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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Finished my provisionals for Gold II. :) I stopped as soon as I hit Gold V last season. I worried about Silver too much.


I'm sorry I cheated with Morgana for my last matches. All the obvious last pick first time supports made things easier.


How come Vlad and Xin are listed as my 4th and 5th most played champs? I have played nothing but support this season. I don't think I ever played Xin and Vlad in the past ranked seasons.


Finished my provisionals for Gold II. :) I stopped as soon as I hit Gold V last season. I worried about Silver too much.

I'm sorry I cheated with Morgana for my last matches. All the obvious last pick first time supports made things easier.


Seems like Morgana has been banned every single game I've played in the last 3 months (which isn't a lot I know).
Seems like Morgana has been banned every single game I've played in the last 3 months (which isn't a lot I know).

I guess I was lucky. I somehow frequently got first pick. No one complains about first pick support. I kept banning Gnar, Leona and Eve. I hate dealing with both Eve and Leona and I flatout don't want teammates to play Gnar this early.


I guess I was lucky. I somehow frequently got first pick. No one complains about first pick support. I kept banning Gnar, Leona and Eve. I hate dealing with both Eve and Leona and I flatout don't want teammates to play Gnar this early.

Yeah. That's the trick. If I get an early pick like that, I'm taking jungle. If I support due to being lower pick, Morg is banned or picked. :(


Time to try wukong. As a final item would trinity be a good item to build on him?
Dont see many players build it.


Is that a thing now? I seem to have avoided it.

I stared at it for like 10 seconds and now my monitor keeps going in and out of focus.


yes, tho it's not as widely adopted as bloom was yet

it's a pretty shitty effect that looks cool on like zeronis concept art because zeronis is a god but should be used a lot more conservatively everywhere else




Sad thing is that a 6/20 Yasuo can still carry a game. He had all the items he needed to win that game.

He never ulted with my 4man waves. He constantly kept overextending mid when we told him not to and getting caught by wwick and team. He was basically dead for every objective. Also our ez built lw 5th...

That seems a little excessive, kind of like someone telling me to kill myself after a game where I did not ban Jax.

Also you went 1/10 in ranked so you may want to be careful with your qualifications and include assists, otherwise you were pretty close. :p Your 2/12 Hecarim and 1/9 Vi scores also weren't too far off.
Two games. The context for his feeding is important though. The hecarim game was the most infuriating game of league I have ever played. I had an amumu counter jungling me from level 2 with his mid and top while mine just stayed in lane. I provided them wards and exact positions of the enemy champs yet they chose to ignore me. Underleveled smites op.


Time to try wukong. As a final item would trinity be a good item to build on him?
Dont see many players build it.

Not really. It works well enough with crushing blow, but Wukong is bit deceiving so far as his kit goes. Despite having some bruiser stuff, he's more on the AD caster end of things. You really want to take advantage of the good base AD and AD scaling on his abilities. So by the time you've built better offensive items like Black Cleaver, Last Whisper, Hydra (or SotEL if jungling) then there just isn't room for another offensive item. You need the remaining ~2 item slots for defensive items so you just don't blow up on initiation.
How does one sell a league account.

I think I'm done with this game for at least a year and if I start again it'll likely be from scratch so I can play some new champs.


How does one sell a league account.

I think I'm done with this game for at least a year and if I start again it'll likely be from scratch so I can play some new champs.

You can try sites like Player Auctions, but good luck. The markets are absolutely flooded with accounts, and there are services that sell level 30 accounts with 20k IP for $25, so unless you can tout something like "all champions unlocked" or "50k IP included", don't even bother.


Two games. The context for his feeding is important though. The hecarim game was the most infuriating game of league I have ever played. I had an amumu counter jungling me from level 2 with his mid and top while mine just stayed in lane. I provided them wards and exact positions of the enemy champs yet they chose to ignore me. Underleveled smites op.

Every mid lane in the world needs to play a minimum of 50 jungle games and get invaded in half of them. It is beyond infuriating when I get invaded and the midlane doesn't respond at all despite pinging like a madman. Worse, sometimes the OTHER midlaner comes while mine just farms.

I mean.. it's your team's jungle. If you respond quick enough, it's essentially a free kill and sets the enemy jungler back quite a bit. On the contrary, it can set me the jungler back quite a bit if I lose and then our whole team suffers.


When I mid and the invade is in the first three or four minutes of lane phase I'm usually focused on my mid lane (cs, trading, watching my sides for ganks) so I'm not watching my jungler do his thing. If he spams 2 or three assist pings during that time you better believe imma be there for him doe


When I mid and the invade is in the first three or four minutes of lane phase I'm usually focused on my mid lane (cs, trading, watching my sides for ganks) so I'm not watching my jungler do his thing. If he spams 2 or three assist pings during that time you better believe imma be there for him doe

You are a bro. That's all a jungler asks for. Can't expect midlaner to immediately spot what's going on. Jungler gotta ping it.


The best part is when your bot lane is pushed into its own tier and the support can roam up too. There's a guaranteed buff transfer onto someone. Worst case scenario if it's in your own jungle is the enemy jungler gets away. Best car you waste their time and set them back while getting their buffs and allowing someone to snowball.

