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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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New rule: Anyone who says "Let's have fun and not worry" = dodge like hell

I understand kinda, not wanting to be angsty on Normals, but I agree that it comes off as "I am here and I might waste your time".

Yesterday did another Normal with Tristana, which was plenty of fun, but I get SO stressed as ADC. Poking, last hitting, keeping up with farm, push this but don't get caught. Jeez, I don't know how some of you Plat/Diamond ADCs manage. We won but I ended with a mild headache lol. I ended 11/8/21, and most early kills were taken by my Blitzcrank ._.

Gave in to the Sugar Rush! and got myself the 35€ RP pack (7300 RPs). First thing I did was to buy the 7 rune pages and made some for AP and the likes. Really tempted to buy Riding Hood Annie when it comes on sale, but I am so in love with Inverted Annie...! Most likely will buy Nami and or Braum after free rotation, but I want to try them more. I still have mixed feelings about buying champions with RPs, but I still need so many runes as well... D;

Friend showed me Azir yesterday, I love the design, and I love how LoL keeps a somewhat cohesive lore and shit. Idk, it's not _that_ important to me but it gives some depth to the game, imo. Also, does Azir look OP on ARAMs? I am not that great at analyzing the game but it feels like it could get really annoying.
Practicing my lee sin, I swear I either miss everything a game or land everything a game.

I feel this way on every champ that's entirely based around a skillshot, like thresh or blitz. you're either on or you're not, there's no inbetween. I can hit five flash hooks a game or miss everything.
Also, does Azir look OP on ARAMs?

Nah. Personally, I think OP champs in ARAM tend to have either safe CCs, sustain or scaling poke. Tanks heavily rely on favorable comps / not losing for the first 20 mins. Match is over if you get to late game with a late game tank and the other team doesn't have DPS.


Be reminded;
If you duo, you are expected to do better than the average solo queue player so match making will usually put higher mmr people against you.


I feel this way on every champ that's entirely based around a skillshot, like thresh or blitz. you're either on or you're not, there's no inbetween. I can hit five flash hooks a game or miss everything.

I feel like it has to do with mild-tilting on a game? Like it happens to me when I play with friends and they complain I am not landing hooks, then it just gets progressively worse during the game out of pressure. Then there's days where it's like the enemy is straight up walking into the hooks on purpose!

I'm finally back.

It's great to have wifi in my room again.

Just in time for the next patch, and 6 days before decaying to silver, uff.


Nah. Personally, I think OP champs in ARAM tend to have either safe CCs, sustain or scaling poke. Tanks heavily rely on favorable comps / not losing for the first 20 mins. Match is over if you get to late game with a late game tank and the other team doesn't have DPS.

I guess you're right! It's just that ult is kinda scary, along with passive and how easy it is to land skillshots in ARAM, idk ._. I'd be scared! Really love the design of the splash as well as the champion model itself, I wonder which emotes does he have, do we have that already?

On a completely unrelated note, about the Tristana game I mentioned early. My friends keep calling me out that I chicken out too much on team fights, but I kinda don't wanna go on all-ins unless I know we will win that fair and square. Is this bad? I just don't want to feed like mad and I think that as ADC, keeping the distance is generally what I should be doing? Like they are like "why not focus ADC?" and I'm like well, if I have to get in range of the ADC, means their tank can get to me, as well as get hooked by their Thresh, no? Idk, at this point I just focus whatever is closest to me. Sometimes when I get greedy I will W hoping for a fast reset but no .-.
I feel like it has to do with mild-tilting on a game? Like it happens to me when I play with friends and they complain I am not landing hooks, then it just gets progressively worse during the game out of pressure. Then there's days where it's like the enemy is straight up walking into the hooks on purpose!

Yeah. It's pretty easy for me to go on single game tilt like that. If my adc even says something like "throw out some more hooks" things can get ugly.


Yeah. It's pretty easy for me to go on single game tilt like that. If my adc even says something like "throw out some more hooks" things can get ugly.

This reminds me of a game I did on Annie, where my Vayne was like "be more aggressive" and I kinda became too reckless. Even if I was doing lots of damage, I was missing the point of supporting and got picked up many times due to poor warding/objective control. We won but I feel I was carried a bit.


Yep, one win from promos and I get two games in a row with toxic players. In the middle of a break, hoping to draw a better lot in the last one I play tonight.

So no, didn't happen. I picked top, but then another guy picked top anyway, leaving us with no jung. To top it off, our last two picks both picked supports. I was forced to jung with Darius, which isn't the worst thing ever, but not ideal. Then our ADC quit in the middle of the game despite us rallying after a bad start and taking a mid-game lead. When it got to four players the rest of the guys surrendered. This game.
On a completely unrelated note, about the Tristana game I mentioned early. My friends keep calling me out that I chicken out too much on team fights, but I kinda don't wanna go on all-ins unless I know we will win that fair and square. Is this bad? I just don't want to feed like mad and I think that as ADC, keeping the distance is generally what I should be doing? Like they are like "why not focus ADC?" and I'm like well, if I have to get in range of the ADC, means their tank can get to me, as well as get hooked by their Thresh, no? Idk, at this point I just focus whatever is closest to me. Sometimes when I get greedy I will W hoping for a fast reset but no .-.

