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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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nasus is a maokai counter in the same way that he's a counter to most top laners, ie that magical late game outscaling

of course most people wouldn't know how to put in the work to get there as nasus doesn't naturally outscale like other champions tend to do late game (trist).

shut him down and he never will.

xerath is also strong against yasuo, as his windwall is on a long CD and only blocks one of his abilities. by the time yasuo is sliding in for Qs or autos he's in range to where his wall cant really block the stun either.

Trouble with Nasus is you have to rely on your team not to royally fuck up for the first 20 minutes.





Had 2 good games as Tryndamere.
In one I was up against a Top Mundo, whom I managed to kill twice while in lane. I played as careful as possible to avoid taking much damage from his attacks, eventually Mundo left Top lane and I pushed it up til the 2nd turret then helped out the other lanes along with team fights.

The 2nd match I was against Gnar, who I mainly attacked while in mini form. At one point he transformed near the bush in the lake, I followed him a bit into it but then retreated, by then their jungler and midlaner attacked me and got a kil heh.
I believe in this particilar match our Yi was AFK, but luckly our Bot lane got some good kills and our Akali managed to catch up. Eventually we won having taken down all their inhibitors.



Awesome artwork, mind linking to the tumblr you got this from please?


Nasus is a strong counter to Maokai top, I think.

It's a little like the game where someone picked Annie into Yasuo mid because Annie has a surprisingly strong skillset against him. The result wasn't a bunch of pros picking Annie mid. If anything, the result was people picking Yasuo mid less. Nasus isn't likely to suddenly get picked a lot unless he counters a bunch of people in the top meta. But he loses to Nidalee and probably Lulu, so that isn't likely.

whoops, I was talking more about split push then nasus tbh.


whoops, I was talking more about split push then nasus tbh.

Oh, sorry. In this case I feel like they're actually pretty connected. The consequence of matching Nasus against Maokai is that Nasus takes a lot of objectives because Maokai can't duel him at all. You'll note that TSM repeatedly sent Maokai to cover Nasus while they 4v4ed, which is theoretically one of the appropriate responses to a split push. But Maokai was completely incapable of impeding Nasus in any way, because he's one of the weakest duelists. Unfortunately TSM didn't have anybody else to cover Nasus either and so he just won.

So there will probably still be plenty of split pushing in pro games, but generally most teams have somebody that can cover their tower a little bit better than Maokai and so, rather than winning, it just forces specific favorable matchups, which is what split pushing is designed to do.


Oh, sorry. In this case I feel like they're actually pretty connected. The consequence of matching Nasus against Maokai is that Nasus takes a lot of objectives because Maokai can't duel him at all. You'll note that TSM repeatedly sent Maokai to cover Nasus while they 4v4ed, which is theoretically one of the appropriate responses to a split push. But Maokai was completely incapable of impeding Nasus in any way, because he's one of the weakest duelists. Unfortunately TSM didn't have anybody else to cover Nasus either and so he just won.

So there will probably still be plenty of split pushing in pro games, but generally most teams have somebody that can cover their tower a little bit better than Maokai and so, rather than winning, it just forces specific favorable matchups, which is what split pushing is designed to do.

That's nice then. I didnt enjoy the constant stalemate the games had, so seeing splitpush become more popular would be cool. Although my cousin disagrees and found it dirty haha.


the splitpush nasus thing is nothing new. replace nasus with jax (who is arguably a better split pusher due to his slippery Q and AOE stun). both late game monsters but only if you make the mistake of letting them get to late game. or for midgame splitting, tryndamere

i feel like tsm didnt respect the pick and try to work around it. nasus isn't going to be able to split push effectively for a long time; if you're not taking advantage of the fact that you essentially have a 5v4 for a while then you're doing something wrong.

alternatively, camp the everliving hell out of his lane and never let him do anything. this might be harder in a lane swap scenario


Aside from Akali, what champs benefit from Spell Vamp? 2 of LeBlanc's 3 abilities can apply full spell vamp for example, but I don't recall seeing such items built on her.
Aside from Akali, what champs benefit from Spell Vamp? 2 of LeBlanc's 3 abilities can apply full spell vamp for example, but I don't recall seeing such items built on her.
Vlad, Rumble

Swain, Cass and Ryze if you want to bm. You don't usually see spell vamp being built on most APs because spell vamp overall sucks.


one day we should all get together and try dominion with opiate, and in return he should do an SR with us.



I don't think they'll do it before the season is over.

Season ends in November, I can see them making the switch a day after that. I said October because after finals the map being played is irrelevant, but I don't see it going that way.

Out of all the champions what the fuck Riot.
Nothing fits the theme of a Victorious skin as much as a fallen angel "having plumbed forgotten ways to gather forbidden might to become a powerful mistress of the black arts," who also "is driven by her obsession to defeat her sister Kayle" and "willingly fights in the League of Legends for the privilege of being able to destroy her sister again, and again, and again."

Such a display of heroism. Could not have ask for a better candidate.


Nothing fits the theme of a Victorious skin as much as a fallen angel "having plumbed forgotten ways to gather forbidden might to become a powerful mistress of the black arts," who also "is driven by her obsession to defeat her sister Kayle" and "willingly fights in the League of Legends for the privilege of being able to destroy her sister again, and again, and again."

Such a display of heroism. Could not have ask for a better candidate.

And she owns a bakery......evil bakery.


Guyzz, please stop.

It's only logical the best support gets a victorious skin.

It's also true you can reach gold if you use her.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Guyzz, please stop.

It's only logical the best support gets a victorious skin.

It's also true you can reach gold if you use her.

They released victorious Nami? Basically got most of GAF to gold :p.


So this player/bot thing just added me advertising boosting in ranked and shit. Was about to delete him and his level and rank grabbed my attention. How did he make it so his level was 1337 and he's in Challenger tier?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Hmm. So season ends in November , only need to play 3 more ranked games in my main so I won't decay. I'm ok with PlatV


I only logon to dick around in ARAM and play one ranked every 28 days.


So this player/bot thing just added me advertising boosting in ranked and shit. Was about to delete him and his level and rank grabbed my attention. How did he make it so his level was 1337 and he's in Challenger tier?
Android client.


Victorious Nami would have been amazing, but she did just get a skin recently and I remember them saying they were taking that into consideration.


we need a Reverse Nami skin with the bottom half of a person and the top half of a fish. I guarantee this hasn't been suggested five million times before. ORIGINAL CONTENT DO NOT STEAL


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Reverse Oriana where you control the ball and send a miniature Ori around to do things.
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