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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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You can sill play her mid. Yes she doesn't have an escape, but there's a few other kinda popular mids in the same boat (i.e. Syndra)

Yep, still quit doable. Playing non-mobile mids just means being more map aware, being more mindful of warding, and bad match-ups. Lots of low mobility mids are win rates that are >50% in solo queue.

I really need to try Zyra mid again some time. I've been meaning to try a Rylai's rush on her since the item buffs.


I don't think your team ever do dragon. Need more objective control. Also, second game you were fighting against a team with 5 AP damage dealers. Where's the magic resist?

I see what you mean! Dragon was warded and we meant to do it, but by then Lucian was so fed that we lost control of our jungle+Dragon. ._. Getting near him was bad.


Everything is moe to me
I really need to try Zyra mid again some time. I've been meaning to try a Rylai's rush on her since the item buffs.

everyone should play her mid a few times just to appreciate how significant solo lane xp can be. a support zyra is scary, a zyra roaming into lane with 2 levels on you is god damned horrifying.
What's the best way to pick up this game? Coming from a heavy Dota 2 background and, while I'd prefer to probably stay Dota 2, bunch of coworkers are LoL players, so I'm just trying to learn it on the side to play with them.

For any other Dota 2 players, is there a LoL equivalent to, say, a Purge or Merlini who does vods/streams on each of the heroes/champs?

I can't really think of anyone who plays every role fairly consistently on stream, but for each position here's a few streamers:

Top: Wingsofdeathx I think he's generally pretty educational and does a good job explaining what he's doing and why. There's also Dyrus (TSM's toplaner), but I think he's pretty quiet a lot of the time.

Jungle: There are a LOT of Jungle streamers. Nightblue3 is a pretty popular one, but a lot of people kind of have a problem with his attitude because he has a very selfish playstyle, i.e., taking buffs that his laners would otherwise want for himself because he thinks they'll just die with them. But he generally explains his actions pretty well. TheOddOne (former TSM Jungler) is also an extremely popular retired pro. IIRC, a lot of people credit his stream for teaching them a lot about jungling.

Mid: I haven't watched him since he moved to Azubu, but Voyboy (midlaner for Curse) has a pretty good reputation as an educational streamer. Scarra (former midlaner and current coach for Dignitas) narrates CONSTANTLY. He tends to feed a lot (he just recently lost 19 straight games and would have donated $1,000 to charity if he had lost the 20th but he won) but he explains everything and plays some unorthodox champs.

ADC: I'm biased here, but I love watching imaqtpie (dignitas ADC)'s stream. He's hilarious and will usually provide some insight into his decision making. Doublelift (adc for CLG) is pretty popular too, but I can't speak to his educational content.

Support: You can learn a lot from Krepo (support for Evil Geniuses).

Those are just links to their stream pages, but you'll probably be able to find vods if you just search around on youtube. Not sure what the deal is with Twitch's vods right now, but if you check their pages you might find some archived streams.


What's the best way to pick up this game? Coming from a heavy Dota 2 background and, while I'd prefer to probably stay Dota 2, bunch of coworkers are LoL players, so I'm just trying to learn it on the side to play with them.

For any other Dota 2 players, is there a LoL equivalent to, say, a Purge or Merlini who does vods/streams on each of the heroes/champs?

So you're looking mostly for streamers who play lots of champions well, not necessarily pro players, right? It's good to look at pro players and all, but they tend to focus on a few champions at a time because soloq is also practice for them. Other GAF'ers will probably recommend those pros, so I'll go in another direction.

I recommend Anklespankin, Invaderxive, GordanRamseygaming, Stonewall008, and iYeti. Each has a few roles they're most comfortable with (iYeti particular, support), but they play lots of different champions based on viewer requests. None of them are going pro any time soon, but they're good enough players to learn from and explain what they're doing, their mistakes, etc.

Pandaman said:
everyone should play her mid a few times just to appreciate how significant solo lane xp can be. a support zyra is scary, a zyra roaming into lane with 2 levels on you is god damned horrifying.

Pretty much. I've been mulling revisiting her because I think the Grail builds that were popular on her were incorrect. She looks like a utility mid in the mold of Ori and Lux but my experience with her in support has me thinking she's a DPS mid like Cass who transitions into a utility mid later on. I want to try Rylai's, RoA, and such items to see if getting a bit bulkier will let me get in and score AAs to direct my plants' damage to the intended target instead of relying more on Q poke.

Also, am I losing my mind or does her 2nd plant still deal 50% damage to the same target? LoL wiki doesn't mention this anywhere but I'm positive that's still the case.


