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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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He was running teleport/smite too. I watched this guy teleport from base, to our inner turret (outer was still up) just to kill golems. He did this all while we were pushing mid.

Overall we deserved to lose, since our bot lane was stupid, and our ahri was suicidal. We could of won though since it was 4v5 if we had taken advantage of our incredible lead.


I've noticed the surge of trick2g udyrs lately too. Had one that was playing pve. I was against an aatrox that was at my tower for most of the game and he never ganked. Same for mid lane. At the end he started actually ganking and participating and we ended up winning.

Got promos again for s1. Stupid decay. I stopped at plat5 and came back at s3 lol


Oh look servers aren't lagging for the first time in 5 days. lets go into ranked.

Player A; omfg, we got blitz again. he's going to feed and afk just like last game and blame the team.
fuck this, i'm feeding this game to pay back.
ahhahahahahahha go fuck yourself blitz

Yup, dodging that.


I figured bruiser aatrox isn't gonna cut it.

Full AD is where its at boys. Hydra/Zephyr/Bork or Hexdrinker/Ghostblade/GA or something. Burst hard as fuk and 2v1 with ease. I've already seem some results in ranked with it.

"Aatrox you're not even good you're just fed", my favorite compliment I've received :')


I figured bruiser aatrox isn't gonna cut it.

Full AD is where its at boys. Hydra/Zephyr/Bork or Hexdrinker/Ghostblade/GA or something. Burst hard as fuk and 2v1 with ease. I've already seem some results in ranked with it.

"Aatrox you're not even good you're just fed", my favorite compliment I've received :')
Or you could just not play Aatrox.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I figured bruiser aatrox isn't gonna cut it.

Full AD is where its at boys. Hydra/Zephyr/Bork or Hexdrinker/Ghostblade/GA or something. Burst hard as fuk and 2v1 with ease. I've already seem some results in ranked with it.

"Aatrox you're not even good you're just fed", my favorite compliment I've received :')
So why did you build DFG when I turned your stream on?


that's why you play with gaffers

we feed too

Everytime I join the chat group there's only like 3 people ._. and I feel too shy to say anything (EUW).

Had a nice Team Builder. At first it was a bit rocky, with my Caitlyn standing still during a gank (their mouse broke apparently) and she was overall a bit slow on map awareness/reaction to ganks/engages. Our Plat V Udyr didn't gank or countergank but it never came to a dire need for it (hehe pun). He became this monster splitpusher and map bully that was nice to see. My Annie was a bit forgettable though I managed to score a triple kill, which I feel happy about, after our Udyr and Lulu died, which stopped the enemy team from taking our inhibitor turret at top.

Was versus a Blitzcrank too, which was bugging me all the time with his laugh emote. He didn't do it poorly but it wasn't anything memorable either, just Blitzcrank things!

Overall was a fun game.


two games in a row against the same team in ranked 5s, both teams they go karthus mid, trynda top

fuck tryndamere, what a fucking rotten champion


Well there's your issue. EUW is dead.

but but, EUWest, EUBEST!

Btw, I have this question about Rod of Ages on supports? It feels like it could be a waste of money yet it's not the first time they have recommended me to build it? I guess if we're doing well, but even then, I like to rush 2nd upgrade of Gold > Sightstone > Mobi boots and by then, unless we've picked up some kills, it feels kinda useless to waste so much gold on the Rod. Any input would be much appreciated!

Also, eager for the Sugar rush to get here... First time I'll buy RPs. @_@


No, Ori and Lux are rotten champs.
so depressing lol

i had better farm, damage and kill participations than other mid in all but one game and we still lost 4 out of 6 games we played. like aside from a few silly mistakes i really have a hard time thinking what i could've done better

and i lost with syndra, again :/


tbh my team needs a new jungler or a new mid, me and our current jungler have zero synergy on account of siblinghood so he should either move toplane or i should go support/adc. sucks


So got 5 codes from gamescom for the riot kayle skin and the riot ward. Unsure if the same code can be used in both NA and EU.


in the past the codes have all been reusable in any region but after they did the code sweep, i dunno

i'd ask for one but a) i'm terrible at kayle b) i hate kayle

it's a pretty cool skin tho, i played against one just a while ago and the e electric buzz thingie when hitting minions is really cool


I'd like a code, if you have an extra. I think we have to redeem it on a special site, and not in client, though.


edit: other regions except EU should be able to redeem their code by going to this site and changing their region to NA/LAN/whatever in the top left before redeeming, I think. Codes should only be usable once, no matter region.

edit2: Thanks for the code, Godan!



It's ok. The match is over now. Those assholes won't bother you anymore.


Haha yeah. I've had some bad games but that was high up there on the obnoxious scale. It felt like I was just playing with children (probably was). Doesn't normally bother me when people blame the jungler, that's what ignore is for. But the whole premade trolling me after that, then refusing to surrender. I mean... I can't even fathom getting 4 people together to be so fucking stupid in the same group. And with no tribunal, nothing is going to happen to them. However, if I quit the game, I would have been the one punished. Forced to just ride out the entire 35 minute waste of time. The only free LoL time I've had in weeks. Unfortunate.

