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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I clicked on a poorly labeled link and it led me to a Sky Williams video. This was maybe the worst possible outcome.
I play all roles and try to head off the enemy's moves whenever possible. In fact, I'll tell a story. One of the first "plays" I made that I was really proud of came in a Bronze 1 game shortly after I entered ranked. I looked at the jungle matchup and saw Dr. Mundo (my team) vs. Lee Sin (enemy) and decided Lee would likely invade Mundo at red. I bought a ward and placed it at wraiths level 1 as support (probably Sona or Taric - it was season 2). Lee shows up on it at ~2:30 and pings go down. Boom. He gets first blooded and was never heard from again.

I always appreciate top laners who ward my other buff at ~1:40 when I jungle (without needing to be asked). The awareness is noted. And anyone who ever places a sensible pink ward in laning phase earns my trust. I've noticed that since I started buying early pink wards (copying TheOddOne, who buys one more or less every first back) the likelihood of teammates also picking them up skyrockets. It is known that total wards placed correlates with division closely. The first thing I noticed when I took a glance at the Faker stream (using his OP.GG replays) was that there were ~13 wards down less than 15 minutes into the game, covering almost the whole enemy jungle and river.


ok ok ok i know i'm being a bit simple so let's clear things up a bit.

i LOVE blue buff, it's so pretty and fills me with juicy mana! it's delicious and oh so much fun! if i see a free blue buff damn straight i'll go get me some, specially if i can get it pried off the rotten corpse of some invading lee sin, no need to ping or anything, i got blue buff radar, man. i ward a lot (thankfully i've cut down on it to healthy levels lately), i'm all like sure go ahead push my lane, i still waste a spell on first leash (i still leash wtf), i'll be your friend forever amumu, i'm super cool!

now if you pick a shitty jungler then i'll begrudgingly have to deal with you being a shitty jungler and whatever comes with that. it's in my best interest, after all, that you don't suck and bring the whole team down because you don't want to play any of the good ones. that applies to everything ofc, not just jungle, and this is a team game, so u know, it's fine, you do what you gotta do. i personally dislike playing champions that are a liability to the team cos i don't like feeling like a burden, but you know, some ppl like scaling up and all that shit. and that people are wrong, but unfortunately i don't work at riot and can ban them all.

now with that said i really hate the jungler double standards, this idea that the jungle camps are theirs to give but then you're still supposed to be there to protect them.

i don't like that i'm expected to follow other mid and i don't like that i'm supposed to help you in your jungle. i'm playing my own game and i'm making my own decisions based on what i think is best. junglers don't care where your lane's at when they try to counterjungle and get caught and end up giving doublebuffs to enemy mid. or they don't tell you beforehand when they're gonna just take 7m blue buff. so yeah, if i'm expected to accept that blue buffs and ganks are an act of generosity but that i'm owed to them to go help em when they pick a weak jungler and get invaded, that doesn't sound so cool to me.

edit: so yea my b, i'm not trying to tell ppl not to help out during invades, i was just trying to poke fun and just bitch about junglers like i always do. maybe one day we'll be joined hand in hand in harmony, junglers and laners, as brothers and sisters. and we'll all focus on the real problem here, the supports.
You can try sites like Player Auctions, but good luck. The markets are absolutely flooded with accounts, and there are services that sell level 30 accounts with 20k IP for $25, so unless you can tout something like "all champions unlocked" or "50k IP included", don't even bother.

How much is 88k IP worth? :p
The reason you help your jungler is because in the first 20 minutes of the game, we're your gods/fairy godmother/saviour who is the thing standing in between the enemy jungler and you. We can single handedly lose or win you the match to a greater extent than any other role on the map.

Now I understand some junglers are a little unreasonable. Mostly people who don't main jungle and therefore don't understand everything.

But if I'm playing pantheon and starting red, get invaded at my blue, and don't get any help when the enemy jungler keeps invading me, that translates to me having to back really early due to low mana sustain, then me farming lots to make up be xp, me not being able to duel lee and put deep wards in his jungle, and not being able to dictate the match. So basically, don't think I'm going to be able to help you when lee sin camps you if I'm set far behind.


We can single handedly lose or win you the match to a greater extent than any other role on the map.

Not really, you want to help other lanes because the other lanes are what matters.

A fed ADC will deal lots of damage
A fed Mid laner will instantly delete somone
A fed top laner will keep the other top laner weak and fragile
Not really, you want to help other lanes because the other lanes are what matters.

A fed ADC will deal over 9000s worth of damage
A fed Mid laner will instantly delete their adc
A fed top laner will keep the other top laner weak and fragile

If I get fed as the jungler, that almost certainly means that mid and adc are also fed and we've secured several dragons. If you get get by being good at 1v1 mid, the rest of map could still be losing.


Not really, you want to help other lanes because the other lanes are what matters.