Ayo split pushing or roaming is a conditional thing that is dependent on things like team comp and objective and summoner timers


I second trick2G. His YouTube also has his spectate matches where he goes over the right and wrong thing the player does. He also talks about what the thought process should be for the player which is always important


I second trick2G. His YouTube also has his spectate matches where he goes over the right and wrong thing the player does. He also talks about what the thought process should be for the player which is always important

Thirded. I know a lot of people don't like his play style but his spectates and his subwars are good ways to learn the game. He explains people's mistakes and where they can improve.


I second trick2G. His YouTube also has his spectate matches where he goes over the right and wrong thing the player does. He also talks about what the thought process should be for the player which is always important

Yes, we need more feral flare udyrs. :|





Good thing his passive gives attack speed based on CDR. 'Cause supports never get that.
Yeah, a minion based support with an attack speed steroid? that'd never work.

I dunno. Giving him utility like that and a passive that effectively scales with CDR are gnna make that fairly hard unless there's something else I'm currently not seeing. Even supports buy damage items late game (but you know all this :) )
imo the whole point of cdr = as thing is forcing you to buy nashors so you can't play him support

we'll see, i'm not a fan of the nashors thing as i don't find it fun to be forced to buy something. i like those games where i skip athenes, or rush zhonyas or whatever.

Pd. Any input is very much appreciated eh! I am here to learn /._.\

1) yasuu top sucks
2) mid laner never buys red trinket
3) nobody bought pinks but support on games 1 and 2
4) urgot mid -_-
5) your comps never have a frontline. why is everyone playing a squishy champion :/


i like playing zyra mid with dfg

the liandry's thing is cute for a support but zyra's burst is pretty up there and pretty instant if you e dfg ww q r
maokai damage taken - 33000

khazix damage taken - 31000

maokai deaths - 8

khazix deaths - 1

khazix confirmed better tank than maokai, takes 15k damage per life compared to 4k.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
maokai damage taken - 33000

khazix damage taken - 31000

maokai deaths - 8

khazix deaths - 1

khazix confirmed better tank than maokai, takes 15k damage per life compared to 4k.
Because Maokai reduces incoming damage by a flat percentage "damage taken" can be deceptive. Same for Braum.


imo the whole point of cdr = as thing is forcing you to buy nashors so you can't play him support

Even without Nashors tooth he gets 80% bonus attack speed at 40% CDR. If Riot doesn't want Azir played elsewhere than mid they're doing a shit job of it.



1) yasuu top sucks
2) mid laner never buys red trinket
3) nobody bought pinks but support on games 1 and 2
4) urgot mid -_-
5) your comps never have a frontline. why is everyone playing a squishy champion :/

1) I think Yasuo was mid on only one of those games but just curious, why is it bad at top?
2) Totally
3) I did enforce it but the Veigar player (and Urgot) did buy and tends to buy pinks often. Rest tend to not bother.
4) I think it was top actually!
5) That's actually my fault, I locked in Nami before team comp, or else would have picked Braum instead... Then it was like oh shit and we just lost the frontline.

Also I don't really like the playstyle of the Yasuo player. He has too much tunnel vision and little map awareness and generally blames everyone else for his mistakes.

On another news, I got my support icon from Team builder! The last game was terrible, with our nexus destroyed on minute 17 (yep).

Our Ziggs rage-quits after dying thrice to Zed, blames on the Irelia jungle with 1000 ping (excusable I guess?). Platinum V Lucian becomes a diva when he wants to dive the Alistar that just popped his ult and screams why didn't I kill him (maybe we could have managed that one but ok). Looking at the match history it's pretty terrible:


Nidalee: 0/3/0
Irelia: 0/7/0
Ziggs: 0/3/0
Lucian: 2/4/1
Annie (me): 2/4/2

Do I get an MVP award for being in 100% of team kills? (j/k)


1) I think Yasuo was mid on only one of those games but just curious, why is it bad at top?
2) Totally
3) I did enforce it but the Veigar player (and Urgot) did buy and tends to buy pinks often. Rest tend to not bother.
4) I think it was top actually!
5) That's actually my fault, I locked in Nami before team comp, or else would have picked Braum instead... Then it was like oh shit and we just lost the frontline.

Also I don't really like the playstyle of the Yasuo player. He has too much tunnel vision and little map awareness and generally blames everyone else for his mistakes.

On another news, I got my support icon from Team builder! The last game was terrible, with our nexus destroyed on minute 17 (yep).

