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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I feel like that's pretty clearly Zyra? I don't really see the morg.

if it's morg i'm going to be pissed because that champ's just straight up annoying and doesn't seem fun to play at all.


Started #theclimb again. Got to bronze ii last night, gonna keep going this week and over the weekend. Riding dat swain/volibear/trist train all the way to gold

I'll lose 2 games then go on tilt to bronze iv


I feel like that's pretty clearly Zyra? I don't really see the morg.

if it's morg i'm going to be pissed because that champ's just straight up annoying and doesn't seem fun to play at all.

Ears + Hair over the eye = Morg

You're not gold? I thought you were like Plat or Diamond.

Unranked. Why did you come to that conclusion?

I just never felt the need to have to grind it out. That and I never could find a duo that I trusted and trusted me.


Three months is incredibly easy to go from Silver V to Gold (what I did). Played super casually from V to III, then got Gold V in like two weeks.

Gotta play dem tryhard champs tho.


Started #theclimb again. Got to bronze ii last night, gonna keep going this week and over the weekend. Riding dat swain/volibear/trist train all the way to gold

I'll lose 2 games then go on tilt to bronze iv

Volibear is pretty much the sole reason I got out of Bronze finally. 14-4 this season with that champion. Maybe it is the level of competition but people don't know when to stop fighting voli. If both champs have low health Voli will win every time as long as he has his passive+bite.


Ears + Hair over the eye = Morg

Unranked. Why did you come to that conclusion?

Hmm.. I have no idea! Most of GAF is Plat+ now and you've been a regular around here forever. Haven't we played together before too? Most everyone I play with on GAF is better than I am.

I may be getting people mixed up too though :p


Hmm.. I have no idea! Most of GAF is Plat+ now and you've been a regular around here forever. Haven't we played together before too? Most everyone I play with on GAF is better than I am.

I may be getting people mixed up too though :p

I just don't play ranked for a number of reasons:

1. People tend to be a lot more uptight in it (me included)
2. Never could find a duo that worked well
3. I don't really have time to grind it out like a lot. If this was 10 years earlier I'd be playing ranked for sure.

I'm sure I could hit gold (just the question of how long it would take), especially if I played the type of champions that hard carry.

Maybe I'll practice some of my try hard champions and take the plunge.

I actually think i could see some success with gnar top, trouble is I can't hard carry with him in any of the games. I can win lanes, can't seem to offset something like bot lane getting crushed though. Edit; Maybe after the buffs...


Volibear is pretty much the sole reason I got out of Bronze finally. 14-4 this season with that champion. Maybe it is the level of competition but people don't know when to stop fighting voli. If both champs have low health Voli will win every time as long as he has his passive+bite.

Yeah he's really solid in bronze. Counter jungling doesn't exist here so I don't have to worry much about my camps. Peel is just a myth so I can q over to the other carry and chuck them into my team for free.

And he's just really fun to play.


I just don't play ranked for a number of reasons:

1. People tend to be a lot more uptight in it (me included)
2. Never could find a duo that worked well
3. I don't really have time to grind it out like a lot. If this was 10 years earlier I'd be playing ranked for sure.

I'm sure I could hit gold (just the question of how long it would take), especially if I played the type of champions that hard carry.

Maybe I'll practice some of my try hard champions and take the plunge.

Ah yeah.. you're the other "old guy"
cause older than 30 is old
. :)

I started Gold this season so bad example (only played 22 games this season haha) but last season I started Silver II after placements and was Gold in ~70 games.

If I was to do it all again (as jungle), I'd play nothing but carry junglers:
- Pantheon
- Khazix
- Elise

Secondary choices:
- Jarvan
- Wukong
- Vi

You could easily do it in 3 months. The placements and first 20 games are key. You can gain a ton of LP due to the system trying to find your ELO.


You haven't lived unless you've played ranked bronze matches

I imagine that's a hidden circle of hell

1-4 ADC, 50 cs 15 mins in, types in all chat "gg, team too fuckin heavy"
Victorious Morg? Well that's disappointing. Oh well, I'll take it

At least it's for a champion I like and not yet another fucking Lee skin or something


Anyone want to carry me into gold? I really want that skin!

I only charge $200 dollars
per rank

Ears + Hair over the eye = Morg

Unranked. Why did you come to that conclusion?

I just never felt the need to have to grind it out. That and I never could find a duo that I trusted and trusted me.

You can probably reach Gold very easily. Maybe even get placed into gold.

Also, Victorious Morgana the dream is real. :')


I've decided if I really really wanted to gain elo, I should just play Nidalee. She's ridiculous right now.

I find that winning lane is really easy but then after that she's basically useless outside of splitpushing, not that splitpushing is a bad strategy. I guess you could pick off carries in team fights too.


