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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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I think an interesting side effect of Cassio's free 30% cdr will be that her itemization might become a bit different; if she gets 5% from masteries already you might as well get the rest of the cdr from runes and play completely without cdr items. So, what mana item will be reasonable on Cassio?

RoA seems like a legit choice. She has the late game, and it might be enough mana for her. Her bonus AP multiplier is icing. HP should not be a bad stat since she has to be close to fights.

Tear has been a classic mana item for Cassio, and it is probably still really good.

I wonder if you can justify buying both, with all the free AP you will get. Rabadons will be a must since you want even more AP, I guess.
I think an interesting side effect of Cassio's free 30% cdr will be that her itemization might become a bit different; if she gets 5% from masteries already you might as well get the rest of the cdr from runes and play completely without cdr items. So, what mana item will be reasonable on Cassio?

RoA seems like a legit choice. She has the late game, and it might be enough mana for her. Her bonus AP multiplier is icing. HP should not be a bad stat since she has to be close to fights.
Itemization was one of Cassio's biggest issues. You want CDR, mana, a Deathcap, Rylais, Lyandris all as your first item but you can't get them all at once. This new passive combined with her E mana cost refund essentially free her from that.

Right now I'm thinking of Tear > Rylais > Deathcap or Lyandris, fuck CDR items.


I think an interesting side effect of Cassio's free 30% cdr will be that her itemization might become a bit different; if she gets 5% from masteries already you might as well get the rest of the cdr from runes and play completely without cdr items. So, what mana item will be reasonable on Cassio?

RoA seems like a legit choice. She has the late game, and it might be enough mana for her. Her bonus AP multiplier is icing. HP should not be a bad stat since she has to be close to fights.

I think it's gotta be Tear into Archangel's Staff. She has to cast so many spells now that she'll cap it out really fast, and it was already a strong build on her.

Interesting question to me is whether Liandry's is still a core item on her. It doesn't give very much AP, which is going to be her biggest scaling factor, but the passive will still be just as strong as it was.


Itemization was one of Cassio's biggest issues. You want CDR, mana, a Deathcap, Rylais, Lyandris all as your first item but you can't get them all at once. This new passive combined with her E mana cost refund essentially free her from that.

Right now I'm thinking of Tear > Rylais > Deathcap or Lyandris, fuck CDR items.
It sounds good for her. CDR items will be a waste.

I got some confirmation on how the interaction with her passive and deathcap works in this thread:
It stacks multiplicatively, so if you have both deathcap and cassio passive, you get 69% bonus AP in total.

edit: That's not counting the mastery in the offense tree, which gives 5%. In total, this should be 1.3*1.3*1.05 = 1.7745, which is just slightly above 77% bonus AP. That's really good.


69% bonus AP? HOLY MOLY

It's even better than that. With the offense mastery, you should get 77% bonus AP.



NegaDuck, I'll be ready to play around.. 10:15ish EST.

If we win one duo ranked, i'll be in my series.

Dope. I would be too but I played another game as yorick after that one you pm'd me in. That first one went great, the second one reminded me to NEVER play ranked while high ;__;

I think I went like 0-11 or something horrendous lol


Keep in mind that stacking the passive is not that straightforward. Let's assume that you kill every single minion while it's poisoned. In 20 minutes, that's 200 stacks. For you to get to 375 by that 20-minute mark, you need to have an additional 3 full minutes of champs being poisoned by you. That's 60 hits with Q or a lot of dumb standing around in W.
Keep in mind that stacking the passive is not that straightforward. Let's assume that you kill every single minion while it's poisoned. In 20 minutes, that's 200 stacks. For you to get to 375 by that 20-minute mark, you need to have an additional 3 full minutes of champs being poisoned by you. That's 60 hits with Q or a lot of dumb standing around in W.
Maybe maxing E first will be a thing now? Use Q to set last hits with it and the mana gets refunded
I'll never forget the first time I played Ryze. I had little experience in mid lane - I was level 20-something - but had been stomping top lane as bruiser Nidalee, who I'd chosen to main. I'd seen Ryze played and knew he had a repuation for being faceroll easy. My top got taken so I decided to try him out mid. Enemy locked in Cassiopeia. I got destroyed. Down 70cs and 2 kills at 10 minutes - he played super-aggro, harassing the hell out of me before Flash/Igniting me level 2. I apologised to my team and swore never to voluntarily play mid again. Looked the guy up after the game to find he was Plat with over 300 games of Cass played. Then looked up the matchup to find out the advice was essentially "try not to feed" for the Ryze player.
With the way Cass's new passive works, I think we'll see some players building Spectral Wraith, pushing lane, and farming the jungle camps over and over.


