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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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On an unrelated note, what's up with all the Blitz picks I've been seing in solo Q? Is there any reason for him to start becoming popular again or is it just solo Q having bronze nostalgia?

Either way, I'm glad I dropped bot lane even more than before. I hate having to deal with that shit.

Despite all the elitist "lol bronze" bullshit Blitzcrank has among the best win rates of any support at all ranks. The entire "Bronzodia" thing makes me laugh, really. None of those champions have significant win or pick rate changes across ranks.

How have the NA servers been in the last few days? I haven't even bothered to log on since my last experience was so bad.
Despite all the elitist "lol bronze" bullshit Blitzcrank has among the best win rates of any support at all ranks. The entire "Bronzodia" thing makes me laugh, really. None of those champions have significant win or pick rate changes across ranks.

How have the NA servers been in the last few days? I haven't even bothered to log on since my last experience was so bad.
Well yeah, "Bronzodia" hasn't been a thing for a couple years now, game changed a lot since then - the days of banning Malphite, the joy. I'm not saying he's bad, I'm just curious as to why he's seemingly so popular again because of how often I've been seeing him everywhere lately.

NA was working pretty well yesterday since the DDOSers were focusing on Sony. They basically just DDOS the League servers at night, anyways.


The mute button is your friend. The second anyone says anything toxic, I mute.

I started doing this a few months ago and haven't looked back.

I am just always scared that I will miss vital chat doing that. It's not that I've had lots of toxic chat encounters, it's just that the ones that have happened, were on the "bit too much" range.

Anyway, is Rod of Ages any good on AP-based supports? I feel after rushing 2nd gold item/sightstone/mobi boots gold is better spent elsewhere, considering the lenght of most games?


Anyway, is Rod of Ages any good on AP-based supports? I feel after rushing 2nd gold item/sightstone/mobi boots gold is better spent elsewhere, considering the lenght of most games?

The cost of it really doesn't lend itself to a support purchase. It's meant for champions that stand in the middle of teams and annoy that can also get farm. Lissandra, Singed, Karthus, etc.

If you're dominating to the point where you can buy RoA on a support you should just go full mage.
Anyway, is Rod of Ages any good on AP-based supports? I feel after rushing 2nd gold item/sightstone/mobi boots gold is better spent elsewhere, considering the lenght of most games?
If you aren't rushing RoA as your first item then you shouldn't get it at all. It takes too long for it to build up, and it's components are pretty shitty if you want to hold on to them for whatever reason, and all that is even worse for supports since you don't have as much gold as a laner.

If you really, really want something similar, just get Rylai's instead.


Well yeah, "Bronzodia" hasn't been a thing for a couple years now, game changed a lot since then - the days of banning Malphite, the joy. I'm not saying he's bad, I'm just curious as to why he's seemingly so popular again because of how often I've been seeing him everywhere lately.

Meh, tell that to reddit.

(I don't know why I bother with r/LoL other than boredom at work)

I don't know. He's had a few nice buffs which is always good, but nothing earth shattering. His win rates have been stable for a long time, so it's not like people are jumping on the free elo train. Hasn't such much activity competitively. I tried to see if there was a possible link between Thresh play rate decrease and Blitz increase, but the history doesn't go back far enough.

Could be that he has an easier time in the bot lane without high damage junglers lurking around? Blitz's peel/ protection game has always been so-so. Probably a bunch of small things with a good amount of "oh yeah, I forgot about Blitz".

NA was working pretty well yesterday since the DDOSers were focusing on Sony.

Well that's good....

They basically just DDOS the League servers at night, anyways.

and promoted. skipped silver 2 (where I was before I inactivity decayed) and went straight to S1. Had to play Jinx that last one since they picked Cait.

8 wins 3 losses on Cait though. 72.7% win rate.


After a two week break (didn't play, read, or watch anything), I'm jumping back in tonight. I'll probably be rusty and get stomped, but whatever.

Anything significant change in the last couple of patches?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
libbin the 99 lp dream


I had been out of League for several days and played (very badly) with Opiate last night.

On the bright side, Opiate played ARAM instead of dominion, so I am very proud of him.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I actually think Dominion might be a more valuable learning tool, because while it isn't a one to one there is at least decision making that has to be done when it comes to objective control, learning when you should buy items, and the teamfights tend to feel more...legitimate than ARAM.


Well yeah, "Bronzodia" hasn't been a thing for a couple years now, game changed a lot since then - the days of banning Malphite, the joy. I'm not saying he's bad, I'm just curious as to why he's seemingly so popular again because of how often I've been seeing him everywhere lately.

NA was working pretty well yesterday since the DDOSers were focusing on Sony. They basically just DDOS the League servers at night, anyways.

Probably people remembering that Malphite is quite good against attack speed and AD (which are quite popular now) as well as having ez initiation.

That and mecha skin.


I'm not sure people play ARAM because they want to learn decision-making or move around a bunch, they play ARAM because they want a bunch of random champions mashed into a little area hitting each other for 20-30 minutes, and it generally delivers on that front.

Some people don't like it, and it may not be a very competitive mode, but that's thankfully why there are different modes in the game for different tastes.
Anyone feel anxious about when playing just normals alone? I always feel like I'm rolling the dice and will end up just having a bad time. That's why I prefer playing with friends, as I generally get to pick the role I want (Support) and even if we bite each other a bit, it's not like full on chat anger mode.

Idk ._. I just hate the LoL playerbase.

Before I hit level 30, yeah. However, after experiencing what can go down in ranked, normals never phase me.


I stack 6 dorans blades in aram every once in a while. Works out about a quarter of the time, i don't recommend it.


I'm not sure people play ARAM because they want to learn decision-making or move around a bunch, they play ARAM because they want a bunch of random champions mashed into a little area hitting each other for 20-30 minutes, and it generally delivers on that front.

Some people don't like it, and it may not be a very competitive mode, but that's thankfully why there are different modes in the game for different tastes.

People play ARAM because the xp/ip per hour is highest.


I play ARAM because it's the least taxing on my brain when I've been drinking/smoking.

This is so true. You can just chill out and play without having to think about map awareness or any of the other shit you need to think about on SR.


Wish it were Jinx, but they want to give it to a champion with broad appeal (Morgana can go mid, support, and even top and jungle).
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