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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Everything is moe to me
i thought people had given up on offensive gnar and were going full tank. thats been the most successful strategy i've seen.
Darien has been tearing up Challenger EUW on Gnar with full tank builds. He runs Armor Pen Marks and Quints, Armor/MR Seals/Glyphs and 21-9-0 masteries. He maxes R>Q>E>W. At most he builds a Brutalizer after his first tank item (usually Sunfire). Seems like you can work off Gnar's base damages successfully with some ArPen.
Jungle WW is pretty scary right now.
As someone who used to play him a fair bit and still likes him, I can't help but raise my eyebrow every time I read "current-day Warwick is scary," especially when he's jungling.

Darien has been tearing up Challenger EUW on Gnar with full tank builds. He runs Armor Pen Marks and Quints, Armor/MR Seals/Glyphs and 21-9-0 masteries. He maxes R>Q>E>W. At most he builds a Brutalizer after his first tank item (usually Sunfire). Seems like you can work off Gnar's base damages successfully with some ArPen.
I'm gonna hurl.
Warwick's been top 5 win rate in solo queue for some time. He's a bit lower in Diamond, but still wins in over 53% of his games at that level. I think he's a bit like Amumu, in that if you're not losing by the time you hit 6, you should win, and even if you are, you have some comeback potential with good ults.



Mainly I activate it when I turn into Mega Gnar.

BTW on Gnar you buff his W last? So Hop and Q are main abilities to buff.

Ya you want Q first. Both it and boulder actually do quite a bit of damage... and both are pretty spammable once you get full ranks + some cdr + retrieval.

Hop second because it's your initiate/escape.

W last because % damage does more late game than early and Mega gnars W is his worst ability by far.

You really should use ghost blade in mini form. Really the only time you should use it in mega is if you fucked up an initiation, need to escape, or need to get a last hit in if they run away.


Newt with Sivir:

"Stand behind me so I can shield block."

Proceed to stand behind him.

Enemy morgana Qs and Newt dodges.

I die.

Never forget.


cheap parts means you always have something to buy when you go 0/3 in lane

ooh. So Negative.

Everyone said Lucian sucked at release.
Everyone said Yasuo sucked at release.

Here's what will happen with Gnar:

- Low winrate except for one or two standouts (ok, this has already happened)
- Riot will buff (looks that way)
- A pro will bust him out in a tourny and wreck face
- He'll explode in solo queue
- Riot will repeatedly nerf WAY below release level to balance
- He'll still be strong.


ooh. So Negative.

Everyone said Lucian sucked at release.
Everyone said Yasuo sucked at release.

Here's what will happen with Gnar:

- Low winrate except for one or two standouts (ok, this has already happened)
- Riot will buff (looks that way)
- A pro will bust him out in a tourny and wreck face
- He'll explode in solo queue
- Riot will repeatedly nerf WAY below release level to balance
- He'll still be strong.

You know there have been champions that legitimately sucked at release, got buffed and still suck? Overall what gnar is getting is fairly minor. Only one that might be a bit much is his ultimate scaling.


ooh. So Negative.

Everyone said Lucian sucked at release.
Everyone said Yasuo sucked at release.

Here's what will happen with Gnar:

- Low winrate except for one or two standouts (ok, this has already happened)
- Riot will buff (looks that way)
- A pro will bust him out in a tourny and wreck face
- He'll explode in solo queue
- Riot will repeatedly nerf WAY below release level to balance
- He'll still be strong.
Well Lucian and Yasuo both kinda did suck on release. It was only after the buffs that they became decent.
You know there have been champions that legitimately sucked at release, got buffed and still suck?
Valor to me!


ooh. So Negative.

Everyone said Lucian sucked at release.
Everyone said Yasuo sucked at release.

Here's what will happen with Gnar:

- Low winrate except for one or two standouts (ok, this has already happened)
- Riot will buff (looks that way)
- A pro will bust him out in a tourny and wreck face
- He'll explode in solo queue
- Riot will repeatedly nerf WAY below release level to balance
- He'll still be strong.

why do people keep trotting out lucian and yasuo

they both DID suck at release. it took bug fixes and buffs to get them anywhere near to where they were at their strongest


why do people keep trotting out lucian and yasuo

they both DID suck at release. it took bug fixes and buffs to get them anywhere near to where they were at their strongest

They both got buffed after release, then repeatedly nerfed. Lucian is tougher to directly compare to release thanks to his "mini rework" but Yasuo is weaker now than he was on release and still "strong".


They both got buffed after release, then repeatedly nerfed. Lucian is tougher to directly compare to release thanks to his "mini rework" but Yasuo is weaker now than he was on release and still "strong".
There's no way he was weaker than he has on release. Like him resetting flow on ult is a huge buff. Before he would just ult in and get slaughtered.


I don't see why you'd want that, you couldn't use any abilities if you wanted to "store" it.

You'd still be able to farm from range. You'd still be able to take down towers from range.

There are times where being melee is incredibly disadvantageous. You're potentially being punished for farming.


You'd still be able to farm from range. You'd still be able to take down towers from range.

There are times where being melee is incredibly disadvantageous. You're potentially being punished for farming.

