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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I need to learn the art of dodging games. Holy shit do people suck at champ select.
I think I'm going to need a duo buddy to get to plat.

Also riot gives me another chance to get lollypoppy on my main account,godless.



The deed is done. Also, Lollipoppy is on sale for 829. A steal. Pick her up today.


I need to learn the art of dodging games. Holy shit do people suck at champ select.
I think I'm going to need a duo buddy to get to plat.

Also riot gives me another chance to get lollypoppy on my main account,godless.

Next season I should have more playtime. With a little practice Plat is achievable. I'd duo for sure. I'll jungle. Operation camp bot lane.


The deed is done. Also, Lollipoppy is on sale for 829. A steal. Pick her up today.

Dammit. I'm going to have to get that $100 bundle. It makes no sense not to. I'll never buy RP again. It's a bonus 4k RP.

Also - Noxus poppy will be on sale 8/29.

I will be buying it.



Next season I should have more playtime. With a little practice Plat is achievable. I'd duo for sure. I'll jungle. Operation camp bot lane.

Dammit. I'm going to have to get that $100 bundle. It makes no sense not to. I'll never buy RP again. It's a bonus 4k RP.

Also - Noxus poppy will be on sale 8/29.

I will be buying it.

How's life with the new kiddo? Think you'll have more time for yourself next season? I can usually get bot lane kills just fine when I'm support ...it's the other lanes I worry about.
Since jungling a little more frequently I've noticed people have absolutely no idea how to use their champs skills during a gank. I had an over extended syndra mid lane while I was fanning for my Talon and he didn't use his silence at all when I was in position. I think okay fine I'll land my bandage first and he will silence...nope. syndra flashes after my cc then Talon flashes to silence her in tower range. She she gets a free kill.


If you guys buy $100 worth of RP, you can get all the vault 520 skins for $1.52 when they're 50% off. A DOLLAR.

Think of how awesome Noxus Poppy will look after her VU! And Hextech Sion! And Butcher Urgot! Oh, and you can get an already awesome skins for $1.52. Red Riding Annie, anyone?



How's life with the new kiddo? Think you'll have more time for yourself next season? I can usually get bot lane kills just fine when I'm support ...it's the other lanes I worry about.
Since jungling a little more frequently I've noticed people have absolutely no idea how to use their champs skills during a gank. I had an over extended syndra mid lane while I was fanning for my Talon and he didn't use his silence at all when I was in position. I think okay fine I'll land my bandage first and he will silence...nope. syndra flashes after my cc then Talon flashes to silence her in tower range. She she gets a free kill.

New kid is exhausting lol. He sleeps for 2-4 hours at a time max. I usually get 2-3 hours to myself per week on Sat or Sunday while he and my wife naps and my other kid plays outside.

By Jan he'll be 6 months old and sleeping through the night a little more. My wife will be going back to work and I expect I'll have a little more night time gaming. No guarantee though. It's my hope at least.

You're right, it's rare that anyone knows how to follow up a kill properly in gold. Lack of understanding how to stack CC is a big culprit. Oh, I just stunned him, so go ahead and stun on top.. sigh. It's why I take big damage junglers only. Pantheon, elise, Kha'zix. That way I can secure the kills and help carry the game. I get trashed more often when I play support junglers. It's painful. But I'm still sporting an 80% winrate with Pantheon. Tons of damage, big ass initiation circle - "hey guys, I'm initiating!", capable of protecting your jungle.

I only get in trouble when my kid convinces me to play stuff like Warwick. Doesn't fit my style lol.


New kid is exhausting lol. He sleeps for 2-4 hours at a time max. I usually get 2-3 hours to myself per week on Sat or Sunday while he and my wife naps and my other kid plays outside.

By Jan he'll be 6 months old and sleeping through the night a little more. My wife will be going back to work and I expect I'll have a little more night time gaming. No guarantee though. It's my hope at least.

You're right, it's rare that anyone knows how to follow up a kill properly in gold. Lack of understanding how to stack CC is a big culprit. Oh, I just stunned him, so go ahead and stun on top.. sigh. It's why I take big damage junglers only. Pantheon, elise, Kha'zix. That way I can secure the kills and help carry the game. I get trashed more often when I play support junglers. It's painful. But I'm still sporting an 80% winrate with Pantheon. Tons of damage, big ass initiation circle - "hey guys, I'm initiating!", capable of protecting your jungle.

I only get in trouble when my kid convinces me to play stuff like Warwick. Doesn't fit my style lol.
I wanted khaz that game but we already had a full ad team and they had a rammus. Same reasoning though on the damage.
I have some irrational fear learning elise. Keep thinking I'll suck and get the flame sword for 10+ games.




edit: new dominant strat -- lure enemy to push your first mid turret early then make sand turret, afk while it farms for you


You can tell that Riot is a little nervous about this champ because his counters are Maokai and Ziggs (two of the most popular meta champs right now).


New kid is exhausting lol. He sleeps for 2-4 hours at a time max. I usually get 2-3 hours to myself per week on Sat or Sunday while he and my wife naps and my other kid plays outside.

By Jan he'll be 6 months old and sleeping through the night a little more. My wife will be going back to work and I expect I'll have a little more night time gaming. No guarantee though. It's my hope at least.

You're right, it's rare that anyone knows how to follow up a kill properly in gold. Lack of understanding how to stack CC is a big culprit. Oh, I just stunned him, so go ahead and stun on top.. sigh. It's why I take big damage junglers only. Pantheon, elise, Kha'zix. That way I can secure the kills and help carry the game. I get trashed more often when I play support junglers. It's painful. But I'm still sporting an 80% winrate with Pantheon. Tons of damage, big ass initiation circle - "hey guys, I'm initiating!", capable of protecting your jungle.

I only get in trouble when my kid convinces me to play stuff like Warwick. Doesn't fit my style lol.

My little boy is now 14 months. Goes to bed by 7. Wakes up at 11. Even in odd days were he wakes up before 11 he can go back to sleep. Every second night he sleeps from 11 'til morning around 7-8am. I'm livin' the dream.


UNTARGETABLE minions? That sounds like an even more annoying version of Yorick minions.

I was confused since I thought the gameplay section said you could restore inhib turrets, but then I realized it meant you get their inner turret and if they try to push out of base then it helps you.

I see he's got two abilities to stop Katarina's ult. :(


My little boy is now 14 months. Goes to bed by 7. Wakes up at 11. Even in odd days were he wakes up before 11 he can go back to sleep. Every second night he sleeps from 11 'til morning around 7-8am. I'm livin' the dream.

Lol.. shhh. We are going to be optimistic here.

I'm thinking as long as he's asleep by 7 or 8 I can get some games in while my wife works. The other one is pretty self sufficient by this point at age 7.


Man, they just released gnar, this is so quick! I didn't start playing league until last summer so i've been used to long stretches without new champion releases.


My guess is that Gnar came out a bit later in the expected release timeline due to extra tweaking on his kit and it makes these two releases a bit more compressed.


Haha! I have 8k IP and knew I should wait and nit buy any of the champs I didn't have yet already. This guy looks dope and I'll pick him up.


That ulti seems pretty underwhelming tbh, its kind of like janna's but in one direction.

Nah, it's pretty damn amazing. Summon soldier -> have them charge -> warp to soldier-> turn around use ult. That's a kill during a gank. There's also the possibility that the wall blocks movement in both directions, at which point paired with a quick Zhonya's could be an amazing initiation combo.

I'll be buying him most like...sigh. Fucking champion pool. I'll never get the fucking thing down pat. At least it looks like he can be a support so I can at least justify picking him up as a multirole champion, which is always nice.
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