
To be fair, the first thing I'd type in chat as a top or jungler (or even other role) if I saw an Ignite Teemo is to gank the hell out of him since he has no TP and will play aggro looking for 1v1 kills. Against a lane opponent with easy to land CC or burst damage and a strong jungler he's fresh meat. And once Teemo is behind he's near useless.

But his build is not very strong. I think the concensus is Magic Pen Teemo is the most annoying to deal with thanks to his shrooms hurting like hell. Something like: Haunting Guise -> Sorc Boots -> Morellonomicon -> Void Staff -> Liandry's -> Zhonya's. Spam shrooms as much as possible and annoy the other team, especially around dragon and mid lane. There's not much point building heavy DPS since there's going to be so little uptime on it.


Thanks! Great answers and very informative. :) Yeah, most of his problem was that he kept going back to farm/push top, leaving us most of the time 4v5 and his TP unavailable. And kept on putting shrooms to places where they wouldn't matter much, like around top. Basically he overextended his laning phase I think, when most of the big stuff was happening.

I will tell him about the whole tp/build! I just can't get mad at him because he's an awesome friend, but when 3 of us are telling him something and he's not listening, it's like why ;A;

And yeah, my problem was not staying back and farming, then giving Draven some free kills which allowed him to get more daring and zone me out even further. At that point the game was lost. I still have a long way to improve as ADC. D;


I wouldn't think teemo would need teleport. He is a lane bully that should be harassing a lot, so the wave should almost always be pushed near the enemy tower. Therefore he doesn't require teleport to return to lane, he won't miss many creeps regardless. Ignite is nice for stronger bullying potential, or heal/ghost maybe to help avoid ganks. TP is still viable but you're right teemo doesn't really need it to get back to lane.
He doesn't take tp to return to lane. He takes tp to split push. Imo tp is the superior summoner for him.


My current gnar build:

-2 dorans
-Situational boots
- Triforce
-Wit's end

hp/lvl yellows
ad reds
armor quints
mr/lvl blues



Woah woah woah, interesting set up here but a few questions
1- Why not prioritize Trinity Force? Like Phage>Zeal>Trinity? Phage can help him kite while in mini form at least.
2- Why build Wit's end on him? Only his Mini Form could benefit from it last I checked?


Might only be a draft but god damn

I really hate how the official forums have basically become Riot's support desk. Used to be you could get some good info on upcoming stuff, now it's just LYTE Y U BAN ME


I don't play LoL, but this story about this amazing girl caught my attention.

She plays with her feet because she has no arms. She is gold league..

Anyway she is using standard Mouse and keyboard, and is saving up for new PC and some equipment that would help her play even better.

We are also from same country, Serbia and of same age. Anyway thing like this really bring smile to my face it is just amazing what you can achieve if you really believe and work hard.

Here is her Twitch Channel you can find out more things about her there.

Also interview with her.

Oh and yes she plays better than many ppl with their hands :)


I don't play LoL, but this story about this amazing girl caught my attention.

She plays with her feet because she has no arms. She is gold league..

Anyway she is using standard Mouse and keyboard, and is saving up for new PC and some equipment that would help her play even better.

We are also from same country, Serbia and of same age. Anyway thing like this really bring smile to my face it is just amazing what you can achieve if you really believe and work hard.

Here is her Twitch Channel you can find out more things about her there.

Also interview with her.

Oh and yes she plays better than many ppl with their hands :)

Wow, much power to her. I am watching her stream right now, and she has such a positive outlook on life! So far she's not playing League but I'm fairly sure she easily plays better than my friends and I!


Wow, much power to her. I am watching her stream right now, and she has such a positive outlook on life! So far she's not playing League but I'm fairly sure she easily plays better than my friends and I!

She finished game several minutes ago and she is gonna play now again.

Also some people at Twitch chat are such a fuckin morons.......


I don't play LoL, but this story about this amazing girl caught my attention.

She plays with her feet because she has no arms. She is gold league..

Anyway she is using standard Mouse and keyboard, and is saving up for new PC and some equipment that would help her play even better.

We are also from same country, Serbia and of same age. Anyway thing like this really bring smile to my face it is just amazing what you can achieve if you really believe and work hard.

Here is her Twitch Channel you can find out more things about her there.

Also interview with her.

Oh and yes she plays better than many ppl with their hands :)

Wow that's pretty badass


I really hate how the official forums have basically become Riot's support desk. Used to be you could get some good info on upcoming stuff, now it's just LYTE Y U BAN ME

It's even worse than that, honestly. These people know full well why they were banned. They're bitching so they can get their 15 minutes of fame on r/LeagueofLegends when Lyte eventually replies. Pretty disappointing that Lyte keeps falling for this bait seeing as how he's in charge of managing these trolls.

(go to the beta boards if you want actual Riot info)
The challenger series starts this evening to decide who gets a spot in the promotion/relegation tournament

LoLPro vs Denial

Team 8 vs XDG

I'm sure Edwardo will be along to post it soon


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
...and why is that?
Cuz I think you're joking.
Why would it be a joke? His E is really powerful utility, he has pretty good clear times and sustain, he has good objective control, and he has immense late game scaling. There is a reason he has one of the best winrates in the game right now. Super high pick potential and strong team fight.


I also think his success is due to people not knowing how to properly deal with him and simply disrespecting the pick, not unlike Rammus, Fiora, Brand, Malz and a few other champions who have higher win rates than their popular reputations would suggest.

I personally don't like playing him. A few of the ideas thrown around for his rework did seem interesting though.
Jungle WW is pretty scary right now.

Maybe. He was doing really well after 6. His memorable moment was when we did Baron. I was clearing the baron ward and it caught their Kayle's attention. We started baron anyway since they were scattered. Kayle went to ward baron and Warwick just ulted and killed her then went back to baron.

Almost lost the game because Gnar was having a bad time and kept threatening to throw. He made it worse by announcing it in allchat which caused Nasus to focus on him (his Qs chunked 50% of his health). I had to follow him around the map so he can't keep getting picked off by Nasus. Kept trying to say positive things and stop WW from trashtalking him. We were ahead the entire game.



Woah woah woah, interesting set up here but a few questions
1- Why not prioritize Trinity Force? Like Phage>Zeal>Trinity? Phage can help him kite while in mini form at least.
2- Why build Wit's end on him? Only his Mini Form could benefit from it last I checked?

1. The trinity doesn't really help him much in lane I found. Phage is nice, but when you already have a built in slow, speed boost, and gapcloser/escape you don't really need the proc. Sheen is nice but has wasted stats. Like i said earlier, brutalizer gives you CD reduction which will help you CS in tough lanes, gives you early armor pen and builds into a ghostblade which is a huge damage boost and a lot cheaper than trinity.

2. Wit's end is something I'm still mulling over. Gnar needs an MR source. WIt's gives him a bit, and then gives him all the other stats he's looking for. Really only other option would be Banshee's or Guardian Angel.


1. The trinity doesn't really help him much in lane I found. Phage is nice, but when you already have a built in slow, speed boost, and gapcloser/escape you don't really need the proc. Sheen is nice but has wasted stats. Like i said earlier, brutalizer gives you CD reduction which will help you CS in tough lanes, gives you early armor pen and builds into a ghostblade which is a huge damage boost and a lot cheaper than trinity.

2. Wit's end is something I'm still mulling over. Gnar needs an MR source. WIt's gives him a bit, and then gives him all the other stats he's looking for. Really only other option would be Banshee's or Guardian Angel.

I like Visage. Gives him everything. CDR, MR, healing passive. Decent buildpath too.
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