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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Question, can ahri's orb hit twice in the same direction? Not sure how i did so much damage to a Kat but she flashed my q a little late and her health just disappeared. I wonder if i hit her twice on the outward motion due to her flashing


now with that said i really hate the jungler double standards, this idea that the jungle camps are theirs to give but then you're still supposed to be there to protect them.

Interesting. Because in my experience, outside of the first two buffs nothing is actually mine and I have to protect everybody.

CrabMilkMikey hit the nail on the head. Fucking laners man...

Question, can ahri's orb hit twice in the same direction?

Nope. For the purposes of hit detection the "out" and "return" portions of the orb act as two spells, essentially.

...although now I wonder how it interacts with Rylais. It applies a 15% slow because it's AoE, I get that, but does the slow get refreshed on the way back?


Interesting. Because in my experience, outside of the first two buffs nothing is actually mine and I have to protect everybody.

Nope. For the purposes of hit detection the "out" and "return" portions of the orb act as two spells, essentially.

Good to know, seems like i just melted her than. I really like the state of ahri right now


Interesting. Because in my experience, outside of the first two buffs nothing is actually mine and I have to protect everybody.

CrabMilkMikey hit the nail on the head. Fucking laners man...
perspective is a weird thing

i never expect anything from junglers, unless i'm premade i just assume i'm playing 2v1 and buy mana potions on first back in case they get great ideas like wasting blue buff on themselves.

and i'm often wrong but you can't possibly agree with crab while on the same post he's dissing zeronis, the man's clueless

i always thought of you as a reasonable guy

Question, can ahri's orb hit twice in the same direction? Not sure how i did so much damage to a Kat but she flashed my q a little late and her health just disappeared. I wonder if i hit her twice on the outward motion due to her flashing
if you hit someone at the tip of max range q it'll quickly do the double proc which is a lot of burst specially since half of it is true damage

but ball can't hit the same target twice for the same part of the damage, you always get hit once for magic and once for true damage


ruins Ryze players and is thus totally justified.
That is nice. I'm just scared to try him out because his ult sounds like such shit against any team with a half decent number of interrupts. Also, if I go team builder with him, odds are I'll just run into an AD top, and I feel like there's not much point to him after that.


That is nice. I'm just scared to try him out because his ult sounds like such shit against any team with a half decent number of interrupts. Also, if I go team builder with him, odds are I'll just run into an AD top, and I feel like there's not much point to him after that.

No the worst part about his ult is getting in on the enemy team to use it. Pretty much flash is your only option.



is this real life.

edit: don't look at my karma build i don't play karma was just trolling and it ended up going well but it was 4v5

edit: Can someone who has baron replay plz analyze this game of volibear jungle? http://www.mediafire.com/download/4x94dtnk3zojpta/jesus.lpr

what could i have done to stop the bleeding?


well shit

my smurf placed into silver 4. i wanted to slog through bronze.

carry me pls. J/k, I haven't started rankeds yet ;A; I want some runes/pages!

Today I joined a team builder as support (queue is damn fast) and even if we did well at the start, when playing against Blitzcrank it can get so annoying. It's such a low risk/high reward champion ._. Then it kinda went downhill for my Vayne and I (also she insisted to duel the fed Graves), but managed to keep the team sane and after a Shockwave and Tibbers combo, we just aced and had enough momentum to end! Comebacks are real.
I forgot how awesome Ignite on top lane is.

Fuck TP.
You not too long ago: "there's no reason for a top laner to go Ignite anymore."

perspective is a weird thing

i never expect anything from junglers, unless i'm premade i just assume i'm playing 2v1 and buy mana potions on first back in case they get great ideas like wasting blue buff on themselves.

and i'm often wrong but you can't possibly agree with crab while on the same post he's dissing zeronis, the man's clueless

i always thought of you as a reasonable guy
Just because Zeronis is (inexplicably) fond of smearing the image quality of his work, doesn't mean chromatic aberration is any good. There's no condoning that filth.

Also, further fueling the "pampered carry" stereotype with the bolded.


You can go practice 1v5ing bronze players then when you can do it consistently, I think you can email riot and ask for a diamond 1 promotion
My Morgana streak got ruined because of 2 people who kept trashtalking our Khazix until he got fed and up and fed for the rest of the game. :(

I wasn't doing so hot in lane but we weren't losing bot. Lucian kept getting caught and blaming me even after saying "brb buying a sightstone" or "brb clearing pink from dragon pit". We could have won because our top Voli and mid Kat were getting really fed.


Silver 4

Indecently enough, both games were won thanks to a Vayne carry...and I wasn't even doing my best at Top in both games >_>;

I did have this kickass match as Wuking, I wrecked the Rengar at top, but died a few times.
One time their jungle Gnar was chasing me and I did the silly thing of running from him, totally forgetting that he is wet paper, but likely I didn't want Rengar to get the kill.

Non the less been a good set of matches so far today.


I've been playing some Swain top lately. It's not really that great but it's the way to go when mid is filled and the bird dong is calling my name. Not a fan of Vlad either.

In other news, Rylai's/RoA/Sorcs (or merc treads)/Zhonya's/Liandry's/Void Staff is hilarious on swain. I've been consistently winning 1v2s or even 1v3s if ignite is up. I still don't understand how Swain isn't popular in low elos. If you land that root, it's pretty much a guaranteed kill.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I'm back to playing this again and I still suck again. I also am a filthy mid argumentative in the lobby, who isn't malleable enough to fill yet.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
What are some versatile ranged champs that I should buy, to feel like I am capable of filling more than one purpose?

I was thinking Annie and Morgana.


Karma, Lux, Morgana, Lulu, Zilean, and Annie can all be mid or support.

Lissandra, Kayle, and Swain can be mid or top.

Elise can be a jungle or top.

Fiddlesticks can be a support, mid, or jungle.


Ali top is so fun. Getting 4man ganked after going 5-0 feels so good. Too bad that our bot lane morg had no idea black shield could block blitz grab.


Karma, Lux, Morgana, Lulu, Zilean, and Annie can all be mid or support.

Lissandra, Kayle, and Swain can be mid or top.

Elise can be a jungle or top.

Fiddlesticks can be a support, mid, or jungle.

Zyra is perfectly fine mid as well. Karma is a solid top. No one does it these days but you can still play Janna mid as well.

Sort of related, I've decided to drop Orianna from my mid pool of champions for now. I just can't give her the time I need to learn her properly particularly when I already have several supports who can double as utility mages.
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