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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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Fuck this gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame

I hate it when I make a game changing mistake that costs my team the game, feels the worst.


Tragic victim of fan death
Just lost my gold promo. Went 0-3. Last game had a Nami that would only buff herself. I was Kog'maw. Like... Why? Why???
Just lost my gold promo. Went 0-3. Last game had a Nami that would only buff herself. I was Kog'maw. Like... Why? Why???
E on herself? That's completely fine especially with a Kog. It helps her setup Q while Kog remains back grabbing CS. Kog can W once the bubble lands.


Tragic victim of fan death
E on herself? That's completely fine especially with a Kog. It helps her setup Q while Kog remains back grabbing CS. Kog can W once the bubble lands.

She never used it on me. Ever. Even after she landed the bubble and it was up.

In what context? Akali is one of the top five solo queue champions.

I haven't her seen in the LCS though. I'm not sure about the usage in other countries...


damn, things are not scaling well in the new client, hope they fix that soon. though i guess the backend of it is getting completely redone at some point..


kayos i fixed transparency on your avatar for dark neogaf cos it was bugging me


feel free to use it :>

I started playing League and I'm so so lost right now. Is there any tips you guys have for a new player?
Here are two matches I did today. Some feedback would be great! Thank you!

you didn't buy a support item on nami, try buying spellthief edge. it gives you free gold per time and also when you attack enemy champions so you can get rich without farming

don't use revive, it's garbage. i dunno which spells are available to you but if you have ghost, exhaust, teleport, barrier, they're all better options than exhaust. clarity and clarivoyance are really bad too

don't pay attention to runes until you reach level 20, you won't have to waste money on them for probably like a hundred games or something.

i dunno what else to say, you don't seem to be doing too bad, you can read guides for builds in like lolking.net or just ask here.


I started playing League and I'm so so lost right now. Is there any tips you guys have for a new player?
Here are two matches I did today. Some feedback would be great! Thank you!


It's really kinda bizarro land at that summoner level, so just work on the fundementals. Like last hitting, the feel of the characters/what they do, item builds etc.
I started playing League and I'm so so lost right now. Is there any tips you guys have for a new player?
Here are two matches I did today. Some feedback would be great! Thank you!


Can't comment on anything but your builds.

Ashe - your team was dominating. No idea when you bought Guardian Angel but it's too early. Their VelKoz was doing the most damage (magic). You can probably just settle with a Banshee's Veil. Getting a Last Whisper or Bloodthirster before your defensive item would be much preferable.

Nami - Don't get Deathcap on Nami. Athene's Grail was pretty redundant since you also had Crucible (same mana regen passive). Just upgrade your Aegis to Locket. Get a Frozen Heart for the CDR and the debuff aura since the enemy team is heavy on auto attackers. Randuin's Omen might also be good so you can peel enemies from your teammates. I don't know if you had a Spellthief item or if you sold it. Most of the time you want to start a support item (Spellthief/Ancient Coin/Relic Shield) for the gold and utility it eventually gives you.


Yikes, new Shyvana are is "HD (TM)" ...but it's still bad. She looks like a dude and her thumbnail makes me think of Soraka.

It's one of the best splashes in the game. I don't get this "dude" thing. Just because she isn't popping massive cleavage she's a dude?


Starting playing lee sin a while ago, really digging him actually. Still a lot of mechanical things I gotta get used to, more consistent ward hopping, a little bit better q's (though tbh I've been doing pretty well with those) maybe get some insec-ing down. But overall doing pretty well, might try a few more games before bringing him into ranked.
He's good at kill secures :D


I can't see anything but Dante when I look at Vayne's icon now. The full splash art almost feels like it is different than the icon, though I imagine it's an optical illusion.
Lost a game because our top Renekton got destroyed by an AP Nasus. That isn't a typo. Renek went 0-7-10, the Nasus was 13-2. He completely dominated Renekton. What am I supposed to do? I can only carry so much with my TF.

E: And yes I know AP Nasus is a thing.


Lost a game because our top Renekton got destroyed by an AP Nasus. That isn't a typo. Renek went 0-7-10, the Nasus was 13-2. He completely dominated Renekton. What am I supposed to do? I can only carry so much with my TF.

E: And yes I know AP Nasus is a thing.
You do the best you can -- some games will be losses no matter what you do. The hard part is to try to not give up and not rage even when it's a frustrating loss. Then after a break, maybe another game will be better. It's hard for me to not get emotionally invested in games. I kind of wish I hadn't started ranked again.


Ap nasus is so fun vs teemo and vlad

They pick into the game thinking it's an easy win but then they start losing a quarter of their life to one skill at level 5.

Athenes into triforce and you can just run straight into them and start smacking them around with wither


I'm the last one to ask for anything close to "waifu." Just an awkward pose.

The weird thing about it is that she has her left leg forward and her left arm back.

In terms of looking like a dude, they actually made her way more sexualized in this splash.


feels like you're doin somethin

but brother, you ain't

Best post 2014.

On topic, is Maokai still incredibly broken right now, or am I just lucky/ good with him? Played a bunch of games with him yesterday, only lost one and that was a surrender because everyone else in my premade had to go eat. Bear in mind that I'm playing around low silver in normals, so maybe people just didn't know how to deal with him.
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