Well when I thought about it it'd be way too OP. People get scared as shit when you're at 100%, you could just sit in the creep line waiting for them to get too close.

Also when I'm in mega form I'm not scared of my opponent, so I don't know why it's disadvantageous. Ya you have to cs at melee range...but they rarely challenge you and if they do you're going to wallop them.

Mega gnar also pushes waves like mad.

I just wish there was a way to build rage faster.

Attack speed.


There's no way he was weaker than he has on release. Like him resetting flow on ult is a huge buff. Before he would just ult in and get slaughtered.

Way of the Wanderer.png Way of the Wanderer
Shield duration reduced to 1 second from 1.5.
Steel Tempest.png Steel Tempest
Cooldown reduction from attack speed reduced.
Minimum cast time increased to .18 seconds from .13.
Attack speed needed to achieve minimum cast time unchanged (+114%, or +60% from items at level 18).
Fixed a bug where Steel Tempest's whirlwind was dealing instant damage in the area of a normal Steel Tempest cast as it was traveling out.
Wind Wall.png Wind Wall
No longer passively grants bonus Flow from dashing.

Sweeping Blade.png Sweeping Blade
Fixed a bug where the ability sometimes didn't count as a spellcast.

Sweeping Blade.png Sweeping Blade
Bonus damage cap reduced to 50% at 2 stacks from 100% at 4 stacks.

Base armor increased to 19 from 15.

Way of the Wanderer.png Way of the Wanderer
Shield duration reduced to 1.5 seconds from 2.
Shield strength reduced to 60-470 from 60-690.

Flow generation reduced to 1% per 46 units from 1% per 40 units.
Steel Tempest.png Steel Tempest
Now displays a maximum range indicator while the third cast is available.
Wind Wall.png Wind Wall
Bonus flow generated on Sweeping Strike reduced to 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15 % from 4 / 8 / 12 / 16 / 20 %.
Last Breath.png Last Breath
Range reduced to 1200 from 1300.

Way of the Wanderer.png Way of the Wanderer
The 10% damage penalty now applies to Statikk Shiv item.png Statikk Shiv.
Steel Tempest.png Steel Tempest
Third cast is now automatically smart cast (as with the first and second cast).
Improved reliability of the Sweeping Blade combo.
Wind Wall.png Wind Wall
No longer blocks friendly Dark Sphere.png Dark Spheres.
Last Breath.png Last Breath
Now grants maximum Flow on cast.
Spell animation shortened by 0.1 seconds.
Now less likely to follow target's using Flash.png Flash.
Bug fix: The cooldown is now appropriate tracked for the purposes of spectator mode and the interface.


One buff patch. Every other patch since has been nerfs. Reduced flow generation, nerf to statik shiv, nerf to shield duration (halved from release), shield strength reduced, ult range nerf.

The only thing he has better than release is his shield on ult. The rest of his kit has been nerfed over and over.


His laning phase is really bad. He's super weak to all ins and he trades poorly.

I think he'll end up a jungler. His chase potential is super high and with the right timing on his transformation, he can lock down someone really well. That timing is the only thing that kills him.

But he can still work as a competitive laner. Just not without help. He'll be a late game champ.


great, just what bronze needs

a champ who can chase so well that they can chase the enemy even further into the wrong neighborhood


One buff patch. Every other patch since has been nerfs. Reduced flow generation, nerf to statik shiv, nerf to shield duration (halved from release), shield strength reduced, ult range nerf.

The only thing he has better than release is his shield on ult. The rest of his kit has been nerfed over and over.

Yes, yasuo was really strong on release. I was quite surprised when they buffed him, since he was essentially pick or ban in D1 on release.

There were just loads of people that couldn't play him.
Yasuo had a like 33% win rate on release. Took like a week before people figured out Shiv rush made him retarded. Then people figured out E start and it was all ogre


Did anyone else get disconnected? I was in champ banning phase for ranked and I lost connection to pvp.net... Just won a match too and now already lost 3 lp...


It'd be a bit too OP If you could store it.

Agreed, but I do think some measure of control is what Gnar really needs. Increasing the time when he transforms into Mega Gnar when an ability isn't used could be nice. I sort of feel like an active/toggle on mini-Gnar that affects rage generation might be something to look into just to see what churns up.


Agreed, but I do think some measure of control is what Gnar really needs. Increasing the time when he transforms into Mega Gnar when an ability isn't used could be nice. I sort of feel like an active/toggle on mini-Gnar that affects rage generation might be something to look into just to see what churns up.

All his skills affect rage.

I think the rage mechanic is fine where it is now.


All his skills affect rage.

I think the rage mechanic is fine where it is now.

Do they? I thought that rage was only generated when damaging or being damaged. Throwing out a random Q or E at <100 rage and hitting nothing shouldn't do anything to his rage meter.


Plat ADCs.


Do they? I thought that rage was only generated when damaging or being damaged. Throwing out a random Q or E at <100 rage and hitting nothing shouldn't do anything to his rage meter.

Well ya you gotta do damage, but why the hell are you throwing you Q at nothing? Fun fact, alot of champions skills do nothing when they hit nothing.
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