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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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while we're at it, his W should make him 100% immune to damage (like the heal rate on AP Yi), and Q should be an instakill skill.

yep. would be the most balanced champion ever.


Increased base AD has been removed per today's PBE update. Half the changes in the post are new info. ~half the changes from yesterday are gone.


So who here has hopped on the Zilean freelo train?

WTF don't buff Gnar rito. He's in a good spot IMO.

I was literally 2v1ing their top and jungle. Hyper is SO strong. Too bad Zilean is broken as all hell and removes and mistakes in the early game, silimar to Kayle.

fuck you faker >:{


Just fired up 10 minutes in a custom match to see what the connection was like tonight. There is no f'ing way I'm playing this game as is.

Also signficant Gnar changes coming.
Fook that. Just because he gets countered by people with gap closers doesn't mean his lane phase is busted. One of the few lanes I got dumpstered on in my recent Olaf run. There might not be a better kiter in the game, and it's not a coincidence that both champs they cited as giving him a hard time have serious gap closers. You don't see them saying "Well, Darius has a hard time against ranged champs so we're giving him extra MS and 400 extra attack range." Counters are counters and every champion should have bad lanes, but of couuuurse they can't let a new champ have hard counters. Either that, or this is just emblemic of the mobility creep that's taken over the game and non-mobile champions becoming unofficially worthless.


Fook that. Just because he gets countered by people with gap closers doesn't mean his lane phase is busted. One of the few lanes I got dumpstered on in my recent Olaf run. There might not be a better kiter in the game, and it's not a coincidence that both champs they cited as giving him a hard time have serious gap closers. You don't see them saying "Well, Darius has a hard time against ranged champs so we're giving him extra MS and 400 extra attack range." Counters are counters and every champion should have bad lanes, but of couuuurse they can't let a new champ have hard counters. Either that, or this is just emblemic of the mobility creep that's taken over the game and non-mobile champions becoming unofficially worthless.

There's your problem. Gnar gets dumpstered on people with gap closers and/or range. That's almost all the cast. I'd be fine with that say if... he was a nasus or a poppy who becomes really strong late game... but his late game is pretty crappy.

Anyways most of these are minor QOL changes.


Neo Member
Anyone else getting connection issues to NA. I was logged in and dc'd from PVP.net and haven't been able to get back in.


There's your problem. Gnar gets dumpstered on people with gap closers and/or range. That's almost all the cast. I'd be fine with that say if... he was a nasus or a poppy who becomes really strong late game... but his late game is pretty crappy.

Anyways most of these are minor QOL changes.

Olaf's back, bro!

I obviously can't project the meta-effectiveness of a champion on anecdotal evidence, but in my "get my money's worth out of my Brolaf skin" run that included the Gnar matchup, I took a Zed, Diana, Nidalee, Vi, and... Yi... without a problem. But there's just nothing to do against Gnar being so slippery while being able to chip away significant amounts of health with his W proc. That's fine. He counters Olaf well, just like I bet he can tear up Shyvana, Mundo, Trundle, and all the other champs that don't have a hard gap close. Nothing wrong with that. But it doesn't mean that he needs buffs just because Riot decided to make Maokai absurd and Maokai can latch onto his face from range and ruin him.

Edit: You're pretty much right, I'm just salty that that god damn yordle whipped me. I'm also salty about Riot essentially phasing out non-mobile top laners instead of giving them the buffs they need to compete, although that's an issue that extends well beyond Gnar.

Double edit: the problems over the last few days have to be some sort of malicious action and Riot's just trying to avoid public spectacle with it, right? Servers don't just crap out hard like this unless someone's doing the crapping. The alternative is just sad.

Triple edit: I've gone over your post a few times and I honestly don't know if I'm agreeing or disagreeing with you, I'm a little drunk. But the salt is strong. Fucking yordles.


Everyday? Maybe they should invest in their infrastructure and figure out a solution.