A fed ADC will deal lots of damage
A fed Mid laner will instantly delete somone
A fed top laner will keep the other top laner weak and fragile

That's not going to happen if a jungler loses his jungle. I don't mean dying once to enemy jungler, or having a single buff stolen. I mean those times when a jungler is completely and utterly shut out of their own jungle. Suddenly no lane is safe even on your side of the river. Not to mention your ability to secure dragon and baron have dramatically decreased.


The reason you help your jungler is because in the first 20 minutes of the game, we're your gods/fairy godmother/saviour who is the thing standing in between the enemy jungler and you. We can single handedly lose or win you the match to a greater extent than any other role on the map.

Now I understand some junglers are a little unreasonable. Mostly people who don't main jungle and therefore don't understand everything.

But if I'm playing pantheon and starting red, get invaded at my blue, and don't get any help when the enemy jungler keeps invading me, that translates to me having to back really early due to low mana sustain, then me farming lots to make up be xp, me not being able to duel lee and put deep wards in his jungle, and not being able to dictate the match. So basically, don't think I'm going to be able to help you when lee sin camps you if I'm set far behind.
lol pls

i'm not gonna say mids aren't whiny but cmon

everyone's a jerk in this game, don't tell me "a little unreasonable"

also all you just said is the reason why i think every the jungle role as it is is awful for the game

only two junglers i approve of are nunu and evelynn
lol pls

i'm not gonna say mids aren't whiny but cmon

everyone's a jerk in this game, don't tell me "a little unreasonable"

also all you just said is the reason why i think every the jungle role as it is is awful for the game

only two junglers i approve of are nunu and evelynn

Nah jungle role is the best part about league. The more roaming and fighting the better, laning is the most boring part of league. It's why I can't stand dota, last hitting is already annoying enough adding in denies pretty much turns laning into a rhythm game instead of a game about fighting enemy champs.


guys riot loves you all equally

it is good that there's a place for people with bad last hitting skills AND a place for people with bad situational awareness


Nah jungle role is the best part about league. The more roaming and fighting the better, laning is the most boring part of league. It's why I can't stand dota, last hitting is already annoying enough adding in denies pretty much turns laning into a rhythm game instead of a game about fighting enemy champs.
now i'm all for roaming and fighting, i love to roam as a support and all that crap, but junglers are not actual interesting gameplay that comes from not laning, they're just a bunch of abusable kits running around until their abusability runs out.

this only applies to early game junglers like lee sin, elise, rengar, j4, etc. i don't have a problem with nautilus or amumu tho again i don't think they're worth thinking too much about

that's why i like eve and nunu, they're very special champions that are actually made interesting because they're not laning. can't think of many more, i liked jungle pantheon, at least more than top/mid pantheon, but i don't see much of him anymore.


Like I said. Enemy jungler invades, regardless of how shitty of a jungler I picked, I'm keeping an eye out for it. I spot it and I ping. Depending on where I am, I'm hoping - nay expecting - top or mid to come help. Why? Its a free kill and it will set that jungler back enough that you are free and clear for a few minutes with no enemy ganks.

Fail to help out and your jungler gets killed or zoned from a side of his jungle? Now the enemy jungler will get free ganks with no counter gank and deny a buff and XP to your own jungler or possibly the enemy laner helped and now has a buff.

Its a team game. Farming those 4 minions is a LOT less of a team impact than defending your teams jungle.

Most everyone agrees. Hardly needs to be said :)


Renekton in real life:

now i'm all for roaming and fighting, i love to roam as a support and all that crap, but junglers are not actual interesting gameplay that comes from not laning, they're just a bunch of abusable kits running around until their abusability runs out.

this only applies to early game junglers like lee sin, elise, rengar, j4, etc. i don't have a problem with nautilus or amumu tho again i don't think they're worth thinking too much about

that's why i like eve and nunu, they're very special champions that are actually made interesting because they're not laning. can't think of many more, i liked jungle pantheon, at least more than top/mid pantheon, but i don't see much of him anymore.

While I understand what you're saying about Nunu/Eve, I think if you applied the same logic in reverse - champs that are more interesting because they're in lane - I don't think you'll find many. A lot of champions are played because of what they do regardless of position.

I do actually play a lot of jungle pantheon. He's still really strong.


While I understand what you're saying about Nunu/Eve, I think if you applied the same logic in reverse - champs that are more interesting because they're in lane - I don't think you'll find many. A lot of champions are played because of what they do regardless of position.

I do actually play a lot of jungle pantheon. He's still really strong.

I agree with you. Jungle pantheon is def still strong. I can't believe the ult change was enough to turn everyone off him. It was a hard hit yes, but didn't even touch the rest of his kit.

Still one of the best duelists. Clear is rough at first but is fine after spirit stone. Has hard cc pre 6 with a lot of early damage to back it up. Strong early ganks as a result. Ult is harder to use yes. But still effective if used the right way. Very strong initiator late game and builds pretty tanky. Tower dives like a beast with his passive.

