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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Dat passive on that new pharaoh though seems op.
Also praise the SUN!


He'll surely pummel and burn the competition.


Everything is moe to me
well, as a zyra player i feel obligated to give him the old college try.

but i have concerns. i fear that he's going to see-saw between over and under tuning based around his Q.

I'm also curious if his summon minion ability is a flat cooldown or uses charges.
I can't wait for people to walk through his ult.

j4 is pleased
Don't you see, J4's ult was coded in minions when you could actually walk around minions without getting stuck

Azir's ult shall be coded as 2014 minions meaning it'll be an impenetrable wall of death


Riot finally found a solution to the Jarvan problem -- just let your teammates walk through the terrain already.

Passable by teammates + blocks dashes makes it really strong for objective control. Will be pretty interesting to see how it works.

I'm legitimately curious if you're even allowed to pick other skills at Level 1.

This is actually a really good point. This is probably the one champ that should have W picked at level 1 automatically.
He'll probably not be able to pick them like Zilean can't pick W at level 1.

By the way, I finally understand how his passive works and that sounds bananas.


Everything is moe to me
Ult sounds awesome. AE wall that damages, pushes back and allows allies to move through it. Wow. Huge for sieging, defending and teamfights.
that wall almost makes me want him to be an off/tank. W/E dash into a teamfight and suddenly you push 2 people away with a barrier that doesn't hinder your own engage. that's just too good.


what the hell new champ already

his kit looks really cool, got a bit of syndra, a bit of ori, he seems like my kind of thing, too bad he's a big bird dude.

i'm not a fan of autoattacking thing, but we'll see. sounds like nashors would be godly on him

I'm expecting Ao Shin in 1 week, now.
kass' daughter the week after pls!

This champ makes me wish you could control more than one unit in this game.
nah, the sacrifice would be too much for way too little

his kit sounds a lot of fun this way

having to manually move around his minion dudes would be much too boring imo


Really? You learn something new every day.

Yup. For instance, if you rocket jump through a cait trap you will get snared (although I can't remember if the movement finishes and you're snared at the end of the jump or if it just stops you, I think it just stops in wherever you hit the trap).

Panda said:
well, as a zyra player i feel obligated to give him the old college try.

Same here. Gah! I don't play enough games to sort out all this shit.


Very cool to see a new champ so quick.

Also played Syndra in PvP for the first time last night. So good in bronze.

Gonna go for bronze I tonight. The climb is real


"let's just forget gnar ever happened"


i'm old as fuck and don't want no micro champs. that's the reason i don't play syndra or ori, i'm olllllllld


I hope this means Riot will speed up champ releases for a bit

4 champions in the whole year is a no-no even with the reworks.

I remember reading somewhere that they said they would be releasing more champs during the second half of this year then they did the first half but i can't find the source right now.


Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, but it looks like when one of his soldiers is active he loses his own auto-attack. Or maybe it's like Zyra's plants, but he happens to make a motion? If the latter than Nashor's won't do anything.


We're likely gonna get one more champion this year after Azir. If not, then January. That's pretty nifty.

Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, but it looks like when one of his soldiers is active he loses his own auto-attack.

I read it to be only when you weren't in range. So if you're in auto attack range it'll do both. At least, that's what I assume.


I read it to be only when you weren't in range. So if you're in auto attack range it'll do both. At least, that's what I assume.

That's what I thought. Looking at the video of W, though, it definitely looks like his AA doesn't fire while he has a soldier out.


that wall almost makes me want him to be an off/tank. W/E dash into a teamfight and suddenly you push 2 people away with a barrier that doesn't hinder your own engage. that's just too good.

He isn't that far from it. Passive plus the way W works make it pretty clear that CDR will be his most important scaling stat. So he can probably build tank/CDR/AP (IBG and so forth) and be pretty strong.


I read it to be only when you weren't in range. So if you're in auto attack range it'll do both. At least, that's what I assume.

It's confusing. The description says they'll attack on their own. If you take a look at the part when the soldier starts attacking up to the end of the video, Azir throws out one auto attack at the cadence the soldier was thrusting his spear, which makes it seem like they'll only attack when he does.

Does this mean that if I Q all my soldiers towards an enemy, but my enemy blinks/dashes to an area my soldiers can't hit, am I completely fucked because my AAs are "off"?

pigeon said:
He isn't that far from it. Passive plus the way W works make it pretty clear that CDR will be his most important scaling stat. So he can probably build tank/CDR/AP (IBG and so forth) and be pretty strong.

I'm thinking the same until I can try him out. His soldiers are untargettable so unlike Zyra you want to stay alive as long as possible to direct your soldiers via AAs.


It's confusing. The description says they'll attack on their own. If you take a look at the part when the soldier starts attacking up to the end of the video, Azir throws out one auto attack at the cadence the soldier was thrusting his spear, which makes it seem like they'll only attack when he does.

Does this mean that if I Q all my soldiers towards an enemy, but my enemy blinks/dashes to an area my soldiers can't hit, am I completely fucked because my AAs are "off"?

I would think that if that's how it is, they'll change and fix that for release. There should be a small circle around your soldier. If you click on an enemy in that area, your statue should attack if you cannot with your AA. You don't move, the statue just attacks. If you're both in range, you both attack. If you attack something outside of it's range, you just simply auto attack and it does nothing.

That's how it should be. If not, that's pretty terrible.
I just wish reaver built out of a smaller item that gives a small amount of mana back on aa. I always feel like by the time I would build it I don't have mana problems anymore.


"At the sandstorm’s center in the middle of the map is an Ancient Ascendant, Xerath. Defeating him grants Ascension to whomever strikes the killing blow. Ascension gives you awe-inspiring power and double points for every kill you get! This power comes at a price though... all healing effects on the Ascended are dramatically reduced, so burn fast and burn bright!"

Does this give credence to the ultimate skin being for Xerath rumor?
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