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League of Legends |OT7| She Ezreal To Me, Dammit!

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This is the perfect Bronze test. If general when someone says this to an adc, they have no idea of what they are speaking of.

I still see it in Gold -_-

I've pretty much sworn off ADC. I was practicing it a lot as a secondary role to jungle. Very rarely do I get a team that has any idea what an ADC is supposed to be doing though. Not a high winrate with that role. Probably doesn't help that I like Varus so much either.


Azir has a little bit of Earth Spirit going on there. Which is cool because Earth Spirit is practically a LoL champion already.

His new auto mechanic will be pretty interesting to play with, especially in team fights.
Dat username and account creation date.
After three years of playing this damn game I finally got a pentakill last night as nocturne.

We went on to lose thanks to a useless top heimer and soraka mid


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
There was a guy named '1000 Games as Yi' jungling Fiora on my team. I looked it up, he did in fact have 1000 ranked games on Yi.


I still see it in Gold -_-

I've pretty much sworn off ADC. I was practicing it a lot as a secondary role to jungle. Very rarely do I get a team that has any idea what an ADC is supposed to be doing though. Not a high winrate with that role. Probably doesn't help that I like Varus so much either.

It's such a common mistake, I'm sad to see it exists in the higher leagues as well. I usually only see it being said in arams, after which I can laugh heartily.


There was a guy named '1000 Games as Yi' jungling Fiora on my team. I looked it up, he did in fact have 1000 ranked games on Yi.

Wow, I don't think i could play any champion for that many games. I get bored of champions way too easily, even the ones that I play well with.


I can't imagine the amount of tweaking needed to make him feel responsive enough for that. It's probably going to be a nightmare to get him to that level of functioning.
It's such a common mistake, I'm sad to see it exists in the higher leagues as well. I usually only see it being said in arams, after which I can laugh heartily.

That's disappointing. I know I see a lot of super aggressive ADCs in normal queue, so I sometimes think that there's a misunderstanding of how the role works from a lot of people. Watching a pub match vs. Watching the LCS highlights just how many more dives there are and how it's less harass and poke and more kill right now. I had a Twitch dive on me twice last night. He killed me once but the turret got him both times and credited me for both kills. Not a good trade.


rito forgot to add the black border in the new portraits


for some reason this bothers me a lot
Is that Vayne? It looks like Dante.


That's disappointing. I know I see a lot of super aggressive ADCs in normal queue, so I sometimes think that there's a misunderstanding of how the role works from a lot of people. Watching a pub match vs. Watching the LCS highlights just how many more dives there are and how it's less harass and poke and more kill right now. I had a Twitch dive on me twice last night. He killed me once but the turret got him both times and credited me for both kills. Not a good trade.

In LCS, the more aggressive ADCs (WildTurtle, Vasilli) rely a LOT on their team to peel properly and protect them. But you're right, I see a lot of people in solo queue emulating that and they usually just die for their troubles.


I need to get better at handling bad situations. I've had so many instances where I've been way ahead and not used that to snowball the team or I see a lane getting crushed and I don't react in a way to stabilize them.

Any tips for having impact from the top if you see bottom getting crushed aside from a bush teleport and gank? Is there much else you can do? Is it worth roaming from mid and essentially sacrificing your tower to stabilize another lane? Should you roam up to mid if you're down on bot and mid is struggling and the jungler seems to not care?

These are things I've tried to do with varying success. Sometimes it works out well and we get on track. Other times teammates don't appreciate or know how to accept your help and it just makes things worse because you've left your lane open for free farm or turret damage. Should I switch to jungler and try to be more of an impact player overall?

The root of all of these questions is that when I play Normals and custom games with my friends I do very well, and they're all 1-2, sometimes 3 leagues above me. I'm fine playing with them, but I'm just an average solo queue player when it comes to winning matches.

Also, my biggest issue I think is that I let myself die when teammates make bad decisions on engages and I run in to help. I don't know why, but I have a hard time not "helping" in those situations, especially when playing as support or a bursty mid.

I think I'm just getting tired of carrying hard 2-3 games in a row and then losing 2-3 row right after because I can't help save a lane or whatever. HALP!


I need to get better at handling bad situations. I've had so many instances where I've been way ahead and not used that to snowball the team or I see a lane getting crushed and I don't react in a way to stabilize them.