I don't really see much of a downside for him.

His fall in popularity is fine by me. I still have an 80% winrate with him. Now he's not contested or banned. :)


While I understand what you're saying about Nunu/Eve, I think if you applied the same logic in reverse - champs that are more interesting because they're in lane - I don't think you'll find many. A lot of champions are played because of what they do regardless of position.

I do actually play a lot of jungle pantheon. He's still really strong.
not really, a lot of champions are more interesting in lane because their kits are actually fun to interact with

try playing ori or syndra in the jungle, all their position control is wasted in tight corridors and skirmishes and braindead jungle farming. or twisted fate or shen and their lane pressure at expense of their own lane presence. or supports having kits that only work when grouped (thresh lantern, braum passive, nami w, sona's spells being twice as effective) or adcs being dps so favoring longer fights rather than the short bursts junglers work on.

nunu and eve i find interesting, they can do things that only junglers can do and i feel they're cool to think about and i usually enjoy playing with and against them. i think nocturne could also work and i bet there's a few more champions like that but for the most part, the j4s and the lee sins and the elises, they're mostly played cos they have big numbers without items (either stats or number of spells) and that's really crap.

overall i wish the jungle was a much more unique and cerebral class, where you play more of a strategist objectives oriented role rather than assassin on a timer.

edit: and yeah i'm pretty sure reverse logic could be applied on some cases but most champions are simply more fun in lane because of the constant interaction with another player, they simply have passives or skillshots or wave management stuff or weird spells that make them fun if you're constantly doing shit. but in general most classes could use some tuning to highlight its strengths and weaknesses, which is why i think thresh is great, nami is great and soraka or taric are not.


not really, a lot of champions are more interesting in lane because their kits are actually fun to interact with

try playing ori or syndra in the jungle, all their position control is wasted in tight corridors and skirmishes and braindead jungle farming. or twisted fate or shen and their lane pressure at expense of their own lane presence. or supports having kits that only work when grouped (thresh lantern, braum passive, nami w, sona's spells being twice as effective) or adcs being dps so favoring longer fights rather than the short bursts junglers work on.

nunu and eve i find interesting, they can do things that only junglers can do and i feel they're cool to think about and i usually enjoy playing with and against them. i think nocturne could also work and i bet there's a few more champions like that but for the most part, the j4s and the lee sins and the elises, they're mostly played cos they have big numbers without items (either stats or number of spells) and that's really crap.

overall i wish the jungle was a much more unique and cerebral class, where you play more of a strategist objectives oriented role rather than assassin on a timer.

edit: and yeah i'm pretty sure reverse logic could be applied on some cases but most champions are simply more fun in lane because of the constant interaction with another player, they simply have passives or skillshots or wave management stuff or weird spells that make them fun if you're constantly doing shit. but in general most classes could use some tuning to highlight its strengths and weaknesses, which is why i think thresh is great, nami is great and soraka or taric are not.
So much Taric hate in this thread.


Gosh Yasuo is so much fun. I'll probably get his new skin once I trade in some games to gamestop. This is how I get RP now. I don't buy it standalone; I kill two birds with one stone.
This hurts my eyes. It's like it's out of focus.

But very pretty despite the headache.
Chromatic abberation is the worst. That one Riot concept artist also needs to lay off of it, but I guess he's one of those people that is fond of pissing all over his own work.

Well you can certainly tell who has and who hasn't played jungle.
Now I understand some junglers are a little unreasonable. Mostly people who don't main jungle and therefore don't understand everything.
You just can't argue with pampered carries. ADC's being even worse than APC's with their thought process, and that's saying something.


Chromatic aberration is the best actually, but that's totally subjective. There's been a lot of great art for arcade miss fortunate though damn.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
If Rito added DOTA 2 style of hats and addons, Zkylon would probably be broke.


anyone think these look super out of place?


I feel like they've got way more contrast than the other icons.
a quick lowering of the contrast looks a bit better imo



i like the new shyvanna splash but i kinda would've liked if they took away the armored panties and just had her be covered by scales and other such things

i dunno i always thought shy looks silly with her armor on

Regular syndra with glasses? You wouldn't even be able to see it on the model.
oh i'd see them

If Rito added DOTA 2 style of hats and addons, Zkylon would probably be broke.
i'm already broke lol

i hope riot never adds this crap tho, i like full fledged skins much better

but u know for the skin deprived such as my synsyn i'm willing to make an exception <3

Consistent art style, what is it?
damn you shareholders!


Just had a stupidly laggy match for everyone involved and yet I still get a ranked loss.

Most played game in the wooooooooorld


Oh sure, the game where my whole team dcs mid fight and lose the game with a 8k gold lead, I lose 19lp

but the game where I win, loss prevented is on. sighhhhh

God damn dcs and server instability ruined my 8 win streak with kog too
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