With the way Cass's new passive works, I think we'll see some players building Spectral Wraith, pushing lane, and farming the jungle camps over and over.

I like this idea. Cass already has amazing single target damage, with wraith she will have incredible objective control to boot too.


I don't really see the appeal. Really poor color coordination and the base model isn't anything crazy.

I actually agree with dimb. Its a pretty boring khazix skin :( was hoping for an ultimate skin for him. He's popular enough.

Happy for Cass changes. She was one of my favorite midlane champs a long time ago. I don't know if I like how weak she is early. She's going to be easy to bully.


Dope. I would be too but I played another game as yorick after that one you pm'd me in. That first one went great, the second one reminded me to NEVER play ranked while high ;__;

I think I went like 0-11 or something horrendous lol

I got owned by Nidalee last night... After I mentioned that I had bought the skin. then I just played a game like... 20 min ago from this post against a Nidalee and only died once. XD

Got a double on her and Shyvana.

Regardless if I had lost my game last night or not, I would have needed to win twice to get into series. :)

I love having most of Garen's skins, got to use Commando next game.


because all nid really needs is a bork/triforce (not even both sometimes), then full tank to be the most annoying thing in the game outside of a fed poppy.


I like this idea. Cass already has amazing single target damage, with wraith she will have incredible objective control to boot too.

It'll be even easier now that the wraiths spawn right by mid. Her single target dmg will also help take out the mid dragon.


woot cass rework!

see crab, told you they could've done both of them. you jester.

* passive looks hilarious. free deathcap, 30% free cdr? the fuck

* the q/w changes are fine, damage doesn't matter so much even tho the ratios got kind of gutted, tho would've wish they didn't make q and w utility weaker at rank 1, that's a pretty annoying nerf. well arguably w's the same but it has a lot more cooldown too.

* e reliability was like my #1 problem with cass. like how it is live is like half the times you'll miss e reset cos you timed it too tight and didn't wait for q to pop or w to land. i guess you'll be pushing non stop just qing the wave then e'ing everything to get passive stacks. sounds like you should never last hit with basic attacks anymore

* no reliability upgrades for ult is kind of sad, but i'll take the cd cut

* texture update is cool, wish they had given her a more cool looking bikini top but eh, i'll take it

i like how some of it sounds but i don't like 30% free cdr, it makes morellos and athenes feel like a waste of money, it's just there to say cap it off with wota! and like you can't choose to use cdr runes/masteries or get an elixir, all of that will be wasted money. imo should be 20 or 25, push that power somewhere else.

excited to try her out, cass without wonky e might be a lot of fun, tho her ult is still kind of ridiculously easy to predict

also dat akali splash

i like what those legs are doing

Thanks! That was actually really informative. I didn't take into account champs vs Yasuo on top. I was like, duh, it's still a lane. Haha. Team comp, yeah I guess, it's just most of these people play ranked, so when they play Normals with me, they want to relax/try new champions and the likes.

This Yasuo player always upsets me, because he is the kind that gets really upset at dying/not killing and overall sets down the tone of the game. Like, I take all games seriously but c'mon, no need to act like a 12 year old. It's just really embarrassing. Constant whine fest.