Any tips for having impact from the top if you see bottom getting crushed aside from a bush teleport and gank? Is there much else you can do? Is it worth roaming from mid and essentially sacrificing your tower to stabilize another lane? Should you roam up to mid if you're down on bot and mid is struggling and the jungler seems to not care?

These are things I've tried to do with varying success. Sometimes it works out well and we get on track. Other times teammates don't appreciate or know how to accept your help and it just makes things worse because you've left your lane open for free farm or turret damage. Should I switch to jungler and try to be more of an impact player overall?

The root of all of these questions is that when I play Normals and custom games with my friends I do very well, and they're all 1-2, sometimes 3 leagues above me. I'm fine playing with them, but I'm just an average solo queue player when it comes to winning matches.

Also, my biggest issue I think is that I let myself die when teammates make bad decisions on engages and I run in to help. I don't know why, but I have a hard time not "helping" in those situations, especially when playing as support or a bursty mid.

I think I'm just getting tired of carrying hard 2-3 games in a row and then losing 2-3 row right after because I can't help save a lane or whatever. HALP!
Bot lane: After you take the enemies' tower you can push the lane and roam mid and attempt to take that tower as well, but you will need to return to lane in time such that you do not miss any farm (e.g. do not let the enemies push into the tower, see that it is about to happen and return to bot lane in time to catch it before it hits the tower). Top lane should work similarly.

If you have not taken the enemy tower on your own lane, chances are that you are not far enough ahead that you can afford to roam. There are of course some exceptions; if the opponents freeze the lane you can go roam and make stuff happen elsewhere.


Bot lane: After you take the enemies' tower you can push the lane and roam mid and attempt to take that tower as well, but you will need to return to lane in time such that you do not miss any farm (e.g. do not let the enemies push into the tower, see that it is about to happen and return to bot lane in time to catch it before it hits the tower). Top lane should work similarly.

If you have not taken the enemy tower on your own lane, chances are that you are not far enough ahead that you can afford to roam. There are of course some exceptions; if the opponents freeze the lane you can go roam and make stuff happen elsewhere.
Camping the jungle at appropriate buff times is really effective too. You can easily catch a jungler wearing a buff and low on resources from his clear. Getting mid opens up a ton of map control so if you're already up a tower in your lane go for it. There is a spot right near the tower with darker grass that you can ward giving you vision of all jungle paths from the enemy mid lane. Ward it it easily predict people's movements / rotate .


Also, anybody else getting insanely bad pings this week? Last night I was dealing with 400 ping most of the time with lots and lots of spikes to 1600 or more. The night before was bad, but the spikes were shorter and the baseline ping was around 100, at least.

Normally I'm around a 50 ping.


Recently won a game where I was Fiora against a Top Pantheon. I ended up feeding him 4 times and gave up my lane. Went ot mid to help out and from there managed to help out our team get th win.
I was so frustrated at the start but in time got my composure and got right back.


Recently won a game where I was Fiora against a Top Pantheon. I ended up feeding him 4 times and gave up my lane. Went ot mid to help out and from there managed to help out our team get th win.
I was so frustrated at the start but in time got my composure and got right back.
If you think Pantheon is frustrating, you should try playing Fiora against a good Nunu top some time.


daniel klein said they're trying very hard to make it so he's mid and mid only so i'm guessing things like attack speed scaling are there meant for support not to work

Good thing his passive gives attack speed based on CDR. 'Cause supports never get that.

Pandaman said:
Azir's W cast range is just uncomfortably short.

The flip side of having to use ~110 mana to position your soldiers offensively is that using your soldiers to farm is only 40 mana. so it all comes out in the wash.


Did 3 games with 5 friends. We lost all three. ._.

First one we went against a Diamond V Blitzcrank that basically carried their team (although the rest didn't play poorly either).


He ended 23/7/17, out of 53 kills they got on us. Even though we lost, and the tryharding was at its peak, it was a fun team to play against, and I felt satisfied with my performance with Nami (3/8/21). I am sure I could have done it better, as there is always room for improvement particularly on the laning phase, but overall it was a fun Nami game. I see myself playing her in the future!

Next one was a Veigar/Leblanc botlane, that basically rammed their rods in our fishy ends. We couldn't really adapt to it and they shatter our botlane (I was Nami again).