It doesn't even matter who kills the jungler either. Your Midlaner? Just snowballed his lane and potentially have him doubles. Jungler? He is exponentially ahead now. Support? There's an early sight stone.





maybe the day i see a jungler ward something i'll have a bit of sympathy for their counterjungling plights
Generally the jungle should be a second support as far as wards go. I usually put down 15 wards or so out of the jungle.


the way i see i don't whine to jungler when i lose my lane 1v1, so imo jungler should be able to defend his own jungle without me having to go bail his ass.

if enemy mid shows up before i do there's also many reasons like where the wave's at, difference in mobility, if the path there's dangerous, etc. i won't say no to double buffs but u know i have my own lane to win

sucks to be you but you should probably not be playing zac anyways :p


the way i see i don't whine to jungler when i lose my lane 1v1, so imo jungler should be able to defend his own jungle without me having to go bail his ass.

if enemy mid shows up before i do there's also many reasons like where the wave's at, difference in mobility, if the path there's dangerous, etc. i won't say no to double buffs but u know i have my own lane to win

This statement is 100 percent wrong though. If the enemy picks Lee sin and your jungler simply cannot duel him you have to be ready to respond to a likely invade. This kind of stuff happens a lot as not all jungles are created equal. As a lane you at least have some leeway if the enemy is stronger than you at some levels. You have a tower to sit under

Edit to fix cell phone typing


This statement is 100 percent wrong though. If the enemy picks Lee sin and your jungler simply cannot duel him you have to be ready to respond to a likely invade. This kind of stuff happens a lot as not all jungles are created equal. As a lane you at least have some leeway if the enemy is stronger than you at some levels. You have a tower to sit under

Edit to fix cell phone typing

Not to mention your jungler losing their jungle has a way bigger impact than you losing your lane.


This statement is 100 percent wrong though. If the enemy picks Lee sin and your jungler simply cannot duel him you have to be ready to tepid to a likely invade. This kind of stuff happens a lot as not all jungles are created equal. As a lane you at least have some leeway if the enemy is stoney than you at some levels. You have a tower to sit under

cool i just wasted all my mana bailing your out, probably a health potion too, and have now lost my lane.

i'm always surprised how junglers are all like ITS MY JUNGLE BLUE BUFF IS MINE TO GIVE but whenever they get invaded they expect you'll just save them. ward defensively if you're a weak jungler and don't go running around with 25% hp if enemy jungler's lee sin. if you're playing a sucky jungler like hecarim or zac or sejuani or whatever i have to already play my lane 2v1 with enemy jungler actually doing shit so yeahh thx i'm sure you'll make use of this newfound opportunity for many ganks and dragons!!!

i ward a lot and push mid all the time, whenever a jungler gets caught in my games i'm not taking responsibility


now about dem wraiths...


cool i just wasted all my mana bailing your out, probably a health potion too, and have now lost my lane.

i'm always surprised how junglers are all like ITS MY JUNGLE BLUE BUFF IS MINE TO GIVE but whenever they get invaded they expect you'll just save them. ward defensively if you're a weak jungler and don't go running around with 25% hp if enemy jungler's lee sin. if you're playing a sucky jungler like hecarim or zac or sejuani or whatever i have to already play my lane 2v1 with enemy jungler actually doing shit so yeahh thx i'm sure you'll make use of this newfound opportunity for many ganks and dragons!!!

i ward a lot and push mid all the time, whenever a jungler gets caught in my games i'm not taking responsibility


now about dem wraiths...

If you lose lane because you left for 10 seconds you have a lot more to work. But by all means let your own teammate die in his jungle because ME ME ME. Just don't complain that he can't gal for you because you didn't help him to be able to help you.

Oh and that Lee sin that just killed your jungler at his own red is probably coming for you next, with the gold/exp/buff advantage. Glhf with that.

A situation that could have been avoided if not for selfishness es.


the way i see i don't whine to jungler when i lose my lane 1v1, so imo jungler should be able to defend his own jungle without me having to go bail his ass.

Not the same at all.

Minions that hit hard aren't prioritizing the laners. Imagine for a moment that - randomly - all the lane minions decide to target you and chunk you down by a third of your hp at level 2, and you've used your abilities to try and clear those minions. The same didn't happen to your opponent. All other things being equal, you gonna win the upcoming all-in, while those minions are still hitting you? Not a chance in hell. That's how bad it can get when counter jungled at 2nd buff.

You don't think it's beneficial and you've justified it in your mind, that's fine. But don't make the mistake of thinking the jungle is just another lane.


the way i see i don't whine to jungler when i lose my lane 1v1, so imo jungler should be able to defend his own jungle without me having to go bail his ass.

No no no no :(

Don't compare losing a buff or two to losing 10 creeps (if that).

What rank are you if your jungler isn't warding?
Looks like 0 baron control did ya in.
The lack of Baron control was the result, not the reason.
Team keeps getting poked down by Nid while building stupid shit - look at that Akali build - and not listening before doing risky stuff. We win a teamfight at drag, get one tower for it, they want to keep pushing instead of getting Drag, other team respawns, comes running, we have to give up drag and back.

And then the Talon trying to backdoor their Nexus after we told him not to just seals the deal. How do gold junglers deal with this shit on a regular basis? It was never this infuriating when I was a jungler in silver.
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