I also loved one time he was whining on TeamSpeak complaining about his mates from a Ranked, then I checked he was 0/10/0!
yeah i mean i'm not a top lane player but imo yasuu doesn't have the strongest laning overall and he can be countered even mid, so i figure all that dashing around won't be bothering the tanky tops that are played right now too much.

like there's a thing as too much damage and too much cc, you want your comp to be balanced and if you're gonna have a yasuu top you probably want a beefier jungler (doesn't have to be nautilus, can be j4, elise, etc.) and a supporty mid lane (lulu, ori). you usually want a way to make picks, initiate and disengage and you want to have damage and cc both. you can do without but then you have to actually play your comp and it gets trickier

and yeah ppl that whine about everything are hard to deal with. i do that sometimes and usually take a few days off when i see i'm getting obnoxious.


i like how some of it sounds but i don't like 30% free cdr, it makes morellos and athenes feel like a waste of money, it's just there to say cap it off with wota! and like you can't choose to use cdr runes/masteries or get an elixir, all of that will be wasted money. imo should be 20 or 25, push that power somewhere else.

You shouldn't be buying cdr on cass anyways. They gave her the CDR passive since CDR was all but a waste except for her ult and maybe her W. So now you can get your CDR for her ult without having wasted gold when more than half her kit doesn't need it.


You shouldn't be buying cdr on cass anyways. They gave her the CDR passive since CDR was all but a waste except for her ult and maybe her W. So now you can get your CDR for her ult without having wasted gold when more than half her kit doesn't need it.
why isn't cdr important for q :/

but yeah e reset means cdr is weird on cass but say you want grievous wounds, and you're wasting money. or you don't want to wait for tear to stack and want some mana regen right now so you buy athenes. not saying you do this every game but i'd rather have the option than not


why isn't cdr important for q :/

but yeah e reset means cdr is weird on cass but say you want grievous wounds, and you're wasting money. or you don't want to wait for tear to stack and want some mana regen right now so you buy athenes. not saying you do this every game but i'd rather have the option than not

Because Q is on a 4 second cooldown and lasts 3 seconds. Meaning casting it any quicker on your target isn't going to do more damage (you can't stack poison damage). E has built in CDR reduction. W could use some CDR, but not enough to justify an item.

Tear also has a cooldown on it's mana gain, so spamming Q faster isn't going to build it any faster.


don't get me started on sivir

also i guess i'm alone in thinking kha skin looks kinda not so cool :I

not a fan of the nemesis mouth

Because Q is on a 4 second cooldown and lasts 3 seconds. Meaning casting it any quicker on your target isn't going to do more damage (you can't stack poison damage). E has built in CDR reduction. W could use some CDR, but not enough to justify an item.

Tear also has a cooldown on it's mana gain, so spamming Q faster isn't going to build it any faster.
well sure that's assuming you're landing every q or you don't want the ms buff or you're not shooting q at enemies that are apart from each other, etc.

like say if you mess up and miss e reset which happens every game cdr is useful

not gonna say it's absolutely mandatory but just shutting down item options isn't something i agree with


You can all thank me for the new Akali splash art. At PAX East I talked this one Rioter's ears off on how bad Akali's splash art and how her model needed updating because of the derpy stance.


Did akali got a boob nerf in her splash art?
Orochi, asking the important questions.
why isn't cdr important for q :/

but yeah e reset means cdr is weird on cass but say you want grievous wounds, and you're wasting money. or you don't want to wait for tear to stack and want some mana regen right now so you buy athenes. not saying you do this every game but i'd rather have the option than not

Well with max mana scaling, you wouldnt want mana regen that badly anyway. Think of the 30% bonus AP as the compensation for the lost CDR


Orochi, asking the important questions.

Well with max mana scaling, you wouldnt want mana regen that badly anyway. Think of the 30% bonus AP as the compensation for the lost CDR
Omg a new member. Nice to meet you man I have never met before. I'm Newt.
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