Mid lane was also crushed by a Lucian vs Oriana, Lucian ending at 23/0/14. It was a pretty sad game tbh. ._.

Last but not least, I played Tristana vs Tristana and Nami vs Nami.


Our laning wasn't too bad, although missed a couple oportunities for a kill early on (that could have lead to double I think). When jungle could have ganked he was helping somewhere else, which I think would have helped getting me going. We lost turret early on so I tried to keep farming without getting caught. That allowed Trist and Nami to move mid and then it kinda all went south. At the end Urgot R'd Gnar as Gnar was transforming, which caused him to ult on all of us and basically Tristana and Karthus ended up cleaning up afterwards.

I felt kinda useless that game because I was trying to farm/push but I missed going to a couple of TFs that I should have been present at, and got caught once while pushing (I started my back too late because I wanted to get to the bush) even though I saw them coming. Not proud of it but I did the best I could with a role I am not that comfortable with, sadly.

Pd. Any input is very much appreciated eh! I am here to learn /._.\


I don't think your team ever do dragon. Need more objective control. Also, second game you were fighting against a team with 5 AP damage dealers. Where's the magic resist?
Also, anybody else getting insanely bad pings this week? Last night I was dealing with 400 ping most of the time with lots and lots of spikes to 1600 or more. The night before was bad, but the spikes were shorter and the baseline ping was around 100, at least.

Normally I'm around a 50 ping.

Yeah, been happening to me a bit. Just in League, too.


I need to get better at handling bad situations. I've had so many instances where I've been way ahead and not used that to snowball the team or I see a lane getting crushed and I don't react in a way to stabilize them.

Any tips for having impact from the top if you see bottom getting crushed aside from a bush teleport and gank? Is there much else you can do? Is it worth roaming from mid and essentially sacrificing your tower to stabilize another lane? Should you roam up to mid if you're down on bot and mid is struggling and the jungler seems to not care?

These are things I've tried to do with varying success. Sometimes it works out well and we get on track. Other times teammates don't appreciate or know how to accept your help and it just makes things worse because you've left your lane open for free farm or turret damage. Should I switch to jungler and try to be more of an impact player overall?

The root of all of these questions is that when I play Normals and custom games with my friends I do very well, and they're all 1-2, sometimes 3 leagues above me. I'm fine playing with them, but I'm just an average solo queue player when it comes to winning matches.

Also, my biggest issue I think is that I let myself die when teammates make bad decisions on engages and I run in to help. I don't know why, but I have a hard time not "helping" in those situations, especially when playing as support or a bursty mid.

I think I'm just getting tired of carrying hard 2-3 games in a row and then losing 2-3 row right after because I can't help save a lane or whatever. HALP!
As a fellow low elo scrub, I'd recommend split pushing (if you're the right champ) and pinging the shit out of objectives. Let them play TDM while you take mid inhib. Top turrets don't hold nearly as much value as even 1 mid tower. Open up the map, get objectives. GG


Camping the jungle at appropriate buff times is really effective too. You can easily catch a jungler wearing a buff and low on resources from his clear. Getting mid opens up a ton of map control so if you're already up a tower in your lane go for it. There is a spot right near the tower with darker grass that you can ward giving you vision of all jungle paths from the enemy mid lane. Ward it it easily predict people's movements / rotate .

This is a great suggestion. If you're winning your lane hard (top or bottom), start warding deep into the enemy jungle and you and your jungler/midlane can start to own the enemies jungle. It'll set their jungler back which should relieve pressure from the losing lanes and give you better objective control.

edit: One of the best ways to help carry your team with a big lead (i.e. you're winning your lane hard, what do you do with it), spend some of that gold lead on vision to help your whole team, not just on items that make you stronger. One super strong teammate isn't as valuable as vision control.


As a fellow low elo scrub, I'd recommend split pushing (if you're the right champ) and pinging the shit out of objectives. Let them play TDM while you take mid inhib. Top turrets don't hold nearly as much value as even 1 mid tower. Open up the map, get objectives. GG

Yup, splitpushing is so effective. Sometimes you can attract three or four enemy champions to you. Just tell your team to get objectives when that happens and not to follow the enemy team to you otherwise its just a waste.