Sorry lol. Still annoyed today~!


Haha yeah. I've had some bad games but that was high up there on the obnoxious scale. It felt like I was just playing with children (probably was). Doesn't normally bother me when people blame the jungler, that's what ignore is for. But the whole premade trolling me after that, then refusing to surrender. I mean... I can't even fathom getting 4 people together to be so fucking stupid in the same group. And with no tribunal, nothing is going to happen to them. However, if I quit the game, I would have been the one punished. Forced to just ride out the entire 35 minute waste of time. The only free LoL time I've had in weeks. Unfortunate.

Sorry lol. Still annoyed today~!

Actually, there are loads of people that get 2-week bans nowadays. The official forums the last couple of weeks have been full of people being salty about getting banned. It doesn't necessarily mean these guys will get banned, but the tribunal being down is in no way a free card for people to troll.
With the tribunal down, Riot is testing all kinds of banning systems, this isn't like other servers that never had the Tribunal to begin with.

Truth is these experimental systems are far more efficient than the tribunal will ever be. Having bans be decided by players when most of the userbase doesn't really give a shit to go to the tribunal was fine when League was smaller but right now the game needs more reactive measures - like the instant chat bans for people using racial slurs.
On an unrelated note, what's up with all the Blitz picks I've been seing in solo Q? Is there any reason for him to start becoming popular again or is it just solo Q having bronze nostalgia?

Either way, I'm glad I dropped bot lane even more than before. I hate having to deal with that shit.


On an unrelated note, what's up with all the Blitz picks I've been seing in solo Q? Is there any reason for him to start becoming popular again or is it just solo Q having bronze nostalgia?

Either way, I'm glad I dropped bot lane even more than before. I hate having to deal with that shit.

Blitz is my least favourite champion to play against (squishy AP support main) but I'm kind of getting used to him. I just play super defensive until 6, where a) I can fight him more, and b) I've had enough time in game to get used to dodging his hook safely. Sucks when the Blitz is actually decent and initiates fights with W + E rather than just throwing out hooks. Unless I'm Zyra or maybe Thresh I find that super hard to deal with.


On an unrelated note, what's up with all the Blitz picks I've been seing in solo Q? Is there any reason for him to start becoming popular again or is it just solo Q having bronze nostalgia?

Either way, I'm glad I dropped bot lane even more than before. I hate having to deal with that shit.

Just coincidence.

That said, Blitz is one of the most fun champions to play in the entire game.


Actually, there are loads of people that get 2-week bans nowadays. The official forums the last couple of weeks have been full of people being salty about getting banned. It doesn't necessarily mean these guys will get banned, but the tribunal being down is in no way a free card for people to troll.

Good to hear at least.

I know we've talked about this type of stuff before but yeah, need some swifter justice in general. Hopefully a combo of the tribunal with their new systems will keep things moving in the right direction.

If you're going to spend $100 over the next few years on League, do it. It's a no-brainer. I'm going to.

I should buy it. I really should. I am very likely to spend that in the next few years. But I can't bring myself to spend that much in one shot. Who knows, I could finally get sick of this game and quit tomorrow!
probably won't happen


If you're going to spend $100 over the next few years on League, do it. It's a no-brainer. I'm going to.

That's my thought process. I realize i'll just end up spending $10 here, $20 dollars there and not realize how much it adds up. This seems like a solid investment.
Considering the Ultimate skin and seasonal events are coming up - which means limited skins - stacking $100 RP isn't really that unreasonable if you feel you're going to spend that much anyways.


That's my thought process. I realize i'll just end up spending $10 here, $20 dollars there and not realize how much it adds up. This seems like a solid investment.

If you only buy in $10 chunks, like I did, each 975 skin costs $7.06. If you do this promotion for $100, each 975 skin is $5.73.


Anyone feel anxious about when playing just normals alone? I always feel like I'm rolling the dice and will end up just having a bad time. That's why I prefer playing with friends, as I generally get to pick the role I want (Support) and even if we bite each other a bit, it's not like full on chat anger mode.

Idk ._. I just hate the LoL playerbase.


The mute button is your friend. The second anyone says anything toxic, I mute.

I started doing this a few months ago and haven't looked back.
Actually, there are loads of people that get 2-week bans nowadays. The official forums the last couple of weeks have been full of people being salty about getting banned. It doesn't necessarily mean these guys will get banned, but the tribunal being down is in no way a free card for people to troll.


My group of NA friends (that are also mexican) decided to level their smurf accounts in LAN server.

After our 4th consecutive surrender win, one genius decided to buy stack items. We won 6 more games with everyone building either Mejaias or Occult. The disrespect.

A lot of smurfs, though.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Is Diana ever going to get that rework?

All my go-to champs have been beaten into the dirt with changes and nerfs lately. :/
Is Diana ever going to get that rework?

All my go-to champs have been beaten into the dirt with changes and nerfs lately. :/
Likely not anytime soon considering worlds is near and Sion isn't out yet.

Just play Ori or Syndra and never worry about nerfs unless you're zkylon
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