Our Ziggs rage-quits after dying thrice to Zed, blames on the Irelia jungle with 1000 ping (excusable I guess?). Platinum V Lucian becomes a diva when he wants to dive the Alistar that just popped his ult and screams why didn't I kill him (maybe we could have managed that one but ok). Looking at the match history it's pretty terrible:


Nidalee: 0/3/0
Irelia: 0/7/0
Ziggs: 0/3/0
Lucian: 2/4/1
Annie (me): 2/4/2

Do I get an MVP award for being in 100% of team kills? (j/k)

Sometimes you just get stomped. One thing can cause a spiral out of control scenario, but sometimes everybody just gets their face pushed in. Happened to me last night. Sure, I had a highly toxic teammate, but it didn't matter too much in the grand scheme of things. I was running a 400-1600 ping, but I still say that we lose if I was at 10.

I was laning ok even with the terrible ping, but when the other lanes got behind they just started collapsing with 3-4 people on me nonstop. It was a good old fashioned stomping. Not a whole lot could have salvaged that game.



1) I think Yasuo was mid on only one of those games but just curious, why is it bad at top?
2) Totally
3) I did enforce it but the Veigar player (and Urgot) did buy and tends to buy pinks often. Rest tend to not bother.
4) I think it was top actually!
5) That's actually my fault, I locked in Nami before team comp, or else would have picked Braum instead... Then it was like oh shit and we just lost the frontline.

Also I don't really like the playstyle of the Yasuo player. He has too much tunnel vision and little map awareness and generally blames everyone else for his mistakes.
yasuu top imo sucks cos he can't bully anyone top like he can mid. he tries to get all cute dashing all over the place and irelia will just stun him and chunk him with true damage then just heal back with free lifesteal. maokai just needs to click on him and all that dashing nonsense is over. mundo/shy can ignore him and afk cleavers/fire breath. ryze is like direct counterpick. nidalee and lulu don't really need to engage with him

like he doesn't even have that easy of a time against strong mids (ori, syndra) but at least mid lane he can get babysit by jungler. also he doesn't have any sort of ranged ways to farm or push the wave so if lane gets frozen top he's pretty much fucked. he's also too snowbally to work top nowadays. i think riven's kinda bad for that too.

i mean you can make him work as you can do anything but that doesn't mean he doesn't suck :p

it's not your fault picking nami as she's a really good support that fits pretty much every team. i'd blame poor comp overall in picking things like urgot, veigar, fiddlesticks, master yi, yasuu top that aren't very good altogether but then combined don't really have any kind of synergy with each other. like you have yi who built dueling items and yasuu getting a randuins in like every game. or like veigar but then lots of squishy champions so you can't ever dive anyone but you don't have good poke either. weird comps overall which happen when you don't think much about it and just pick whatever you want. like enemy team had tanks in every game and like multiple forms of cc, and meta champions, etc.

then again it's blind pick so might as well be arams for how thought out comps are in that mode

also the way you described your yasuu player = every yasuu player :p

Even without Nashors tooth he gets 80% bonus attack speed at 40% CDR. If Riot doesn't want Azir played elsewhere than mid they're doing a shit job of it.
apparently they're still tuning that, tho i feel like it's a weird passive overall. like even without the cdr -> as thing getting nashors would be pretty cool since both stats are nice for him.

personally i think attack speed is kinda boring for a mage and i'd rather the soldiers did slow but meaningful strikes


apparently they're still tuning that, tho i feel like it's a weird passive overall. like even without the cdr -> as thing getting nashors would be pretty cool since both stats are nice for him.

personally i think attack speed is kinda boring for a mage and i'd rather the soldiers did slow but meaningful strikes

Nashor's definitely feels good on him, I'm just saying that the passive is damn weird for a champ they don't want to see support because "support Azir" - if ever that becomes a thing - definitely likes it.

Soldier AA's matching Azir's autoattack speed increase his DPS and reduce his burst. It's done on purpose. The attack speed on the soldiers feels and looks great to boot.


Cass rework and VU on the PBE, oh my

Her new passive sounds crazy.