I find that winning lane is really easy but then after that she's basically useless outside of splitpushing, not that splitpushing is a bad strategy. I guess you could pick off carries in team fights too.

It's really hard for a solo queue team to deal with a good split pusher. Win the lane hard, rendering opponent useless. Take TP and flash and split push all day. Maybe TP into a fight here and there and wreck carries. Siege like a boss.


I dunno if I'm a tad late on it, but is this an appropriate place to discuss the Nasus split-push in the TSM vs DIG game 1? Whats the general opinion of it?


ferrio, if you want gold do what i'm doing on my smurf

akali jungle. i don't even know how to akali but i've only lost one game (due to a cait who ragequit because she lost lane... some people just don't want to play if they're not winning).

placed into silver 4, won and skipped silver 3 to make it to 2. just need to keep climbing tonight. i forsee gold 5 by the end of the week.


Too soon to tell but I believe it was a fluke

I found it interesting. I don't follow much of lol's pro scene, but I'm a fan of Nasus and I like the meta change split-pushing brings. I mean, I was watching some of the later games between the two and it just felt like a constant stalemate, is this normal for pro games? I though the next logical thing to do if this is common was to force the other team to split up or lose turret to just force things to happen instead of tip-toeing around baron.


Hahaha victorious skin for Morgana. I knew it, I fucking knew they would give it to a champion with +5 of skins. How fucking BORING. How will it be different/better than ghost bride, which has the same color scheme? Like, jesus, these geniuses.

Meanwhile, Kha Zix, Karma and Zac cry upon the realization of the sheer incompetence that leads this company.


Even though kha6 does only have one skin, it's an amazing skin. There are a ton of champions that have a lot of skins, but they all suck.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
You never want a Victorious skin for your champion, because then it makes a real one further off.


On one hand victorious skins make me sad because I have like no chance of getting out of silver 2, and now that it's announced I'll have less chance since everyone else will be trying.

On the other hand I already have a Morgana skin (heavy metal Morgana or something) so maybe I'm ok.


I dunno if I'm a tad late on it, but is this an appropriate place to discuss the Nasus split-push in the TSM vs DIG game 1? Whats the general opinion of it?

Nasus is a strong counter to Maokai top, I think.

It's a little like the game where someone picked Annie into Yasuo mid because Annie has a surprisingly strong skillset against him. The result wasn't a bunch of pros picking Annie mid. If anything, the result was people picking Yasuo mid less. Nasus isn't likely to suddenly get picked a lot unless he counters a bunch of people in the top meta. But he loses to Nidalee and probably Lulu, so that isn't likely.


nasus is a maokai counter in the same way that he's a counter to most top laners, ie that magical late game outscaling

of course most people wouldn't know how to put in the work to get there as nasus doesn't naturally outscale like other champions tend to do late game (trist).

shut him down and he never will.

xerath is also strong against yasuo, as his windwall is on a long CD and only blocks one of his abilities. by the time yasuo is sliding in for Qs or autos he's in range to where his wall cant really block the stun either.


OT Hard Carry
Meanwhile, Kha Zix, Karma and Zac cry upon the realization of the sheer incompetence that leads this company.

I agree with the sentiment but don't expect to see many Zac skins. His structure is incredibly weird, completely different from every other champion.

He seems an animator's dream/nightmare and any major changes for a "proper" skin would likely require a revision of his anim set.
First game, Kha AFK for 15 minutes, lanes completely crushed aside from mine, can't even roam because their Riven is just taking down top as she wants

Second game, Renek jungle

Are my gold 3 promos cursed or what?


I'm pretty sure it wasn't me too.

You should probably ask Opiate.

Whether it was you or not, you were pretty vocal in your eagerness to change the topic of the thread because you didn't like it.

That'd make your attitude more worthy of a 4y-o than that of mine, which comes down to expressing my lack of agreement concerning certain issues, news or recent in-game experiences related to the game this thread is based on. Fortunately, you can completely ignore my posts if you don't enjoy reading my opinion on the above points.


Whether it was you or not, you were pretty vocal in your eagerness to change the topic of the thread because you didn't like it.

That'd make your attitude more worthy of a 4y-o than that of mine, which comes down to expressing my lack of agreement concerning certain issues, news or recent in-game experiences related to the game this thread is based on. Fortunately, you can completely ignore my posts if you don't enjoy reading my opinion on the above points.

Considering the fact you got banned and other people expressed their displeasure that pictures which were decidedly not safe for work were being spammed in the thread, I think I was right in that situation.

Asking people to stop spamming NSFW pictures and fan art is completely different to your drive by "WTF RIOT YOU SUX DIS GAEM SUXX!!!!" posts.

but w/e
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