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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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lttp, as i haven't played in a while but team builder is horrible. tried it three times and waited 20min+ each.

The problem is no one wants to go bot lane, because the only people that WANT to go bot lane are duo queues.

Guess what's the only mode you can't duo queue in?


Lost my first match as Silver IV :/
Bot fed Jinx and Blitz, i TRIed to hold out on my own, but my team got wasted in mid lane and then the opposition got us.
Silly Udyr, fight at turret next time.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
So I am loving Alistar as a support. Only thing I wonder is why some people max W first? I use it mostly as a directional advantage tool, pushing people into turrets or my team. I don't think it serves enough of a purpose beyond that to justify maxing it, plus the damage isn't amazing. Usually I max Q.

Only terrible match I had with him was when we were against a Morgana and Ryze. Didn't really know what to do beyong waiting for them to maybe use their stuns against someone else.
W max is the common build for solo lane Alistar (not sure about how he's normally skilled as a support). The thing with W is that if you right click the target as you dash to them, you get a free guaranteed auto-attack as you knock them away (effectively a ranged auto-attack). So if you build a Sheen then you can guarantee the Sheen proc damage as well as your high base AD and the W's damage without taking any damage in return since the target is knocked away. With W max he has frequent high damage trades that allow him to quickly take over his 1v1 lane. Once he gets Triforce it hurts a ton more.
The problem is no one wants to go bot lane, because the only people that WANT to go bot lane are duo queues.

Guess what's the only mode you can't duo queue in?

Actually Lyte revealed that Jungle is the biggest bottleneck, followed by Support. It's certainly possible that if you took out the Team Builder teams formed with two people going bot the bottleneck could be supports though.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
W max is the common build for solo lane Alistar (not sure about how he's normally skilled as a support). The thing with W is that if you right click the target as you dash to them, you get a free guaranteed auto-attack as you knock them away (effectively a ranged auto-attack). So if you build a Sheen then you can guarantee the Sheen proc damage as well as your high base AD and the W's damage without taking any damage in return since the target is knocked away. With W max he has frequent high damage trades that allow him to quickly take over his 1v1 lane. Once he gets Triforce it hurts a ton more.

So as a support, maybe I should try building him that way with AD items? Unless in that role, I should just spend on tank stuff and wards.
Why do people like playing Vayne so much? I lane with one and she goes 1/10.

Next game we're laning against a terrible Cait yet our Vayne blows our early advantage by getting caught all the time (sorry, Crucible doesn't stop suppress despite all your raging).

Then again I just played with a pretty decent one, though their MF made it really easy (plus I was Morg).


NA LCS Playoffs - Quarterfinals

Team Counter Logic Gaming vs Team Curse
Best of 5 Series

Playoff Info
-Single Elimination.
-All matches are Best of Five.
-Top three teams will represent North America at the 2014 World Championship.

Followed by:

NA Challenger Series Playoffs - Finals
Team Curse Academy vs Team8
Best of 5 Series

Playoff Info
- Single Elimination.
- Quarterfinals and Semifinals matches are Best of 3.
- Finals and 3rd place matches are Best of 5.
- Top 3 teams advance to the 2015 NA Spring Promotion.

Keep this thread spoiler free and continue the discussion over at the official LCS thread.


Ya know if it went better, that Bot Riven would've fed our Rammus and Draven then we could've pushd and won.


So as a support, maybe I should try building him that way with AD items? Unless in that role, I should just spend on tank stuff and wards.

As a support you should buy your support gold item (for Alistar, probably Shield) and a Sightstone probably as your first two buys. Along with boots (which you should buy second or third almost all the time) you probably won't be able to afford itemizing for damage. So tanky/CDR is probably a better direction, yeah.
Ok as a new player to this game, will I ever reach a point where I stop seeing two of Master Yi in EVERY SINGLE game I ever play? So tired of seeing that character already. Can people have an ounce of originality?


Ok as a new player to this game, will I ever reach a point where I stop seeing two of Master Yi in EVERY SINGLE game I ever play? So tired of seeing that character already. Can people have an ounce of originality?
You will. He's nothing special at anything but low level play.