Aspect of the Serpent

Old passive: removed!
New passive: Cassiopeia gains a stack of Aspect of the Serpent for each second that an enemy champion is poisoned and for each poisoned unit that she kills. Her ability power is increased by 1% for every 25 stacks, up to a max of 375 stacks.
At 50 stacks, Twin Fang now heals Cassiopeia for 6/8/10/12/16 (+0.1 ability power)
At 150 stacks, Cassioepeia gains 30% CDR
At 375 stacks, the AP bonus from Aspect of the Serpent is doubled.
That's 30% bonus AP and 30% cdr at max stacks, people.


yasuu top snippet

team comp snippet

then again it's blind pick so might as well be arams for how thought out comps are in that mode

also the way you described your yasuu player = every yasuu player :p

Thanks! That was actually really informative. I didn't take into account champs vs Yasuo on top. I was like, duh, it's still a lane. Haha. Team comp, yeah I guess, it's just most of these people play ranked, so when they play Normals with me, they want to relax/try new champions and the likes.

This Yasuo player always upsets me, because he is the kind that gets really upset at dying/not killing and overall sets down the tone of the game. Like, I take all games seriously but c'mon, no need to act like a 12 year old. It's just really embarrassing. Constant whine fest.

I also loved one time he was whining on TeamSpeak complaining about his mates from a Ranked, then I checked he was 0/10/0!

Sometimes you just get stomped. One thing can cause a spiral out of control scenario, but sometimes everybody just gets their face pushed in. Happened to me last night. Sure, I had a highly toxic teammate, but it didn't matter too much in the grand scheme of things. I was running a 400-1600 ping, but I still say that we lose if I was at 10.

I was laning ok even with the terrible ping, but when the other lanes got behind they just started collapsing with 3-4 people on me nonstop. It was a good old fashioned stomping. Not a whole lot could have salvaged that game.


Yeah like, the thing is, nobody called out the Ziggs on anything. He kept dying to Zed and was like "[All]Ziggs: Zed pls no" and died again (which imo was kinda hilarious). Then went apeshit on Irelia for giving double buffs (on the 3rd death mind you) and just followed Irelia around the jungle then went AFK. I kinda feel that if he hadn't tilted, we could have maybe come back from it, or at least make the game last longer. I understand ff'ing past 20, but it wasn't even 20. Lucian AFK'd for some minutes. Goes to show that when someone gets so toxic in chat/manners, just brings the whole game down.


at first i was like "oh big deal the stacks will prolly go away over time"


waow. i don't see this making it to live in that state


at first i was like "oh big deal the stacks will prolly go away over time"


waow. i don't see this making it to live in that state

30% AP late game sounds fun. Passive can stay as is, they only need to adjust the other spells so that it's weakish early but a god late (which is what they want).


I'm on a Mac so I assume no need.
A couple people in that huge 4.15 bug thread on reddit seemed to have the same problem but no one offered a solution as of yet.

I know it seems strange, but I'm on a Mac and whenever I'm having issues with updates and patches I do this and it works:
At the stalling point, unplug or disconnect the internet connection either via WiFi or ethernet. Then, after a few seconds, just plug it back in and wait a couple minutes and usually the download continues per usual.


I'm happy my first AP mage character I bought might actually be viable.

They didn't mention anything about her ult and that stupid delay though.


My friend, who absolutely loves Cass and plays her probably more than any other champion, is enamored with these changes.

However, the biggest change still isn't there...her ult still misses point blank targets.


These are pretty wild Cassie changes.

Q: 235 + 80% AP damage -> 210 + 35% AP damage (!!)
3 -> 4 second CD
Mana cost 5 higher at level 1, 15 lower at level 5
5% less movement speed at level 1, 5% more at level 5

W: 65 + 15% AP damage per second -> 30 + 10% AP damage per second
9 -> 15 second CD
Mana cost 30 lower across the board
Slow is 10% larger at level 5

E: 190 + 55% AP -> 155 + 60% AP (less ratio at lower levels)
Mana cost 20 lower at level 1, and has a mana refund on kill

R: 450 + 60% AP -> 350 + 50% AP
Cooldown 10 seconds shorter

So basically, all her stuff does way less base damage and most have smaller ratios, in exchange for a huge pile of free CDR, sustain, and AP, IF you scale her up.

If you actually have the 30% AP from getting 375 stacks, your E will do more damage than on live once you reach 140 AP, and scale up from there.

Also, your Q is kind of terrible at everything now. The only thing you use it for is setting up your E.

This is basically a feast or famine design, in two ways: 1) if Cassie doesn't farm up really hard (and that means never killing a minion that isn't poisoned when it dies), she sucks. 2) If Cassie ever drops an E by hitting a target that's not poisoned, she's done with DPS for 5 seconds (3 with CDR). But if you do get her farmed, and you always hit poisoned targets with your E, you do a ton of damage, gain back health and mana, and basically kill everybody.

She's mid Vayne now.
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