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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I have had the same duo bot in my last four games. I don't really get it. It's like I'm in trio queue.


Could be a good duo. It isn't in his case tho.



Nothing makes you feel yourself more than a flash in baron steal while your team is following behind you to mess stuff up right after they focus you.
Nothing makes you feel yourself more than a flash in baron steal while your team is following behind you to mess stuff up right after they focus you.

You get stuff like that all the time. Yesterday I steal dragon as Lee Sin with a q+smite then I flash out of the pit and everything is fine although I got a bit chunked. Then my team engages on them. This despite the fact that it's 4v5 and we're losing.

Just have to keep on grinding.


Followed Negaduck's instructions for Garen and well... I broke my win-lose streak and managed to win twice in a row. In my first game I tried his build I nearly got a penta kill twice.

I accidently spinned to win into their base and got killed by the lazers.


There is no accident when you spin to win.

If you die, it's just letting them know the only thing that can kill you is yourself.


Got to try Braum, Corki and Nami against bots. Nami was incredibly fun o.o Braum too but the ADC I had was pretty clueless so idk.

Corki was enjoyable as well but didn't feel comfortable playing it. I'm really eager to try Vayne though, been waiting for quite a while to try her!


Now with the rewards announced I suppose I should start playing ranked. It is super scary though :(

Hopefully I have 10 clean placement matches and can hop right into Gold if I'm lucky! I can't see that happening though especially when I have no idea what rank I am :p I was easily Silver 3 last year after 10 placement matches with 4 horrible ones but maybe to get Gold you need 10 awesome placement matches which isn't going to happen!


Now with the rewards announced I suppose I should start playing ranked. It is super scary though :(

Hopefully I have 10 clean placement matches and can hop right into Gold if I'm lucky! I can't see that happening though especially when I have no idea what rank I am :p I was easily Silver 3 last year after 10 placement matches with 4 horrible ones but maybe to get Gold you need 10 awesome placement matches which isn't going to happen!

I think I was told that the placement matches keep matching you versus tougher oponents, depending on how well you are doing? Idk! GL though.

On a side note, fuck ADCs with tunnel vision. Was playing Nami and everytime we had a perfect oportunity for an engage, Graves missed it or was late to it. He was Gold 2, and albeit we were versus a Diamond 3, also a Graves, fairly sure we could have outplayed them. He ended 1/8/1. -_-


I think I was told that the placement matches keep matching you versus tougher oponents, depending on how well you are doing? Idk! GL though.

On a side note, fuck ADCs with tunnel vision. Was playing Nami and everytime we had a perfect oportunity for an engage, Graves missed it or was late to it. He was Gold 2, and albeit we were versus a Diamond 3, also a Graves, fairly sure we could have outplayed them. He ended 1/8/1. -_-

I had a cait ADC yesterday who would always cancel their auto attack in teamfights so did like no damage ever. The teamfights would always end cait running away with 80% health and us all dead.


I think I was told that the placement matches keep matching you versus tougher oponents, depending on how well you are doing? Idk! GL though.

On a side note, fuck ADCs with tunnel vision. Was playing Nami and everytime we had a perfect oportunity for an engage, Graves missed it or was late to it. He was Gold 2, and albeit we were versus a Diamond 3, also a Graves, fairly sure we could have outplayed them. He ended 1/8/1. -_-

I think that is the case :( Not so worried about level of play just more the chance to play without trolls, ragers and dcers :D

Urg I hate it when an ADC isn't on the same page as you when being support or is just super passive soaking up all the poke without dealing any in return. I must admit I find it hard as an ADC to not focus solely on minion HP bars, especially if it isn't a champ I play much. I need to play more Jinx I love farming + poke with her :D I just suck at the securing kills part.


Went 2-0 last night. I'm guessing that if I just go 2-0 every night until the end of the season that I can pass all of you scrubs and get into Master. It was nice knowing that I could duo queue with you guys for a while, but I'm on to bigger and better. Watch out, world.

In my second game my ping was over 1400 for about half of the game. It's a dang good thing that in the early game I roamed from mid and helped top and bottom snowball, because at 1400 ping I couldn't fight at all. It finally cleared up and they tried to hide 5 in a bush near dragon. Well, had a ward placed and we saw them jump into the bush. Leona stunned all five and my combo with Katarina cleaned it up for an ace. GG.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So i looked into VPBE and supposedly Viktor hexcore is getting change so that you can get all augments and it now gives the highest source of ap. I sense that Viktor will be a nuke soon.
I still have nightmares with a match against a "driveby rengar". He kept on doing ult->gib->flashing away. He had Mobi, SotD, IE, Hydra, TF and LW by the end.


Skarner rework was the worst thing ever done to this game

If you think he's bad now, he's not. If you think he's overpowered...well, no. I think he's actually in a really good place right now and he's a great pick for a beginning to mid-level jungler. He's not a carry jungler, but he's a good, safe pick. He can snowball, sure, but he has enough built in weaknesses that smart play can deal with him without any major issues.

Edit: And it will never, ever not be hilarious when you ult someone and drag them back into your tower.
Now with the rewards announced I suppose I should start playing ranked. It is super scary though :(

Hopefully I have 10 clean placement matches and can hop right into Gold if I'm lucky! I can't see that happening though especially when I have no idea what rank I am :p I was easily Silver 3 last year after 10 placement matches with 4 horrible ones but maybe to get Gold you need 10 awesome placement matches which isn't going to happen!

In S3 (my first season playing ranked) I went 7-3 and was placed in Silver II.

This season I went 3-7 and was placed in Silver III.

So I dunno. Since you were Silver last season maybe if you went 8-2 you could squeak into Gold V.


In S3 (my first season playing ranked) I went 7-3 and was placed in Silver II.

This season I went 3-7 and was placed in Silver III.

So I dunno. Since you were Silver last season maybe if you went 8-2 you could squeak into Gold V.

I went 8-2 in placements and got put into Silver 3.


Was silver 2 last season and got placed in silver 1 this season going 6-4.

So yea I believe you can make it to gold :D


Now with the rewards announced I suppose I should start playing ranked. It is super scary though :(

Hopefully I have 10 clean placement matches and can hop right into Gold if I'm lucky! I can't see that happening though especially when I have no idea what rank I am :p I was easily Silver 3 last year after 10 placement matches with 4 horrible ones but maybe to get Gold you need 10 awesome placement matches which isn't going to happen!

In S3 (my first season playing ranked) I went 7-3 and was placed in Silver II.

This season I went 3-7 and was placed in Silver III.

So I dunno. Since you were Silver last season maybe if you went 8-2 you could squeak into Gold V.

I went 8-2 in placements and got put into Silver 3.

The placements are based on your matchups and last season's rank.

I had something like 1300 elo Season 2 and went 7-3 in placements S3 to get placed in Silver II. Climbed to Gold IV and got my rewards. S4 I went 6-4 in placements and got put right back in Gold IV.

It would be pretty tough to be placed in Gold after a Silver III finish. Maybe a perfect 10 or a big streak that bumps your MMR way up in placements.


I didn't start playing LoL until this season, so that's probably why I got Silver III after an 8-2 placement run. Not much to go on.
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