But it's not really a bad item for neither of them?

While I could see its benefits on supports at least, I find Frozen Heart to be better due to its passive and that it gives you 100 Armor. In Nasus' case, the Sheen buff is better on Trinity Force due making his Q do more damage than Iceborn, in addition to its others stats.
While I could see its benefits on supports at least, I find Frozen Heart to be better due to its passive and that it gives you 100 Armor. In Nasus' case, the Sheen buff is better on Trinity Force due making his Q do more damage than Iceborn, in addition to its others stats.
You're not supposed to get Iceborn or Frozen Heart, you get both. You choose between Iceborn or Trinity depending of how beefy your team needs you to be.


I generally go IBG on Nasus because it gives you a more rounded kit much sooner than any of the other options. You can go straight from IBG to Spirit Visage and have all the armor, MR, CDR, and health (in combination with his ult) to become effective a lot earlier. Nasus is a late game champ, but most people have blinders on and neglect how strong he can be mid game with decent farm and TP, even without 2000 stacks.

Trinity is expensive and wastes gold on the Zeal stats that aren't really that necessary, and it doesn't cover any of the defensive stats or CDR to build stacks you need. CDR from a Glacial Shroud and Kindle gem can make up most, if not all, of the damage difference between it and TF. FH rush sucks because no spell blade at all.
Personally I pretty much always go Trinity, but IBG isn't bad at all.

You rush Frozen Heart if you're up Vs someone that will basically not be able to kill you if you have it, so you can farm stacks forever.


I'm really enjoying Wukong but there's something that bugs me: When you he with your Q, Wukong stops attacking for like a second before his next auto attack.
Is there anyway to get around this? Also how could I effectively use his W when attacking champs?
I'm really enjoying Wukong but there's something that bugs me: When you he with your Q, Wukong stops attacking for like a second before his next auto attack.
Is there anyway to get around this? Also how could I effectively use his W when attacking champs?
His Q resets his auto attack animation, including the wind down delay all autos have, Only way to lessen this is getting more attack speed, which you just get from your E anyways so you shouldn't be itemizing for it. Just get used to repositioning between auto attacks so you're not stuck doing nothing during the wind down.

W has several uses, you can use it to get close to someone undetected, to escape, to fool someone into using a spell on your clone, etc.


His Q resets his auto attack animation, including the wind down delay all autos have, Only way to lessen this is getting more attack speed, which you just get from your E anyways so you shouldn't be itemizing for it. Just get used to repositioning between auto attacks so you're not stuck doing nothing during the wind down.

W has several uses, you can use it to get close to someone undetected, to escape, to fool someone into using a spell on your clone, etc.

Heh I once had a Warwick ulti my clone, was a good laugh.

Which reminds me, which results in more damage for WW's Ulti? Wit's End or BoRK?


It's weird to me how people keep talking about which offensive item to build on Nasus when the whole point of Nasus's kit is that he can scale offensively by building full tank as long as he maxes CDR.


Oh my god. Fucking premades. I cannot stand normals some times. I get an hour to play, my kind wife says "go play a game". So I load up a normal to not inflict my rustiness on ranked and my kid convinces me to pick warwick. No problem. I can make that work.

By 6, most of the lanes were losing. That's life, no problem. I go to gank mid but the fiddle wiffs ult. I go back to farming. Ult is up again, I ult mid with Fiddle and we get a kill. Their bot had just backed, our top gankplank was mid for some reason and we blew quite a bit getting the Xerath so I ping dragon. Blitz comes to help then GP and Fiddle just leave. Rengar jumps on the blitz and then the opponent bot lane comes back because we didnt' kill drag fast enough and they get the drag.

Now all of a sudden I'm getting insulted like crazy from my whole team. You know the drill, "bad jungler", "lost us the game", etc etc. Whatever. It's 15 minutes in. I tell them that they can ff if they want but I'm going to keep playing and trying. Doesn't matter, they just keep insulting and insulting until I ignore them. But then they started counter jungling me and following me around trying to take camps.

