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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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renek tu too

much much better


An ancient emperor from Shurima,

The Sands of Shurima obscure the Crystal Scar,

A VU for Renekton,

New VO lines for Cass, Renekton and Sivir.

And don't forget Sivir, Nasus VU's.

Does anybody else think we will have a Shurima event? :)



they basically had to since you can't auto while your sand soldiers are out. both nashor's and rageblade need you to actually auto to be useful. each soldier's auto has a .7 ratio though, that's crazy amounts of damage if he's left alone.

i heard it only takes like three days to make a champ from scratch which proves riot is just wasting time between all these releases



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
they basically had to since you can't auto while your sand soldiers are out. both nashor's and rageblade need you to actually auto to be useful. each soldier's auto has a .7 ratio though, that's crazy amounts of damage if he's left alone.
I feel alone. Maybe I'll make a good Azir.


An ancient emperor from Shurima,

The Sands of Shurima obscure the Crystal Scar,

A VU for Renekton,

New VO lines for Cass, Renekton and Sivir.

And don't forget Sivir, Nasus VU's.

Does anybody else think we will have a Shurima event? :)

omg boken is alive and well.

as he always said:

where's your waifu hate now boy
Xerath's no skank with a skimpy wardrobe, so no double standards here.


renek tu too

much much better
Eh, Renekton didn't even need it.

An ancient emperor from Shurima,

The Sands of Shurima obscure the Crystal Scar,

A VU for Renekton,

New VO lines for Cass, Renekton and Sivir.

And don't forget Sivir, Nasus VU's.

Does anybody else think we will have a Shurima event? :)
Shurima Trundle lives on.


We still far away from Ao Shin huh?
Just now saw Azir and just from reading the names of his abilities reminded me of some concept of a champ whose kit can utilize minions for some reason.


Thoughts on what roles Azir can benefit in? Think he can work as a Tanky support character with that kit of his?
It is hard to say that he did not need it when you see the comparisons:


He had goofy eyes.
His old model was decent at a proper camera angle (i.e. not overly zoomed-in like in that comparison), never mind that he rarely stands upright as it is for one to really notice those eyes. He's no Kennen.

Hypothetical Shurima patch or not, there are other champions in much higher need of a texture update than Renekton. Cassiopea comes to mind, if you want to stick to the theme.


I know it's like a .01% chance of happening but I would love for SOMEONE to play Garen at worlds.

Show the world whose the best spinner.

I bet Westrice is going to play it in relegations. I've seen him play it a few times and he seems like the kind of guy to do it.


Thoughts on what roles Azir can benefit in? Think he can work as a Tanky support character with that kit of his?

He has pretty poor defensive scaling (same health values as cait/ziggs/fiddle, 3rd lowest armor @ 18.) His knock-up is only .5s, doubt you really want to build tanky and rush into the middle of a fight for something so small. His soldiers don't seem to have any base damage (only ap scaling,) and the base damage on his other abilities aren't that high, so I'm not sure he'd do much damage at all without some AP items. You could bring him for the slow + wall, would have to see that in action to really say.


He has pretty poor defensive scaling (same health values as cait/ziggs/fiddle, 3rd lowest armor @ 18.) His knock-up is only .5s, doubt you really want to build tanky and rush into the middle of a fight for something so small.

Heh didn't notice his other stats, so AP all the way then, will be interesting to see what he can do, and I really like the idea of his kit.
One thing he could do, if the player is reactive enough, is place a turret to clear a large enemy wave; some quick gold, and also helps their wave push forward enough to avoid your later turrets from taking damage.



pbe fun times with costy and scy

azir looks all kinds of cool, imaginary turrets are hilarious

much like other unique champions i bet he'll be annoying to play against but as more and more guys with crazy kits get added to the game i think it's gonna be a lot more manageable, specially if they keep doing good work on itemization

i really like this champion, looks really stylish and with lots of options

Xerath's no skank with a skimpy wardrobe, so no double standards here.
oh then i misinterpreted that weird gif completely :p

His old model was decent at a proper camera angle (i.e. not overly zoomed-in like in that comparison), never mind that he rarely stands upright as it is for one to really notice those eyes. He's no Kennen.

Hypothetical Shurima patch or not, there are other champions in much higher need of a texture update than Renekton. Cassiopea comes to mind, if you want to stick to the theme.
who knows, maybe cass will get one too

why complain about something that's objectively better :I


A bit of a shame that Azir's ult doesn't work with his other skills. Summoning a wall of soldiers and then making them all blast out the damage would have been awesome.


Holy shit. Nashor's build incoming.

He can't auto when his soldiers are out and they don't proc on hit effects. Nashor's might still be good on him, but he'd waste the passive.

edit: actually, nashor's is a pretty gold without the passive, so it probably is good
He can't auto when his soldiers are out and they don't proc on hit effects. Nashor's might still be good on him, but he'd waste the passive.
He'd get twice as much attack speed from it though, and considering his soldiers seem to attack as fast as he does I wouldn't say it's wasted yet.


pbe fun times with costy and scy

I did pretty shit in general at the start since his minion auto-attack is super easy to cancel out of. I think the first trade in lane I managed to get zero attacks off since I cancelled every single one of them.


He can't auto when his soldiers are out and they don't proc on hit effects. Nashor's might still be good on him, but he'd waste the passive.

It's gold efficient as is and he doubles up on the CDR as IAS% on top of that.


He has pretty poor defensive scaling (same health values as cait/ziggs/fiddle, 3rd lowest armor @ 18.) His knock-up is only .5s, doubt you really want to build tanky and rush into the middle of a fight for something so small. His soldiers don't seem to have any base damage (only ap scaling,) and the base damage on his other abilities aren't that high, so I'm not sure he'd do much damage at all without some AP items. You could bring him for the slow + wall, would have to see that in action to really say.

His soldiers do 50-170 base damage (scaling on champ level, apparently), +70% AP. I guess they made soldiers scale on level to avoid everybody maxing W early and destroying their lanes.

I guess Nashor's seems like a smart build even without the soldiers benefiting from the on-hit (60 AP, 20% CDR, 90% AS!). It's too bad, because it feels so inefficient! But you've gotta get that CDR.

I wonder if the soldiers count as minions for the purposes of Banner of Command?


His soldiers do 50-170 base damage (scaling on champ level, apparently), +70% AP. I guess they made soldiers scale on level to avoid everybody maxing W early and destroying their lanes.

I guess Nashor's seems like a smart build even without the soldiers benefiting from the on-hit (60 AP, 20% CDR, 90% AS!). It's too bad, because it feels so inefficient! But you've gotta get that CDR.

I wonder if the soldiers count as minions for the purposes of Banner of Command?

His soldiers aren't targetable though aren't they? If BoC affects Malz's void creature then maybe it can affect his soldiers too.


oh damn, I just got mystery gifted Mecha Aatrox.

and right after that, he mystery gifted someone else and gave them Aether Wing Kayle.
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