Your friends are wrong. As the adc you want to attack whatever is closest to you in teamfights. There are very few scenarios where this is not true. Now if you're tristana and everyone on the enemy team has blown their cds and is ridiculously low health then maybe you could consider jumping forwards and ignoring the enemy front line if it's something like a mundo, but in general, kill whatever you can safely attack.


On a completely unrelated note, about the Tristana game I mentioned early. My friends keep calling me out that I chicken out too much on team fights, but I kinda don't wanna go on all-ins unless I know we will win that fair and square. Is this bad? I just don't want to feed like mad and I think that as ADC, keeping the distance is generally what I should be doing? Like they are like "why not focus ADC?" and I'm like well, if I have to get in range of the ADC, means their tank can get to me, as well as get hooked by their Thresh, no? Idk, at this point I just focus whatever is closest to me. Sometimes when I get greedy I will W hoping for a fast reset but no .-.

This is the perfect Bronze test. If general when someone says this to an adc, they have no idea of what they are speaking of.


Be reminded;
If you duo, you are expected to do better than the average solo queue player so match making will usually put higher mmr people against you.

This doesnt make sense to me. The enemy team usually has a duo too, How does the matchmaking work then?
This doesnt make sense to me. The enemy team usually has a duo too, How does the matchmaking work then?

You and your friend both have 1500 mmr.

You duo. Your duo queue mmr is 1700, you get matched with players at that level.

Enemy team duos will theoretically be the same mmr as you.


This doesnt make sense to me. The enemy team usually has a duo too, How does the matchmaking work then?

The duo players have increased combined mmr. That means both duos will get on average higher skilled team mates than each of the duo's individual skill. Hence all the stories about bad duos.


You and your friend both have 1500 mmr.

You duo. Your duo queue mmr is 1700, you get matched with players at that level.

Enemy team duos will theoretically be the same mmr as you.

So in this scenario, our mmr is 1700. That means enemy team is 1700. Now assuming the enemy team has a duo with a combined mmr of 1700 as well, wouldn't that cause my teammates (their enemy) to be higher mmr as well? So it all evens out in the end?

Basically 2 duos with 1500mmr get matched with 6 other players at 1700?
So in this scenario, our mmr is 1700. That means enemy team is 1700. Now assuming the enemy team has a duo with a combined mmr of 1700 as well, wouldn't that cause my teammates (their enemy) to be higher mmr as well? So it all evens out in the end?

Basically 2 duos with 1500mmr get matched with 6 other players at 1700?

I am pretty sure that is what happens.
That first game was painful. It's like the rest of SKT just farms and expects Faker to carry them. He was basically the only one doing much, with a little help from Impact and Mandu that game.

I mean when your jungler has less kill participation than your top laner, you just know you got destroyed.

Skt has to ban rengar, put Faker on something that can carry (Talon is fine, Kass/Zed/Yasuo would also be good ideas), put Bengi on something he can play.


That first game was painful. It's like the rest of SKT just farms and expects Faker to carry them. He was basically the only one doing much, with a little help from Impact and Mandu that game.

I mean when your jungler has less kill participation than your top laner, you just know you got destroyed.

Skt has to ban rengar, put Faker on something that can carry (Talon is fine, Kass/Zed/Yasuo would also be good ideas), put Bengi on something he can play.

ssw banned kass and zed and picked ryze

skt is in trouble :/


Everything is moe to me
Azir's W cast range is just uncomfortably short. and with his soldiers drawing minion aggro on him, it's just yikes. you can always W/Q your soldiers into place, but thats 110 mana just for one dude that can push for you but isn't a particularly efficient last hitter or does some marginal harass while preventing you from farming behind it.

he'd need a really passive lane to hang in mid.


Kinda weird question but do his sand minions have decent vision of a bush while they are inside of one? I'm thinking he could be a great support also...provide brush vision long after ward trinkets have expired at the start of a game, or jungle brush checking a la Zyra (but an escape of sorts too).


daniel klein said they're trying very hard to make it so he's mid and mid only so i'm guessing things like attack speed scaling are there meant for support not to work


I actually think it's pretty ugly. It's just a black box with more pictures on it, and the progress bar has a fancy effect now.

important thing about new client is potential for new features

being able to reorder mastery pages, choose language no matter which region you're in, better shop with a wishlist, a shopping cart, lots less bugs, etc. etc.

admittedly both clients are just basically html wrappers so it's probably not that big of a deal but i guess this is just meant to have a bit of unified vision instead of the frankenstein that the client was in 4.14.

i'm not a fan of the style, in fact i find it to be kind of overloaded, but i guess it's better than before


OT Hard Carry
rito forgot to add the black border in the new portraits


for some reason this bothers me a lot
I like the new Rene model but his galactic skin (the one I use) no longer looks galactic. It's just a generic pile of armor with red bumps on the back.

Really disappointing. His bloodfury armor is the same way.
Redekton (which was already really generic) always looked repulsive, with or without the texture update. Shit's Aatrox-tier.
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