Ok. Maybe I didn't help a lot early game as Warwick. But this is a completely disproportionate response. They refused to ff, instead just trolling for the rest of the game, while STILL insulting me (I took them off ignore to ask why the heck they were counter jungling.. I got told I shouldn't be in the jungle.... at 20 min..... when they were in lanes... ok).

After the game, I guess ignore stops in post-chat lobby or something. Had the gangplank tell me he knows they lost their own lanes but I did nothing to help. Ok. And the counter jungling was trying to inflict a little bit of the pain on me that I gave them. Oooook.

Mental issues man. I advised him to get some help for the anger issues. He said he had them under control since he could screw with people online. That was his release.

oh dear.


It's weird to me how people keep talking about which offensive item to build on Nasus when the whole point of Nasus's kit is that he can scale offensively by building full tank as long as he maxes CDR.

Trinity Force or Iceborn Gauntlets, pick one and use all your other items to tank up.

They help with his mobility issues and help him melt towers.


Lost my first match as Silver IV :/
Bot fed Jinx and Blitz, i TRIed to hold out on my own, but my team got wasted in mid lane and then the opposition got us.
Silly Udyr, fight at turret next time.

In Silver 4 as well? ;/ Yeah, get that a lot. :(


Lost a pretty much a 4v5 because our Udyr had Tricky2g syndrome. Fuck I gotta actually bail when I see Udyrs, same fucking thing every game.


The game should just kick you if you build feral flare on Udyr.

He was running teleport/smite too. I watched this guy teleport from base, to our inner turret (outer was still up) just to kill golems. He did this all while we were pushing mid.

Overall we deserved to lose, since our bot lane was stupid, and our ahri was suicidal. We could of won though since it was 4v5 if we had taken advantage of our incredible lead.



lttp, as i haven't played in a while but team builder is horrible. tried it three times and waited 20min+ each.

What I've been doing with good success is giving the game 6 mins tops to start. According to Riot's data, the average wait time to get into a game is just a bit longer than getting into a normal blind game, so around 4 minutes. If I'm sitting at 6 minutes I'm probably at least one standard deviation + from the norm, so I assume something is fucked in the matchmaking.

Oh my god. Fucking premades. I cannot stand normals some times. I get an hour to play, my kind wife says "go play a game". So I load up a normal to not inflict my rustiness on ranked and my kid convinces me to pick warwick. No problem. I can make that work.

By 6, most of the lanes were losing. That's life, no problem. I go to gank mid but the fiddle wiffs ult. I go back to farming. Ult is up again, I ult mid with Fiddle and we get a kill. Their bot had just backed, our top gankplank was mid for some reason and we blew quite a bit getting the Xerath so I ping dragon. Blitz comes to help then GP and Fiddle just leave. Rengar jumps on the blitz and then the opponent bot lane comes back because we didnt' kill drag fast enough and they get the drag.

Now all of a sudden I'm getting insulted like crazy from my whole team. You know the drill, "bad jungler", "lost us the game", etc etc. Whatever. It's 15 minutes in. I tell them that they can ff if they want but I'm going to keep playing and trying. Doesn't matter, they just keep insulting and insulting until I ignore them. But then they started counter jungling me and following me around trying to take camps.

Ok. Maybe I didn't help a lot early game as Warwick. But this is a completely disproportionate response. They refused to ff, instead just trolling for the rest of the game, while STILL insulting me (I took them off ignore to ask why the heck they were counter jungling.. I got told I shouldn't be in the jungle.... at 20 min..... when they were in lanes... ok).

After the game, I guess ignore stops in post-chat lobby or something. Had the gangplank tell me he knows they lost their own lanes but I did nothing to help. Ok. And the counter jungling was trying to inflict a little bit of the pain on me that I gave them. Oooook.

Mental issues man. I advised him to get some help for the anger issues. He said he had them under control since he could screw with people online. That was his release.

oh dear.


It's ok. The match is over now. Those assholes won't bother you anymore.


NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
I cant handle ranked right now. I feel every game i play i get screwed over. If i were to keep playing, id surely be in bronze. Not even queue dodging nasus helped.
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