Everything is moe to me
The flip side of having to use ~110 mana to position your soldiers offensively is that using your soldiers to farm is only 40 mana. so it all comes out in the wash.
well thats part of the problem, his auto attack is perfectly suited for farming in most situations a bare W would suffice, since there is less risk of pushing or accidently drawing aggro.

his auto attack is really nice though! I think i prefer it to just a W.
Anyone else having problems with the updater? Mine keeps stalling at 33% while "Calculating differences"
Is it supposed to take a very long time?
I need to logon so I can buy Kingpin Twitch on sale haha


Everything is moe to me
daniel klein said they're trying very hard to make it so he's mid and mid only so i'm guessing things like attack speed scaling are there meant for support not to work
Yeah, a minion based support with an attack speed steroid? that'd never work.



well thats part of the problem, his auto attack is perfectly suited for farming in most situations a bare W would suffice, since there is less risk of pushing or accidently drawing aggro.

his auto attack is really nice though! I think i prefer it to just a W.

I don't know about that. His normal AA is nice, quite true, but after putting down a soldier you can back off to safety. Not to mention the line AoE piercing clears quite quickly if necessary. The thing is whether you push or not is largely dependent on how you place the soldier. Place the soldier in front of the minion line and you can mitigate the AoE effect of the soldier. Place them to the side(ish) and you can hit all three for fast clear. It's not an auto-push ability the way Malz's malefic visions is.

I do agree that he prefers a passive lane, early game at least, but I don't think it'll be an issue to manage match-ups where the opposing champ/player want to fight early.
Patch took me like 5 minutes to download. Make sure you're running the kernal as an administrator.

I'm on a Mac so I assume no need.
A couple people in that huge 4.15 bug thread on reddit seemed to have the same problem but no one offered a solution as of yet.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ok I'll give it an hour then haha. It just says "Calculating differences/### Scanning Files"
(With the ### replaced by the number of files obviously) but the 33% never changes.
I had this problem. I ultimately chose the repair option and that fixed things, but you will lose your settings.


Not Wario
What's the best way to pick up this game? Coming from a heavy Dota 2 background and, while I'd prefer to probably stay Dota 2, bunch of coworkers are LoL players, so I'm just trying to learn it on the side to play with them.

For any other Dota 2 players, is there a LoL equivalent to, say, a Purge or Merlini who does vods/streams on each of the heroes/champs?


I'm on a Mac so I assume no need.
A couple people in that huge 4.15 bug thread on reddit seemed to have the same problem but no one offered a solution as of yet.

I had that problem last patch. I have an odd setup right now for my home network so I thought that might be the issue. Tried lots of stuff and it eventually worked. I don't think it's anything I did though. Pretty sure it has to do with the in-game connection issues people have been experiencing. Just wait a bit and try later.
I had that problem last patch. I have an odd setup right now for my home network so I thought that might be the issue. Tried lots of stuff and it eventually worked. I don't think it's anything I did though. Pretty sure it has to do with the in-game connection issues people have been experiencing. Just wait a bit and try later.

Yea you're probably right, like I've literally never had a problem before today. I just need to get that Twitch skin!

edit: yay it finally works


daniel klein said they're trying very hard to make it so he's mid and mid only so i'm guessing things like attack speed scaling are there meant for support not to work

I dunno. Giving him utility like that and a passive that effectively scales with CDR are gnna make that fairly hard unless there's something else I'm currently not seeing. Even supports buy damage items late game (but you know all this :) )

Zyra started out mid too. I miss those days. I like playing Zyra against Heimer.

You can sill play her mid. Yes she doesn't have an escape, but there's a few other kinda popular mids in the same boat (i.e. Syndra)


What's the best way to pick up this game? Coming from a heavy Dota 2 background and, while I'd prefer to probably stay Dota 2, bunch of coworkers are LoL players, so I'm just trying to learn it on the side to play with them.

For any other Dota 2 players, is there a LoL equivalent to, say, a Purge or Merlini who does vods/streams on each of the heroes/champs?

I am uncertain whether there exist something just like that (or if it exists but I do not know about it), but there is a site that is a bit outdated that handles champion matchups. Some videos are more informative than others.


For example, in the top video here Bischu plays Orianna this game and from the first few minutes, he does appear to explain quite some things. Perhaps Bischu's other videos might be useful as well.
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