Not that easy. Riot servers don't need to be directly under a DDoS to feel the affects. You can hit any hop along the way hard. From what I understand WoW's servers are also getting hit by the same attack. Your traffic doesn't go A->B. There's many hops along the way. Your connection can only be as good as the weakest hop.


Not that easy. Riot servers don't need to be directly under a DDoS to feel the affects. You can hit any hop along the way hard. From what I understand WoW's servers are also getting hit by the same attack. Your traffic doesn't go A->B. There's many hops along the way. Your connection can only be as good as the weakest hop.

They need a backup farm in a different part of the country. How bout somewhere in Texas and somewhere on the east coast?


Neo Member
I like to think the NA problems aren't the result of a DDOS, but Riot saving money and making use of the old EUW server. As all these issues sounds like something we had to put up with for months and months on a regular basis before the new datacenter opened.
I like to think the NA problems aren't the result of a DDOS, but Riot saving money and making use of the old EUW server. As all these issues sounds like something we had to put up with for months and months on a regular basis before the new datacenter opened.

It has actually been unplayable at night for the past few days.
I like to think the NA problems aren't the result of a DDOS, but Riot saving money and making use of the old EUW server. As all these issues sounds like something we had to put up with for months and months on a regular basis before the new datacenter opened.

Riot has said it's DDOS.


Fun game with GAF :3. Diamond 1 Riven and Veigar fyi.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Tikkie: pick and adc for our adc
Tikkie: dont get countered in ur lane
Tikkie: i have mf, sivir, ashe
Tikkie: which are u playng
Tikkie: shoot me lux
Fr Gebin: oh
Fr Gebin: i was
Tikkie: its fine
Fr Gebin: looking at fb
Tikkie: do u have lux?
Fr Gebin: so i get to play.. sivir?
Fr Gebin: LOL


One time in ranked, there was a last pick who said: Pick thresh for me.

First pick picked thresh.

Last pick instalocked katarina and refused all trades.

So thresh went into game with ap runes and kat just basically fed. It was an interesting game


Anyone choose Aclarity for their next Boots buff? With warwick I tried out Furor just cuz if functions like Phage and with his E active he sticks to the opponent like glue.



I can't even be mad about this game because I have no idea how it happened. I really wish I had a replay of some sort. Lucian and Leona backdoored the fuck out of us through the tier 3 botside turret, inhibitor, and both nexus turrets. We were pushing for the win and didn't even think of a backdoor as a threat. Just poor map awareness I guess, which means it was as much or more my fault than anyone else's. We had super minions in two lanes and I was the only one to back so once I killed Lucian it was just Leona. It was already too late at that point tho. Such an easy game from start until about one minute to go.

Oddly the most embarrassing part about this post is that it shows that I spent money on purple Zac.


I can't even be mad about this game because I have no idea how it happened. I really wish I had a replay of some sort. Lucian and Leona backdoored the fuck out of us through the tier 3 botside turret, inhibitor, and both nexus turrets. We were pushing for the win and didn't even think of a backdoor as a threat. Just poor map awareness I guess, which means it was as much or more my fault than anyone else's. We had super minions in two lanes and I was the only one to back so once I killed Lucian it was just Leona. It was already too late at that point tho. Such an easy game from start until about one minute to go.

Oddly the most embarrassing part about this post is that it shows that I spent money on purple Zac.

I like purple Zac. Purple Zac bros.


The Vayne and Shyv updated splashs look really good, especially Shyvana's. I'm pumped for the Yasuo skin to come out. If there's a release sale I hope it doesn't happen when I'm away on vacation next week.

Actually, how come it looks like Vayne only has one asscheek in hers?

One more day til NA playoffs.

NA Challenger Series Summer Playoffs - Semifinals

Curse Academy vs Team LoLPro
Best of 3 Series

Followed by:
Team Coast vs Team 8
Best of 3 Series

Please use the LCS thread for further discussion. Let's keep this thread spoiler free.
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